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[ARG] Call to Italy


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"I'm not a specialists in migratory policies, but something like a 1 month stay period for business and investors visas and a 2 month, with a 1 month extension possibility for technical workers travelling to perform specific tasks might be appropiate. These two visa types could be requested on arrival by presenting a valid passport and a notarized letter of invitation containing all the details and return flight tickets for technical workers and a specifically filled form and return flight tckets for businessmen and investors.

Regarding tourism, we are in an agreement regarding that all travellers need to present a valid passport and the migration officer, as usual, might require additional documentation or questions if he considers it appropiate, with him having the final say on the entry or rejection. Our main international airport is well suited to handle large amounts of incoming passengers and process them efficiently.



Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dec 25, 2020
"The times you mentioned for business and work sound good in my opinion, as for tourism a limit of one month also seems reasonable, since anything longer will be planned so far in advance that a full visa application isn't such a big hurdle. If that is something you agree to I can send it to my Minister of Foreign Affairs so he can finalize it into a short deal which we can then sign. Anything else you want to discuss about visas or shall we move on?"


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Yes, I think we can let the burocrats polish up the final details on visas, the timeframes seem reasonable and I'm confident this will contribute towards a more intense bilateral commercial and financial exchange, aside from promoting tourism in each others countries.

We can move on the next issue. Do you have anything in particular you wish to talk? I can think of, for example, increasing the flight frequencies. having more Alitalia and Aerolineas Argentinas Flights to accomodate the soon icnreasing demand could be useful.



Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dec 25, 2020
"Increasing flights definitely should make it easier for people to access to tourism in both our countries. And a reliable daily connection could connect our countries, and also our continents as our airports can also act as hubs for smaller flight into the rest of South America and Europe. If I am not mistaken the highest frequency possible for such a long flight is every other day, with planes going from Buenos Aires to Rome on day one, returning on day 2, and then repeating that cycle. I believe that if we get our airlines and airports in a talk they could arrange such a schedule, perhaps with a codeshare of Alitalia and Aerolineas Argentinas, and perhaps in peak seasons if Alitalia and Aerolineas Argentinas could both do such a flight schedule for a few weeks so there is a daily flight both ways."


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Yes, that sounds good. My Secretary has prepared some draft agreements on the issues we already discussed, which I'm faxing you over a private line as we speak.

PLease feel free to look them over. We would be delighted to be able to invite you to Argentina for an official visit and to subscribe all these Agreements, plus the antarctic one, if your agenda allows it.

Visa Facilitation Agreement
between the
Argentine Republic
and the

Italian Republic
The Argentine Republic and the Italian Republic, hereinafter known as "The Parties";

Recognizing the historical and social links existing between both nations,

Highlighting the convenience of facilitating the transit of argentine and italian citizens between both nations,

Consolidating the expansion of mutual commerce, investments and business,

Agree to:

1. Reduce the visa requirements between each other for tourism, business and technical working pourposes according to the following guidelines:

2. Tourism
Argentine nationals entering the Italian Republic, and italian nationals entering the Argentine Republic for strictly touristic purposes are able to do so for a maximum period of 1 (one) month without the need to obtain a visa prior to presenting themselves to the corresponding migration post.

The final acceptance or rejection will be determined by the Migrations Official, who may request additional documentation or information based on his judgement.

3. Business
Argentine nationals entering the Italian Republic, and italian nationals entering the Argentine Republic for business and investment purposes are able to do so for a maximum period of 1 (one) month without the need to obtain a visa prior to presenting themselves to the corresponding migration post.

In order to benefit from this, they will be required to present to the Migration Official the following Documentation:
- Return flight tickets
- Business-Investment Travel Form

The final acceptance or rejection will be determined by the Migrations Official, who may request additional documentation or information based on his judgement.

4. Technical workers
Argentine nationals entering the Italian Republic, and italian nationals entering the Argentine Republic for business and investment purposes are able to do so for a maximum period of 2 (two) month, with a possible 1 (one) month extension without the need to obtain a visa prior to presenting themselves to the corresponding migration post.

In order to benefit from this, they will be required to present to the Migration Official the following Documentation:
- Return flight tickets
- Technical worker Travel Form
- Notarized invitation letter from contracting company/employer

The final acceptance or rejection will be determined by the Migrations Official, who may request additional documentation or information based on his judgement.

The present Agreement is in effect until cancelled by one of the Parties.

Signe in spanish and italian originals.

For the Argentine Republic: ___________________________
For the Italian Republic: ______________________________

General Cooperation and Friendship Agreement
between the
Argentine Republic
and the

Italian Republic
The Argentine Republic and the Italian Republic, hereinafter known as "The Parties";

DESIRING to set the political foundations of their long-term, constructive and dynamic partnership, bilaterally and internationally,

CONFIRMING their respect for and commitment to democratic principles and norms in relations between sovereign states, which should be developed on the basis of partnership, mutual trust, adherence to the common values and ideals of freedom, democracy, justice, solidarity and human dignity,

CONFIRMING their observance of the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms,

RECOGNIZING the long-standing historical, social and cultural links between both nations and societies,

Agree to:

1. Work in cooperation to identify areas of mutual interest and benefit with the objective to further integrate social and economic exchange.

2. Mantain a regular dialogue at the highest political level of the two countries on principal issues of their bilateral relations, on developments in their countries, as well as on issues of mutual and international concern.

3. Promote cooperation at all levels, including consultations between Foreign Ministers, legislative and executive bodies, public officials and private organizations with the aim of ensuring further expansion and deepening of their bilateral relations and of coordinating their stands on international issues.

4. Negotiate constructively on bilateral issues respecting each other's aspirations and interests.

5. Promote and facilitate favourable conditions for bilateral commercial activity, including trade and joint venture investment. They shall encourage entrepreneurial activities between the two countries.

6. Endevour to create favourable conditions for economic cooperation, fair and equitable business practices, market transparency, and greater exchanges of business information.

The present Agreement is in effect until cancelled by one of the Parties.

Signe in spanish and italian originals.

For the Argentine Republic: ___________________________
For the Italian Republic: ______________________________

Codeshare Agreement
Aerolienas Argentinas

The state owned airlien companies "Aerolineas Argentinas" (Argentine Republic) and "Alitalia" (Italian Republic), hereinafter known as "The Parties" agree to:

1. Establish a code sharing agreement to allow operative integration and passenger facilitation on all international flights connecting argentine and italian airports, including those with stopovers in third countries but with point of departure and destination in Argentina and Italy.

2. Promote flights and tourism in each others homre nations, to increase awareness of the new Agreement and facilitations for travel between both countries.

3. Offer special packages for domestic flights connecting with international flights with point of departure in the counterparts country, with the goal to promote a federal distribution of tourism.

4. Maintain a steady frquency of at least 1 daily flight between Buenos Aires "Aeropuerto Internacional Ministro Pistarini" and Rome's "Fiumicino" as well as study the possibility of opening new international routes.

The present Agreement is in effect until cancelled by one of the Parties.

Signe in spanish and italian originals.

For Aerolineas Argentinas: ___________________________
For Alitalia: ______________________________



Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dec 25, 2020
"I see they have arrived in my office, I believe it is best for me to take them to the corresponding responsible minister to ensure they stand up to scrutiny. I would eagerly take up the invite for a short state visit so we can sign these agreements. I should be available somewhere later this month, after the 20th, for a state visit. Shall we set up a line of communication between our Ministers of Foreign Affairs, or another Minister of your cabinet to your preference so they can finalize the agreements if any changes are needed and formalize this state visit?"


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Of course Mr. President, take your time and make all comments and suggestions you consider pertinent. I understand that a date after the 20th of the present month would be ideal, since it gives us enough time to prepare the logistics and schedule of your visit. Since it will be an official state visit, the Argentine Republic will take care of all security aspects, and you are also more than welcome to send an advance-delegation to prepare everything you need.

Would you like for us to set up meetings with the local italian community, through the different cultural clubs and heritage associations?

This of course can also be handled in detail by our Ministries of Foreign Affairs, I understand you might have a lot of work these days. But Nevertheless, let me express my optimism and happiness with all the progress we made during this communication.

Do you have anything else you would like to bring up at the moment?



Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dec 25, 2020
"It would be lovely to get in touch with the Italian community, so such meetings would be very welcome.

I wholeheartedly agree on that optimism, I hope that besides all the mutually beneficial cooperation we have discussed the scientific program in Antarctica will also be able to host Italian's so we can hopefully discover things for the benefit of all of humanity. And with that I don't think I have anything else to bring up except to thank you for this call, and that I am looking forward to visiting Argentina soon."


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"We will include the antarctic scientific discussions as a key issue on the agenda for your official visit. I might even venture on offering you a quick visit to one of our soon to be opened Stations, would you like that? We can go together to see the scientific equipment and facilities in general, plus, its a unique scenery and landscape!

Just let us know and we will prepare everything.

Mr. President, once again thank you very much for your time, and for prospect of a bright future for the argentine-italian relationship.



Kingdom of the Netherlands
Dec 25, 2020
"Wonderful. I hope to bring some prominent researchers on the State Visit for this purpose. That does sound very interesting, but we might have to extend the state visit to two or three dates to accommodate for such an event, but if we have a delegation of researchers I think it would be wonderful.

My minister will get into contact with yours soon. Let me return the thanks and I too look forward to our international relationship. I will speak, or see, you later."

After this final greeting the encrypted line was closed and the minister wrote down everything of importance before calling his minister of Foreign Affairs and minister of the Interior to inform them of their tasks. The interior minister was assigned to communicate with Alitalia, and the Foreign Affairs minister was informed further of all agreements, which he would have to check with his ministry, and the state visit which was the responsibility of his ministry.​

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