- Jul 2, 2018
- 3,107
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Given the Government's recent announcement to raise the threat level to the second highest, EXPECTED due to the growing concerns in regards to al-Qaeda and the threats they may present towards Australia and Australian citizens abroad, the AFP would coordinate the implementation of National Task Force Raptor with state and territory police and relevant agencies. There was a strong possibility that they would recruit young and vulnerable Muslims in Australia to carry out such attacks. Secretly, the Australian Border Force would increase massive scrutiny on anyone coming from the Arab world, Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan at the border. Also secretly done would be a massive increase in monitoring of known sympathisers in Australia by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation and the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre, who would file every financial transaction made by those people.
In their respective states and territories, police forces across the country would ramp up patrols under the guise of this Task Force, this was done publicly. Extra police would be deployed to key sites such as railway stations, busy shopping malls and other areas of high visitor numbers or key significance such as the Sydney Opera House and Federation Square in Melbourne as well as Jewish institutions (synagogues, schools, communities particularly in the inner east of Melbourne and the eastern suburbs of Sydney). Road checkpoints would also be established across the country to monitor for the movement of weapons or known terrorists on ASIO's watchlist. The Australian Federal Police would have responsibility for ramping up patrols at most airports in Australia, the Australian Capital Territory including key sites such as Parliament House, the Russell Offices, The Lodge, Government House and the War Memorial, Jervis Bay Territory and in all external territories of Australia. They would also have responsibility for other key sites around Australia such as the Commonwealth Parliament Offices in Sydney, Joint Defence Facility Pine Gap, Joint Defence Facility Nurunggar, the Woomera Test Range, the Australian Defence Satellite Communications Station, the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation Establishment in Lucas Heights and Naval Communications Station Harold E. Holt. Australian Federal Police officers would also be placed on all domestic flights in Australia and all outbound international flights from Australia (and then inbound on available return flights). The AFP protective security details for both the Prime Minister and Governor-General would be increased, including protection of key residences outside of Canberra such as Kirribilli House and Admiralty House.
New South Wales Police Force patrolling the Sydney Opera House precinct.
Australian Federal Police boat patrolling on Sydney Harbour.
Victoria Police patrolling Bourke Street in Melbourne.
South Australia Police Security Response Section at Adelaide Oval.
Queensland Police Service patrolling a train station in Brisbane.
Australian Federal Police at Parliament House, Canberra.
Western Australia Police Force manning a road checkpoint near Perth.
Australian Federal Police at Sydney-Kingsford Smith International Airport.