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Search results

  1. Bossza007

    Thailand to Poland | Energy Tour

    To: <Andrzej Adamczyk, Minister of Infrastructure and Economy> ManBear From: <> Subject: Energy Tour and Exchange between Thailand and Poland Security Type: Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service - The decryption method is sent separately via...
  2. Bossza007

    Thailand to Franch | Industry Tour

    To: <French Ambassador to Thailand> Alexander From: <> Subject: Industry Tour and Exchange between Thailand and Franch Security Type: Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service - The decryption method is sent separately via fax Ambassador, I...
  3. Bossza007

    Thailand Tomorrow: Your Future, Our Vision

    Thailand Tomorrow: Your Future, Our Vision Published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Thailand Imagine a world where innovation meets tradition, where the future is not just a dream but a lived reality. Welcome to Thailand Tomorrow, a nation that has redefined what it means...
  4. Bossza007

    The Life of Thaksin and the Shinawatra

    A Day in Thaksin Life Waking Up 05:30 AM Shinawatra Mansion, Bangkok The gentle yet persistent beep of the alarm resonated through the grand master bedroom, its tone suggesting a world on the brink of revelation. Stirring beneath the soft blue light that bathed the expansive bed, Thaksin began...
  5. Bossza007

    Thailand to Turkey | Enginnering Tour

    To: <Eren Yıldız, Turkish Ambassador to Thailand> EnigmaMage From: <> Subject: Engineering Tour and Exchange between Thailand and Turkey Security Type: Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service - The decryption method is sent separately via fax...
  6. Bossza007

    Thailand to Egypt | Incident

    To: <His Majesty Sultan Daoud Abdel Moneim II of Sultanate of Egypt and the Sudan> Kelly the Mad From: <> Subject: Incident at Thai Government House Security Type: Maximum Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service - The decryption method is sent...
  7. Bossza007

    [Purchase][Thailand] HTMS Chakri Naruebet

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Aircraft Carrier</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Thailand</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>HTMS Chakri Naruebet</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>1</td></tr><tr><td>Unit...
  8. Bossza007

    [Purchase][Thailand] Sikorsky MH-60S Knighthawk

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Vehicle Production</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Thailand</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Sikorsky MH-60S Knighthawk</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>10</td></tr><tr><td>Unit...
  9. Bossza007

    Thailand | Transferring Military Asset

    Title: Transferring Military Asset Document Number: RTAF-MOD-079/2003 Classification: TOP SECRET Security Level: Maximum Secure Date: June 27, 2002XI. IntroductionX 1.1 Background The 79th Ministry of Defense document issued to the Thai Armed Forces Headquarters has ordered the...
  10. Bossza007

    Thailand to Australia | Bilateral Relationship

    To: <Jake Pritchard, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Commonwealth of Australai> JamieA From: <> Subject: Bilateral Relationship Security Type: Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service - The decryption method is sent separately via...
  11. Bossza007

    [Project] GlobalTech Infrastructure Solutions - Thai Global Innovation Hub

    <table class="mngeneric"><tr><td>TYPE</td><td>Infrastructure</td></tr><tr><td>CLIENT</td><td>GlobalTech Infrastructure Solutions</td></tr><tr><td>PROJECT</td><td>Thai Global Innovation Hub</td></tr><tr><td>PROJECT COST</td><td>5,000,000,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>COMPLETION...
  12. Bossza007

    [Transfer] Thailand to GlobalTech Infrastructure Solutions

    <table class="mngeneric"><tr><td>SENDER</td><td>Thailand</td></tr><tr><td>RECIPIENT</td><td>GlobalTech Infrastructure Solutions</td></tr><tr><td>VALUE</td><td>5,500,000,000.00</td></tr><tr><td>REFERENCE</td><td>Thai Government Contract for GTIS Customized Service of The Thai Global Innovation...
  13. Bossza007

    [Purchase][Thailand] Type 908 Replenishment ship

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Frigate/Replenishment Vessel</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Thailand</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Type 908 Replenishment ship</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>10</td></tr><tr><td>Unit...
  14. Bossza007

    [Purchase][Thailand] Naresuan-class Frigate

    <table class="fc_block_upgrade"><tr><td>Product Type</td><td>Frigate/Replenishment Vessel</td></tr><tr><td>Country</td><td>Thailand</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>Naresuan-class Frigate</td></tr><tr><td>Product Quantity</td><td>11</td></tr><tr><td>Unit...
  15. Bossza007

    Thailand to Egypt | Bilateral Relationship

    To: <His Majesty Sultan Daoud Abdel Moneim II of Sultanate of Egypt and the Sudan> Kelly the Mad From: <> Subject: Relationship of Thailand and Egypt Security Type: Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service - The decryption method is sent...
  16. Bossza007

    Thailand to Turkey | Support

    To: <Yaşar Yakış, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey> EnigmaMage From: <> Subject: Israel-Palestine Crisis Security Type: High Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service - The decryption method is sent separately via fax...
  17. Bossza007

    Thailand to Poland | Support

    To: <Bogdan Borusewicz, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kingdom of Poland> ManBear From: <> Subject: Israel-Palestine Crisis Security Type: HIgh Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service - The decryption method is sent separately via fax Minister...
  18. Bossza007

    Thailand to France | Official Visit

    To: <Thérèse Orleans, Empress of the Empire of France> Alexander From: <> Subject: Official Visit from Thailand to France Security Type: Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service - The decryption method is sent separately via fax Your Majesty...
  19. Bossza007

    Thailand to Turkey | Military base

    To: <Mehmet Vecdi Gönül, Minister of National Defense of Turkey> EnigmaMage From: <> Subject: Thai Military Base in Turkey Security Type: Maximum Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service - The decryption method is sent separately via fax...
  20. Bossza007

    Thailand to the United States | Extradiction

    To: <Lewis Hatfield, American ambassador to Thailand> Odinson From: <> Subject: Extradition of Criminals of the Bangkok Incident Security Type: Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service - The decryption method is sent separately via fax...