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Search results

  1. Connor

    Tender for Merchant Vessels

    Government of Sweden Löfven Administration Security Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Document Classification and Security Act 1995 The Kingdom of Sweden is looking to make a significant purchase of a variety of container vessels to provide capabilities for the exportation of goods globally...
  2. Connor

    [Sweden]: Swedish Royal Tour - United Kingdom

    Monarchy of Sweden King Carl XVI Gustaf Security Classification: CONFIDENTIAL Document Classification and Security Act 1995 Encrypted by the Swedish Security Service Dear Her Majesty's Household, I write to you on behalf of His Majesty, the King of Sweden, Carl XVI Gustaf and Her Majesty...
  3. Connor

    [Strömberg]: Telephone Call to China Security Classification: CLASSIFIED Document Classification and Security Act 1995 Encrypted by the Strömberg International Legal Consultants Following reform within the organisation, a telephone call is put through to the department responsible for business...
  4. Connor

    [Transfer] Sweden to First Choice International

    <table class="mngeneric"><tr><td>SENDER</td><td>Sweden</td></tr><tr><td>RECIPIENT</td><td>First Choice International</td></tr><tr><td>VALUE</td><td>1,040,000,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>REASON</td><td>Reference: SILC/002/G/95</td></tr><tr><td>PRIVATE / ENCRYPTED</td><td>No</td></tr></table>
  5. Connor

    [Sweden]: Telephone Call to Syria

    Government of Sweden Löfven Administration Encrypted Telephonic Communication Monitored and Recorded by the Swedish Security Service Amira Hedlund, Under Secretary of Foreign Affairs for Diplomacy, makes a telephone call from her office to the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  6. Connor

    [Strömberg]: Telephone Call to the USA Security Classification: CLASSIFIED Document Classification and Security Act 1995 Encrypted by the Strömberg International Legal Consultants A telephone call is put through to the Unites States Secretary of Commerce by Albina Söderström, Divisional Practice...
  7. Connor

    [Sweden]: Telephone Call to France

    Government of Sweden Löfven Administration Encrypted Telephonic Communication Monitored and Recorded by the Swedish Security Service A telephone call from the Swedish Ambassador to the Global Assembly, Marc Kvet, is put through to the French Ambassador.
  8. Connor

    [Purchase][Sweden] Combat Vehicle 90

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Sweden</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Combat Vehicle 90</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>127</td></tr><tr><td>Unit Cost</td><td>1,300,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>On the...
  9. Connor

    [Sweden]: Message to Germany

    Government of Sweden Löfven Administration Security Classification: SECURE Document Classification and Security Act 1995 Encrypted by the Swedish Security Service Dear Volker Rühe, I write to you in good faith on behalf of the Swedish Department of Defence - my role within the Swedish...
  10. Connor

    [Purchase][Sweden] ARTHUR Artillery Hunting Radar

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Sweden</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>ARTHUR Artillery Hunting Radar</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>27</td></tr><tr><td>Unit...
  11. Connor

    [Purchase][Sweden] Haubits FH77

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Sweden</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Haubits FH77</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>55</td></tr><tr><td>Unit Cost</td><td>450,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>On the...
  12. Connor

    [Purchase][Sweden] Patria Pasi

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Sweden</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Patria Pasi</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>80</td></tr><tr><td>Unit Cost</td><td>2,352,258.00</td></tr><tr><td>On the...
  13. Connor

    [Purchase][Sweden] Pansarbandvagn 302

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Sweden</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Pansarbandvagn 302</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>70</td></tr><tr><td>Unit Cost</td><td>41,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>On the...
  14. Connor

    [Purchase][Sweden] Stridsvagn 122

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Sweden</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Stridsvagn 122</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>30</td></tr><tr><td>Unit Cost</td><td>5,740,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>On the...
  15. Connor

    [Transfer] Sweden to Krone Kapital

    <table class="mngeneric"><tr><td>SENDER</td><td>Sweden</td></tr><tr><td>RECIPIENT</td><td>Krone Kapital</td></tr><tr><td>VALUE</td><td>2,000,000,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>REASON</td><td>CD Investment</td></tr><tr><td>PRIVATE / ENCRYPTED</td><td>No</td></tr></table>
  16. Connor

    [Sweden]: Message to Norway

    Government of Sweden Löfven Administration Security Classification: TOP SECRET Document Classification and Security Act 1995 Encrypted by the Swedish Security Service Dear Felix Frost, Whilst I wish I was contacting you under better circumstances the details of the incident occurring at...
  17. Connor

    Förbindelse | Marketing Solutions ] Design Image Alterations Creative Development Visual Solutions ...and more...
  18. Connor

    [Sweden]: Förbindelse Marketing Solutions Swedish Company Registration Office Förbindelse Marketing Solutions 52145879-5512 Contact None Disclosed Chief Executive Officer Sander Olsson Chief Finance Officer Bea Lund Operations Manager Oskar Ivarsson Projects Manager Kristina...
  19. Connor

    [Transfer] Sweden to Nexus

    <table class="mngeneric"><tr><td>SENDER</td><td>Sweden</td></tr><tr><td>RECIPIENT</td><td>Nexus</td></tr><tr><td>VALUE</td><td>26,446,500.00</td></tr><tr><td>REASON</td><td>SW001-6</td></tr><tr><td>PRIVATE / ENCRYPTED</td><td>No</td></tr></table>