GA Member
- Oct 11, 2023
- 485

Official Tender
Project 1: AEW&C Aircraft
Customer: Armée de l'air et de l'espace
The Imperial Air and Space Force is pursuing a new long-range AEW&C capability
Equipment must pass the following minimum requirements:
- A range in excess of 5,000km without refuelling
- An endurance in excess of 8 hours without refuelling
- Phased Array Radar with a minimum range of 400km
- 360 degree rotatable coverage
- An endurance in excess of 12 hours without refuelling
- Active Electronically Scanned Array Radar
- A radar range in excess of 450km
- The ability to track up to 1000 targets simultaneously
- Integration with IFF Systems
- Deep integration with systems already employed by the Imperial Armed Forces
- 360 degree permanent coverage
Project 2: Carrier Based AEW&C Aircraft
Customer: Marine Nationale
The Imperial Navy is pursuing a platform capable of engaging in AEW&C operations from its Nuclear Aircraft Carriers.
Equipment must pass the following minimum requirements:
- Must be able to take off from and land on the flight deck of a Charles de Gaulle Class Aircraft Carrier
- 360 degree rotatable coverage
- Active or Passively Electronically Scanned Array Radar
- A radar range in excess of 400km
- The ability to track more than 100 targets simultaneously
- The ability to track up to 1000 targets simultaneously
- Deep integration with systems already employed by the Imperial Navy and Air and Space Force
- 360 degree permanent coverage
Project 3: Airborne Long-Range Strike Capability
Customer: Armée de l'air et de l'espace
The Imperial Air and Space Force is pursuing a bomber platform capable of long-range strategic strikes.
Equipment must pass the following requirements:
- A combat radius greater than 2,000km without refuelling
- The ability to refuel
- Hardpoints for the placement of SCALP EG cruise missiles*
- Supersonic speeds
- A range greater than 10,000km without refuelling
- Greater than 10,000kg capacity for bombs, missiles and other munitions
This tender is OPEN and available to the PUBLIC. The Imperial Air and Space Force is seeking to secure an initial purchase of up to 15 bombers, with additional orders to follow if the equipment proves satisfactory.
[SIZE=26px]Bidding Form[/SIZE][/CENTER]
[B]Name of Representative:
(Strike through which do not apply)
I am a corporate representative/government official representing [COMPANY]/[COUNTRY] on behalf of [COMPANY].
[B]Projects I am bidding for (Strike through which do not apply):[/B]
Project 1: AEW&C Aircraft
Project 2: Carrier Based AEW&C Aircraft
Project 3: Airborne Long-Range Strike Capability
[B]Equipment I am offering (Leave empty which do not apply, extra fields may be created if submitting more than three birds on a project):
Project 1:[/B]
[*] Name - Price per unit
[B]Project 2:[/B]
[*] Name - Price per unit
[B]Project 3:[/B]
[*] Name - Price per unit
[B]Extra Information:[/B]
(Please attach any relevant details about the equipment you are bidding to allow the DGA Official to give your bid as fair an assessment as possible)
I hereby confirm that I am legally authorized to submit this bid on behalf of [COMPANY]/[COUNTRY] and that if my bid is accepted I will make all reasonable effort to secure required permits and other permissions to allow for the sale to take place. I acknowledge that until a sales agreement has been finalized no rights can be derives from any communication with the Direction Générale de L'Armement, an employee of the DGA, a customer, an employee of a customer, or any government official of the Empire of France.

Bidding Form
Name of Representative:
(Strike through which do not apply)
I am a corporate representative/government official representing [COMPANY]/[COUNTRY] on behalf of [COMPANY].
Projects I am bidding for (Strike through which do not apply):
Project 1: AEW&C Aircraft
Project 2: Carrier Based AEW&C Aircraft
Project 3: Airborne Long-Range Strike Capability
Equipment I am offering (Leave empty which do not apply, extra fields may be created if submitting more than three birds on a project):
Project 1:
- Name - Price per unit
- Name - Price per unit
- Name - Price per unit
Extra Information:
(Please attach any relevant details about the equipment you are bidding to allow the DGA Official to give your bid as fair an assessment as possible)
I hereby confirm that I am legally authorized to submit this bid on behalf of [COMPANY]/[COUNTRY] and that if my bid is accepted I will make all reasonable effort to secure required permits and other permissions to allow for the sale to take place. I acknowledge that until a sales agreement has been finalized no rights can be derives from any communication with the Direction Générale de L'Armement, an employee of the DGA, a customer, an employee of a customer, or any government official of the Empire of France.