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[VT]: Phonecall to Australian Ambassador


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"One last thing. It seems apparent that democracy is very important in OESC. However, there are nations that would consider Vietnam apparently a non true republic. Does Australia consider the Socialist Republic of Vietnam a true republic? If not, I would like to know your criteria for one? We are currently investigating outside perceptions of our government and would like to know how the Australian government views our own."



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"Who are these nations that don't consider yourself as a true republic? A republic in my eyes would be a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president. Others in my administration may disagree or agree. I however cannot comment on the Australian Government view of a republic without first consulting the necessary people.

Democracy is an important part of most peoples lives, so yes democracy would be playing a major part in OESC.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"The most major nation that does not view our government as a true republic is the United States. This came to our attention when our request to purchase Hamilton class cutters for our coast guard was denied on that basis. We are still trying to figure out their angle on the matter. One would think they would not be so hard line what with the cold war being over and them having won it with their allies. Australia being one of their former allies of course. Back before 1988 we have three official political parties in Vietnam under the fatherland front. There was the communist party, socialist party, and democratic party. However in 1988 we didn't see any further use for the socialist party and democratic party and deactivated them, rolling their members into one party.

If the Australian government comes to the official conclusion that we are not currently a true republic would this make interactions with OESC a problem? We are currently looking into the possibility of reactivating the other two parties to bring in the aspect of obvious diverse choices in our voting system."



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"It's strange to hear this coming from the United States, however we cannot comment on their administration as we haven't had any dialogue. It depends on how your government act and conduct themselves is the answer to your question regarding the OESC. Although you may or may not be a true republic, that doesn't mean you cannot conduct yourselves properly in chambers.

What was the reason why the parties were deactivated in the first place? What are your reasons for reactivating them?


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"The reasons for deactivating them was that it was believed their was no more need for them. That they had accomplished their missions and could assimilate with the Communist Party of Vietnam. Their elements are still present in the party, and there are those that are... vocal... so to say. As for reactivating them, the reason we are considering this is because of our interactions with the United States. They were refusing to sell us the Hamilton-class cutter on the basis that we did not meet their criteria for a republic. So, there has been consideration to reactivate these parties which both have the same end goals in order to be able to do business with them. Not only that, but stamp out the perception that we are a so called 'communist dictatorship' as some might call it. We also came to the conclusion that this would give our people the feeling of choice based on a glance."



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"I see, so you stepped away from Democracy and headed towards a socialist nature if I'm not mistaken? And you're only reactivating the said parties to show that you are leaning back towards a democracy but are actually not? Could you not look for other vessels, instead of the Hamilton Cutter? Is there anything else you liked to discuss while I am here?" the Ambassador paused allowing his counterpart to speak taking another sip of his drink


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I believe our system is democratic even if the United States and others do not. It sounds like you do not believe we are either. If I may ask, what is the difference between a one party system and say the two party system of the United States? While I am happy that we are welcome to join your organization this is a matter that I am curious of.

Regardless, there is one other matter I would like to discuss. There has been news from Russia. What is your take on this matter?"

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Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"In my eyes, a one party system although is valid but I wouldn't say its a true democratic system as the same party is always in power. Surely having multi-parties and allowing them to be elected would be more democratic?" the Ambassador paused before continuing "Yes the new in Russia is a worrying one, we don't want the fighting to spill into the Vietnamese Republic or even the Korean areas. What are the Vietnamese plans to strengthen the borders so that the fighting that spill over?"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Our original plans at this time are to gather intelligence on the situation, station a force on the Russo Korean border to ensure the fascists of the far east do not infringe upon Korean sovereignty, and to if push comes to shove honor the 1978 25-year mutual defense treaty we had with the Soviet Union and apply it to the Russian Federation. Though a startling fact that has been learned is the fact that the Russian Federation is willing to work with the Far Right Neo Nazi Militants."



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"It's worrying that the Russian Federation is willing to work with the Neo Nazi Militants, a nation of that size and history I would personally expect not to work with any side. But thank you for bringing it to my attention. Lets just hope this doesn't spill out into the Europe and Asia as this would be devastating for the regions, hopefully the Global Assembly can step in and help the situation" the Ambassador paused allowing the Vietnamese to speak, with the aides still jotting down what was said between the pair


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Well, let us hope things do calm down there. Though open conflict has not started yet there is still hope a compromise can be reached. For now we can return to other talks. I believe I brought up ASEAN before. Alongside your organization would Australia be interested in jointing an ASEAN plus model? An ASEAN+2 as we will not be including a third at this time."



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"Lets hope, now that the Russian Government has collapsed once again it should die down however we will be getting our intelligence community to keep a close eye on the region. We would need more information on ASEAN before even agreeing to join an organisation. Does your administration have any information on this?" the Ambassador paused before looking at the Vietnamese, then taking a swig of his water before placing the glass back onto the desk allowing the counterpart to speak


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We would be returning the ASEAN model from before it was dissolved. The organization in short promotes intergovernmental cooperation and facilitates economic, political, security, military, educational, and sociocultural integration between its members and other countries in Asia. Primary goals being economic growth, social development, and cultural development. Secondary goal being regional stability and security as well as upholding international law. Think of it as being sort of like a South East Asia EU. However, it's founding being based on co-operation, amity, and non-interference.

Finnally it's charter being:
Emphasis on the centrality of ASEAN in regional co-operation.
Respect for the principles of territorial integrity, sovereignty, non-interference and national identities of ASEAN members.
Promoting regional peace and identity, peaceful settlements of disputes through dialogue and consultation, and the renunciation of aggression.
Upholding international law with respect to human rights, social justice and multilateral trade.
Encouraging regional integration of trade.
Appointment of a secretary-general and permanent representatives of ASEAN.
Establish a human rights body and an unresolved dispute mechanism, to be formalized at ASEAN Summits.
Development of friendly external relations and a position with the UN (like the EU)
Increasing the number of ASEAN summits to twice a year and the ability to convene for emergencies.
Reiterating the ASEAN flag's use, anthem, emblem, and national ASEAN day on 8 August.

You are being invited to the meeting for the possibility of an ASEAN+ model as Australia is outside of South East Asia just as Korea is."



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"I shall pass this information on to the current department to review. If there is nothing else to discuss, I believe we are done here?" the ambassador paused to allow the Vietnamese to begin another topic, if another topic wasn't needed then the ambassador would say his goodbyes, along with the aides before departing back to the embassy. All aides would continue taking notes for future references. The information relating to ASEAN would be pushed up to the department to be discussed on

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