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[Zimbabwe] The Formation of UZACOM


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The representative would listen carefully to the speech and all his points. Perhaps for Spain the best course of action was to stability in Harare first and then move up from there. He would speak after the room had gone silent.

"The Kingdom of Spain can provide personnel to occupy the Power Plant to provide and divert power for crucial infrastructure, while training the local population that wants a new job and shot at life at manning these plants. Furthermore we can also provide construction crews to build new sources of energy around the capital. Which I believe would be best to use renewable sources than fossil fuels since the sun and wind could provide a constant source of power. We are ready to build a solar and wind plant in these locations near each other. However it would take sometime for them to come online.

We can also provide troops and equipment to aid the patrols and security of the capital a swell as providing Training to the future Zimbabwean army."

Logan J.Hyde Drivindeath Flying Damascas JJSmithJr Alex Strix Naio90


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Ltc Stevens and Col Patrick would begin taking down notes and downloading the maps as well as the pictures of the individuals in the brief.

Col Patrick would say after taking everything from the briefing.

"Ireland will initially supply 500 Infantry Personnel From the 1st Infantry Battalion. We are also bringing pharmaceuticals, food, and clean water, to which we will pass out among the population. We hope to arrive within the next week. I will be on the first plane to land. My ground forces will arrive approximately 10 days after I arrive. We are currently short on vehicles so if anyone would be kind enough to let us borrow yours until our shipment of trucks arrives from Poland. Our primary role for this operation will be Route Security and Area Security. If there are any questions feel free to ask."

Logan J.Hyde Bruno Flying Damascas JJSmithJr Alex Strix Naio90


Vitória! Vitória!
May 7, 2019
The Portuguese representative would unmute herself as she holds a notebook filled with points she had written down during Trevor's speech. She would clear her throat before speaking, waiting for the Irish representative to finish his statement.

"Portugal would offer to take a hold on the water-issue. As water is one of the key components of human life, I believe it's necessary to assess the current situation so that a long-term solution for water and sewage would be achieved. Once we get down on the ground, I'll have my accomplices survey the surviving waterworks and what we can salvage of it. Our engineers and contractors would make quick work on it. We'll work on the aging pipes, and I'll make it so that Portugal's primary objective is to supply clean water to Harare, and clean up the sewage system, better yet if we can set up Sewage Treatment Plants to lessen the severity of pollution.

Once our contractors and engineers complete the survey on existing Water-Sewage Infrastructure, we can start working on refurbishing existing plants and replacing the old pipes as you have mentioned, I can guesstimate it would take around a week to complete the inspection, and perhaps 2 weeks before the first drops of clean water can be provided to crucial buildings such as hospitals and wastewater can be collected from said facilities. Given, of course, the Spanish can set up a usable power grid.

As for the possibility of a second-bush war, I can send in our Intelligence Agency to keep track of their whereabouts and perhaps provide us some sort of intelligence on their plans. The Royal Dragoons, our dignified Special Forces, would provide adequate arms training to those who are willing to receive it. I can provide Ireland 5 UHT-596 Lusitano Trucks, although they wouldn't arrive in the first batch of planes, as we are giving priority to basic supplies and needs such as water, food, and medicine.

J.Hyde Logan Bruno Flying Damascas JJSmithJr Naio90 Alex Drivindeath


Jul 1, 2018
Zairian Ambassador to Zimbabwe Msoko Nwuzela, and small group of Embassy Protection Staff, armed would arrive at the meeting, disheveled and late.

Pausing to catch his breath, "Apologies everyone, it is getting a bit harry out there, even for Harare's standards."

He would snatch a transcript from the notetaker and take a seat, reading over what had already been said and taking several notes.

"Zaire, as Zimbabwe's natural African partner, and in an ideal strategic location to provide aid and logistical support, will of course help to bear the brunt of the humanitarian efforts to Zimbabwe.

We are willing to mobilize 1,000 of our Gendarme for the protection of vital assets, as well as provide 10,000 Regular Zairian National Police, 10,000 Riot Control Police, and 60,000 Reserve Police Officers, these numbers will give the Transitional Government the Force on hand to maintain order within the streets of Harare as well as the general province, as well as begin to retrain the Zimbabwean Police Force, for their eventual take over of the security tasks.

The main problem we have with the providing of this support is going to be the logistical challenges of moving that many personnel, the Zairian Air Force currently only has the capacity of moving 500 personnel per trip, this simply will not do to move that many officers of the law, while it will work to bring over the Gendarme and supplies to help alleviate the immediate needs of the people, to move that many personnel we are going to need quite the air fleet, or a sea route.

As for the establishment of an airbridge through Zaire, this can be easily arranged. Our own forces are using Lubumbashi Air Force Base, which is only 432nm from Harare International Airport, this Air Force Base can be easily upgraded and expanded to allow for Forward Operating Procedures for support into all of Zimbabwe as we secure more of the country."

J.Hyde Strix Logan Bruno Naio90 Alex Drivindeath Flying Damascas


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
A phone can be heard ringing over the Irish monitor. You can see Col Patrick picking up the phone. He was on the phone for about 2 minutes and you here him say "Understood" in the background. You can then see him whisper in Ltc Stevens ear then walk out the room.

Ltc Stevens says "Col Patrick is in route to Cork Airport and will be on the planes heading to Zimbabwe. We just got confirmation of our flight path and will begin sending supplies as soon as Col Patrick arrives at Cork."


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"I would like to highlight the importance of the assistance offered by Zaire with its large contingent of police officers. Argentina has currently around 900 personnel on the ground, most of them administrative and mission specialists, including engineers and medical staff, and only 200 of them are actually armed peacekeeper forces. This means that they are currently very thinly spread around the different food distribution and medical centers Argentina has deployed around the capital. Not to mention that they lack training in policing tasks and are more suited for more military operations.

It would be of high importance to quickly deploy the zairean police to support the different food and medical operations and to control the growing civil unrest, guaranteeing not only the safety of the international personnel, but also avoiding an escalation of violence among the civilians, including looting.


Argentine ATC, currently in charge of the aerial operations of the international airport, would safely guide all aircraft to a halt.


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Col Patrick of the 1st Infantry Battalion has arrived in Zimbabwe. The first shipment of supplies came with him, and the planes are heading back to Ireland to repeat the route 4 more times.

Col Patrick heads toward the Argentinian Command Center.

J.Hyde Naio90


Jul 31, 2020
Logan Bruno Drivindeath Flying Damascas JJSmithJr Alex Strix Naio90

"All of the assistance everyone is able to provide to Zimbabwe is totally incalculable in value. Everything you can provide brings Zimbabwe a step closer to establishing stability in the country. Meanwhile, for the purposes of organisation and coordination, perhaps it is wise for us to assign specific specialities to individual nations, who will act as the primary coordinator of that particular issue. For example, The Portuguese have offered the services of their intelligence services, and contractors, for the purposes of gathering information about the state of the rest of the country, and for the renovation of the water network.

It stands to reason, that they shall, therefore, become the main coordinator of everything involved in those areas, and anyone who wishes to provide extra resources and personnel to that matter will have them come under the overall command of that nation. Zaire intends to deploy thousands of police to the country, so law enforcement matters should be in their sphere of influence. General supplies, such as food and water, can all be pooled together, since it's not a speciality.

How does this particular state of affairs sound to everybody? The delegation of a particular nation gains operational control of a specific issue, and oversight is provided by the committee on a strategic or national level."
Last edited:


Jul 1, 2018
Ambassador Nwuzela would rub his fingers on his temples for a few moments before once again rising to speak.

"If I may be so blunt, I am afraid we are off in the weeds, and in many cases we are putting the carts before the horses, if I may use the European expression.

The current issues facing the capitol and Zimbabwe in general will need an organized and urgent response, a response that, unless major air fleets are lent to transporting Zairian Police to Zimbabwe, will not be brought, I am informed by my High Command, that Zairian Gendarme will begin disembarking Zaire today, with the first arrivals of anti-riot police right behind them, I would estimate at four flights a day, our own air force can transport 2,000 personnel a day, however for one of these sorties per day we will need to bring in the vehicles via air that are required to run our mission. Simply put, unless the other nations committed to this process commit air resources and in substantial numbers to ferry Police personnel into the country, or the Provisional Government of Zimbabwe is able to secure the purchase of their own vehicles the logistical situation will remain dire for the foreseeable future.

Fixing this logistical shortfall created by a lack of air transit resources must be among the first priorities of this group.

Further organizing a firm and easy Chain of Command will be necessary, as Zaire will bare the brunt of both the logistical support for forward operating as well as the brunt of security work on the ground, I do not see myself as out of line to suggest that Colonel Joseph Kabila, the Head of our Interior Department and veteran of the 2nd Congo War be appointed as UZACOM Chief of Staff."

Naio90 Bruno J.Hyde Drivindeath Alex Strix


Jul 31, 2020
Logan Bruno Drivindeath Flying Damascas JJSmithJr Alex Strix Naio90

"The ambassador does raise a very good point," Trevor concurred. "Mugabe International is the only logistical link into the country, and every person dispatched here from the rest of the world will need food and water, just like the people they're helping. Perhaps the first task for all of us is to establish the full extent of our logistical capability."

The chairman then began rifling through his collection of papers as he searched for pertinent information.

"The PEC is aware of four of the eight nations present having active missions to airlift supplies and personnel into Zimbabwe. Ireland has dedicated 5 CN-235's, Canada; 5 CC-150 Polaris', Zaire; 20 DHC-4 Caribou's, and Argentina has 5 Boeing 767-300ER's. Now, considering the fact that Ireland has 500 soldiers dispatched, Canada 776 souls from both civilian and military backgrounds, and Argentina has 900 in the country. That equals..."

He began scribbling down notes on his papers as he began calculating various sums in his head.

"2,176 people, with Zaire's predicted contingent, once fully dispatched, being 11,000 in strength, it would mean that logistics would have to be able to supply food equating to approximately 30 tonnes per day. That's if you were to supply each individual with three standard MRE ration packs to satisfy three square meals. That's just for the almost 14,000 people coming to Zimbabwe to help. Harare's population of around 3.5 million people will require....... 7,875 tonnes of food a day."

Trevor put a hand over his mouth as he let the gargantuan number sink in for a moment.

"If we were to ration meals to 2 per day for the population of Harare, it knocks the total down to 5,250 tonnes per day to feed the capital. In other words, we need to find a way to get, at the very least, 5,280 tonnes of food into Harare per day, so that we can just about feed the population, and provide three proper meals to the humanitarian effort. If we go even further and reduce it to just one MRE-like ration per day for the people, that reduces the total tonnage needed per day to 2,655 tonnes per day, which is a truly staggering amount."


Jul 1, 2018
"Gentlemen, Zaire has a proposal to help alleviate some of the immediate issues facing Zimbabwe, we will issue a billion dollar interest free loan, this funding can be used to create farming cooperations, transit companies, it can be issued to and divided as small business loans to the people of Harare who are capable of getting this infrastructure up and running, further we would be willing to issue another billion dollar interest free loan specifically to fund and get the power plants up and running once again. These loans could be issued with a no payment plan for the first year, and at such a time reexamined.

We must get the people of Zimbabwe once again behind the transitional government. Further, Zaire would be happy to facilitate to return of refugees via civilian flights into Harare using our Airports and transit system.

We are currently postponing the deployment of actual personnel and forces to Harare until such a time when a reasonable and organized large scale deployment is possible."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Sorry to interrupt Ambassador Nwuzela, I'm not in anyway saying that your are inexperienced or incompetent in this matter, but I believe that it should not be any of the nations providing support leading the UZCOM effort, I do believe it should be the Zimbabwe Government detailing what needs to be done, and delegating our efforts for a better cooperation and efficiency in this matter. Being the Host nation it more than clear that they should be the ones leading the effort. While many of our nations present have expanded and vast capabilities to deploy outside their region various amount and types of support, like the Kingdom of Spain has, only the Host nation really know what needs to be done and with what urgency.

Not to mention that the GA is providing financial support as we speak, for Zimbabwe, it will only cement my opinion that Zimbabwe should be the leading head of this cooperation."

Logan J.Hyde Drivindeath Flying Damascas JJSmithJr Alex Strix Naio90


Jul 31, 2020
Logan Drivindeath Flying Damascas JJSmithJr Alex Strix Naio90 Bruno

Trevor's heart began to race as he listened to the Spanish representative make the suggestion. He had hoped that the democratic model he had offered would help keep all the attention away from him, since he wasn't REALLY the leader of Zimbabwe. He was a desk warrior fit only for manning the phones, because his skin colour made him unlikely to connect to the public as much as his black colleagues. Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, he responded to the suggestion.

"If this view is shared by everyone present, then I'll take up the role as the main coordinator of UZACOM's collective efforts, and I'll do my utmost to make positive change. However, I would, first, like to see if those present are comfortable with such a state of affairs."


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Col Patrick would speak up,

"I do believe that the Zimbabwe Government would know what's best for it's people. We will assist where we can, however we are just a small skeleton crew on ground here. Our main forces are still mobilizing and it may take some time for them to get here.

I do have some tips however. I have been in the military now for 14 years and some change. I think first thing we need as a coalition is a clear goal to achieve, I believe we have one but it wouldn't hurt to just reiterate. Second, we should all have a common rule of engagement should any of us, God forbid, take contact while providing the peace. Third, we should divide the country into zones and give either a country or a unit a specific zone to operate out of. Fourth, Which I believe is being handled, we should use Mugabe Airport as the Coalition HQ and we should each know which section of it we control. These are just some things I believe we need to work on, and continue doing. I won't tell you how to run your country but I can provide great military advice."

Col Patrick would conclude.

Logan J.Hyde Flying Damascas JJSmithJr Alex Strix Naio90 Bruno


Vitória! Vitória!
May 7, 2019
"Portugal does not wish to 'lead' the Zimbabwean populace, as such I believe it's up to the task of a Zimbabwean to do so; we're merely here to help."

"Gentlemen, I would side with Spain on this one. We should strive for cooperation with everyone involved rather than delegate certain sectors for each individual nation. But the Irish suggestion does have some merit. I suggest for logistical reasons, we should all cooperate with one another, while for the task of defending the capital from any radical uprising, we should delegate security forces in said sectors. This, of course, is up to Zimbabwe whether they want to or not.

Nonetheless, we have been given the "Go" signal to initiate our operation in helping Zimbabwe. I'll be arriving there shortly, I best go."

The feed would cut off as she boards the C-141 behind her.

Logan J.Hyde Flying Damascas JJSmithJr Alex Bruno Naio90 Drivindeath


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
"I feel there is some confusion on what I said by zones. Let me elaborate. I feel as if the Government of Zimbabwe could task us out to certain areas (zones) of Zimbabwe to operate out of to help with the logistics of this large operation. Of course this is entirely up to the Zimbabwe Government and I do not wish to act as if I am the one giving orders. As Spain and Portugal both said we are here to assist and help the people and country of Zimbabwe." Col Patrick spoke out.

Logan J.Hyde Flying Damascas JJSmithJr Alex Bruno Strix Naio90

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