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Call to Sweden


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Kingdom of Sweden and the Republic of Thailand have been working closely in South Africa. The Ministry of Foreign Affair of Thailand has expanded it contacting list to Europe to start a diplomatic mission. Ambassador Mrs. Kanchana Patarachoke would make a call to the Sweden Department of Foreign Affairs in the hope to contact the Minister or Secretary of Foreign Affairs. 20 minutes before she would start a call, she sent a message to the Sweden Department of Foreign Affair that she would like to discuss Trading, Sweden's opinion of the 2nd Russia Civil War, and Sweden's mission on South Africa.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
The telephone call is answered by Ambassador for Sweden to Thailand Jon Åström Gröndahl and naturally, as any diplomatic telephone call would be, the call is encrypted. word has been passed of the situation in the Global Assembly.

"Good Morning Mrs Patarachoke, what do I owe the pleasure of your call?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Good Morning! I assume you are Jon? I remember this voice while listening to a recorded tape when you contacted our Ministry. Things have been rough here, Jon. We are working as a humanitarian aid force in South Africa, and our friends are trying to make us withdraw our force from South Africa. I heard a rumor from the Office of Prime Miniter that someone heard about our Prime Minister talking about condemning your nation, Jon. Our Ministry doesn't want this action to affect our relationship much. The condemned is about disapprove of the action, and that doesn't mean we don't want to reduce of relationship. I hope we can continue our diplomatic mission if they condemn what is happening. Our Ministry believes that it is hard for our Prime Minister to decide, and wants to continue a positive relationship between our nation as well. Do you want to talk about the trade from what I have told you?



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Yes, my apologies I should have introduced myself, I am Jon Åström Gröndahl the Ambassador for Sweden to Thailand.

I understand you are in a complex situation Ambassador but I must stress that now more than ever it is fundamentally important to Thailand to set its own standard in foreign policy and not allow for your neighbour to sway your judgement. Your forces have been in South Africa and have seen for themselves that we are in a state of peace whilst we carry our essential humanitarian mission and work towards the restoration of democracy in South Africa. You have seen for yourself that we have the support of South Africans that want the Swedish personnel deployed abroad to remain inside their borders.

I am deeply saddened to hear that despite our work together, despite what your forces have witnessed, you are opting to fall into the trap laid by South Korea. Tell me, Ambassador, from your reports have you seen any evidence of our 'colonialization'? Have we denied South Africans their fundamental human rights? Have we forced upon them a Swedish government? Are we retaining the disgraceful conditions of the apartheid regime?

No. No. No and no.

We are in South Africa for South Africans and with their permission; no state or organisation has the power to tell South Africans they are wrong in their choice. We are actively working to reinforce the humanitarian effort to promote human rights and equality. They have their own government consisting of only South Africans whilst we work towards a democratically elected government, which I should stress will consist of only South Africans. We have deconstructed the apartheid's disgraceful regime and are installing core international values of equality.

South Korea love their buzz words but they ignore the facts. We are there with permission. Just like they are within North Korea with permission. Hypocrisy!"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I understand, Jon, but I must first explain to you about our foreign policy. Our foreign policy is very challenging. Our standard in foreign policy is for everyone. We want to have a positive relationship with any country present on the globe. I think you understand the problem of this policy, Jon. It's problems that we will get linked to it when we are friends with both countries that are having a problem between themselves. The humanitarian mission is important to us. It's not about our reputation in South Africa, but it is to help fellow South African. I do wish your objective in a humanitarian mission to South African is the same as us.

It's not like we have fallen into the Korea trap, Jon. It's a policy in our foreign relationship. You may think we always agree with other countries to improve the relationship, but it isn't. We always try to compromise for both countries to make them understand each other. Our Minister knows well that the main reason for any conflicts is from a misunderstanding between each other, and different ideas on the action. Sweden and Korea have a problem because their ideas on the other side's actions are not the same. I can't answer the question of evidence of colonization, Jon. Our people since the colonialism ear have never experience being colonized by European powers. We have always been compromisers since the past. When Japan stepped on our soil in 1941, everyone had misunderstanding that we were their puppet and fully allied with the Japanese, but the truth isn't it. We have signed an armistice with Japan, and to protect our people we decide to give full military access to Japan. We have declared war on the UK and the USA, but our ambassador in the USA never accepted and told the USA. If I answer the colonialization based on fundamental human rights and apartheid regime. The answer is no, but this is based on our report. I trust you, Jon, that your country won't start the colonization. Colonization in this ear is so stupid, and if any country decided to do it, the country is doom.

Now, I will ask you the real question, Jon. Answer honestly as what you have been told by your government, please. I don't want you to accuse other nations because it is a sign that you don't want to end a misunderstanding. Let's start.
  1. What is your real government purpose in South Africa? I know what the purpose is, but the ministry needs confirmation.
  2. How long does Sweden plan to stay in South Africa? The longer it is, the more negative outcome are from other countries.
  3. Have you declared the end of the war with Africa? This answer only asks about Sweden, not South Africa's declaration. This question also has another question to be asked? Have you lifted the state of emergency? Normally I think this is declared when there is war.
I hope you will answer these questions honestly and clearly. Lying is good to maintain a relationship, but it will affect the relationship later on a huge scale." Ambassador Kanchana would pick up a note and listen carefully to what Sweden will respond. She would start recording an audiotape for the phone.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Ambassador, you cannot answer the question on colonization after you've been present in the country for almost a month providing humanitarian aid... if we sought the waving of the Swedish flag over cities and towns throughout South Africa don't you think you'd have seen evidence of that by now? You haven't done because it frankly is not true. The South Koreans have a narrative to completely assassinate our truth. They have seen an opportunity to make real change and instead of requesting to partake in this project they want to turf us out, against the wishes of the native people.

If the Swedish people decided they wanted British forces to protect their country, would you deny them that right? Do you believe any nation has the right to say the people are wrong in their decisions?

Let me be absolutely clear with you Ambassador.... to address your first point, our objective with the South African government is fundamentally to restore a democratically elected government; that is a government of South Africans elected by South Africans. Not Swedish.

Secondly, there is no timescale set in stone, these situations take time and coupled with a number of investments we're making into South Africa it would be wrong of us to abandon ship half way through these projects. That would only drive a wrecking-ball through their economy as they attempt to recuperate the cost of maintenance and continued development. Our objective is, once a stable democratically elected government is in place, to withdraw on negotiated terms to ensure that the government in place can continue to grow South Africa at a proportionate rate. I understand the Department of Foreign Affairs is drafting an Antarctic-style agreement, following the huge success of the Resolution on Antarctica.

Lastly, there is no war with South Africa. That war ended with the abolishment of the apartheid regime and when the people of South Africa demanded we stay put. How can we possibly be at war with a country that wants us there? Rest assured no state of emergency was declared given that the Swedish mainland was safe and our overseas territory in Marion Island is presently uninhabited by civilians.

Allow me to ask you a blunt question Ambassador - do you think the mass transit of tens of states piling into an unable South Africa is good for its stature as an independent state? or do you think the current action of having a state from each continent represented, is the more sensible option?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Ambassador Kanchana would stop for a moment. She would continue with a calm voice. "I'm sorry, Jon. Yes, we have never seen evidence of Sweden's colonization in South Africa. I know that Korea is trying to assassinate the truth. If you wish, Our ministry can explain your objective in South Africa to Korea since we are pretty close to her. On the other hand, I also want Sweden to listen to what Korea thinks too. I don't know if both Sweden and Korea have been discussed this, but there needs to be an intermediary in this situation to find the solution. Global Assembly might be a good place, but there are too many representatives there. When the argument starts, I don't know if someone will stop it. Also, I can not deny their right if they wish for it, Jon.

I understand that Sweden is trying to help South Africa. A Continent represented is a good option, Jon. I don't want to be a betrayal to Sweden. Anyways, Jon, I believe there has to be a major meeting inside our government on this situation. Many people have high autonomy right now, and this needs to be solved. The best I can help Sweden in my position is to present a plan with Sweden. If our prime minister is still Chuan Leekpai, I can guarantee that a condemnation won't be a real condemnation, Jon. I understand that everything needs time to be completed. I believe Sweden will withdraw after a stable democratically elected government is in place. I don't want to argue no matter what it is about at this time. I wasn't ordered to change another country's idea. I also need to thank you for contacting our government to help South Africa, but I also get pay raise because of more work. Seriously Jon, no matter which side will win the resolution at GA, the other side has to accept even though they don't. I can say again that since I am an ambassador to Sweden, I can always protect Sweden inside our government. I will do my best to speaking with my prime minister to not make any more misunderstandings to Sweden. Let me continue to ask the question, Jon. Trust me, the information you give to us by answering me will be good for both you, Korea, and me." She would hold a call for a moment and sigh. Look like this job has too much stress for this sensitive woman.

"Jon, I am back. I will start my question shortly! Is Sweden wish to accept a peacekeeping force to come to Africa? I don't want you to think of the peacekeeping force as a force that comes to make peace, but as a force that comes to help humanitarian efforts. If everyone agrees to let you stay there, would Sweden still accept a peacekeeping force to help in the humanitarian mission in South Africa? I believe the problem about Korea might be that Korea thought Sweden is still at war with South Africa. Jeez, I hope our intelligence officer finished recruit before I contact you, so I can open a live audiotape of what our prime minister is talking about in his room."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"The situation is complication and I can tell you for certain that Sweden is not opposed to a resolution, but the one presented in the Global Assembly at the moment is not the resolution. It contains aspects of legislation which was not created for this type of situation and fundamentally undermines the very existence of the Global Assembly by ignoring the right of the people to choose in pursuit of regional ideals. The peacekeeping resolution was designed for use during conflict or war as a last resort; South Africa is neither in conflict or at war and the use of the resolution is certainly not a last resort, we have had no correspondence with South Korea... and the United States supported our activities until we denied them the ability to escalate the situation with the use of a Carrier Battle Group! In its current form, the resolution is unlawful as the assembly simply does not have the legislative power to enforce it legally.

Our relationship together has always proven very loyal Ambassador however I fear that a condemnation of our efforts in South Africa may undermine the truth. You've said yourself that you know South Korea are lying and manipulating the truth, we could do with your support in the Global Assembly in the reiteration that you have seen no evidence of colonization in South Africa. Of course I don't want to pressure you, at all, you have your own voice.

We will not allow a peacekeeping force into South Africa as it will directly undermine the efforts ongoing. We will, under the command of the Swedish Armed Forces Headquarters, permit the expansion of the humanitarian aid mission to incorporate additional nations."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I see. People's rights should be the top priority. Well, if there isn't any war, why should the peacekeeping resolution is being presented by Korea at first. I mean, how can it got approved to be discussed in the GA chamber. I believe there has to be a misunderstanding, which Sweden's ambassador at GA needs to clarify. So, no contacting had been made before the Carrier Strike Group thing. I know well that our prime minister is concerned about the humanitarian effort in South Africa, and he won't try to withdraw forces from it until South African is in a good state. He is known as Mr. Clean, and I believe he would have been open to other countries about Sweden in South Africa. I believe he has a plan, but he hasn't told us yet. Yes, I said that South Korea is lying and manipulating the truth, but it is because what Korea was saying isn't the same as the information we got from you. I can help support in the Global Assembly that we have seen no evidence of colonization, but we will only speak when things are out of control or too many arguments. Our ambassador at the Global Assembly chamber is waiting for Prime Minister last to order to decide whomever he should side with. The Prime minister used this trick once, and end up not supporting both sides. Our ministry already drafts a plan to talk in GA if something happened as the same as our plan. Prime Minister Chuan won't risk getting his reputation in the government lower because people outside the government or civilian start to switch to support the Thaksin Shinawatra political party that was formed last year. He's old that he has seen the pattern of what will happen. I hope he will come up with something good enough to maintain the international relationship.

I see, so you are not going to let a peacekeeping force go into South Africa. If the peacekeeping force can go into South Africa, its need to pass the permit of the Swedish Armed Forces Headquarters before?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"My understanding is that the Ambassador for Sweden to the Global Assembly, Marc Kvet, has made a statement to the Secretary General to throw out the current resolution pending a resubmission by Korea.

We will allow additional nations to support a humanitarian aid mission within South Africa but not under the guise of a 'peacekeeping force', that would require admitting that there is peace to be kept which is simply not the case. Under the command of the Swedish Armed Forces Headquarters whom are currently acting as a defence force for South Africa, we can ensure that the deployment of additional resources happens in a controlled manner and South Africa does not become a free-for-all."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I see. I hope more countries can contribute to this humanitarian force. From my understanding, our ambassador at Global Assembly would like to present more humanitarian aid fore to help in South Africa. I remember from the documents that I got from the Ministry. He will present that a humanitarian aid force from Europe and Asia can be landed at Wonderboom National Airport since it will be a closet route. I think this needs to be passed by your Swedish Armed Forces Headquarters. I am not sure if the message has reached our humanitarian aid force in South Africa yet. If the message has been reached, I think our officer there would ask Swedish Armed Force. What do you think about this? Our Army can support supplies there?"



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"We will await to see the results of the Global Assembly Emergency Resolution - we are reluctant to undermine the existence of the chamber by expanding our progress in the region however we're actively seeking plans from cooperating nations for development once this situation is resolved. The humanitarian aid program will be expanded and we'd be extremely eager for the Royal Thai Armed Forces to take a leading role in the rollout of our objectives in the east, as you are presently."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
That's excellent! I am pleased to see you like that. I am sure that our government would be happy too. There will be a knock on the of ambassador Kanchana. The person would be speaking in Thai. "Hey, Kan. The Censure Motion has started! Come on, watch with us." the ambassador will reply in Thai. "Give me a moment."

"I am sorry about that. Look like We have nothing more further to discuss. I believe our call will end here. I will go watch some Censure Motion to the Prime Minister's Cabinet today."

If ambassador Jon has nothing to discuss as well. They would say goodbye to each other as well as thank you.


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