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[Australia]: Message to Canada [SEC=SECRET]


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
10 November 2005
Dear Minister of Foreign Affairs,

I am currently in the United Kingdom on the biannual AUKMIN summit. I can say that both myself and our United Kingdom counterparts are happy to hear that Canada has re-embraced Queen Elizabeth the Second as their monarch. The situation in Canada, for too long, has been one marred by instability and a resurgent Republicanist movement. Various forces such as fascists and communists have attempted to gain political dominance in Canada for nearly a decade now. As Australia has always maintained a link to The Crown, we see stability and the same situation in Canada as paramount to our foreign policy objectives. We will commit a lot of resources and effort to ensure there is a long-term peace and stability in Canada. The relationship between Australia and Canada is one of the oldest and most valuable to Australia. In both of our nations, opinion polls have shown that Australia has been perceived the most positively by Canadians and Canada has been perceived the most positively by Australians, sometimes only ranking just behind New Zealand. This relationship is described by many as "cousins", due to the links to the British Crown. Many have described us as being the most similar with large swaths of inhospitable land, large agricultural and mining sectors, access to two oceans, a heavily urbanised population, two very powerful subdivisions in competition with each other, similar governance structure and similar social and economic policies.

I would like it if on my return back from the United Kingdom that I take the long route home, via Canada, to visit yourself in Ottawa and to discuss further how we can enhance our bilateral relationship.

Yours sincerely,
Kevin Rudd.
Parliament House, CANBERRA, ACT 2600
Telephone: (02) 6277 7700
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GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
From: Elliot Rosseau
Minister of Foreign Affairs
To: Kevin Rudd Owen
Classification: Top Secret
Dear Minister Rudd,

It would be my honour to host a visit to Canada by yourself. We are strongly seeking to reinforce Canada's link to the Commonwealth, and to return Canada from the heinous acts of the previous government.

Please arrive at Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport where I will be waiting with a security team from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. We will host a working lunch a Parliament Hill to discuss key issues in resetting our relations

Look forward to hearing back from you.
Yours Sincerely,

Elliot Rosseau


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
The RAAF Boeing 737BBJ which had been transporting the Ministers to the United Kingdom would depart from London-Heathrow towards Ottawa across the Atlantic. Once it was within range of the Labrador coast, they would alert CFB Goose Bay that the Royal Australian Air Force aircraft was now in Canadian airspace with the callsign ENVOY06. Once it finished flying across Quebec it would come in for an approach into Ottawa's main airport on the south side of the city. Australia's High Commissioner to Canada, Louise Hand, would be at the airport to greet the Minister. The Minister would be staying at Australia House while in Ottawa, the High Commissioner's official residence, considered one of the crowning jewels of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's international property portfolio having been purchased in 1940.

The High Commission would organise a motorcade for the Minister and would accept the security of the RCMP. Once the aircraft had landed, the Minister would shake hands with Minister Rosseau and the High Commissioner before being taken to Parliament for a working lunch.

"Minister Rosseau, it is a pleasure to meet you....

I forgot we are heading into December and I should have maybe dressed a bit more appropriately. Hopefully these meetings don't go too long so I can get back to the Australian summer. It feels like I've been in the UK for a year!"
