Moderators support the Administration Team, assisting with a variety of tasks whilst remaining a liason, a link between Roleplayers and the Staff Team.
Moderators support the Administration Team, assisting with a variety of tasks whilst remaining a liason, a link between Roleplayers and the Staff Team.
Missile Parade through Ankara demonstrating the Hwasong-7 ICBMs, over 20 missile carriers and and Missiles would be Present of the class. The Missiles have a range far enough to strike Paris in 30 minutes.
During a massive military parade in Ankara with General Akar In a otokar MLR39 Military...
<table class="mngeneric"><tr><td>SENDER</td><td>Turkey</td></tr><tr><td>RECIPIENT</td><td>Sparrow Industries</td></tr><tr><td>VALUE</td><td>78,792,480.00</td></tr><tr><td>REASON</td><td>Lockheed S-3B Viking Purchase from Sparrow Safeguards. Please be aware that while Turkey does not currently...
General Akar during his statement, flanked on either side by top military officials.
Following a nationally televised speech on state media networks by General and Minister Hulusi Akar on the dangers of the Jewish people and that they are likely in support of crimes against Muslims and the...
Former President Mesut Yilmaz would call with an encrypted line to whoever would be available within the Israeli Foreign Affairs office. He would be in an empty warehouse surrounded by a few aides and a security guard.
”Hello, is anyone there?”
23:48 (GMT +3)
Incirlik AFB, 12th Squadron Hanger
TAF 4832, 12th Squadron illegally taking off during the night
On a breezy November night an F-16 would take off from Incirlik Air base south of Adana heading towards the eastern Mediterranean Sea only a few miles away, the aircraft...
November, 1999
Devastation from 7.2 Magnitude Earthquake, the Local hospital
In late November 1999 at 18:39(6:39) a magnitude 7.2 Earthquake would occur only a few kilometers from the city of Düzce at dawn causing massive damage across the city almost immediately as buildings shook and...
The Turkish Government would send a message to Sparrow inquiring into why the requested loan has not been sent in full, it was confirmed but never sent and Sparrow is causing the Turkish Government Great Stress along with damaging the Turkish Economy by denying it. Private.
Turkey will...
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