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[France] Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs Press Office


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023


Empire de France
Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères

Official Statement

A recent article printed in the newspaper Le Monde concerning the imposition of sanctions against the Federal Republic of Germany stated that the Empire of France has a role in German governance, and that France hopes the measures will empower the people of Germany to overthrow their government. These statements were at no point made by the Palace of Versailles, Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, or any other department or official of the French government.

As a signatory of the Treaty of Final Settlement with regards to Germany the Empire of France considers itself a protector of the peace in Europe. This does not extend to being able to dictate the internal affairs of nations within or outside the European continent. Germany has however agreed to a respect of democracy, fundamental freedoms, devolved governance and a respect for basic human rights in its Basic Law and the aforementioned treaty. It is the determination of the Empire of France that in recent years the German governments have in both word and action gone against these obligations. We have sought clarification from the German government, but their response has not provided us with the desired confidence that these obligations will be upheld.

Due to this determination, the Empire of France has exercised its own sovereignty to deny certain German nationals access to France and bar specific French nationals and companies from doing business with Germany, where such business could empower the arms industry of the German state. Especially with the possible danger of those arms eventually being turned against the German people. This is entirely within the range of actions available to the French state that in no way harms German sovereignty.
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GA Member
Oct 11, 2023


Empire de France
Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères

Official Statement

Following petitions from industry leaders and civil society interest groups, the Empress has seen fit to modify the sanctions regime with regards to Germany.

The sanctions regime was designed to protect the peace in Europe and preserve French security without imposing an undue burden on the German people. It has been determined that the export restrictions would pose such an undue burden.

As a result the sanctions regime has been modified to remove the export restrictions, the measures targeting specific German individuals with travel restrictions and asset freezing remain in place.


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023


Empire de France
Palais de l'Élysée

Official Statement

Following high level discussions between this Office and the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany mediated by the Portuguese Republic, the Empire of France is satisfied with the situation in Germany to with immediate effect lift the sanctions regime.

The Empire of France hereby also agrees that it will once again consider itself bound by the European Convention on Human Rights and consider this historic document as part of French law.

The Empire of France acknowledges that while it remains justified in its initial concerns, it acted rashly in imposing the sanctions regime targeted at Germany. For this we do apologize to the German nation.

The Empire of France wishes to thank Portugal in particular for acting as a mediator in bringing this dispute to a satisfactory conclusion for both France and Germany.


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023


Empire de France
Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères

Official Statement
On the legal basis for French military action

Recents comments from our partners and diplomats have brought it to this Ministry's attention that there exists confusion internationally concerning the Empire of France's foreign policies, in particular with regards to the act of war and under which circumstances France may engage in this. As Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs I am hereby providing public and open clarity on this subject.

Within the Empire of France the power to declare war and engage in military action is derived from the following legal documents. Chapter 1 article 10 and chapter 11 of the Constitution of the Empire of France, the War Powers Act, and the 2002 Declaration on the objectives of the new French Empire. These are legally binding, even for the Empress of the French.

Under Chapter 1 Article 10 the Empress is the Chief of the Armed Forces. Within this role she may take any military action as needed where a prior military authorization exists and where such action is conducive in achieving the previously authorized goal.

Under Chapter 11 the Empire of France is committed to peaceful coexistence with the international community and agrees to resolve matters through all peaceful avenues possible before considering the use of force. Furthermore, this Chapter outlines the exact procedure for declaring war. While there are a lot of administrative steps I have hereby summarized the primary ones relevant to the international community. When desiring to declare war the Empress must call the Parliament to Versailles for either an open or if the security situation requires it a closed session in Congress. When in session in Congress the Empress must outline her case for war upon which the Parliament must vote with a 60% majority to declare war.

Under the War Powers Act, Parliament gave an idefinite declaration of war for the Empress to use only if the Empire of France was attacked by another state, or an ally of the Empire of France has been attacked by another state and they request French support. Parliament has not authorized any offensive war.

The 2002 Declaration on the objectives of the new French Empire establishes that France seeks to coexist and live with the international community in peace. It seeks to build close relationships on the principles of fairness and equality and disavows the use of force for any reason other than the protection of the French state, citizens or her allies.

The Empire of France has never declared an offensive war and has no intent to do so. Neither has it or does it intend to use force or the threat of force to coerce another state. Even when under attack by a foreign aggressor, a context under which any state would be well in its rights to retalliate forcefully we have exercised all avenues for diplomatic solutions and even if these fail will not use any force more than is required to restore the sovereignty of the French people in full.

Any attempts by foreign actors to claim France has acted or is acting imperialist or as a hegemon are either mistaken or intentionally spreading misinformation for their own interests. The Imperial Armed Forces serve only to protect France and her allies, and under the context of the Global Assembly uphold international law.


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023


Empire de France
Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères

Official Statement
On the Terrorist Attacks in London

The Empire of France in the strongest words condemns the terrorist attacks in London by al-Qaeda. There is no place for any group to enforce their will by force in the civilized world. While the Middle East may have legitimate grievances against the west, plenty of forums exist for these to be addressed. Something acknowledged and actively practised by 99.9% of said Middle East. As stated by Her Imperial Majesty, these attacks affect all of us and the world must respond in unison to send a message that we will not stand for terrorism. In line with this the Empress has summoned the Parliament to Versailles to meet in Congress. At this Congress the Empress will request formal authorization for the use of force against al-Qaeda and any affiliated group.

The Empire of France also commits its full support to the United Kingdom and will aid in any way desired. The Elysée Palace is currently reaching out to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to discuss how this aid may best take shape. If authorization is granted by Parliament, France will offer support to any military response the United Kingdom may seek to take.

I have instructed the Embassy in London to actively ascertain the locations of any French citizens in London and the surrounding area. While it is not clear yet how many, based on the locations of the attacks and the large number of French tourists in London at this time, it is almost inevitable that French citizens were injured or killed in the attacks. Relatives and loved ones of any French citizens who cannot be reached are requested to contact this Ministry so we can prioritize these individuals. Likewise any relatives and loved ones who have reached French citizens in London are requested to call the same number to report them as safe.

The embassy has a list of all citizens currently in the United Kingdom.


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023


Empire de France
Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères

Official Statement
On the Regime Shift in Syria

The Empire of France has monitored developments in Syria, while the manner that it has come about is regrettable, the Assad regime has long been a bane to the rights of the Syrian people and the international order.

While we remain cautious about the roots of the movement, the Islamic Liberation Army of the Levant on face value appears to represent the largest portion of the Syrian populace.

We call upon the ILAL and its leadership to respect the rights of all groups with the great Syrian nation and to work with all ethnic minorities to shape the future of the Syrian nation.

Should it so be desired, the Empire of France is willing to commit expertise and resources to bring about such a transition, however we pledge and call upon the world to not directly interfere in the Syrian transition process until such a time as the Syrian people invite any of us.

As a sign of good faith to the current administration, we will lift all but the weapons embargo on Syria and reopen our diplomatic posts throughout the country.



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023


Empire de France
Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères

Official Statement
On the Hostage Situation in the Chinese Embassy

The Empire of France wholeheartedly condemns the terrorist attack on the Chinese embassy in Paris, diplomatic missions are protected territory and essential to global peace and the functioning of the free world. Based on data from the video, a comparison with official travel records and other means the DGSE has confirmed the terrorists to be Uyghur extremists who traveled from China to France on a tourist visa. They appear to have sourced Russian weaponry from the black market.

France takes its obligations under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations seriously and we currently maintain active communications with the government of the Republic of China. The Paris Police Prefecture as the official law enforcement agency for the Paris region and the Gendarmerie Nationale as the agency in charge of protecting diplomats are currently lead on the operation. They are pursuing a policy to resolve the situation peacefully as soon as possible.

We call ypon the international community to withhold incendiary statements that can only serve to increase tensions and worsen the ability of the negotiators to talk the terrorists down. Should it prove unavoidable, French special forces will intervene.


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023


Empire de France
Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères

Official Statement
On the Situation in Ukraine

The Empire of France is significantly concerned by the outbreak of violence in the Republic of Ukraine and between various political groups. While we had hoped the second election would bring about an era of political stability, it seems that even those elections representative of the popular will of Ukraine were unable to provide the framework for a peaceful political transition to whatever represents the will of the Ukrainian people.

It is essential for the prosperity and freedom of the Ukrainian people that they be allowed to settle their own affairs and decide on their own government. As such we urge the global community to withhold from any intervention to advance their own strategic interests or support an ideologically similar movement.

As a member of the free law based international order France feels a responsibility for all freedom loving people in the world, as such we do hereby guarantee the independence of Ukraine from any intervention designed to circumvent the will of the Ukrainian people.

As a neutral party with no stake in the matter except for our support for the Ukrainian people and Ukrainian independence, the Empire of France is willing to provide any support the Republic of Ukraine may desire, in particular we offer mediation to end open hostilities or to host Ukrainian delegations in France so they may negotiate on neutral territory.

The French stand with the Ukrainians, now and forever and we urge all sides to end fighting and meet to chart the course of Ukraine without further bloodshed. Too much Ukrainian blood has been spilled for your culture and your independence throughout history already.

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GA Member
Oct 11, 2023


Empire de France
Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères

Official Statement
On the Revolution in Turkey

The Empire of France acknowledges and recognizes the regime shift in Turkey through the establishment of the People's Republic of Turkey. The emphasis on equality and special concern for the needs of minorities fills us with hope that this government will undo the damage of past regimes.

In particular the Empire of France is concerned about the safety of Christians in Turkey. With the decision of the past government to persecute Christians leading to a great flow of refugees from Turkey to France and an official end to Franco-Turkish diplomatic relations. We urge the Turkish government to make amends towards its Christian population and works towards amicable relations with the Holy See.

Acting in good faith, and in recognition of our historic relations dating back to the 16th century with the Franco-Ottoman Alliance, we are cautiously optimistic and open to resetting relations with Turkey. Especially in light of multiple security and other challenges.


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