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[VT]: Phonecall to Egypt


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Ambassador Tran Thanh Cong sat on his office and dialed the phone to call the Egyptian ministry of foreign affairs hoping to speak with their foreign minister. He patiently awaited for a pickup and had a map of Egypt on his desk. His finger tapping where the suez canal was. Indeed, Vietnam needed to ensure that they had access to trade with Europe, and thus they needed good relations with Egypt. Egypt was a top priority now.

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
Amr Musa was in his office when his telephone rang. Checking to see who it was, he picked it up.

"Good day, Ambassador. I trust everything is going well. What may I do for you?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Hello Yes, thank you for taking my call. I wanted to discuss improving relations between Vietnam and zegypt. As you may know we are currently attempting to reconstruct ASEAN under an ASEAN+ model. This will mean a great deal for trade. We would like to secure access through the suez canal for trade."

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
Amr Musa thought for a moment, before replying.

"That is fine, Ambassador. Vietnam will be guaranteed access through the Suez as long as they do not provoke Egypt in any way. I can ensure that your ships get safe passage through the canal at all times. I trust that you are okay with this?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Yes, we are fine with this. To put this down in writing would you like a formal agreement on this? Also, in the likelyhood that ASEAN is brought back would this extend to our trade bloc?"

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
"Yes, we may arrange a summit if you wish to formalise this. And, as long as all of ASEAN's members also agree to the terms, I am sure that they may be granted access as well."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Yes, I shall bring this up to prospective ASEAN members. As for the summit, I would be interested in attending one to formalize su h an agreement. When would be the best time and day for this to be arranged? Would you prefer it in Egypt or Vietnam?"

Thomas R. Jones


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"We currently have an meeting in Hanoi that your may sit in on. Though to catch it you would need to send someone as soon as possible. But if you are unable to make it we can still have a meeting in Hanoi. Hopefully all goes well and ASEAN is reformed."

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
“Of course. We will be in Hanoi in the next few days.”

The Foreign Minister would put the phone down and start arranging his visit to Hanoi.

Within half an hour, at Cairo International Airport, an EgyptAir flight had been scheduled at short notice to Hanoi. The Minister sent memos to the PM and his staff, then prepared to take the flight.

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GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Egypt would be informed that the flight plan had been accepted and that they were scheduled in tk land at Noi Bai International Airport where a convoy would be ready to pick them up. The flight had been given priority over commercial flights. A hotel arrangement was made free of charge should they wish to stay for a prolonged period.

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
The plane would fly over Noi Bai one more time, before making a landing. The Foreign Minister looked out of the window and nodded slowly.

"Some airport." he muttered. "Bigger than what Cairo can get." He spotted the convoy. "A welcoming committee as well."

And so he got up, opened the door, and stepped out. He walked down the steps and reached the bottom, before extending his hand to greet the convoy.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Ambassador Tran Thanh Cong would shake their hand after giving a slight bow. "Thank you for coming on such short notice." he said."You you like to sit in on the ASEAN meeting or would you like to discuss the terms we discussed first?" he asked as he would lead them to one of the cars from the convoy so they could continue the conversation once inside.

Thomas R. Jones


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Lets discuss some things on the way to the ASEAN meeting. We want to ensure you get to sit in on it. While your nation is not in Asia it is however very important to trade. Thus, in the future you will have a great deal of interaction with ASEAN." The convoy would start to move. "So, what were some specific clauses you wished to add to the written on paper deal for the suez canal?"

Thomas R. Jones
Feb 4, 2021
"Egypt feels that there are two provisions that must be included in any agreement. These are:

"First, that Vietnam will not provoke Egypt, nor start a war against them, nor any of Egypt's allies.

"Second, that any closure of the Canal involving Vietnamese ships may only be done with the agreement with both parties, Vietnam and Egypt.

"Anything else you wish to add, Ambassador?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"That mostly sounds agreeable, however before it can be agreed upon and signed i must ask you something. Yoi mentioned not provoking allies. Who would these be? We would never knowingly provoke a nation in such a way of course. I have heard that there is a situation unfolding near Egypt involving Turkey and Israel. Where do you stand on that and will the canal be effected."
Feb 4, 2021
"Naturally, in the event of war, we would wish that our trade partners support us, even if it was simply staying neutral. And if, say, an enemy navy arrived at the tip of the Canal, we would have to close it down, both for the safety of cargo ships and to deny the enemy an opportunity to shut down world trade."

The Minister would get out a flask of water and take a sip, before waiting for the reply.


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