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COL | Phone call to Mexico


Libertad y Orden!
Aug 30, 2021

Ministerio de Defensa Nacional

While the entire Armed Forces of Colombia is being renovated and restructured as of the moment, a few select officers were given clandestine instructions in order to counter the growing cartels in Colombia. Of course, one of these officers is Joel Fausto Ibáñez, who was just given instructions to contact the Mexicans. Mexico and Colombia have always been tied together, not officially, but of an odd relationship built upon the foundations of the drug trade. Drugs grown locally by the various armed groups within Colombia make their way up to North America, with even some Mexican cartels suspected of starting operations within Colombia herself. In an attempt to do what no other administration could, the President's optimistic plan on countering both guerilla forces and the cartels is almost ready. Fausto was of course, unfazed. Being a veteran of the long and ongoing war between the Government and armed groups, he had no faith that this would work. Nonetheless, he had to follow orders, else he would be out of a job.

A local informant tipped them that some of the drugs were being smuggled up north, suspecting that these drugs might have connections with established cartels in Mexico, the Ministry of National Defense aims to contact Mexican Authorities to both provide and request support in squashing the various underground operations that have been plaguing both countries for decades. Fausto smoked a cigarette, looked out from the glass window out to the afternoon traffic of Bogota. Eventually, he dialed the number for the Mexican Federal Police (Drivindeath), intending to hear an answer soon.


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Phone line would be encrypted


Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional
Many were busy at the Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (Secretary of National Defense) in Mexico City. Civilian staff and Military staff were roaming the halls, sorting files, and prepping for future plans. Near the back of the building was a small wing dedicated to the Federal Police. Only a few years ago they were an independent agency, but now fell under the Guardia Nacional (National Guard). Although they still operated separately from the soldiers of the National Guard. The Federal Government of Mexico decided it would better suit the country if the Federal Police were nationalized and transformed into a more militaristic role. As Fausto called, he would be met with a prompt that sounded robotic.

Translated to English: "Hello, and thank you for calling the Federal Police, if this is an emergency please hang up and dial 065. If not please hold."

As he stayed on the line, a blue phone on the secretary desk began to ring. She would pick it up.

Translated to English: "Hello, this is the Federal Police. My name is Maria speaking, how can I help you sir or Ma'am?".



Libertad y Orden!
Aug 30, 2021
All dialogue is in Spanish, translated to English unless specified otherwise

"Hello Maria, I am Joel Fausto Ibáñez, a representative from the Ministerio de Defensa Nacional de Colombia (Colombian Ministry of National Defense). I would like to contact one of your superiors please."

Maria would have identified right away through Fausto's accent that he was not a local calling the police, but a Colombian from Bogota. Fausto would continue looking at the afternoon traffic, waiting for a response back. A young man would enter the room, seemingly an officer like himself. Fausto would look at him scouring through the documents strewn on the wooden table. The young man would glance at him, before grabbing two unnamed folders from the desk. Fausto would hold the phone close to his chest, in an attempt to muffle his voice.

"What's that?"

"Information, sir."


"The cartels sir? Specifically the ones in Bogota. Horacio wanted me to fetch him these documents, specifically the number of drugs the National Police have busted over the last few weeks."

"Bring Horacio here and leave those documents on the table, hijo."

Without saying a word the young man would return the documents on top of the desk before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. Fausto would let out a little sigh before putting the phone up against his ear once more.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Phone Line Encrypted

Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional
"One moment while I transfer your call sir." Maria would say in a soft tone, placing the call on hold. She would then dial another number with the same phone. "Comisario Rubio a call is waiting on line 1." She would pause briefly. "Yes sir, he said his name is Joel Fausto Ibáñez, and he is with the Ministerio de Defensa Nacional de Colombia." She would then hang up the phone. The wait would be about 5 minutes before the phone the line would be received by a mans voice.

"Hello this is Comisario Rubio with the Policía Federal, I've been meaning to get ahold of your administration, although time hasn't allowed. How can I help you though?" Comisario Rubio would sip on his coffee as he reviewed cases on his desk.



Libertad y Orden!
Aug 30, 2021
All dialogue is in Spanish, translated to English unless specified otherwise

"Comisario Rubio, how splendid to finally make your acquaintance."

By this point, Horacio, another officer tasked with this growing problem, was listening in to their conversation. Horacio would sit down at a chair while listening to Fausto's conversation. He would read up on the two folders he had requested minutes before. Fausto would then continue

"As you may know, Comisario, the new administration here is more than willing to crush this rather sensitive problem that has been plaguing Colombia for the past few decades. As such, with special orders from the Minister of National Defense, we are instructed to head on over to Mexico to... survey and possibly learn from you and your peers. If that could be arranged of course."

Horacio would then tap Fausto's shoulder, getting his attention. He would hand over a single page before sitting back down.

"Our friends from Medellín said that they've sent more than 3 tons of their.... product up North for the past week alone. Some of these of course landed in the hands of some provocative Mexican buyers. As such it is within our responsibility, maybe the responsibility of both of our countries, to make sure this problem would be diminished, no?"

Horacio would chuckle at how Fausto delivered the message, Fausto would smile back.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Phone Line Encrypted

Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional

Translated from Spanish to English
Comisario Rubio would stop looking at his files and lean back in his chair, placing a hand behind his head, and placing a leg on his lap.

"Indeed sir, a meeting could be arranged for you or any fellow officials to come to Mexico. But let me make it clear, when they land here, I'm in charge. It's a different kind of jungle here than your use to. I can't discuss our information on the investigation over the phone, to many ears." He would sit back up right and rub his chin grunting as he thought for a moment.

"3 tons....3 tons....hmmm..." He pondered. "The gulf? No, no...It's got to be Juárez." Realizing that he was still on the phone he stopped talking abruptly. "I look forward to working together. I will get with my superiors and try to get a bill drafted of mutual cooperation between our governments. In the meantime, I look forward to seeing to seeing you and your team here in Mexico. Any further discussions should be done in person regarding the investigation. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

He would go back to reviewing his case files and sipping on his coffee.



Libertad y Orden!
Aug 30, 2021
All dialogue is in Spanish, translated to English unless specified otherwise

"It's understandable, Comisario. Well then, I look forward to our meeting... let's say..."

Fausto would look towards Horacio, who was at this point now standing up, carrying the folder that the information came from. He extends his hand to grab the document, unaware that Fausto was looking for an answer. His hand was quickly swatted, therefore bringing attention to Fausto's eyes. He held up one finger, before yanking the paper out of Fausto's hand. Horacio chuckled before putting the paper back inside the folder. The sound of the desk's drawer would be heard slamming shut as Fausto replied.

"Well, how about next week? My accomplices and I would show up at your headquarters in Mexico City and we go on from there. I would, however, request that this event be kept as private as possible, Comisario. My government doesn't want unnecessary attention, to put it simply."

Horacio would whistle as he would exit the room, closing the door behind him. The others were busy taking a break from all the work they've done in the morning. While exhausted, Fausto kept his composure, waiting for the voice on the other end of the line to respond.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Phone Line Encrypted

Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional

Translated from Spanish to English

"I prefer tomorrow, things are tense and time isn't on our side. If it has to be next week then so be it. Attention would be best kept on the...'secretive'... side of things. I look forward to meeting you. Runway 16R, Hanger 11 at the Aeropuerto Internacional Benito Juárez, in Mexico City. I know it's the international airport, however the runway and hanger technically don't exist. I'll be there waiting."

The call would then be dropped as Comisario Rubio hung up the phone.

"Damn Columbians, never can trust them, but always have to work with them."

He would light a cigarette and look out his window; noticing the same 3 trucks parked outside a warehouse just across the street, before turning around and continued working. Maria would walk in with a new stack of folders and dropped in in Comisario Rubio's 'in box', then turn to leave his office, he would let out a sigh and take another drag off his cigarette.



Libertad y Orden!
Aug 30, 2021
All dialogue is in Spanish, translated to English unless specified otherwise

"Tomorrow it is."

As the tone would replace Rubio's voice, Fausto would let out a sigh and return the phone to its rest. He would stretch out his arms before locking up the office. The Police would obviously be annoyed if anyone were able to enter their offices, so he thought. He joined the other officers who were waiting for him outside. Fausto would relay to them what the Mexicans have told him. While some of them were annoyed that they weren't able to prepare accordingly, as officers of the Colombian Army, they were held in high regard. As such, despite the rather inconvenient timescape, they reluctantly agreed.

The Next Day

In an attempt for the meeting to be away from the public eye, all 10 Officers were ordered to be in their civilian clothing. No official public announcement was made by the Colombian government of such a meeting, and it would be assumed by most that these officers were on leave. They would, however, carry their identification papers, as well as their standard-issue Beretta M9. The Mexican Federal Police, as well as the airport, would be informed ahead by the Government of these officers, however, their purpose would be kept private. All necessary documents would be prepared ahead of time. They would board an Avianca flight to Mexico city, blending in with the passengers as much as possible.

After landing, the 10 officers would rendezvous at the area Rubio had told them the day before, the hot Mexican sun shining down on the pavement below.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional
Translated from Spanish to English

On the hot tarmac would be 3 black GMC SUVs. Outside of the middle one Rubio would be standing, he'd be wearing blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and a brown leather jacket. The other two trucks would have a man standing by the passenger doors, they would be wearing civilian attire and have masks over their faces as to hide their identity and be carrying AR-15 Rifles.

"Welcome to Mexico, I trust the flight wasn't to bad. I do appreciate the rushed arrival." Rubio would state to the Columbians as they got off their plane. "Any luggage can go in the rear vehicle. The rest of us will be riding in the front two trucks." Just then a 4th truck would pull up, this one being a white Ford F150. "Señor Fausto, you'll ride with me." Just then Rubio would get in the F-150.



Libertad y Orden!
Aug 30, 2021
All dialogue is in Spanish, translated to English unless specified otherwise

"Didn't expect Mexico to be this hot to be quite honest."

"Me neither, but it is what it is."

The two officers would laugh before approaching their hosts. The rest of the Colombian officers would follow Rubio's orders, some carrying luggage from the landed plane. Fausto would approach the Commisar, extending his hand for a handshake.

"Commisario Rubio, I am pleased to finally see you. I'm rather sure that the Government of Colombia thanks you for this opportunity. Capitán Fausto, Colombian Army."

After a short while, Fausto would step back, looking at his fellow officers load the trucks and make small talk with some of the Mexican men. A familiar hand would pat his back, and he would soon find Horacio on his left side. As they look at the group of men in front of them, Fausto would silently relay to his partner how he perceives the current situation.

"This is just too fishy for my liking Horacio. I don't like how these men look."

"Just reminds you of those ELN bastards, don't they?"

"Yeah, tell you what, go straight for the embassy, if you don't hear from us in the next 48 hours, then we might as well be dead."

"Way to show how much you trust our hosts Fausto."

Horacio would chuckle, patting Fausto's back once more before approaching the Mexican man.

"I am Teniente Horacio, Commisario Rubio... I am saddened to tell you that I would have to catch up with the rest of the men, I've got some unattended business at the embassy, courtesy of the bureaucratic bastards back in Bogotá. You know how it is."

Horacio would smile at Rubio, his grey mustache following the contours of his upper lift.

"I will contact you as soon as possible when it is done, so may I have your number?"



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional
Translated from Spanish to English

Rubio would reach out to shake Fausto's hand during the exchange. He would take a mental note of the Columbian's talking as they unpacked their luggage off the plane and into the truck. As Teniente Horacio spoke to Rubio, Rubio's attention would turn to him.

"Of course, unfortunately I don't have another vehicle to spare, I can have you escorted to the gate and taxi's are available. Let them know I sent you and to bill the Federal Police. There should be no problems with the taxi. Mexico City is still controlled by the government, despite what our media has to say. After the debrief at the headquarters it'll make more sense as to what I'm saying."

As everyone loaded into their specific vehicles, they would take off towards a back gate of the airport. The trucks would be in single file, with the white truck being the third in the stack. They would stop at the front of the airport to let Teniente Horacio out of the vehicle. Once he would exit, they would take off again, making their way through the narrow streets. As they reached the intersection where the Federal Police office was, the white truck that Rubio and Fausto were in would light up red and blue lights and run the red light going strait, then abruptly shut the lights off. The black SUV's would turn left towards the Federal Police office.

"Don't worry, your men will make it safe to the Federal Police office. We are taking a detour to discuss the situation in private. The driver is my partner, Inspector General Gutiérrez. It is safe to talk here. First off I need to make a few things clear, Mexico isn't in good shape. Everything north of Mexico City is Cartel lands. The Gringo's up north are only safe in the city and by the gulf. The gulf is controlled by the Cartels, however they know if they harm the Gringo's then the United States Government gets involved. Right now I currently have about 300 agents under my command. I trust about 20 of them. The rest I'm sure are bought out by the Cartels. Right now Juarez is making a power move. If Juarez takes control, then there will be war without end. Recently we seized about 70 kilos last month of Cocaine that we suspect came from Columbia. I suspect it was headed to El Paso, Texas. Our agents have found more than 500 tunnel networks that run to the United States. I know the Federal Government is requesting assistance from the United States DEA again. If they get involved it'll make things worse. The Cartels, nor the Federal Police respect the Gringo's. However they don't respect Columbian's as well. I'll admit I have my biases, however I am willing to work with you."

As the conversation went on for a few minutes, the truck would pull up to the Federal Police office.

Last edited:


Libertad y Orden!
Aug 30, 2021
"I understand, Comisario. We were briefed on the situation here in Mexico, but I didn't expect it to be this bad. I do appreciate you for doing this for us. The things that we may gain from you will be important in ending this problem. Once we return to Colombia, we may finally crackdown on the Cartels there, hopefully, if we manage to take down the big ones, the rest would get the message and stand down. Cutting of the head of the snake, if you get me. Do note Comisario, I will remember this. Perhaps in the future, I'll bring more men over here to help solve this problem of yours."

He laughs as he continues, asking a rather rhetorical question.

"Tell me, Comisiario, is your Government with or against the Cartels? At least here in Mexico, you'd only deal with Cartels, while back in my country we've got both Terrorists and Cartels producing drugs. For decades it's always been like this. My incumbent government promised the armed forces we'll be taking the fight to them, I do hope this to be true. Else I'll just be in the pawn of corrupt hands."

Fausto's plight would be made clear to Rubio. Colombians were never really one to show their problems to strangers, but from what Fausto could tell, he could trust this man, at least a small bit. A small tinge of doubt would still be on his mind, but who could blame him? Years of seeing fellow men being driven to insanity and hopelessness to join the same group he's been fighting against for years. He sighs as he leans back against the car's chair, seeing the Mexican Federal Police Office right ahead.

Horicio would smile as he was being dropped off, he hails for a taxi and proceeds to make way for the Colombian embassy stationed within Mexico city. Unbeknownst to Fausto himself, Horacio wasn't really all to concerned with his fellow officers being killed off, to him, it would mean less competition for a promotion. He would happily stay in the Embassy for a few hours, before booking a flight back to Colombia.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional
Translated from Spanish to English

"It's hard to say who is with the Cartels and who isn't with the government. But call them Terrorist or Cartels, I see no difference. They target civilians and government officials alike. No one is safe. That is why the men that were with me were masks, to hide their identities, so that the Cartels can't go after them or their families. We also use code names and regularly change our identities." Rubio would state answering Fausto.

The vehicle would then be pulling into the Federal Police garage. It was a fairly simple garage door, that looked no different then the rest of the rusted garage doors around the city. However when it opened, a ramp leading underground could be seen. Inside would be a fleet of civilian vehicles, most them of United States origin. The walls would be painted white, and there would be bright ceiling lights. In the far right corner would be an elevator. The truck would stop just in front of the elevator.

"This way please." Rubio would say as he stepped out the truck. He would enter the elevator and press the button with '12' on it. The elevator would begin to go up. When the door opened, there would be an open office room with a desk against the back wall. There would be a woman in a sundress sitting behind the desk. On either side of the desk would be closed wooden doors.

"Good Morning Maria." Rubio would say to the woman as he walked to the right door.

"Good Morning Comisiario." She would reply back, as she handed him a new folder. Rubio would take it as he proceeded into the offices.

Inside the door would be a long hallway, with cubicles in the center of the office. To the right would be one way glass walls, being able to see in. Some of the rooms had men handcuffed to a table and another man with a mask on, there would be no sound coming from the rooms. In the back of the hall would be an older style wooden door, with a gold plate in the center that read 'Comisiario Rubio'. Rubio would open the door and offer a seat to Fausto. Rubio would place the folder down on his desk. The Columbian agents would not be seen in this office.



Libertad y Orden!
Aug 30, 2021
All dialogue is in Spanish, translated to English unless specified otherwise

Fausto would follow the Comisario's orders, being mindful to not seem suspicious. As he was Colombian, he couldn't risk talking outside of private space, heeding Rubio's comments on the whole political landscape of Mexico City. Fausto would follow into the room, closing the door behind him. After sitting down as requested, he would hold the folder in his hand before scanning the contents within.

"Commisario Rubio, may you please explain to me what this is exactly?"



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional
Translated from Spanish to English

"All standard procedure." Rubio would say, sliding a laminated badge with a lanyard over his desk towards Fausto, it already had his name on it, and it would state 'Diplomatic Immunity Under Authority of the Federal Government of Mexico'. "This along with any credentials you have, will give you authority to exercise law enforcement action while in Mexico. However it needs to be brought to my attention before any operations or actions are to take place, unless it's due to risk of life, then act accordingly. Your men are being vetted by my men. They will have their own badges as well."

Rubio would share his files on the Cartels in Mexico, giving Fausto full access to case files. *See Attached* (all info on private cartel business would still be unknown) Rubio felt he could trust Fausto, as a law enforcement professional. Rubio considered himself a good judge in character of others. After an hour of reviewing the files, Fausto's men along with the other agents, now unmasked, would enter the main offices of the Federal Police. All would have the same laminated badges with lanyards.

"You can consider these offices as a forward base for your men while you conduct any further investigations in Mexico, we also have safe houses scattered throughout the country, if you need access to any all you need is to ask. Now then shall we get down to business? Where would you like to start?" Rubio would state.



Libertad y Orden!
Aug 30, 2021
All dialogue is in Spanish, translated to English unless specified otherwise

"This is very much appreciated Commisario, be rest assured that once I get the word out to my superiors, the Police force back home will begin to share information that may let the two of our nations conduct joint operations that would bear successful results. I will see to it that this would be done as soon as possible."

Fausto would place the folder on the table before clasping his hands together, leaning into the Comisario.

"If it could be arranged Comissario, I would like to have some of these men accompany you and your little task force in dealing with your local cartels. This way, they could gain information on how things operate within these borders, as well as provide additional insight when that would be needed. Meanwhile, I would like to get a hold of the information on the shipment of Cocaine I've mentioned over the phone. Sources back home would tell me of course that some have landed here in Mexico... Are there any prime suspects that you and your men have been suspecting that have connections back in Colombia for such a large amount of product?"

Fausto would sigh before continuing.

"Of course, Medellín at this point is crumbling, with only a mere 3 tons delivered. We have the authority and confidence to believe that this number is actually far from the amount shipped up North. Informants say that the Cali Cartel is currently capitalizing on Medellín's fall. As such, Comissario, I would like to tell you the real reason why Colombia sent us officers here."

Fausto would lean back, get a dusted piece of paper from within the pockets of his jeans, and present it folded to Rubio. If Rubio were to open it himself, he would find the names of the Rodríguez Orejuela brothers, Hélmer Herrera, and José Santacruz, the four infamous leaders of the Calí Cartel. Their pictures would be presented on the bottom of the document, with Santacruz's eyes and mouth blacked out by marker, along with the word "EXTERMINADO" stamped on it.

"As you can see, Comissario, we back home also believe that The Rodríguezes are hiding here, in Mexico. They may be under another name or what, but our moles from within their cartel say that they're planning to establish a "stronger presence in Mexico" whatever that means. This may take, a couple of weeks or months, but we'll get them soon enough. And we do need the experience of your forces here in catching or killing them. Herrera meanwhile is hiding within our borders for now, which means that he's the only Cali Cartel leader in Colombia. Our forces have their ears perked up for any suspicious behavior, and they say they'll catch the fucker within this year."

He would pause for a moment, gathering his thoughts before continuing

"We believe that they're going to intercept the supposed Medellín shipment before they distribute it and have it for themselves. This means that if we even manage to track down the shipments, we'll have a three-way between our forces the Medellín cartel members, and the Cali cartel members. So I think it would be good to start from there: Are there any reports of such shipments arriving here in the past couple of days?"




United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional
Translated from Spanish to English

Rubio would sit back in his chair, and pull out a cigarette, lighting it filling the room with the scent of smoke. He would listen closely to his Columbian counterpart, taking in the notes in his head.

"Cali Cartel, they've been...quietly busy. While they have been running operations, they haven't caused a big fuss. Juárez Cartel has been the big problem. The number of bodies is staggering. There have been at least 20 murders a day." He would pause briefly. Taking puffs from his cigarette. He would then reach into his drawer on his desk and pull out two drinking glasses and some tequila. He would fill both glasses halfway and slide one glass toward Fausto. "But Cali Cartel the leader currently is Rodríguez and his brother. However there are a few high value targets we are targeting firsr. Cutting off their supply is key. Although Juárez is already doing our job for us. They killed Henry Loaiza Ceballos and Phanor Arizabaleta-Arzayus a few days ago. Their bodies were found in a stash house, shot multiple times each and mutilated. The man we are currently after is Vicente Carrillo Fuentes. There is no direct link between him and the cartels, however in every investigation his name appears in some form just not criminal. I believe he is leading the Juárez Cartel. He would finish his cigarette and pull out anther lighting it. He would also slam his drink and pour another shot. Leaving the bottle inbetween the two. He was in a relaxed manner when they first began talking but now it would seem Rubio would have piercing eyes. Almost like this topic sparked a fire in him. "As for the aforementioned drugs." He would slide Fausto a file. "This is the report from Tijuana. Crazy right? 70 kilos! Hehehe! What's crazy is it never made it's way to us until a week later and by that time the evidence was 'destroyed' by the local police. Bastards got it across the f*cking border. Every one of those bastards in Tijuana should lose their badge. There is nothibg to confirm how much it was. But if it's true that 70 kilos made it across the border then we got one hell of a big problem on our hands. There is no way Cali Cartel could get that amount of product across the border by themselves, which means they had help. My guess would be Sinaloa Cartel."

The secretary would knock and enter the room.

"Sir, the boss has contacted the Americans. It is still unknow if they're getting involved" She would say.

"F*ck! We need to work fast if they get involved. They could ruin everything." Rubio would proclaim.



Libertad y Orden!
Aug 30, 2021
All dialogue is in Spanish, translated to English unless specified otherwise

Not one to refuse a good sip of Tequila, Fausto would help himself as he listens to Rubio, mentally taking note of the key notable figures that he had laid out before him. He would put down the glass before replying.

"The Americans... Damn them and their bureaucratic nonsense. I've heard stories of the very same men we've been hunting for months, even years, get caught inside their borders, and they get to live the rest of their lives in luxury within their cells. It's almost as if they're on vacation! If it were up to me I'd have all of those men shot dead. They've ruined thousands of lives with their rotten business. It'd be justice for the victims of their atrocities. If I were to make an assumption, perhaps they're after the same thing as us."

Fausto would look down on his hands, clasping them together whilst talking.

"Sinaloa... I have heard of them back home, what was the name... El Chapo, I think it was. He was arrested, wasn't he? Do you have any leads on who's leading them on the ground right now? It would be quite odd, but I suppose it makes sense, Sinaloa and Medellin were direct competitors, and with Medellin falling, Cali needs all the help they can get. The enemy of my enemy is my friend kinda deal."

Fausto would pause to think, leaning back on his chair.

"Well, Comisario, do you have any plans at the moment? I was thinking if you had any connections leading to either Juarez or Sinaloa that we can use to infiltrate their ranks. Mayhaps you already have moles and informants planted within their ranks that we can use to our advantage. We'll help your forces in finding out where Vicente Carrillo Fuentes is, perhaps he could lead us to more options in the future..."



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional
Translated from Spanish to English

"Well with news of the American's possibly getting involved, my plans kind of went out the window. As far as infiltrating their ranks, that issue has been done. However they are in our ranks as well. Any information regarding the Juárez Cartel is dealt with by myself alone. Each Cartel or Gang is handled internally by a Comisario. I don't have much on Sinaloa I'm afraid. After being incorporated into the Secretary of Defence, the Federal Police had a restructuring that left us divided amongst each other. I currently have 3 informants gathering information on Juárez. Although I haven't had any reports in a week. Last I heard some letter got to some of their higher ranks and they are awaiting a response before making any power moves. Only murders from rival Cartels and Gangs have occurred. The Gulf Cartel may be interested in working with us however, they tend to scam foreigners and sell them marijuana, nothing to criminal. But their wealth and power could prove to be a great tool. I feel our next move is to head to Matamoros and Cancún. I hope you packed some swimming attire Joel, cause we are going to the beach."

Rubio would prepare a task force comprised of 3 other men from his office and the Columbian counterparts. Over the next couple of days, plans would be prepared to talk with one of the most dangerous men in Mexico, Hugo Baldomero Medina Garza, also known as El Señor de los Tráilers. They would set out Monday morning, loading into an unmarked white van. They Mexican's would have their standard Beretta 92F2 pistols. Also in the van would be AR-15s, enough for one for each of the task force members. There would be enough ammo to supply 3 magazines per person. They would arrive in Matamoros, Mexico, approximately 10 miles from the U.S. Border.

"I hope this goes well. The plan is simple, Ben here will stay with the van and monitor comms as well as watch over the weapons. Joel, Henry myself... and pick another of your guys to come with, will go meet with Hugo. The rest of your men will secure the perimeter incase shit goes sideways. Any questions?" Rubio would state.


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