Moderators support the Administration Team, assisting with a variety of tasks whilst remaining a liason, a link between Roleplayers and the Staff Team.
Moderators support the Administration Team, assisting with a variety of tasks whilst remaining a liason, a link between Roleplayers and the Staff Team.
Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration
Security Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Document Classification and Security Act 1995
The Swedish Royal Navy is finalising the decommissioning of the Ōsumi-Class Amphibious Transport Dock formerly HSwMS Ystad and as such has issued instruction to the...
Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration
Security Classification: SECURE
Document Classification and Security Act 1995
Encrypted by the Swedish Security Service
Dear Max Holst (Minister of Defence, Kingdom of the Netherlands),
I am writing to you on behalf of the Defence Materiel...
Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration
Security Classification: CONFIDENTIAL
Document Classification and Security Act 1995
Encrypted by the Swedish Security and Intelligence Service
Dear Torfinn Karlsen (Minister of Trade, Kingdom of Norway),
I am writing to you as the incumbent...
Security Classification: TOP SECRET
Document Classification and Security Act 1995
Encrypted by the Strömberg International Legal Consultants
Dear Tang Jiaxuan,
I write to you on behalf of the Russian Federation, my role is to act as a liaison between their...
It's a fairly regular occurrence that people attempt to produce equipment that sit outside of the 1999 commission period, whether by mistake or intentionally - and in many cases, with information regarding some equipment being few and far between, we have to use our discretion of staff to...
Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration
Security Classification: TOP SECRET
Document Classification and Security Act 1995
Encrypted by the Swedish Security Service
Encrypted Telephonic Communication
Monitored and Recorded by the Swedish Department of Defence
Secretary of Defence Peter...
<table class="mngeneric"><tr><td>SENDER</td><td>Sweden</td></tr><tr><td>RECIPIENT</td><td>Modern Nations</td></tr><tr><td>VALUE</td><td>5,016,548,241.55</td></tr><tr><td>REASON</td><td>50% stake of SAAB AB (Saab Group) - Ticker Ref: #FQKVTXQF</td></tr><tr><td>PRIVATE /...
Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration
Security Classification: CONFIDENTIAL
Document Classification and Security Act 1995
Encrypted Telephonic Communication
Monitored and Recorded by the Swedish Security Service
Secretary Wille Blomqvist of the Department of the Economy makes a...
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