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[ARG] Call to Tanzania


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"We had some hopes for South Africa to be a reasonable international player, but we haven't seen any guarantee for that yet, and what you are telling me is not very promising. Mass immigration is a delicate issue, as big numbers of new population could surpass your current public services capacity.

Please keep us posted should you need some help.


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"We also have another idea we wanted to talk with you. Argentina has been long seeking a position from where to launch surveillance and control operations to safeguard marine traffic in the pirate infested Gulf of Aden. As a leading trading nation we are veyr concerned by this.

Due to this reason, we wanted to talk with you the possibility of Argentina acquiring a plot of land in Tanzania and acquire full sovereignty over it to mount a naval base there. Im talking of a very small area and obviously we would pay compensation to the few inhabitants that may be there to cover their relocation as well as a direct fee to your Government. We could also talk about signing a Defence Agreement between our nations, by which Argentina could agree to provide automatic military support in case your nation would become victim of an armed aggresion.

We were thinking of the Jambiani Kikadini area on the eastern shore of the Unguja Island. Its a 5km x 8km area on which we would construct infrastructure to operate naval units and service civilian maritime traffic. This also would create new jobs for the local tanzanian population, as we are going to need services to be provided. Special visa agreements could also be discussed to facilitate travel accross the area and into for the locals.

Feel free to let us know your honest thoughts on this.



Aug 30, 2020
"Well, so far our experience with South Africa is not good indeed.
Quite frankly, yes, a mass immigration could potentially cause issues in our cities. But we feel it's our responsibilities, our duty, to help those in South Africa this way. Their government doesn't just continue to enforce the brutal apartheid, but have intensified the discrimination across society. We have been told this directly from the mouth of Minister Botha himself, that they have stripped the black population of their citizenship, making them stateless, and forced them into the wilderness where they live in extremely poor conditions. These people struggle on a daily basis for food and water, and matters of education and healthcare simply don't exist. This level of depravity is commonplace in regions of Africa, but when it's forced by the government itself, it adds a completely new dynamic to the situation.

The point I'm trying to make is, we are perfectly willing and want these S. African communities to emigrate here where they can live a much better life then they do now, and contribute to the Tanzanian society and economy. On top of that, no other nation is going to offer a helping hand to them.
Besides, with our current level of growth and modernisation, any strain on our infrastructure will be on a temporary and a short lived basis.
This is what we want Tanzania to be, an all accepting nation which troubled communities can turn to in their hour of need so they can live a life worth living.

hmm....Our thoughts on having a foreign military base in Tanzania are not good at all, for numerous reasons. Firstly, much of the Gulf of Aden is part of the territorial waters and economic waters of sovereign foreign nations, and we do not wish to be part of any international dispute that would arise from you embarking on 'anti-piracy' missions when you have not seen consultation with the coastal states.

Secondly, we do not want foreign bases on our soil simply out of principle, and we don't not want foreign warships navigating our waters as they please. We also have no reason to enter a military alliance with yourself. We have no conflicts and remain in a neutral standing, and given that Argentina has seen disputes recently, especially with Sweden, an alliance will certainly be more trouble then its worth.

Alongside this, the plot of land you wish to buy is a huge size which would require the uprooting and rehousing of hundreds of people. Not only this, but since your proposed purchase is in Zanzibar, it crosses major political boundaries, given Zanzibar's devolved autonomy, and will carry significant domestic political issues for us.

So, with respect, I must decline your proposal. This is a rejection I would also be giving to all nations who offer the same arrangement, so it's not anything against your nation.
If its anti-piracy missions you seek, we can play with the idea of a joint anti-piracy operation however."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"We totally understand your position, don't worry. Anyway, just to clarify and for the record, the proposed defence agreement was only for Tanzania to call. Basically, you could ask Argentina for military support in case you were victim of an armed aggresion, but you had no obligation whatsoever to support Argentina in the opposite sense. Also, the selected area was just a suggestion, it did not need to be there.

As for the anti-piracy operations, we would obviously only operate on international waters and within international law. With that mentioned, we would be interested in carrying out joint anti-piracy operation in the area.

Should you change your mind at some point, just let us know.



Aug 30, 2020
"Ah I see, well thank you for clarify, but we see that there is no cause to enter such arrangement.

We appreciate your understanding a hope we haven't shown offence"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Not at all, obviously Tanzania has all the right hold its position and we understand that. We still look forward to continue cooperating with your nation, specially regarding those anti-piracy operations. We could dispatch one of our Destroyers and have him work in cooperation with the Navy of Tanzania, resupplying from your your ports."


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