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[ARG] Call to Turkey


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
The argentine Minister of Foreign Affairs, Esteban Andrada, would privately request a videocall with his turkish counterpart to discuss matters related to the bilateral relation between Argentina and Turkey.



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Foreign Affairs Minister İsmail Cem would privately accept the video call and ask the Argentine Minister if the Turkish Minister of Transport could join the call as well To discuss a potential infastrfuture deal as part of the conference.



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
The argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs would confirm that there was no objection to the turkish ministry of transport to be taking part of the videoconference, and would also inform that the argentine Minsiter of Infrastructure and Infrastructure, as well as the General Director the the Argentine Development and Cooperation Agency (ADCA) would be assisting as well.



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
The Turkish Minister of foreign affairs would connect to the video conference, the Minister of Transport would also connect via a different terminal in his respective office. The minister of Transport would have his mic muted for the initial portion of the call. The Minister was a foreign language expert and thought he would surprise the Minister with some Spanish in his greeting. Call is encrypted and Private

”¡Buenas tardes Ministro Andrada! Soy el Ministro İsmail Cem y este es mi compañero de trabajo y Ministro de Transporte Ahmet Denizolgun.”

Minister Denizolgun would wave to the camera and the foreign affairs Minister would then continue.

“I am extremely glad we could arrange this meeting and create some form of a formal relationship between the Republic of Turkey and Argentina. My plan for our call today will primarily relate to possible diplomatic deals, trade between Turkey and Argentina, the sale of Arms between Turkey and Argentin, and a massive infrastructure deal planned that could involve Argentina. Before I get down to business I would of course like to ask what you also have in mind before I start as you did arrange this call after all”



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
Encryption protocols would be activated for the present videoconference, as standard for this kind of communications.

Surprised at the very good spanish skills of the turkish minister, the argentine Chancellor would chuckle and congratulate him on that great pronunciation.

"Minister Cem, first of all, let me thank you for accepting our request for this videoconference. The points your outlined for the agenda very much match the one we had written down.

Our Government has noted the increasing turkish activity within the international scene, and the directly tied increase in global influence. It is good to see a turkish Government being actively involved in foreign affairs after so many years. We had in the distant past a good relationship with previous turkish adminsitrations, which led to a close cooperation, thats mostly how Argentina invested in Turkey by becoming partners in TAI, Roketsan and Aselsan.

This, added to the fact that your country has been acquiring argentine military equipment, finally convinced us that it was time, as you well mentioned, to kickstart a more active diplomatic relation between Buenos Aires and Ankara.

Before we start, in addition to the arms sale fo argentine equipment to Turkey and the cooperation in terms of infrastructure and transportation, we would love to add the establishing of bilateral trade as well as learning a little bit more about Turkey's regional and global goals.



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Happy to discuss trade, the minister would write a note and hand it privately under the table to his secretary offscreen who would send an email to the Board of Trade during the call to alert the board of a possible deal.

“Indeed Minister Andrada, Turkey has been working towards a more prosperous and greater image on the world stage. We hope that with expanded influence we can better off those who support our ideas and vice versa. The former administrations have been certainly isolationist and the current admin hopes to fix this and to gain support from others and after multiple unfortunate coups over the last few decades we hope that by expanding the relations of Turkey we can increase the support for our government to avoid a vocal minority from trying to disrupt our nation. Currently though we lack any real domestic issues that would cause such a coup or breakdown of government so a majority of our political power has been focused internationally and we plan to send aid to numerous nations worldwide that are struggling at the moment. I can tell you to expect more diplomatic missions soon and a possible alliance of Arab nations worldwide which could exponentially help our goal of assisting those of similar views.”

“Now to Trade I assume. Turkish exports are currently increasing as much as possible and the Vehicle Manufacturing industry is doing very well with major names such as Mercedes, Audi, and Peugeot manufacturing a large amount of vehicles here in Turkey as well as domestic companies such as Otokar with an excellent truck and Bus manufacturing base. We would propose that two vessels, MV ATürk and MV Atlay(MSC Flamina Class) ship vehicles(numerous different+vehicle parts such as engines) across the Atlantic Monthly to the Port of Buenos Aires. The vessels would then proceed to pick up different crops such as soybeans, corn, barley, rice, flax seed, sugarcane, cotton, and grapes on specially outfitted crates designed to carry such produce. The vessels would then sail back to the Port of Istanbul to unload and distribute the products across North Western Turkey. Argentina may also use their own vessels for separate trade and can propose whatever you feel would be just. We plan to keep current tariffs and respect Argentine tariffs as well but if your trade administration feels as though they would absolutely prefer a deal that would include zero tariffs on all goods that can be arranged.”



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"I understand this is a sensible topic for you, but has your Government determined a foreign policy related to Northen Cyprus?

As for trade, while Argentina does have its own consolidated vehicle industry, we like to stimulate competition with the aim of providing lower costs and more options to the consumers. We would therefore be open to allow the import of turkish vehicles to Argentina. In return, we could offer to export soy derivates and grain to Turkey.

I do think though that considering the different type of products traded, and therefore different type of vessel required for its transportation, we would not be able to ship everything on the same ships. We can however transport our commodities from Buenos Aires to the port of your selection on our own bulk carriers, operated by the argentine merchant navy.



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
”I understand the limits of our vessels and the Trade board has agreed that Argentina may be allowed to use two bulk vessels to ship the crop products while Turkish Cargo Vessels ship the vehicles to Argentina. Whenever you would like this to begin it can be done and vessels can enter the port of Istanbul with their products as well.”

Ah, yes... Northern Cyprus. I guess I should of expected this but as you know the Turkish Government has long supported the the Sovereign and Legitimate government of the TRNC and we will continue to do so. While many see the TRNC as occupied Turkish territory it still and always has had since in founding free and fair elections And as I’m sure you’ve heard and seen in reports Turkish Cypriots support their leaders and support Turkish Assistance all ways. Unfortunately the Global Assembly and Former UN did not have our same views and to this day deny that Northern Cyprus exists as you know. I would like to actually ask for the Argentine Republic‘s opinion on this matter, If an national statement or press release were to support the TRNC then it could significantly boost Turkish-Argentine relations. You must see and you respected leaders must also see that The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus is legitimate and that even though we currently have a very small self defense force of 2,000 Land Forces Personnel on the island it is only to protect its people from possible attack from the Illigetimate Greek Cyprus. I could even tell you that a recognition could lead to possible arms deals at discounted prices and more favorable deals when it comes to Infrastructure projects in Turkey by Argentina and the ADCA. I simply suggest your higher ups strongly consider this and know what it could mean for our two nation’s relations, if the Argentine government does or even does not support the TRNC then it will be likely that the Turkish government will have to go to the Global Assembly in order to gain recognition and if Argentine support was gained it could help our cause.”


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Well, as a nation with global reach, we have recently started reviewing certaing geopolitical situations with a new scope. Argentine peacekeeper forces were station under the UN for decades in Cyprus, until its dissolution in 1994, so we have some sort of relation with the island.

Under such revisionist approach, we cannot deny that, once again, the british are the source of this problem, with their reckless colonial expansion and arbitray border drawing, with only their benefit in time. The way they let the situation escalate until the pro-greep coup in 1974, before they left the island.. or most of it, since they mantain a military base there, sure did not hel either.

As a matter of fact, Argentina has its own colonial problems with the crown, at the Malvinas. I'm sure if we were to count with the support of Turkey and its allies, Buenos Aires would be more than willing to re-evaluate our position on Northern Cyprus and also talk about it with our allies.

Argentina is, proudly, not a member of the Global Assambly, and therefore not bound by its Resolution and regulations, so, we have a very particular freedom to act.



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“That is Excellent, the United Kingdom has been a pain for us for over a century as you know and we have also seen that Argentina has had its own troubles with the country. In fact Turkey will recognize the Falkland Islands as part of the Republic of Argentina in exchange for recognition of the state of Cyprus. While Turkey is a member of the GA we often do not abide by its rules and only exist in the faction for regional stability and occasional benefits given to the Republic of Turkey but lately there is concern that the GA may become a nuisance with internal issues and there has been some discussion of a potential withdraw from the GA but most of the government still does not support this.”

“Additionally, I would like to ask what the future plans for the Argentine government are and what regional objectives Argentina has planned.”

  • Wow
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Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"The Argentine Republic, under the current administration, has witnessed an unprecedented growth and period of prosperity. Massive investments in infrastructure and development projects allowed for our economy to grow into one of the biggest in the modern world. Obviously, this internal strenghtening was reflected in our foreign policy, where we use this recently gained position of power to cooperate with likeminded nations who suffered similar fates as Argentina in the past, and still struggle with their own development due to political and economic reasons.

Thanks to our armed forces, one of the most powerful ones in the world, we are also able to back our aid with the proper hard power, although its something we would not prefer to. We still favor diplomacy and peaceful negotiations to solve the injustice that still lays around the world.

In particular, as I mentioned, we struggle with extra continental powers occupying argentine territory.

In short, our foreign policy curreltyy aims to continue cooperating with southern nations to help them grow as we did, establish strong bilateral alliances with likeminded nations and fight vestiges of the past, such as colonialism.

Under this context, we see Turkey as a potential global power, with a nation vast in territory, resources and a skillfull population. A nation with whom we share a history through turkish immigration to Argentina, and with whom we could potentially establish a very promising alliance.

Now, to your proposal. Its something I need to discuss with the President of course, but I understand that such a mutual support could be something very positive for us. Argentina is currently discussing with multiple alliend and friendly nations their support to wider call for the United Kingdom to finally sit down a discuss the return of the islands.

We also respect your position towards the GA, although we must advice that the unprecedented and unbalanced power they wield could unilaterally affect your economy, if somehow they decide to imposse sanctions on Ankara. Thats why we just opted to stay far away from this organization."



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
We understand the risks of an possible attempt to leave the GA and We are currently assessing the possible outcomes if Turkey were to Leave. There is also a chance that due to obviously unfair International law which Turkey was only recently made aware of that there is a chance that it would be “technically“ unlawful and impossible to leave the GA which would hinder our efforts. If this Law is brought up and put against Turkey we will Boycott the GA and encourage neighbors to do the same so that essentially Turkey has no association with the group, we would not acknowledge or approve of any laws passed by the GA, refuse to pay any fines, and withdraw from any ICJ hearings.
This plan is still in the works though and with the sudden downturn in The Turkish economy and the Issues that are now arising because of it we can not at the moment withdraw without a serious economic cushion. Speaking of the economy I would like to just like to finalize our previously mentioned deal.

We would send our vessels MV ATürk and MV Atlay(MSC Flamina Class) loaded with vehicle parts and equipment which would drop off said cargo and return to Turkish ports with Argentine made Vehicle Parts as to allow for competition within the Turkish Automobile Industry. Argentina would then use whatever vessels necessary to ship various organic products to Turkey and return to their home port Afterwards. If you would like to agree to this I can alert my staff and trade can commence right away.
  • Wow
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Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Although we are not a GA member, the Republic of Turkey can count with argentine political support in your fight against the GA's sovereign-threatening meassures. We could also discuss potential argentine financial support in case your Governments rightful decision is countered with oppresive economic actions by part of a minority of nations within said international organism.

Regarding the trade, I think we can move forward as outlined by you. Which turkish port should the argentine vessels head to?

Finally, we are looking into extending our international maritime safeguard and anti-piracy operations, and would like to discuss the possbility of an Argentine Navy ship to dock and resupply in a turkish port on the Mediterranean Sea. We would obviously share all operational information and intelligence gathered with the turkish Ministry of Defense, and also invite turkish naval officers to board the ship on its patrol tours in the Mediterranean Sea. We would also be willing to pay Turkey for docking rights and all necesary supplies that would need to be paid. Would this be something your Government could consider


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