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[ARG] Call to Canada


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"We hope that the GA member will be reasonable and dismiss this ridiculous draft.

As for the idea of a economic and trade union, you already know Argentina would be totally invested in such an endevour. More now that we see how a nation can propose an unfounded international embargo and destroy an entire economy. It is very important to have an alternative to keep international trade going regardless of a small group of nations want.

We did propose Cnada and Brazil to form something like that some weeks ago, but have not yet received any response.


3x Intrepida-Class Fast Attack Craft's would be shipped to Canada.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"It would seem that the GA resolution has failed... due to a tie..." The Ambassador would shake her head in frustration. "Well... at least democracy survives to live another day. I believe this is celebration worthy, no? Would you happen to have some whiskey?

As for the trade union, I'm assuming that my government will be replying to that very shortly now that the thread of sanction is off of their shoulders. I would recommend attempting to bring the Zaire within this bloc due to their proximity to Brazil and Argentina alongside giving us all access to another continent's resources and products.

Concerning the Intrepida-class FACs, the Royal Navy would like to verify for a certainty that a total of 75 have been sent to Canada and the 3 that we have purchased to be sent once they've completed production?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Yes.. I think Canada was lucky this time, but nevertheless this sets a dangerous precedent and shows the dangers of being subjetc to the GA. This harzard far outweights in our opinion any potential benefit it could bring.

With this in mind, it is even more important now that we set an alternative commercial organization to counter any potential embargo some friendly GA nations, such as yours or Brazil, could face. The sooner we get that going the better, and plus points if we manage to get more nations on board. Once it has been stabilized, Zaire could be a perfect candidate. I also hear Pakistan and Cuba have new Governments, we could monitor their activity and see if they are commited to long term processes.

As for the Intrepidas...
" the argentine would shortly pause while signaling an aide to bring 2 glasses of whiskey "...we have just signed the shipping permit of the 75 currently in reserved and started production on the remaining 3 crafts".


Argentina would privately ship 75x Intrepida-Class Fast Attack Crafts from its reserve to Canada.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"I must say that I agree. The easy abuse of the organization prevents any possible benefits and progress. I haven't heard much from Pakistan or Cuba, but Tanzania also appears to have re-entered the global stage. All these nations would be great potential members of the organization if they prove to be stable internally and internationally." The Ambassador would accept the glass. "I'm glad to hear it. The Royal Navy is already looking for further Argentine naval equipment; the Cabo San Antonio-class and the Costa Sur-class ships are two candidates that they've been eyeing for their logistical and transport fleets. But that will have to wait until the government's budget is out of the red..." Sipping the whiskey, she would continue. "Lastly, the Royal Army recently received some T-84 main battle tanks, tanks that Canada isn't entirely familiar with. I thought that it may be a good idea if our two forces were to perform a joint-exercise relating to tank and armored warfare. What do you think?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"We have received a military equipment order from Tanzania, but were surprised not to have had any other communication from them. We will monitor their progress on the itnernational scene, but it consolidated, it could integrate a very interesting group and potentially strong african projection.

We would be very interested in carrying out those exercises you mention. We would need to have some time to plan it out though, as shipping tanks around would not be so easy. Would you like to do it in Argentina or in Canada?



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"The African continent is an untapped industrial powerhouse, Director. Supporting as many nations in their path towards modernization could prove to be extremely beneficial to us both and all the members of this economic alliance. Their natural and artificial resources would be nothing more than the cherry on top.

Regarding the joint-exercise, Canada's transport fleet is lacking to say the lease. Argentina would have a much easier way of transporting tanks to Canada than Canada would to Argentina. We could use the Suffield training base as the location. It's the largest training area of the Canadian Armed Forces and the terrain would serve more than well for armored warfare training."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Also, my government wished to asked Argentina if they had access to any equipment from France that you have in surplus. We require our request to be of the upmost secrecy, but if your nation do possess such equipment we would be willing to pay quite the price. We're looking for tanks, patrol vehicles, artillery, and recon vehicles or tank destroyers. We of course don't expect you to have access to all of this, but any of these being French in origin would suit us more than fine. And we would also just require a small number of any of these."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Mhh, Im not sure if we want to ask, but yes, we might have some spare equipment of french origin. We can provide you some Vehicule Blinde Leger VBL, AMX-30, Sagaie-90, AMX-10P and AMX-30Auf1. How many do you need?"



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"It's best if you don't, sir. But I assure you that with the stuff going on in Antarctica... It may prove to help you and I assure you, none of this will come back to Argentina. It's good to know you have so much to offer. We would need 600 AMX-10P infantry fighting vehicles, 120 Sagaie-90 recon vehicle/tank destroyers, and 200 AMX-30 main battle tanks. Would this be available? If needed, Canada may be able to find you Canadian alternatives to fill in those numbers."

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Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"We have currently a surplus of equipment, and the recent deal with Russia gives our forces quick access to new equipment, should it be required. We can ship them to Canada at your convenience, just let us know where and when."



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Wonderful! Would the option of additional numbers in the future be available? Also, what would be the price of the current equipment? I'll have my government transfer the funds."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Yes, that could be arranged. I'll sell them to you at their production cost. The AMP-10P would be $555,963.00 per unit, the AMX-30 $885,700.00 per unit and the ERC 90 Sagaie $2,000,000.00.

That would be a total of $750,717,800.00.

Remember to keep any transfer secret. And please provide detailed information on how you wish to carry out the delivery.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"The funds have been sent. Please deliver then secretly to Montreal via shipping containers. Our base in Montreal will take it from there."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Will be done. The shipment will arrive on argentine merchant navy ships, on civilian vehicle transports."


Preparations would be made at the restricted area of the Port of Buenos Aires to transport the vehicles to Montreal, Canada. The vehicles would be stripped of all argentine military markings and license plates and carefully loaded into the ARA Polo Sur (A069) and ARA Atlantico (A070), two civilian Ro-Ro ships belongng to the Argentine Naval Transport Command. They woudl travel directly only using argentine, international and canadian territorial waters, navigating on the most direct and safe route.

All this would be done privately.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"That's great. I believe we can conclude this meeting? Once this Antarctica mess is concluded we can continue discussing our planned joint-exercises?" With that the Ambassador would stand and extend her hand to the Director as a goodbye.

The Argentine ship would be secretly allowed to dock into the Montreal Port, hidden inside a docking building until night fall. Once night fall had hit and the port was closed, various semi-trailer trucks (operated by trusted military personnel) were sent to the port to accept the vehicles. Placed inside and on top of the trailers, covered entirely with tarps. These trucks would then depart to Canadian Forces Base Montreal where the vehicles would be stored in a large empty building, locked away from the public and low ranking servicemen.

Once inside and assuring that no one was aware of the delivery, the Canadian personnel would secretly double check that all Argentine military markings and license plates had been removed and they would also remove any other markings that could point these vehicles to Argentina - including manufacturing numbers. Once all of this would be done, the vehicles would be re-painted to resemble those within the French armed forces. Once all of this was done and that the vehicles resembled those in French service to a T, the building would be closed off and locked down - no one would be able to see nor go inside. All vehicles would be kept in the upmost care until their new destination.


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