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Communication with Greece


Emperor of Indomnesia
Aug 23, 2018

private and encrypted
Dear King of Greece, Constantine

On behalf of the Croatian people and on my own behalf, I extend sincere congratulations on the position as the new King of Greece. We would like to invite the Royal family and the Greece delegation in Zagreb. The goal of this meeting is to improve our diplomatic and economic relationship. After the meeting there will be a guide tour through the city and an extended royal dinner.

We hope that the royal family and the Greece delegation will accept the invitation and will enjoy the stay in Zagreb.

Kind Regards
President of the Republic of Croatia
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović
Aug 28, 2018

Message to the PM of the Croatian Republic, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović
Encrypted and private
TO: The President of the Republic of Croatia, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović
FROM: His Majesty the King of Greece, Constantine

Dear Ms. President,

I extend my sincere congratulations on your elections as the leader of Croatia. On behalf of the Royal family and the Greek government I accept your invitation to visit the lovely city of Zagreb. I would enquire as to your earlier convenience so that I can have my majordomo make all the necessary arrangements.

Kind regards,

The King of Greece,




Emperor of Indomnesia
Aug 23, 2018

private and encrypted

Dear King of Greece, Constantine

We want to thank you for the congratulation. We would like to know when the Royal family and the delegation will arrive so we can prepare for the arrival.

Kind Regards
President of the Republic of Croatia
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović
Aug 28, 2018
Dear Ms. Prime Minister,

Our earliest convenience is upcoming Wednesday (Today IC), if that suits your program.

King Regards,
King of Greece




Emperor of Indomnesia
Aug 23, 2018
download (1).jpeg

private and encrypted
Dear King of Greece, Constantine

The government is preparing for your arrival upcoming Wednesday. We wish the Royal family and the Greece delegation a safe journey to Zagreb.

Kind Regards
President of the Republic of Croatia
Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović
Aug 28, 2018
En route to Zagreb

Aboard the Olympic Air flight no 0266, reserved for governmental trips to foreign lands, the Greek delegation was comfortably seated and waited on by the cabin crew. It was the mid of summer and the delegation was sizable enough, ministers and deputy ministers, the Royal Family and almost 5o other retainers and hanger-ons were looking forward for a quick downtime in Croatia, maybe even some quick expedition on the dalmatian coast. The Finance and Foreign Affairs ministers, however, would not be so lucky; boarded up with the king on a separate compartment of the modified plane, the three men were discussing the upcoming visit.

"A FTW would suit our industrial needs for machinery and transport equipment," noticed Antonios Papagos, the minister of Finance. "We should probably work them in the deal, it's a very decent and cheap solution. Quality wise I am not sure, but we can buy, wear and tear and then replace for a profit."

"How does Croatia falls with Serbia lately?" The King's voice trailed off, as he watched over his shoulders at the endless skies from his round window. "Our latest deals with King Alexandar might jeopardize this meeting."

"I doubt it," replied Antonios Skleros, the minister for foreign affairs. "I have it on good authority that the new government of Serbia has already made overtures to the Croats."

"Overtures are just air." said the King.

"Perhaps, but not always."

"Do you think we will have a problem with our Croat hosts over Serbia, Antonis?"

"I doubt that, Your Majesty. I'd assume they are more scared whether they are left with no diplomatic ties on the Balkans than try to undermine our agreements."

"Perhaps so. It still remains the question: Where do we fall on Croatia?"

"In any case Serbia is landlocked. Our agreement requires to open a Trade Route to Belgrade and that will only happen on two ways: by sea, or inland."

"If my geography lessons are not terribly misguiding me, Antonis, a land route would be more efficient."

Skleros raised a finger. "That might have been true, if the route didn't have to pass through either a country we do not recognize or a country in such a state of upheaval that no official government lasts for more than a couple of months."

"You touch it with a needle, Antonis," the King said with a sigh, noticing that the land was gradually coming into view from below. They were about to set down on Zagreb.



Emperor of Indomnesia
Aug 23, 2018
After a few hours the Olympic Air flight no 0266 lands in Zagreb. After a succesful touchdown the airplane drives the taxiway up to stand 1. After a few minutes the airplane stops at stand 1. The airplane door started to open, and the royal family disembarks the airplane. While the Royal family was disemberking the national anthem of greece started to play.

When the national anthem ended the President shook the hand of the king and all the other royal family members. "hello, Constantine. We want to welcome you to Croatia. How was your flight?" After the small talk the king and the President went in the government building. While the other members of the Royal family went to explore the city of Zagreb.

The king and the president went into a private conference room. After a little small talk the president tried to make a FTA with the king.
Pact of Cooperation and Trade Agreement
The Republic of Croatia
The Kingdom of Greece
On Trade, Commerce and General Cooperation

The government of The Republic of Croatia and the government of The Kingdom of Greece: (hereinafter referred to singularly as “the Party” and collectively “the Parties”),

RECOGNIZING the existing friendly relations between the two countries,

FURTHER RECOGNIZING the importance of trade and commerce in the development of the economies of both countries;

DESIRING to strengthen and further develop exchange between the two countries in the field of trade, commerce, science, development and commercial/military industry; and

BELIEVING that such cooperation would serve their common interests and contribute to the development of their economies in both countries;

RECOGNIZING the different comparative advantages in production and manufacturing of both countries,

HAVE AGREED as follows:

1.The purposes of this Pact of Cooperation and Trade Agreement is to intensify the commercial and financial exchange between both Parties in order to broaden and expand their respective economies.

2.Both Parties agree upon extending limited tax and tariffs incentives to companies and ventures of their counterpart who want to invest and start business in each other territory.

3.The Parties agree upon the creation and establishment of joint Chamber of Commerce, which main goal will be the promotion of bilateral trade and commercial exchange.

4.The Parties agree upon the creation of a joint committee in order to identify projects and areas in which cooperation, in all its forms, can be of use for both countries.


1. Either Party may request in writing a revision, modification or amendment of all or any part of this Trade agreement.

2. Any revision, modification or amendment agreed to by the Parties shall be in writing and shall form an integral part of this PC/TA.

3. Such revision, modification or amendment shall come into force on such date as may be determined by the Parties.

4. Any revision, modification or amendment shall not prejudice the rights and obligations arising from or based on this PC/TA before or up to the date of such revision, modification or amendment.


1. This PC/TA shall come into force on the date of signing remain in force indefinitely unless otherwise termination of the PC/TA was mutually agreed.

2. Notwithstanding anything in this Article, either Party may terminate this PC/TA by notifying the other Party in writing through diplomatic channels at least one (1) month prior to its intention to do so.

3. Unless otherwise agreed by the Party's in writing, the termination of this PC/TA shall not affect the implementation of any cooperative activity undertaken under this PC/TA and not yet completed at the time of the termination of this PC/TA.

Signing for:

Croatia: Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović - President of the Republic of Croatia

Greece: (please sign here)

The FTA will benefit us both and the trade deal will boost our economy.
We would like to export Furniture, Vehicles, Wood and machinery.
We are also interesed importing fruits and vegetables, Plastics and fish.
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Aug 28, 2018
The King took the document into his hands and gave it a thorough examination. It didn't seem to possess any clause that could raise objections, bother personal, with Serbia or with the Greek people. After a while he was reaching for a pen inside his suit pocket.

Pact of Cooperation and Trade Agreement
The Republic of Croatia
The Kingdom of Greece
On Trade, Commerce and General Cooperation

The government of The Republic of Croatia and the government of The Kingdom of Greece: (hereinafter referred to singularly as “the Party” and collectively “the Parties”),

RECOGNIZING the existing friendly relations between the two countries,

FURTHER RECOGNIZING the importance of trade and commerce in the development of the economies of both countries;

DESIRING to strengthen and further develop exchange between the two countries in the field of trade, commerce, science, development and commercial/military industry; and

BELIEVING that such cooperation would serve their common interests and contribute to the development of their economies in both countries;

RECOGNIZING the different comparative advantages in production and manufacturing of both countries,

HAVE AGREED as follows:

1.The purposes of this Pact of Cooperation and Trade Agreement is to intensify the commercial and financial exchange between both Parties in order to broaden and expand their respective economies.

2.Both Parties agree upon extending limited tax and tariffs incentives to companies and ventures of their counterpart who want to invest and start business in each other territory.

3.The Parties agree upon the creation and establishment of joint Chamber of Commerce, which main goal will be the promotion of bilateral trade and commercial exchange.

4.The Parties agree upon the creation of a joint committee in order to identify projects and areas in which cooperation, in all its forms, can be of use for both countries.


1. Either Party may request in writing a revision, modification or amendment of all or any part of this Trade agreement.

2. Any revision, modification or amendment agreed to by the Parties shall be in writing and shall form an integral part of this PC/TA.

3. Such revision, modification or amendment shall come into force on such date as may be determined by the Parties.

4. Any revision, modification or amendment shall not prejudice the rights and obligations arising from or based on this PC/TA before or up to the date of such revision, modification or amendment.


1. This PC/TA shall come into force on the date of signing remain in force indefinitely unless otherwise termination of the PC/TA was mutually agreed.

2. Notwithstanding anything in this Article, either Party may terminate this PC/TA by notifying the other Party in writing through diplomatic channels at least one (1) month prior to its intention to do so.

3. Unless otherwise agreed by the Party's in writing, the termination of this PC/TA shall not affect the implementation of any cooperative activity undertaken under this PC/TA and not yet completed at the time of the termination of this PC/TA.

Signing for:

Croatia: Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović - President of the Republic of Croatia

Greece: His Majesty, King Constantine of the Greeks

"My nation would be interested in importing transportation vehicles and machinery from Croatia, Ms. President."

The bulk of the work done, King Constantine rested in his chair and gave the President an examining look.

"Our economic relationship strengthened, there still remains the issue of diplomatic ties. What did you have in mind in inviting us here to your beautiful country, Ms. President?"

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Emperor of Indomnesia
Aug 23, 2018
"To improve the diplomatic relationship will take time. But we decided to start advertising the Greece coastline and the ancient cities in Greece. This will boost the tourism in Greece. The Croatian Airline will soon start to connect with popular tourist destinations in Greece." After The meeting was finished The King and the president visited some hostorical monuments and buildings in Zagreb.

In the evening after the tour through the city was it time to go back to the Airport. In the airport " Dear King we want to thank you for your visit. It was a pleasure to have you here. We want to wish you a safe travel back to home." After they shook hands The king boarded the Olympic Air flight no 0266 and went back home.

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