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World Liberation Manifesto: A Vision for Humanity's Future


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


World Liberation Manifesto: A Vision for Humanity’s Future​
Published by the Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Thailand​

I. The Promise of Freedom and Equality

In the annals of human history, we have often been led astray by promises of freedom that ring hollow in the face of systemic oppression. The tale of capitalism, of liberal democracies, has been one of persistent inequalities masked by the illusion of choice. But the time has come for humanity to awaken to a new dawn—a dawn where freedom is not merely the absence of chains, but the presence of true, substantive equality.

We envision a world where every human being is born into a society that cherishes their inherent dignity, that fosters their potential, and that guarantees their right to flourish. This is not a utopian dream but a practical reality, one that can be achieved through the steadfast march toward socialism.

True freedom is not the freedom to exploit, to hoard, to dominate. True freedom is the liberation of all people from the bonds of poverty, ignorance, and despair. It is the right to live in a society where the fruits of labor are shared by those who toil, where decisions are made by those who are affected, and where the collective good is placed above individual greed.

II. The Moral Imperative of Socialism

Socialism is not merely an economic system; it is the embodiment of moral justice. It is the recognition that every person, regardless of their origin, has an equal claim to the wealth of the world. It is the rejection of the notion that a few can possess the earth while the many starve.

In a socialist society, the economy is not a battleground of competing interests but a communal endeavor. Production is not for profit, but for the common good. The wealth generated by the many is not siphoned off by the few but is reinvested into the well-being of all. This is the essence of economic democracy—where workers, not capitalists, hold the reins of power.

We call for the establishment of a global economy rooted in cooperation, not competition; in sustainability, not exploitation. The worker-owned cooperative model is the bedrock upon which this new world will be built—a model that ensures that all who contribute to society share in its prosperity.

III. The Path to Communism: A Stateless, Classless Society

But socialism is not the final destination; it is a bridge to a higher state of human existence. The ultimate goal is communism—a society without states, without classes, without the fetters of money. In this future, the artificial barriers that divide us—nation, race, class—will be dissolved. The world will be united in a common cause: the flourishing of all human life.

In a communist world, there will be no need for governments to enforce the will of the few over the many. The state will wither away, as it is no longer needed to maintain order in a society where justice is inherent in every interaction. Without classes, there will be no exploitation, no oppression—only the free association of individuals in a collective society.

Communism is not the denial of individuality, but the realization of true individuality—where each person can fully express themselves without the constraints of economic necessity or social coercion. It is a world where the material conditions of life are met for all, allowing each person to pursue their highest potential in harmony with others.

IV. The Ethical Duty of the Present

We stand at the precipice of history, where the old order is crumbling under the weight of its own contradictions. The time to act is now, for the sake of future generations who will inherit the world we leave behind. It is our ethical duty to dismantle the structures of capitalism and imperialism that perpetuate inequality, war, and environmental destruction.

This is not a call to arms, but a call to conscience. The revolution we seek is not merely political but spiritual—a transformation of the human condition. We must reject the notion that wealth and power are the measures of success. Instead, we must embrace a new ethic—one of solidarity, of compassion, of shared responsibility.

The struggle for socialism is the struggle for the soul of humanity. It is a struggle that demands sacrifice, but it promises a reward greater than any we have known: a world where every person is free, equal, and united in a common purpose.

V. Toward a New Internationalism

In this new world, no nation will stand alone, for the liberation of one is tied to the liberation of all. We call for the creation of a global federation of socialist states, united in their commitment to peace, justice, and human dignity. This federation will stand as a beacon to all who seek freedom from oppression, a shield against the forces of reaction and imperialism.

We believe that international solidarity is the foundation of world peace. The struggles of workers in one country are the struggles of workers everywhere. The environmental crises that threaten our planet require a coordinated, global response. The liberation of humanity is not the task of a single nation, but the responsibility of all.

The path to communism is a long one, but it is a path that must be walked if we are to realize the true potential of our species. Let us take the first steps together, with courage and conviction, toward a future where the morning will come, and victory will be close.​

This manifesto is a declaration of intent, a call to action for all who believe in the possibility of a better world. It is a vision of a future where humanity has overcome the shackles of the past and has embraced its true nature—a nature of cooperation, of compassion, and of collective flourishing. Let us unite in this cause, for the sake of ourselves, our children, and all who will come after us.

The Government House of the Republic of Thailand​