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[ETH] Videoconference proposal


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
The ethiopian Minister of Foreign Affairs Demeke Mekonnen would instruct his Deputy to set up a videoconference with the leadership of prominent regional countries in order to discuss a mutual agenda of regional cooperation.

Invitations for a videoconference would privately be sent to the Ministry of Foreigns Affairs of the Kingdom of Eran, the Republic of Iraq and the Ghandi Empire.

Nathan DukeofBread Basedcnt
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GA Member
May 24, 2024
The Secretary for the Indian subcontinent and Ocean, Rameshwar Thakur, would receive the invitation and would prepare his office for the video call. Once ready, he would join through a secure and encrypted line. Once joining he would say in slightly accented English, "Good day everyone. I am Mr Thakur from the Gandhi Empire."

Nathan DukeofBread Naio90


GA Member
Nov 2, 2024
The Royal Prince of the great Gate for Foreign Relations Bahrām-e Čūbīn would let his office answer on the invitation and prepare himself for the video call. Although modern equipment was scare in the newly formed Iranian government, even more so after the regime change, he would enter by an secure and encrypted line of communication. As he had living in Cannada for many years in exile, before this current government, he would greet both the Ethiopian Minister Demeke Mekonnen and Rameshwar Thakur in an almost accent free English. "I greet you both honorable Minister Mekonnen and Mr. Thakur, I am Bahrām-e Čūbīn, minister of the foreign relations of the Kingdom of Èran. May our todays call benefit all our countries."

Nathan Basedcnt Naio90


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
With the confirmation of the participaiton of high ranking officials from the Ghandi Empire and Eran, logistical and technical preparations would be made and the videoconference would start on a private and secure channel. For Ethiopia, the Minister of Foreigns Affairs, Demeke Mekonnen would be participating.

"Esteemed gentlemen, first and foremost, let me thank you for attending our call and invitation for the present meeting. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed joins me in the pleasure of formally establishing diplomatic relations with the new and rising regimens in our area of the world.

Let me start by talking a little bit about my countries goals and main policies.

Since we rose to power, couple of years ago, our government has had a firm and unshakable compromise with the economic and social development of our nation. We have heavily invested in infrastructure projects ranging from transportation, to public health and education and the energy sector. We govern for our people, and that is the reason why we focused on the areas which would have had the most direct and quickest impact in their day to day. And it paid off. Our economy is more solid and robust than ever, and we have seen a revitalizacion of our internal markets pushed by a growing middle class.

Regarding our foreign policy, since day 1 we were strong followers of a policy of neutrality. We welcome bilateral relations with all countries, but will not engage in multilateral organizations that may influence our decision making process, or even impose elements that may go against Ethiopia's own interests.

This also resulted in very positive outcomes. Our nation has been spared from international intrigue and while other nations in the region have been subject to attacks and conflicts with other antions, Ethiopia remains a land of peace and stability.

Having said all this, we have noted the rise of new powers in the area, nations like the Ghandi Empire and the Kingdom of Eran are also solid contenders for regional stabilizing elements and we are veyr interested in fostering a dialogue to increase trade among our nations, as well as political coordination.

We would be very interested in hearing about your nations foreign policy and vision of the current global and regional state of affairs.

Basedcnt DukeofBread


GA Member
May 24, 2024
"Thank you, Minister Mekonnen. Firstly, thank you for inviting me here today. Developing relationships between the nations surrounding my nation is crucial.

Secondly, India, under Emperor Rajmohan I, wishes to do three things in regards to foreign policy. Those are to maintain strategic neutrality between the geopolitical entities of the world; develop trade relationships when beneficial; and to work with other nations to improve life generally. In the Indian Ocean and its component Seas, we wish to see more co-operation and collaboration on all topics, with an emphasis on trade and defence.

Saying that, I am very glad to hear that Ethiopia wishes to investigate more trade opportunities with Eran and the Empire."

Naio90 DukeofBread
Last edited:


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
We appreciate your words, Secretary Thakur. We are happy to hear that other nations share our optimism regarding the convenience of neutrility policies. We trylu believe in putting our naitons future only in ethiopian hands, as we hvave seen in the pas thow easily foreign manipulation and intervention can be seen through biased votes and Resolutions. And medium powers such as ours cannot just ignore international rulings like other countries, without risking reprimands.

This is why we opted to not be a part of the GA, but rather prefered to voluntarily adhere to some of their resolutions as non-member nations.

We also share your interest in the indian ocean and surrounding waters, as they are key trade routes and must be preserved. Free and safe maritime navigation is vital to keep the global economy up and running."

Basedcnt DukeofBread


GA Member
Nov 2, 2024
Thank you Minister Mekonnen and Secretary Thakur for both your openly shared policies and governmental opinions. The current Government of the Sha'an'Sha as well as his majesty himself welcomes the three goals of independence and neutrality, sharing commerce for the wealth of all involved states and especially the security of international waters and regions.

As the link between the middle east and the far east, Èran values growing stability and cooperation between sovereign nations in the region as its top priority.

Neutrality has been chosen in an light of growing cooperation, as of the unique past of my country, to suffer under an pressured isolation. But still we value the goal to protect our country and hopeful every other, from the sad possibility and thread of foreign manipulation. Therefore we strife for connections to both secure peace insure commerce and build an network of relations, to protect security in international waters, especially the red sea, Persian gulf and Indian ocean. These are not only important international trade routes but directly linked to our countries interests and coastlines.

Basedcnt Naio90


GA Member
May 24, 2024
Secretary Thakur would listen intently, then say, "Would you two be able to contact your respective militaries so that we may establish both lines of direct communication and the potential for future joint exercises?

For the sake of good faith and transparency, I can disclose that India is currently running a maritime surveillance operation in the Arabian Sea."

DukeofBread Naio90 (sorry didn't realise that you were waiting for me)


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Thank yoou for your words Mr Secretary. We agree on mantaining an open line of communications between among our military and defence authorities. This not only will allow the planning of future multilateral operations, but also allow to improve monitoring and contorl of the Red Sea, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean, which in many areas overlap and could mean a reduced military spending in intelligence and anti-piracy operations in the area.

it is one of the most transited maritime routes in the world and has been in the recent past an area of increased tensions between some international players.

We can also disclose that Ethiopia is running monitoring and anti piray operations in the Red Sead and Gulf of Aden.

Basedcnt DukeofBread


GA Member
Nov 2, 2024
"I agree with the honoruable request from Secretary Thakur to establish fitting military and defence communication, to insure conected operations and planign in these waters and regions, vital for all our three nations. I am also thankfull for the agreement we seem to reach easily within these matter, and the spirit of transparency India and Ethiopia demonstratet in sharring there operations in those waters.
As my country still is in much change and rebuilding after the regime change, back to a shared natural identy of democratic and monarch rule, we are yet only capable of operations of patrol and monitoring in the persian gulf, which we see by natura as our moste home waters. But I can say, my country strives to enlarge its capabilitys to join india and Ethiopia to be able to operate and monitore all named sees, in an joint spirit of peace and stability."

Basedcnt Naio90


GA Member
May 24, 2024
Thakur would turn his attention to the Eranian. "Prince Čūbīn, if your nation lacks the means to insure its maritime security, I am sure that my Coast Guard or Navy would be willing to loan or gift - for a short time - your navy some patrol boats to ensure its maritime trade and safety. If you need any defence equipment, I am sure that the Indian Defence Export Organisation would provide a discount for both Eran and Ethiopia."

Moving on, Thakur would ask, "Prince, Minister, would you consider meeting in-person to discuss potential general trade agreements between our nations?"

Naio90 DukeofBread

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