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[VT]: Phonecall to China


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Ambassador Bui Hong Phuc would from their office would initiate a phone call with the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the hopes of speaking with their Foreign Minister. The door to their office was locked and they made sure they had no meetings on that day. The purpose of the phone call was important given that China was the largest neighbor Vietnam had, and there were multiple matters to discuss from the north.

Sep 28, 2021
Type: Encrypted

The chinese foreign minister sit quietly on his chair inside his office, while playing an online card game on his brand new phone he began hearing a call from one of the phones that says "Encrypted". "ring, ring, ring", he then put down his mobile phone then cleared his throat, "Ehem, ehem hmm..." as this was on a secure line he made sure everything was private and he was undisturbed. Seconds later he confidently picked up the phone and said, "chinese foreign ministers office".

He then silently waited for a reply.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Hello, this is Socialist Republic of Vietnam Ambassador Bui Hong Phuc, and I wanted to discuss with you the advancement of relations between Vietnam and China. I would like to establish trade via land and sea between our two nations as well as discuss Chinese involvement in ASEAN+. At this time Vietnam has endeavored go reestablish ASEAN along with ASEAN+ and has done so with Thailand as well as Korea. It is the opinion of Korea that China not be left out of this new model, and we are inclined to agree with this. On top of thaf, I would like to discuss with you the situation in Russia. Specifically, if you are willing to once again support the revolution, comrade. We may not agree on the implementation of socialism, and communism or how to reach it, but our common goal stands non the less. I believe that we can gain an ally in the struggle should we back the right side."

Sep 28, 2021
type: encrypted

"of course, my country would like good trade negotiations with our neighbors, especially those who are bordering us, and I indeed agree with you, China should not be left behind by their neighbors in the region, and especially the Western powers for that matter. Moving forward, regarding ASEAN and ASEAN+ I would like to refreshen my memory, what is the difference? if I may ask you ambassador, due to the fact the China is fairly behind news such as this, well if I may be add, any news regarding the outside world, we are only familiar with ASEAN and perhaps if you would also kindly explain to me about the situation in russia, because foreign news outlets sometimes tend to be biased in my experience.

Communism, well, Chairman Xu would like to also promote this glorious idealogy to willing nations I believe, if what you say is true, he will surely be glad to know that any brand of communism happening in any parts of the world is music to his ears, knowing communism is still alive and kicking in russia can help affect eastern european affairs to China's advantage, and don't forget about your country ambassador, I overheard some of his private conversations in a party, he seems thrilled having a communist neighbor on the southern part of China still standing strong. You will also be pleased to know that you have our full support in promoting communism in that region and perhaps, the entire world, in good time of course."
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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"As it stands the difference between ASEAN and ASEAN+ is whether or not a nation is within South East Asia. So, China would be a part of ASEAN+. In restoring ASEAN we will however give ASEAN+ the same access as normal ASEAN members so that we can all work together. So that we may bring about the proposed Asian Century. Our current top priorities are to develop Asia and South East Asia economically and culturally so that we may be able to make the Asian century occur. We seek prosperity, and hope you do as well."

"But yes, there is a faction within the Russian Civil War which is a number of communist and socialist groups that have banded together to retake Russia. As we are aware they are fighting the fascists to the east, as well as capitalists and monarchists to the west. If we act then we can ensure we have another ally in the eventual global revolution. Thus, I would ask of China would be willing to allow us to send a volunteer force through your nation to Russia to support the communists there. Of course while traveling through your country the troops can be unarmed and under watch. If we act fast we can get the outcome we want. I would also ask that China perform lend lease for the communists. Material supply that must be repaid later."

Sep 28, 2021
type: encrypted

"I see, now it all makes sense, thank you for the information ambassador, both our nations surely want regional prosperity. Regarding the Russian situation I will make sure that Chairman Xu will allow your volunteer force to pass through the mainland towards the Russian border, also, do expect that we will be glad in sending some of our extra hardware to the communist faction in russia, perhaps some small arms weapons or civilian trucks, anything can be considered, in return for our help ambassador, we ask that both our nations should keep this, endeavor, away from prying eyes, no one should really suspect our involvement, but of course foreign media will eventually catch up on the rumors, but we prefer to stay that way, rumors."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"At this moment we are hosting a ASEAN meeting to hopefully refund ASEAN and ASEAN+ if you would be interested in attending. Currently there is of course us, Thailand, and Korea attending the meeting. I am not sure how much longer the meeting will go on for, but if you were to send someone now they should surly be able to attend this summit."

"Also thank you for agreeing to let us move volunteers through your nation. To comply best with your wishes we can have them exit near Manchuria closest to the coast so that we may deny any movement through the mainland. We will also avoid official association with the move by having the volunteers not display our colors until victory is assured. Obfuscation will be key in victory here. How many small arms can China provide our fellow communists?"

Sep 28, 2021
"of course, Premier Wen duyi can also speak for Chairman Xu and his givernment, I could inform him right away."

"I am glad you are pleased with my decision, our party will also be inclined to give their thanks, the PAP, our paramilitary police will oversee your volunteers, as they are stationed everywhere in China, It will be easy to notify any nearby bases as your volunteers are traveling. Regarding your equipment ambassador, unfortunately our soldiers will have priority, than other countries, perhaps in the near future we will be able to consistently supply arms to our allies, but for now, a direct route to your destination will suffice."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Yes the direcr route will suffice, thank you. However, if you could redirect the export sector of your arms production in the form of lend lease thar would also be beneficial. I am aware that Norinco exports the AK-47 to the United States in a non automatic pattern? Could you provide those in place of military rifles as well as anything to out dated to be used? That way your military does not lose out on much needed equipment. Regardless, we can begin moving our volunteers within ten days. Where y
Would you prefer they enter and then exit?"

Sep 28, 2021
"Well, ambassador, since you are insisting, pretty sure I can pull some strings for you, I will just inform my superiors, that I made an investment on my part, more like being proactive, yeah?. I believe it this will be worthwhile, China does need reliable allies along her borders, I will also make sure the guns will be waiting for you in civilian trucks near the border with russia, speaking of borders, I can convince my subordinates to mobilize the PAP to meet with your volunteers near the border in china's Guangxi province, then provide careful escort until the volunteers reach Heilongjiang province, China's border with Russia."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Very good, then all that is left if for our comrades in Russia to agree to allow us to help them. We should be getting a response any day now. Have any of the other factions within Russia contacted you on this matter?"

Sep 28, 2021
type: encrypted

"all is good in my part. now that you mentioned it, so far no has yet contacted me from any faction, perhaps they are too busy warring with each other. Well, then since we all got what we want, is there anything else I can do for you? anything you wish to add?"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Not at this time, but until our comrades wish for us to enter could we station the volunteers in Manchuria? This of course would not be permanent. Other then that I believe we can discuss the matters of trade. At this time what does China offer for export?"

Sep 28, 2021
type: encrypted

"of course go right ahead, the PAP will meet your volunteers then escort them to our border with russia, the volunteer force can camp out near our border until the time is right, we will allow you to build structures or encampments to house your volunteers, if you need help we will provide civilian equipment to settle you in, moving forward, the weapons you requested are going through a lot of paper work, so you might have to stay a bit longer within our borders, until then we will oversee you until your volunteers have received their additional weapons from us and have crossed our border, also, make sure to contact your friends in russia to not make a major move yet, as long as everybody is not ready yet. "

"well, military or civilian exports will eventually be released to the public, but now we Chairman Xu is still busy with its paperwork, as of now we are unofficially exporting small arms like rifles and pistols but if the time is right we will have more things to export."
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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"If it is alright with you we would like to transport some lend lease of our own. But, this will have to go under guard as well as it will be weapons, and we don't want any falling off a truck or anything like that. We don't want civilians hurting themselves. On top of that, would you be open to us stationing our ships at one of your ports? Our aircraft at one of your airports?"

"Understandable on the exports. But, when a full list is ready it should be known that Vietnam is undergoing a massive development project. We require resources so that we may go from developing to developed. Did you know that around 70% of our workforce is in agriculture? We need to change things around if we are to achieve socialism within the 21st century. I understand that China sells many pieces of machinery and vehicles that can help with this. Mechanizing farming would be of a great help."

Sep 28, 2021
type: encrypted

"We are open, on spreading communism throughout the globe ambassador but may I know what are those ships and aircraft for exactly, It sounds like a lot of attention will come at our way, sudden military build-up inside our sovereignity by a foreign nation will be suspicious for many of our party members, whether that nation is an ally or not. perhaps we would like to see results first, perhaps on a smaller scale, don't you think?, before we can authorize any additional military build-ups in air on in sea. And by the way, I think a lend lease coming from your country will be helpful, as there will be less responsibilties for our workers providing you with supplies, that I can assure you. And yes, we do have a lot of equipment like bulldozers for farming, those type of equipment will eventually be for sale."

"small amount of foreign military aircraft in China can be smooth talked to top CCP members and Chairman Xu, but stationing military ships, is strictly frowned upon and I'm sorry to say any pleas regarding any foreign vessels stationing in chinese ports will fall on deaf ears at the moment, If those ships were to only visit or provide supplies for your volunteers well, that won't be a problem."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"I do apologize, as the intent was only to have them be there in a temporary sense. Commkng and going as needed to deliver supplies to the troops stationed in Manchuria. As well as occasionally stopping to fuel so that we may ensure no interference comes in the form of a naval invasion from the pacific. I do not wish to imply that we would impose anything upon you, just as we would hope for the same in return."

Sep 28, 2021
"of course, if those ships were to only do those things you mentioned then we can allow your ships to temporary visit our ports to deliver supplies or anything your vounteers might need. Anything else you might add?"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Nothing else I can think of at this time. And of course we will keep to our word. If there is nothing else you wis to bring up I believe we are all set here."


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