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[Australia]: Message to Canada [SEC=SECRET]


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
10 November 2005
Dear Minister of Foreign Affairs,

I am currently in the United Kingdom on the biannual AUKMIN summit. I can say that both myself and our United Kingdom counterparts are happy to hear that Canada has re-embraced Queen Elizabeth the Second as their monarch. The situation in Canada, for too long, has been one marred by instability and a resurgent Republicanist movement. Various forces such as fascists and communists have attempted to gain political dominance in Canada for nearly a decade now. As Australia has always maintained a link to The Crown, we see stability and the same situation in Canada as paramount to our foreign policy objectives. We will commit a lot of resources and effort to ensure there is a long-term peace and stability in Canada. The relationship between Australia and Canada is one of the oldest and most valuable to Australia. In both of our nations, opinion polls have shown that Australia has been perceived the most positively by Canadians and Canada has been perceived the most positively by Australians, sometimes only ranking just behind New Zealand. This relationship is described by many as "cousins", due to the links to the British Crown. Many have described us as being the most similar with large swaths of inhospitable land, large agricultural and mining sectors, access to two oceans, a heavily urbanised population, two very powerful subdivisions in competition with each other, similar governance structure and similar social and economic policies.

I would like it if on my return back from the United Kingdom that I take the long route home, via Canada, to visit yourself in Ottawa and to discuss further how we can enhance our bilateral relationship.

Yours sincerely,
Kevin Rudd.
Parliament House, CANBERRA, ACT 2600
Telephone: (02) 6277 7700
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GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
From: Elliot Rosseau
Minister of Foreign Affairs
To: Kevin Rudd Owen
Classification: Top Secret
Dear Minister Rudd,

It would be my honour to host a visit to Canada by yourself. We are strongly seeking to reinforce Canada's link to the Commonwealth, and to return Canada from the heinous acts of the previous government.

Please arrive at Ottawa Macdonald-Cartier International Airport where I will be waiting with a security team from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. We will host a working lunch a Parliament Hill to discuss key issues in resetting our relations

Look forward to hearing back from you.
Yours Sincerely,

Elliot Rosseau


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
The RAAF Boeing 737BBJ which had been transporting the Ministers to the United Kingdom would depart from London-Heathrow towards Ottawa across the Atlantic. Once it was within range of the Labrador coast, they would alert CFB Goose Bay that the Royal Australian Air Force aircraft was now in Canadian airspace with the callsign ENVOY06. Once it finished flying across Quebec it would come in for an approach into Ottawa's main airport on the south side of the city. Australia's High Commissioner to Canada, Louise Hand, would be at the airport to greet the Minister. The Minister would be staying at Australia House while in Ottawa, the High Commissioner's official residence, considered one of the crowning jewels of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's international property portfolio having been purchased in 1940.

The High Commission would organise a motorcade for the Minister and would accept the security of the RCMP. Once the aircraft had landed, the Minister would shake hands with Minister Rosseau and the High Commissioner before being taken to Parliament for a working lunch.

"Minister Rosseau, it is a pleasure to meet you....

I forgot we are heading into December and I should have maybe dressed a bit more appropriately. Hopefully these meetings don't go too long so I can get back to the Australian summer. It feels like I've been in the UK for a year!"



GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Elliot Rosseu would shake the Minister's hand firmly;

"Welcome to Canada, Minister. I must say we would firmly prefer your weather than ours at the moment!"

The Ministers would make the short journey from the airport to Parliament Hill. The Minister engaging in small conversation during their trip. The RCMP would provide an escort, patrol cars and motorbikes in the convoy. With motorbike outriders leapfrogging ahead to close off junctions, allowing the convoy to sweep through the downtown traffic with ease.

Parliament hill was covered in snowfall, crews had managed to protect the roads leading up to the hill from becoming impassable. The remainder of the ground was covered in perfect white. As the Ministers reached the centre block building, the white was contrasted with the red and block of the Royal 22e Regiment's band. The soldiers played a melody of O Canada, Advance Australia fair and a rousing cover of Waltzing Matilda. As the convoy pulled outside of the main entrance, a press opportunity was arranged with 6 RCMP officers in their infamous red outfits providing a backdrop against the centre block

"Welcome to Parliament Hill Minister, may we just allow the press to gain a few photographs?"

If accepted, the Minister would take a position between the RCMP officers with the Australian minister;


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Minister Rudd would smile as the band played Waltzing Matilda, not expecting that at all. He was quite impressed by the performance of the Royal 22e Regiment's band and had not quite got a warm reception like that in a while from the numerous countries he has vsited.

"Yes certainly." He would stand there shaking the Ministers hand as the press took photographs.



GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
With the press pool requests for photographs sustained, Minister Rosseau would lead the Minister into one of the central blocks meeting rooms. Set up in a board room style, a large table would be filled with a continental breakfast, hot and cold drinks and a selection of savoury items. Small national flags would divide the table into the respective sides, Minister Rosseau would offer the Minister a seat. There would be plenty of seats for any additional members of the delegation at the table.

"Welcome Minister Rudd, please help yourself. This is Kate Vandenbeld who is the Permanent Secretary at the Department of Foreign Affairs and will be taking minutes from our meeting"

As the three sat down, the Canadian's would begin to pick up items onto plates.

"Thank you for coming to visit us. Is there a particular topic which you would like to start with?"

In the background, John Harringtons' speech on the London attacks would be showing on the Parliamentary channel, muted.



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"Well can I just begin by saying we are absolutely shocked and appalled by what has occurred in London. Needless to say, we got out of their in the nick of time. Australia has maintained strong relations with the United Kingdom and our connection to the British monarchy has endured. This is primarily why I have come today. Canada has... for some years, been in a bit of turmoil. It has got rid of the monarchy more times than I can count. We want to see a Canada moving forward now with long-term sustainability and solid in its commitment to the monarchy. These are the ties that bond us. The monarchy has an equal status in Australia as it does in the United Kingdom so it is equally our duty to represent it abroad.

Making sure that Canada is sustainable for the long-term doesn't mean just improved relations with the Commonwealth such as Australia and the United Kingdom, but also the United States, whom we consider an extremely important partner as well. We hope that you are reaching out to the United States administration.

The recent attacks in London highlight where we can cooperate deeply, in defence and security. Including in intelligence sharing an military to military links such as regimental alliances. Our shared ocean... the Pacific.. also opens up many opportunities for economic cooperation and trade. I know when there are shortages in the Australian grains industry due to factors such as climate, buyers will usually source out to reliable Canadian grains. There are plenty of niche areas for economic cooperation. We want to see Canada play a more proactive role in the Pacific and we hope the Royal Canadian Navy is not forgetting about its Pacific Fleet in Esquimalt. Our high levels of tourism between our two nations means we should be seriously considering reciprocal health care and social security arrangements and looking at our visa arrangements.

One particular niche area of cooperation we want to seek just with Canada is the idea of consular services sharing. Australia has been seeking a partner for consular services sharing for a while. The United States and the United Kingdom has an extensive network of consular services, so no real benefit from Australia for them. New Zealand has a limited network of consular services, so no real benefit to Australia. Canada and Australia being so similar, in size and influence, being English-speaking nations, sharing the monarchy, makes the ideal partner. It also makes the ideal partner because Canada operates more extensively in the areas that Australia does not, such as the Americas and Africa. And Australia operates more extensively in Asia and the Pacific, where Canada doesn't. Essentially what this will mean is that in certain areas where Australia does not have a diplomatic mission, Australians can seek assistance from a Canadian diplomatic mission and vice versa. This will be scheduled in a particular list of diplomatic missions."



GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
The Minister would furiously scribble down notes, trying to keep up with the torrent of good ideas from his counterpart;

"For sure, the previous governments have been a source of embarrassment for the Canadian people. We have an illegitimate King coup his way into power, a situation we never thought possible in our country. Going forward, we have returned to the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, and the RCMP are building a case against the conspirators for treason.

We are indeed looking towards the Pacific region. We are investing a large portion of defence spending into Military assets in the region, which will include the formation of the Marine Commando Regiment, to take primary responsibility for the region. Going forward, Canada will return to what it does best, peacekeeping operations. We would be open to creating a shared intelligence agreement?

The one thing we would like to discuss, is the potential to open up a desert training base within Australia. Canada has no desert ourselves, so our training in this key area is lacking. We would like to rent a base, and base a training cadre team within Australia on a permanent basis.

We can agree to reciprocal health care and social security arrangements. We are open to a visa free travel area and Consular sharing dependent on the the treaty put before us.


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