- Jul 1, 2018
- 4,332
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia የኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራላዊ ዴሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሊክ Message from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade _________________________________________________________________________ |
Status: Private To: Jackson Fitzgerald, Secretary of State of the United States of America Odinson Re: |
Your Excellency, Please let me start by extending to you our highest regards. I contact you today upon request of Prime Minister Abyi Ahmed and as a follow up of previous communications and exchanges our Governments had during the last few months. I would like to let you know that the Government of Ethiopia established communications with the Government of Eritrea in order to formally initiate the peace talks that, we hope, will eventually lead to the resolution of the ongoing border dispute between our nations in East Africa. Having received a very positive response from our eritrean counterparts, we are currently in the process of designating each a third Party to act as international observers, and if required as mediators, during these upcoming peace talks. With this in mind, we would like to formally as if the United States would be interested and willing to act as such on behalf of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. The US has been an active international player for quite some time now and its diplomatic activity all around the globe is worth a lot of respect and prestige. Also, while we considered opting for a fellow african nation to act as our observer/mediator, recent events of public knowledge in the continent have made it rather difficult and less convenient for peace talks. If the USA should accept, we would inform of this to our counterparts in Eritrea and once we agreed with them to an exact location and time, we would extend you all required details, as well as making a public announcement on this issue. Respectfully, Demeke Mekonnen Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Addis Ababa |