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- China - Message to Japan


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"This is great!" He would answer "Its good to have dedicated friends such as your self. Your willingness to discuss is much appreciated!" He would pause for a moment.

"Why would you need these ICBM's? China does not willingly sell these pieces. We much perfer to sell you smaller ranged ones. Or if you feel you could be threatened by other with it, we can sell you Anti-Ballistic Batteries." He would also pause and hear the export proposal.

"We can easily export these to Japan. I would request your list of possible exports to make it a fair trade, unless you wish to pay for these to be delivered instead? And yes we do accept a FTA with Japan."


Emperor of Indomnesia
Aug 23, 2018
Mr. Yokoi would give the FTA to the Chinese ambassador
Pact of Cooperation and Trade Agreement
On Trade, Commerce and General Cooperation

The government of the People'e Republic of Japan and the government of the People's Republic of China: (hereinafter referred to singularly as “the Party” and collectively “the Parties”),

RECOGNIZING the existing friendly relations between the two countries,

FURTHER RECOGNIZING the importance of trade and commerce in the development of the economies of both countries;

DESIRING to strengthen and further develop exchange between the two countries in the field of trade, commerce, science, development and commercial/military industry; and

BELIEVING that such cooperation would serve their common interests and contribute to the development of their economies in both countries;

RECOGNIZING the different comparative advantages in production and manufacturing of both countries,

HAVE AGREED as follows:

1.The purposes of this Pact of Cooperation and Trade Agreement is to intensify the commercial and financial exchange between both Parties in order to broaden and expand their respective economies.

2.Both Parties agree upon extending limited tax and tariffs incentives to companies and ventures of their counterpart who want to invest and start business in each other territory.

3.The Parties agree upon the creation and establishment of joint Chamber of Commerce, which main goal will be the promotion of bilateral trade and commercial exchange.

4.The Parties agree upon the creation of a joint committee in order to identify projects and areas in which cooperation, in all its forms, can be of use for both countries.


1. Either Party may request in writing a revision, modification or amendment of all or any part of this Trade agreement.

2. Any revision, modification or amendment agreed to by the Parties shall be in writing and shall form an integral part of this PC/TA.

3. Such revision, modification or amendment shall come into force on such date as may be determined by the Parties.

4. Any revision, modification or amendment shall not prejudice the rights and obligations arising from or based on this PC/TA before or up to the date of such revision, modification or amendment.


1. This PC/TA shall come into force on the date of signing remain in force indefinitely unless otherwise termination of the PC/TA was mutually agreed.

2. Notwithstanding anything in this Article, either Party may terminate this PC/TA by notifying the other Party in writing through diplomatic channels at least one (1) month prior to its intention to do so.

3. Unless otherwise agreed by the Party's in writing, the termination of this PC/TA shall not affect the implementation of any cooperative activity undertaken under this PC/TA and not yet completed at the time of the termination of this PC/TA.

Signing for:

JAPAN : Shinzo Abe - Prime Minister of the People's Republic of Japan

China: (please sign here)

"We can export Cars, Machinery, Medical apparatus, Iron and Steel."

"Indeed there is no need for ICBM's. But we do need Anti-Ballistic Batteries. May I ask what Anti-Ballistic Batteries you are selling? We are also interested in buying 25 Type 96A."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We would very much like to import Iron and Steel. On the matter of the Anti-Ballistic Products, we could very much sell you the HQ-19, but if you find these to be to expensive, we would not mind to deploy some of them in Japan, to protect such a great friend. We could also sell you the Type 96A, it wont be a problem. However I do ask you to formalize it in our official page for military exports, as it is easier to be dealt with in a fast manner." Page

"On the Matter of the Exports." he would sign the treaty "They can start to be shipped at once, I will need however is a small document to give to my Minister of Commerce, for him to order them to be sent. Just a simple document detailing, the time,product and location of Export/Import."


Emperor of Indomnesia
Aug 23, 2018
We will ship Iron with JMV-002 and steel with JMV-003 Weekly. Which port do you prefer to send the goods?
For the imports you are free to use the Tokyo port and that for weekly shipments.

As for the military products we have submitted our order via the official page.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I do believe the Port of Tianjin to receive both of the Vessels. We will ship all of these according to their Dates."

Plastics and Clothing on the CMS-001
Furniture & Electrical machinery on the CMS-002
Textiles on the CMS-003

"They will be shipping right away, on the military products, im sure the Minister of Commerce is looking at them right now."

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