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[VT]: Phonecall to Rosoboronexport


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Completely understandable. During the war in Turkey, we protected her along the shores of northern Turkey with four frigates of the Talwar-class. The carrier is already equipped with anti-air and anti-submarine warfare armaments and as such can offer itself more than enough protection in those fields. What I would recommend are ships that have anti-ship armaments and CIWS capabilities. For example, each of the Talwar-class frigates had eight anti-ship missiles and two CIWS with cannons and missiles. Although, it may be worthwhile to also invest in at least one submarine to accompany it and assure no enemy submarine snuck past and, of course, at least one replenishment ship."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Private / Encrypted / Classified

"It would seem we are closer then I thought to being able to support such a ship. This is good. Currently we have 10 Gepard class (Project 1166.1). But, we also recently bought five destroyers from you, so we need screens for them as well. A further 18 of those frigates should do the trick I believe. A further 28 Tarantul-class Corvette, Molniya (Project 1242.1 Molniya) as well. Then six Kilo-class Project 636 Submarines. Based on your guidelines this will both keep our ships protected and give us some local striking power.

Also, speaking of strike power. The situation in Laos requires some. We would like to look into purchasing in large quantities MANPADS and ATGMs that we can have uh... stationed at SECURE locations at our border crossings with Laos. If you catch my meaning?"



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Wonderful then, please let me know if you're still interested in the ship and we will have it begin its journey to Vietnam upon the transfer of funds.

As for MANPADs and ATGMs, let's see..." After a moment of searching, the man would return. "It seems that the only ATGMs available for export at the moment are the 9M113 Konkurs for 138,000.00$ per system. However, I believe Vietnam already has access to both the Konkur and the Igla MANPADs, no? If you need more ammunition for them, or maintenance, we would be able to offer both those services free of charge."


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