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France | Renewed Outreach to Ukraine


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
With a new government in place in Kyiv, while the new ideology might not quite align with the one in Paris, the Thai cooperation had already sown that pragmatism can take the place of idealism quite effectively and there was plenty of common ground France and Ukraine shared in the status quo within Europe. As such a message would be dispatched to the new Ukrainian Chairman.


Empire de France
Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères

From: Sophie Dubois, Ministre de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères, France
To: Dmytro Hrytsenko, Chairman, Ukraine Alex
Classification: Confidential

Subject: Diplomatic Cooperation

Your Excellency,

First of all, please allow me to congratulate you on the rapid success of your movement. If nothing else, the speed at which your movement has appeared in public and scended the stairs of power shows the strong support within the Ukrainian peoples.

In history in general, but in recent times especially, it has become increasingly clear that while a large part of the world has moved into a new era of international politics, there are those nations that hold onto memories of past glories and still seek to dominate rather than cooperate with their neighbours.

While France and Ukraine have not necessarily been the closest of allies historically and while we may not be entirely ideologically aligned now, I do believe there exists enough goodwill between our peoples and that we have enough mutual interests to make for an excellent framework for international cooperation.

For that purpose I would like to request permission to travel to Kyiv and meet with you or another member of your administration to discuss the establishment of Franco-Ukrainian relations and establishing a cooperation if not alliance between our states.

Sophie Dubois,
Ministre de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères,


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

Message to the Empire of France
Private & Encrypted

To: Sophie Dubois, Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs
From: Federal Coordination Council of the Federation of Free Communes of Ukraine

Your Excellency,

Thank you for your kind and thoughtful letter. We are honoured by your warm congratulations and your recognition of our movement and government.

Your proposal to enhance Franco-Ukrainian relations resonates deeply with our vision of a future where nations build bridges rather than walls, and where past grievances give way to the promise of a better tomorrow.

It would be my pleasure to welcome you to Kyiv for discussions on establishing a framework for cooperation between our people. My aide has forwarded me the following dates for us to hold this meeting, please choose that which works best for you:
  • February 19th
  • February 20th
  • February 22nd
  • February 27th

I look forward to the opportunity to meet with you.

Dmytro Hrytsenko
Chairman of the FCC
FFC of Ukraine



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023


Empire de France
Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères

From: Sophie Dubois, Ministre de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères, France
To: Dmytro Hrytsenko, Chairman, Ukraine Alex
CC: Federal Coordination Council of the Federation of Free Communes of Ukraine
Classification: Confidential

Subject: Diplomatic Cooperation

Your Excellency,

Thank you for your swift response and receptive attitude towards embarking on this new chapter in our shared relationship. It would be my pleasure to visit Ukraine on the 19th.

I will be traveling to Kyiv on a governmental Dassault Falcon 7X operating as Air France Flight EAE01 and will fly with a small staff of aides and liaisons as well as two bodyguards. Attached to this message are the details of the flight as well as information of all staff traveling with me. The bodyguards are normally armed but if this goes against Ukrainian law they will leave their weapons on the plane.

I look forward to meeting with you in person.

Sophie Dubois,
Ministre de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères,

On the agreed upon day Sophie found herself on the Falcon 7X at Paris Orly taking off for Kyiv. While the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs, like Versailles and the Elysée, had access to an Airbus A380 she always preferred the smaller business jet for travel within Europe. As the plane took off Sophie would be reading to the most recent DGSE and Ministry briefings on the new Ukrainian government. As the new movement had come as surprising to the French as anyone else the information they had about the Ukrainian government was still sparse but she liked knowing as much as she possibly could before embarking on any diplomatic effort. Especially with the critical importance of Ukraine to European security, a successful dialogue with the Ukrainians today would be a major boon for Europe as a whole. After finishing the intelligence briefings and Ministry profiles she would give one quick look over other reports containing more general information about Ukraine including information about resources, cultural customs and military capabilities. There too Sophie saw plenty of opportunity for cooperation, already France had made a massive order of aircraft from the previous government to improve logistical capacity while the French defence sector had much to offer to Ukraine in various areas. By the time she was done reading all the documents the plane was already approaching Ukrainian airspace. Once there the Captain of the plane would contact Ukrainian air traffic control and request instructions on how to proceed after he had identified the plane as a diplomatic jet.

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