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Diplomatic Cable | < Canada >


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


Auswärtige Angelegenheiten
Federal Office of Foreign Affairs

Security Clearance: Secure and Encrypted​
[Recipient]: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Canada Alex
[Sender]: Office of the Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany < >
[BCC]:[/align][Subject]: Diplomatic Cooperation
Dear Minister,

I hope that this message finds you well and in good health.
Subject: Condolences for Recent Attacks and Request for Mutual Support Against Economic Coercion

Your Excellency [Recipient's Name],

I trust this message finds you in good health despite the trying times your Kingdom is facing.

Her Excellency the Chancellor extends her deepest sympathies for the reprehensible attacks against your Kingdom. It is with great sorrow that we witness such vile acts of terror. Please be assured that Germany vehemently condemns these barbaric attacks, and we stand ready to offer our support in whatever manner possible to assist Canada during this challenging period. These incidents serve as stark reminders of the paramount importance of safety and security, values we hold dear in our mutual pursuit of peace.

In addition to expressing our condolences, I wish to bring to your attention a matter of shared concern. Germany has recently fallen victim to economic coercion perpetrated by France, a distressing attempt to strangle our economy and manipulate our people into overthrowing their democratically elected government. We view such acts with utmost disdain and seek your esteemed government's support in condemning these reprehensible tactics. It is my hope that we can raise international pressure against France's imperialist aims, working towards preserving the sovereignty of nations and fostering a climate of mutual respect.

I remain hopeful that our nations can collaboratively navigate these challenges and emerge stronger, united in our commitment to upholding the principles that form the bedrock of our democratic societies.

Wishing you strength and resilience during these trying times.

Bernd Lucke
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Federal Republic of Germany


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

Message to Germany
Private & Encrypted

To: Bernd Lucke, Minister of Foreign Affairs
From: Maxime Bernier, Minister of Global Affairs

Your Excellency,

On behalf of my government and His Majesty, Euan I Rideau, I thank you for your condolences.

It is interesting that you mention the French as our investigations behind the attacks throughout Canada have pointed the finger towards the Empire of France who funded and armed the Heritage Front terrorist organization which were behind the attack on Ottawa Airport, La Citadelle, prisons throughout the nation, and Parliament Hill. It is our belief that France funded and armed them in the hopes of couping the government, which is what this terrorist organization has attempted to do.

With that mentioned, you may have heard that the Kingdom of Canada and the Empire of France are officially in a state of war due to this.

Canada stands behind Germany, that I can promise you. Whatever sanctions the French place upon you, we will do our best to counter it with trade between our two nations.

Please get back to me quickly on the steps you wish to take.

Kindest Regards,
Maxime Bernier
Minister of Global Affairs
Kingdom of Canada



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


Auswärtige Angelegenheiten
Federal Office of Foreign Affairs

Security Clearance: Secure and Encrypted​
[Recipient]: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Canada Alex
[Sender]: Office of the Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany < >
[Subject]: Diplomatic Cooperation
Dear Minister Bernier,

I trust this message finds you in good health despite the trying times your Kingdom is facing.

We have received news of your declaration of war with France. While we have had our differences with the French and in no light see them as a positive force.

We do hope that Canada will exercise restraint in its scale of operations and continue to abide by the laws of war. Irrespective of how heinous the crime, our humanity must never be compromised. Germany is ready to offer whatever diplomatic support it can to bring about a peaceful resolution and we continue to urge restraint where possible.

I hope that Canada will provide some information that Germany can assess to better make its own determination of France's involvement in financing terror groups as well as material support for their attacks. It will be crucial for Canada to be transparent to provide reassurances to the global community.

Irrespective of your current situation, my office continue to ensure that the defense sales made to Canada are delivered safely. We have yet to see any indication as to why such deliveries should be stalled.

I wish you and your people strength and resilience during these trying times.

Bernd Lucke
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Federal Republic of Germany


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

Message to Germany
Private & Encrypted

To: Bernd Lucke, Minister of Foreign Affairs
From: Maxime Bernier, Minister of Global Affairs

Your Excellency,

Our intentions are purely to secure and maintain Canada's security by removing France from the New World. We have no plans to attack mainland France nor any of its territories outside the Caribbean Sea or the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Our troops are highly trained in both war and international law, if anything were to happen please be assured that all necessary steps will be taken to see justice be done—the Somali Affair being a perfect example of our desire to uphold human life and punish any who goes against it.

If you wish to see the evidence against France that we have collected you are more than welcome to send a few members of your federal law enforcement to review everything we have, alongside interrogate terrorists currently in custody with the RCMP. Though, please be warned that while the terrorists have been contained, threats and harm against those you said is still very much possible—though the Canadian army will do everything it can to keep them safe.

Please let me know how you wish to proceed.

Kindest Regards,
Maxime Bernier
Minister of Global Affairs
Kingdom of Canada


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


Auswärtige Angelegenheiten
Federal Office of Foreign Affairs

Security Clearance: Secure and Encrypted​
[Recipient]: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Canada Alex
[Sender]: Office of the Foreign Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany < >
[Subject]: Diplomatic Cooperation
Dear Minister Bernier,

Thank you for the clarifications regarding your intentions. The Federal Republic of Germany recognizes the precarious situation you find yourself in. We have expressed your intentions to concerned European nations.

We would be happy to send a team of the Federal Police to participate in overseeing your efforts to collect information to add an international presence to the ongoing mission.

The Federal Police, themselves armed, will be joined by armed members of the German Security Services if permissible. We will be sure to follow the instructions of Canadian officials clearly.

Bernd Lucke
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Federal Republic of Germany

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