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[ETH] Message to the Empire of Congo


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018


Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
የኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራላዊ ዴሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሊክ

Message from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade


Status: Private
To: Muhammed Onwudiwe, Chief of the Army, Designated Regent Kelly the Mad
Re: Bilateral relations

Dear Chief of the Army Onwudiwe,
I would like to start by extending my nations kindest regards and personal greetings from his Excellency Prime Minsiter Abyi Ahmed. We would like to refer in the present Note to the current state of the bilateral relations between the Federal Republic of Ethiopia and the Congolese Empire.
As stated by his Excellency in yesterday's inaugurational speech, our new administration values diplomacy and regional integration as key tools for consistent and sustianable long term development. As such, it is impossible to envison a strong and pushing african continent without the coordination of the Governments of its most prominent nations. In this context, we cannot leave out the significance that your Empire bears in the continental stage.
Therefore, we would like to extend an official invitation for a high level meeting, to take place at your convenience in Addis Ababa.

Demeke Mekonnen
Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Addis Ababa

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020


To: Demeke Mekonnen, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (Naio90 )

Subject: Bilateral Relations


Greetings! We were actively preparing to reach out to you ourselves, however, I am glad that you saw the same need for communications. I recognize the potential of Ethiopia on the Continental level and hope we can become friends instead of foes like we have encountered so far on this continent. I would be glad to attend this meeting, as soon as possible, however in this pursuit, I would also like to be informed of who will be attending, where precisely it will be held, and how soon it can be called. Thank you.

Best Regards,
Muhammed Onwudiwe, Chief of the Army, Designated Regent


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018


Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
የኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራላዊ ዴሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሊክ

Message from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade


Status: Private
To: Muhammed Onwudiwe, Chief of the Army, Designated Regent Kelly the Mad
Re: Bilateral relations

Dear Chief of the Army Onwudiwe ,
We thank you for your swift reply and are delighted to note that the interest in improving bilateral relations is mutual. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and myself are very interested in exchanging views about the current state of african affairs and where we are heading towards as nations in an interconnected and interdependent global context.
The high level meeting would primarily be between Prime Minister Ahmed and yourself in the National Palace in Addis Ababa. Secondary meetings could also take place, if desired, within the same complex, between ministers or businessmen.
Finally, as for the date, considering that our Government prioritizes relations with other african states, we would be open to schedule the summit at your earliest convenience.


Demeke Mekonnen

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Addis Ababa

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020


To: Demeke Mekonnen, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade ( Naio90 )

Subject: Bilateral Relations


Well, that seems to be a meeting that I am very, very interested in attending. The state of the continent has been of much concern as of late, and we have been monitoring it very closely. Every development made as of yet has led us down a negative path, one that we may struggle to return from. In any case, I hope that these meetings can conclude with only good things to say. I will depart with a party of advisers, ministers, and guards, immediately. I look forward to seeing you.

Best Regards,
Muhammed Onwudiwe, Chief of the Army, Designated Regent


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
After coordinating the final logistical details, everything would be ready and prepater at Bore International Airport to receive the Designated Regent of the Congo, His Excellency Muhammed Onwudiwe, together with his delegation.​
A special part of the airport would be secured and a red carpet would be laid on the tarmac, where the congolese aircraft was expected to stop. A military band was on site, fully dressed in their ceremonial uniforms and ready to play the congolese anthem. A ceremonial guard was also in place, and would be standing in line next to the carpet, forming a corridor. The ethiopian Minsiter of Foreign Affairs would be waiting at the other end to greet and welcome the congolese Head of State, and an invitation for the congolese ambassador in Addis Ababa would be extended for him to join the Minister.​
A motorcade consisting of black SUVs, including an armored one for the Designated Regent would be ready, including police escort.​

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
Soon the government airliner would touch down on the tarmac, taxiing its way towards the red carpet. Once it halted, and the stairs came down, the first four men out were dressed in full black tactical gear, faces fully covered, hefting advanced rifles across their chests. Smartly marching down, they were followed by an advisor and assistant, another four guards, and repeating this pattern until a procession of twelve guards preceded the Regent, who was then followed by another twelve. Lining up, there were 24 advisors and assistants, 72 Counter-Terrorism agents, and the Regent. Mr. Onwudiwe would walk forwards and shake hands with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, exchanging the typical formalities. Once done with that, he and his advisors would load into the provided vehicles, with the Counter-Terrorist agents picking up rented luxury SUVs to transport them behind the Regent and the motorcade.



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
As soon as the Regent would appear out the the aircraft and start stepping down the mobile stairs, the military band would start playing the Congolese Empire's anthem, with the honor guard saluting and presenting their sabers to the foreign dignatary. The ethiopian Minister of Foreign Affairs would salute the foreign Head of State and give some warm words of welcoming. After a small chat, he would invite the congolese leader to board the vehicle, with the Minister going into his own transport.​
Parallel to the small ceremony, ethiopian customs and Ministry of Security officials would approach the appointed congolese liaison for logistical and protocolar affairs and exchange paperwork to clear the equipment brought in by the congolese security detachment. All weapons, ammunition and kevlar vests would be listed and inventored, to be sure that when the foreign delegation would leave the country, nothing would be left behind, for security reasons. Authorization would be given for the congolese to carry their equipment, with the sole condition of only be used to provide direct security to the Head of State and to not carry weapons during the private audiences with the ethiopian PM.​
Meanwhile, downtown at the National Palace, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed would be ready and awaiting his congolese counterpart. The Palace would have been inspected and a security perimeter would have been established to guarantee the safety of the government leaders.​
As soon as the motorcade would arrive, the formal meeting would begin.​

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
The Regent would step out of the car, taking in the somewhat disheveled appearance of the Ethiopian national palace. Compared to the various grand structures he lived and worked in himself, it was somewhat disappointing, but he would not let that show. He was here to establish good ties, not more enemies.

He approached the prime minister, shaking his hand firmly. "Prime Minister Ahmed, it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person. I'm sure our talks will be bountiful."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
Prime Minister Ahmed would politely receive the foreign dignatary:

"Your Excellency, welcome to Addis Ababa, welcome to Ethiopia. I was personally looking forward to meet you personally, but lets go to a more suitable environment, please follow me."

The PM would make a quick signal to some aides, who would rush ahead and open the doors that separated the pair of Heads of State from the ethiopian's office and private meeting room on the second floor of the Palace.

After getting there, and with the designated officials and aides in the room as well, the doors would be closed for this private meeting.

"I hope you and your delegationhad a please journey here, although it is true that our nations do not lie so far between away. May I offer you something to drink?" The PM would make a subtle signal for an aide to fetch whatever the congolese leader wanted to have.

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
Checking his watch, Onwudiwe would ask for a dark roast coffee, as dark as was available, for him and his Ministers, and some wine for the aides.

"The flight over was fine, the jet is part of our air fleet, a very well maintained part at that. The same aircraft led the assault in Saudi Arabia, as a matter of fact, deploying the first part of our army in their lands. Anyways, I am beyond excited to begin these talks with you. I believe we can both benefit in the terms of economics and defense, as well in the grander scheme of African economics, unity, cooperation, and once more defense."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
The aide would leave the private room in haste to prepare the dark roasted coffee for the congolese Head of State.

"I see, thats an aircraft with.. history, lets say, very interesting! I concur with your assesment, there are many areas in which our nations can cooperate. But to start with, I would like to rely on your broader experience in the geopolitical scene here in Africa from the position of a Head of State.

Our nation has, alongside with the Congolese Empire, tried to establish diplomatic contact with Angola and Nigeria, with different grades of success. What would your opinion be on said nations, do you think a wider cohesion between african states would be possible?

I do ask this because you made emphasis on the defense cooperation, which is closely linked to our continental state of affairs.

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"Well, that is a... complicated state of affairs. Nigeria has in the past tried to set itself out as independent from our continent, distancing itself from what I'm sure they see as weak countries. In this pursuit to look like a European nation, they have outright disrespected us and made us enemies. Believe us, we have tried our best to make allies with our fellow Africans. However, Nigeria has made this difficult.
As for Angola, they are even more complicated. We began on excellent terms, however slowly they too grew bitter with us. Maybe they saw us as a threat? I'm unsure. But all I know is that seemingly overnight they have turned to villainizing us, especially with their country's social media presence. As you may know, we are, militarily at the least, a dominating power on the continent. We have the largest navy, in fact, one of the largest in the world. We have the largest Airforce. We have the largest tank fleet by many hundreds. We will, after our most recently planned recruitment drive, have the largest infantry force on the continent. We are simply... unmatched. Not to mention that we have had by far the most influence on the international stage in our short time here so far. The war in Turkey and Saudi Arabia, where we handicapped the Arabians, and brokered peace with the Turks after sinking a part of their navy and deploying peacekeepers. Again when we injected ourselves into the Thai civil war, using Nuclear submarines to press our influence to ensure a monarchy. As well as our outreach to Russia, Poland, and formerly Turkey, making the most of our opportunities to create change."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"I see. Its difficult to comprehend how an african nation, specifically a subsaharian one would try to detach itself from their cultural and history and try to asimilate themselves to extra continental nations. As far as Angola goes, who knows what the real reasons for said shift might have been. As mentioned before, we contacted both of them but only Angola replied. We haven't heard anything from Nigeria since our Government took office.
Anyway, thank you for this quick overview. We have to analize the situation further but at first glance an pan-african unity looks very difficult at this moment.
Yes, we heard and read a lot about the prowess of the congolese armed forces in the Middle East and in Asia. A strong military such as yours is clearly one of the options a nation has to atain and mantain complete territorial sovereingty and defend their national inetrests against the agendas of foreign actors. I'm sure the Armed Forces of Ethiopia have a lot to learn from experiences like the ones of your nation.
But focusing more on the Empire of the Congo, what would you define as your main foreign policies and goals? Perhaps we can identify an area, or multiple of them, were out interests meet."​
The aide would return and ceremoniously offer the Head of State the requested coffee.​

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
Gratefully he would take the coffee, making a quick toast to their host's hospitality before continuing.

"One of our primary goals within the continent is to keep Africa African. The main focusing points of this, currently, are Nigeria's worrisome actions and Swedish-occupied South Africa- a situation that is simply unacceptable. Internationally, we are looking to be active in peacekeeping activities, as well as more aggressive means to secure African security, as well as the security of our allies abroad, Poland and Thailand chief among them. Naval intervention is also particularly important to us considering our very large navy that allows easy intervention, as well as a necessarily strong coastal defense, our entire navy being consolidated on our 20-some mile coastline. Our fleet of strategic bombers also helps with our foreign interventionist policy. We prefer to extend our influence via air and sea bombardments rather than manpower, as while the prior is simply a monetary commitment, the latter is a much more serious commitment of lives, one which we cannot as easily back out of. You see, it is easy to launch a few missiles and then pull away. It is much more difficult to land a regiment, say, and then simply run."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"While we have for the moment to adopt a stance on Nigeria, since as mentioned we were unable to establish a diplomatic channel to communicate with them and make a proper assessment, we do share the concern of foreign powers intervening in African affairs. We were surprised that the General Assembly endorsed such occupation in the long run.
Let me now retribute by explaining to you some of the principles that will be guiding our decision making in terms of foreign policy in the coming years.
During my campaign, we made emphasis on the need for Ethiopia to finally enter the 21st century in terms of development and economy. Decades of political and social instability led to an archaic governing structure which was unable to efficiently put to work the already scarce resources we had at our disposal. The intention of my Government is to change this through wide ranging economic reforms, big investment in major infrastructure projects and the establishment of a solid network of diplomatic and commercial links with other nations.
As such, we will put our diplomacy to work towards this. Increasing the relation with the international community with mutually beneficial terms and a special emphasis in the development of Africa. It is important to find trade partners in our region, and here is where we see the Empire of the Congo as an potential strategic partner.
One last aspect, and central to our future plans, is the resolution of the border conflict with Eritrea. This territory was for centuries part of Ethiopia, but neglect and poor policies pushed secessionist groups to declare their independence, and years of war ensued. During the last decade, we were able to end this with a peace agreement and the recognition of their independence. However, borders were never officially decided. One of my primary goals is to mark the official border and completely end this issue once and for all. This will include the need for Ethiopia to keep access to the ocean and therefore the international market. Eventually, we would like to ask for the diplomatic support of the Congolese Empire towards our soon to be proposed summit between Ethiopia and Eritrea to negotiate and settle the borders."​

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"That you focus on development is good, Africa is in desperate need of an economic boost. We have invested heavily into our healthcare and law enforcement, and plan to invest further in the future. In pursuit of our desire to develop Africa, I believe that it would be mutually beneficial if we were to open up a trade route, whether by air or sea. If you are interested, I have our primary resources on the international trade registrar.

"As for Eritrea, we would be glad to help bring peace and to host the summit. Whether you want it held here, in Ethiopia, on your border, wherever, we can have a secure site established with less than 48 hours' notice. Complete with full security from terrorist threats, airstrikes, and land assaults, as well as a full crew of diplomats, negotiators, clerks, and butlers."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"I will instruct the correspondent ministry to prepare a review on your current exports an see how we can kick-start bilateral trade as soon as possible. We might need to work though on the logistic side of it though, since we currently have no access to the international sea trade. This is the reason why we give the issue with Eritrea such importance. As long as we don't define the new borders, Ethiopia, a 110 million people market, is cut out of the world.

Land trade is very difficult if not impossible at all, and much less economically viable due to the poor state of transnational highways... if existent... in Africa. It would be interesting to look forward to a potential deal involving our two nations and South Sudan, in order to connect our nations through a new highway and railway system, crossing through said nation.

Meanwhile, we are very thankful for your offer to eventually host a summit between the ethiopian and eritrean leaders on the issue of the border settlement. At the moment we are still at the stage of gathering international diplomatic support for scuh negotiations. The least thing we want is an escalation due to poor understanding of the situation.

On a more comemrcial topic, one fo the industries we are trying to develop is tourism. Not only are we currently investing in expanding and modernizing our infrastructure, hotels, highways, national park facilities etc, we are also assisting in the expansion of Ethiopian Airways. Said airline is currently about to receive a whole new fleet of short, medium and long-haul aircraft and we would like to discuss the possibility of establishing a direct route between Addis Ababa and Kinshasa."

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"If a deal could be brokered between us and South Sudan, we would gladly finance the first international branch of the Great Congolese Railroad. As for the air route, we have modernized the air fleet of our country recently, as well as building new infrastructure allowing us to re-base our Air Force away from civilian eyes and ears, which has freed up much room for domestic commercial expansion. Perhaps we should follow your lead and modernize our commercial air fleets as well. I think a direct route between our capitals could only be beneficial for tourism and spreading our nations' wealth to each other.

"But for now that should do it for trade and economics. We can revisit them later on in our meeting. I was wondering, what are your views on the current African political situation? In detail? Specifically on Nigeria and Angola. And what about other pressing international situations: The war in Indo-China, heating tensions in Europe, the recent war in Turkey?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Taking note of your nations potential interest in such a tri-partite project, I will request my specialist to work on a more detailed proposal that we can present together to South Sudan. Considering the nations political and financial reality, we might have to cover the costs between the Congo and Ethiopia.
As for the political reality in Africa, as previously mentioned our Government has only recently gained the elections and assumed power in Addis Ababa, therefore we might not yet have fully developed positions on all international topics you mention, but in most of the cases we will stand by our guiding principles, which is the right of territorial integrity above all, the support of process of de-colonization and the need for diplomatic solutions to mantain and safeguard safety and isntability that will allow long term prosperity for nations involved.
We have scheduled a meeting with angolan authorities in the coming weeks, in which we plan to hear their world views and plans for Africa, jsut as we are doing now. We hope to find common ground to work as well, just as with the Empire of the Congo. We would also like to do the same with Nigeria, but as mentioned, communication is difficult with them and we do not know how long they can continue this policy without they implode and have to leave the international stage again.
Our ideal is to work and integrate al internationally active african nations, but we are aware of the complexity of such task, considering the variety of positions and views that exist.
As for the situation in Indo-China, our official position is one of neutrality, both sides should find a solution that satisfies them. As for Turkey, we would have adopted a similar stance, shoudl have we been in power at the moment of the events. But our Government considers that situation to be over."​

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"Hm. Interesting, I can't say I am surprised that you tend to lean towards neutrality, being a new nation just now breaking into the international space. Your stance on South Africa is very promising, I like that you support African independence and independence from Colonial powers such as Sweden is playing right now. Quite frankly the situation in the South is unacceptable, and I am willing to do whatever is necessary politically or forcefully to fix it."


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