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Brazil - Encrypted Phone Call To Argentina


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
The argentine President would receive and subscribe the agreement.

"Victor, with this signed, I have been informed that the funds have been wired directly from the Argentine Central Bank to the indicated account in Brazil. I hope this helps giving your economy the last injection to grow to our full potential. A solid and thriving brazilian economy is something the whole region can benefit from.

As for the proposed naval base, we should definitely move on. I though I had already given you the green light. Its a splendid idea and it will only help cement the argentine-brazilian presence in the South Atlantic, our Atlantic! Well, shared with our neighbors on the other side of the puddle... Africa. Did you manage to talk with the nigerian president? We have established a solid line of communication and he seems eager to interact with us."


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
Yes I spoke with our African neighbors, but they have yet to reply. For the proposed base, how much are you willing to commit? We expect construction to be around 5 billion dollars. We have proposed a facility for 100 hangars and q port facility for 20 ships and a hub for at least 3 subs. We will also need radar, SAM's a and coastal batteries.

I propose we divide everything by 50%, half of the planes and ships would be. From Argentina and half from Brazil. I believe this arrangement will strengthen our cooperation and effectiveness.


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Argentina can and will commit the necessary funds to make this strategic base happen. Move on with the preparations and just inform us when you require the funds. If you want, we can help overview the plans and designs and you give our opinion about it. (OOC: go ahead and create a thread in international events for this if you want).

Finally, I wanted to check if your Government received the 10bn loan we wired couple of days ago."


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
Whilst checking to make sure the phone line to Argentina is still encrypted, defense minister Oscar DeSilva takes a puff on a Cohiba cigar and takes a sip of his Johnny Walker Blue. Neat.

"Minister DeSilva the call has been encrypted," says a voice on his phone.

"Thank you, Alexander," the defense minister replies.

After a short pause Osacr hears a buzz.

"This is Oscar DeSilva. Please put me through to Admiral Roberto Sobral. Thank you."


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018

Secret and Encrypted

Message to: President Victor Romero
Message from: Ignacio Herrero, President of the Argentine Republic

The present message has been encrypted and encoded with the Advanced Internal Communications System. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

Dear Victor,
As we said before, you have Our total approval to procede with the planning and construction Of the honor naval base.

Might I inquire about your current relation with the Government of Nigeria? We are interested in having a tripartite meeting to talk about diverse matters Of mutual interest, such as trade and defense.

Sincerely yours,

Ignacio Herrero
President of the
Argentine Republic


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
An encrypted message would come from the desk of President Romero:

Dear Ignacio,

I hope as always you are doing fine. As you can expect, I am sipping on a Johnny Walker Blue and puffing on a Cohiba. I have received a blueprint for the proposed air/naval base at St. Peter Archipelago. My engineers and militray ops guys have proposed the following:

Please take your time looking over the plans. If your INVAP, and TANDANOR engineers have any objections or suggestions, we can make adjustments before ground is broken, as they will take the lead in the construction of the base.

We estimate a cost of 5 billion to complete the entire facility, both air and naval base.

Also within a weeks rime, we wold like to finalise design plans on the 2 Clemenceau (Brazilian Class) carriers.

We just 100 purchased Dassault Class M variants for the ships. We would like the ships yo be unveiled at the time as the St. Peter Base.

I would like to hear your thoughts Ignacio.

And also, we are conducting a naval exercise that will travel through the south Atlantic close to Ascension island. If you have any patrols in the area we would invite you to participate.

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Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018

Secret and Encrypted

Message to: Victor Romero, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil
Message from: Ignacio Herrero, President of the Argentine Republic

The present message has been encrypted and encoded with the Advanced Internal Communications System. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

My engineers have reviewed your plans and they agree that the layout seems correct. Tey just mentioned the importance of setting up an effective logistical supply chain, absically remarking incluindg hte cosntruction of a pier dedicated entirely to receiving and unloading cargo, such as food, ammunition, vehicles and general supplies. Also, how many ships would this naval basse be able to accomodate and tender to simulaneously, does this include deepening the entrances to allow the operation of submarines?

As for the Clemenceau-Carrier Project, can we agree on these specs? If yes, I suggest gathering the funds, 3,5bn USD each. And we can begin with the development.

Clemenceau-Class Upgrade Project:

Displacement: 40,000t
Length: 265 m (869 ft) (290m flight deck)
Beam: 31.7 m (104 ft)
Draught: 8.60 m (28.2 ft)
Propulsion: Nuclear Powered INVAP RN1 (4 shafts - 4 screws)
Power: 210,000kW
Range: Unlimited distance; 20–25 years
Speed: TBD based on Argentinian Nuclear Power Systems
Range: Infinite with Nuclear Power
Complement: 2000 (Including air group)

Aviation facilities
Angled flight deck (allowing concurrent landings and takeoffs)
Flight Deck surface: 290m
Main runway lenght: 91.44m
Catapults: 2 Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch Systems (EMALS) - Jet blast deflector
Fresnel Lens Optical Landing System
Universal launching – landing systems, allowing different aircraft manufacturers to operate.
Emergency services
Arresting wires: 4
Hangar Bay: 26m width, 8m hight and 190m lenght. 180m in length and 22m-24m in width, and occupies a total area of 3,900m2. Capacity forup to 44 aircraft, spare jet engines, fuel tanks and other heavy equipment. It is divided in four zones by sliding safety doors.
Elevators: 2 high-speed, aluminum hydraulic, located surrounding the Hangar Bay and connecting it with the flight deck. Each can lift around 80,000kg up to the flight deck in 9 seconds and has space for 2 fighters.
Maintenance sector: located at the end of the ship, with open space for engine testings.

Aircraft capacity
- Hangar Bay space for 44+ aircraft, plus limited on-deck parking.
- Sample load out: 24 fighters, 14 helicopters, 6 radar aircraft.
- Fighter, support fixed wing and helicopter operations.
- Flight deck and strip on the port side. Helicopter pads and decks to the off the starboard quarter.

Command Center (island)
- Radar and communication systems
- Primary Flight Control Area
- Ship command center
- Operational rooms

- Berthing compartments (for all personnel, divided per sectors)
- Multiple galleys, mess-halls, living-quarters etc.
- Dry and wet storages, freezer rooms.
- Air conditioning.
- Onboard desalination plant

INVAP Maritime OTH Radar
INVAP SSNR (Surface Search &Navigation Radar)
INVAP Torpedo Decoy STT1
INVAP Naval Decoy Launching System

Armament (Distributed around the ship)
x6 CITEFA Colibri
x8 CITEFA Linea
x2 cells CITEFA Rufian
x12 12.7mm machineguns

On Board Storage capacity
- 3,500m³ gallons of jet fuel
- Food for 2,000 for up to 90 days
- Water 900,000 gallons storage capacity, complemented and supplied through desalinization plant.

Finally, regarding the exercise in the area of the british Ascension Island, it could be a good show of strenght and demonstrate our active presence in the South Atlantic to etracontinental powers. We indeed have picked up radar signals from british vessels patroling the waters around the Malvinas Islands and the South Atlantic in general,. We have dispatched some of our naval aviation aircraft to intercept and remark our presence. What do you have in mind regarding Ascension? The Argentine Navy still have 4 frigates stationed in Natal.

Sincerely yours,

Ignacio Herrero
President of the
Argentine Republic


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
An encrypted message would come from the desk of President Romero:

Dear Ignacio,

The naval base will allow the docking of at least 20 ships, and the plans are for 3 dry wharves for repair and resupply and 3 submarine docks. The new Clemenceau design is flawless. And we now have 250 pilots in training specifically for carrier duty.

The mission in the South Pacific is going hear from what I hear, however, the Captain, a Mr. Sanchez is a hothead and a bit of a drinker. Hopefully he won't blow up Georgetown. Yet, even if he did, what would the UK do? Travel in sub infested seas for 4000 miles to save an island with the population of 450? Guess they'll have to call up the guard dog, the US, if anything goes wrong with the mission. Not like they can do anything themselves."
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Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018

Secret and Encrypted

Message to: Victor Romero, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil
Message from: Ignacio Herrero, President of the Argentine Republic

The present message has been encrypted and encoded with the Advanced Internal Communications System. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

Excellent. Then, everything seems to be perfect and construction can proceed as planned. We are thrilled with this project and its potencial strategic value. Eventually, if we manage to put forward the transatlantic alliance my foreign ministry is envisioning, with Brazil and Nigeria, this naval abse will grow even more in potential.

Regarding the UK, now that you mention it, we are currently monitoring british activity in the South Atlantic. The argentina navy has detected and intercepted a british destroyer, the HMS Dauntless, while it was patrolling east of the Malvinas Islands. As for the exercise around Ascension Island, we suggest to operate with caution, as we would not want for any of our actions to be missinterpreted. Our interests and presence in the area are clear, lets not give wrong ideas.

Sincerely yours,

Ignacio Herrero
President of the
Argentine Republic


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
An encrypted message would come from the desk of President Romero:

Dear Ignacio,

As far as the Ascension island exercise, it is all going smoothly. Maybe too smoothly. Either there is no one there, or they do not want to respond to such an overwhelming force. We shall see.

A few things my military engineers have brought to my attention would is, all though they are in the budget, will INVAP be able to develop them are the Radomes, as we should be worried about the deterioration to the affects of the wind and the sea on our radar systems.

Also, to preserve electrical power consumption on the island, I have been told we should build three to four 12MW Wind Turbines on the island. It has also been suggested we build a 250sq meter solar photovoltaic power station, not only to store energy but produce it. Without it we may need to build under water cable lines.

What are your thoughts?


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018

Secret and Encrypted

Message to: Victor Romero, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil
Message from: Ignacio Herrero, President of the Argentine Republic

The present message has been encrypted and encoded with the Advanced Internal Communications System. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

Argentine can provide, through some of our private companies such as IMPSA, we can provide windmill capable of providing almoss 90MW per unit, but I guess they would have to survey the wind currents in the area to know if it is doable and if it is worth the investment in terms of energy generated. Something similar occurs with the solar power. As far as I was just briefed, the islands have an average yearly sunshine duration of 2,500h, which is just about the world average. Studies would have to be made in order to establish the potential energy output.

Sincerely yours,

Ignacio Herrero
President of the
Argentine Republic


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
An encrypted message would come from the desk of President Romero:

Dear Ignacio,

I have been told that an average onshore wind turbine with a capacity of 2.5–3 MW can produce more than 6 million kWh in a year – enough to supply 1,500 average EU households with electricity, which would be about 500 houses per MW. If your IMPSA company can produce a single wind turbine that can produce 90MW, that would be roughly enough for 45,000 homes. The size of a mid-sized city (at least in some parts of the world). And that is just one wind turbine. Perhaps it is something we can explore with more study.

On the issue of the base itself, how do you envision it, and how do you envision we employ our forces once the base is built?

As proposed, the air base would have at least 100 hangars. We have a wing of 12 Xian-6 Bombers that have a combat radius of 1800 km and posses cruise missiles and the dreaded DF-21 Anti-ship ballistic missile. No one will get near the island not eastern Brazil. We would like to commit 6 of them to the base. We will also need drones. We could use some of your Anka B's or Anka TP, which can strike at enemy ships. The missiles will not knock the ship out, but it will damage them. We could also offer a recent acquisition, the Elbit Hermes 900, which is known to be capable to fire 4 AGN 114 Hellfire missiles. These will definitely be able to damage ships.

What fix-winged fighters to you believe we should employ at this base?

As far as the naval aspect of the base, 20 ships were planned for, including a sub dock for 3 subs.

Are you thinking about a rotating group of ships? I was thinking of a permanent base. Like a Carrier Strike Group.

One Aircraft Carrier. 5 Destroyers. 3 Cruisers or Frigates with cruise missile capability. 1 or 2 Amphibious Landing ships.

Then we would have the 3 subs and 4 or 5 patrol craft.

I'll let you think about it and message me back.

Always yours,

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Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018

Secret and Encrypted

Message to: Victor Romero, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil
Message from: Ignacio Herrero, President of the Argentine Republic

The present message has been encrypted and encoded with the Advanced Internal Communications System. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

Then take IMPSA's participation in this project as a fact.

As for the forces we host there, we could make it one of the main operational bases of the Joint Argentine-Brazilian Task Force, deploying there naval forces from both sides, as well as garrisoning a small rapid deployment force. This base will be the first serious defense any invading force would encounter en route to our territories, so it is very important for us to protect it accordingly and use it as projection ramp for our own forces. Forces there need to intercept and destroy, and I think it would be better to host agile and deadly forces instead of deploying a carrier group there which would make an automati ctarget for any opossing force. Its function can be covered ayway by the airbase we are currently building there.

So, I would propose a mix of destroyers, frigates and submarines, supported by air forces, radar coverage and an effective anti-missile umbrella. Of course, as you say, we would complement this with the frigates carrying out routine patrol in the areas surrounding the base.

Sincerely yours,

Ignacio Herrero
President of the
Argentine Republic


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
"I agree. And your assessment is correct. This base should mobile and agile. With the 100 fixed-wing, helicopter and drone hangars in place our island base we rival any carrier in the world. And have more anti-missile abilities.

Looking at both of our navies, do you propose any that you think essential to our base?"


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
Mhhh. We should analyze who are our main potential "threats", and fit our deployment accordingly to counter them. For example, how far away are those potentially confronting nations bases located? Will they come with aircraft carriers? Are they used to deploying large fleets or rather rely on small stealthy incursions? Might they have allies in our region who could give them space to operate from or even actively particiapte in the conflict?

I think that this is worth an entire geopolitical analysis. In the meantine, we canc ontinue with the construction of the base."


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
"I would say our threats are from afar, more than likely ISAF from the US and the UK. Brazil has 50 F-16 Block52 that we would like to offer to the base with external fuel tanks that extend combat radius to nearly 700km. And we can also deploy 12 Xian H6 Bombers.

Sorry to bother you about the details of the base that is a year from being built, well now eleven months, but we just would like to have everything un order. A Helicopter squadron of 12 would especially 3 S&R would be sound. You also need to commit to the 4 90 KW wind turbines to power the island."
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His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
Message Still Encrypted To: Ignacio Herrero

"Yes, I suppose we can discuss the particulars of how the St. Paul Base is manned down the road. But my oceanographers have told me about a series of massive coral reef located in red on the map in the North Atlantic.

I propose we begin thinking about building another base there. It would be nearly 1000km northeast of Amapa State and about 1600km from the St. Paul Base.

With this 2nd prposed base, we would have the St. Paul base just 2000km from Sierra Leone and the 2nd base only 2500km from Puerto Rico. We could monitor and patrol the entire Atlantic. San Juan, Puerto Rico would be in the range of Condor MRBM's.

The US Eastern seaboard could be easily patrolled.

What is your opinion?"
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His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
Encrypted Letter to President Ignacio Herrero: Marked Urgent

Dear Ignacio,

Unfortunately I bring bad news. The Suriname Liberation Army's war with its government has to my borders. Due the distance from the capital it s hard to get solid information, but word is the SLA and the Suriname government may be fighting on Brazilian land. I have sent an Armored Brigade of about 1500 troops to intervene. Calls to the Surinamese government have been un answered. The country has a history of coups. What is your advice?


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018

Secret and Encrypted

Message to: Victor Romero, President of the Federative Republic of Brazil
Message from: Ignacio Herrero, President of the Argentine Republic

The present message has been encrypted and encoded with the Advanced Internal Communications System. The unauthorized divulgence of the content of the present message, or part of it, is strictly prohibited.

Your briefing about this new potential base looks promising, and most surely it will have Argentina's complete support. The same goes for the wind turbines that will power the ongoing project, they will be there in time to power up the whole complex.

As for the situation in Suriname, I was totally unaware of this turmoil. I will immediatly talk to my Foreign Minister in order to contact our Embassy in Paramaribo to obtain more information. Please, keep me updated.

Sincerely yours,

Ignacio Herrero
President of the
Argentine Republic


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
Top secret sent to: Ignacio Herrero
From: Victor Herraro

To Ignacio,

I will keep you appraised of the situation in Suriname of course. It would be a great "exercise" for us. But as always, you outdo yourself. Only Argentina could intercept a UK message to my ships. I applaud your excellence as always.

Well, now they have noticed us in the South Pacific. I am going to keep two subs and a destroyer and skim the lines of international waters.

Would it be possible for the rest of me fleet to rest and Possibly train in Argentina with your troops? If the Americans make a move you will have two of our frigates and a San Antonio Class Transport Dock full of over 600 Marines and some tanks and many IFV's that we can work together with........A First step to the the Garrison we want at San Pedro.

Keep me up to date about Ascension.



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