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[GA]: 1996 Antarctic Summit [Concluded]


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I'm not sure if you have been listening Ambassador. Sweden is withdrawing from Antarctica and is open to recognising each and every historic claim within Antarctica. How exactly is that a delay in proceedings or even showing a desire to run reckless? My point is that, for some absurd reason, Argentina seems to have the globes support despite clearly being the aggressor here. Ambassador, I don't doubt your intelligence or the intelligence of your people.

We cannot discuss a resolution when, as a result of this conflict, we have a number of prisoners of war in Argentine custody whom have remained in place without trial. There cannot be peace when the parties debating this matter are not peaceful."


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"As said, we will not take any more time out of the antarctic discussion to address the detained swedish officials. If you don't agree with the process, we invite you to use the proper channels, not this forum. They broke the law, now you have to wait for the law to do its process.

I propose the Australian representative explains the intentions and spirit of the Resolution it has presented in order to begin discussing it properly.



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"Frankly, I agree. Argentina needs to release these prisoners. People should not be held accountable for actions they did under an order from Swedish high command. Likewise with the Scientists, you shouldn't hold these individuals accountable.

We would offer to move these individuals to a more comfortable Australian Immigration Detention Centre as a compromise between Sweden and Argentina, if Argentina is concerned about them being used again, and until such time as an agreement is reached and those individuals can be released."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I can honestly say, on behalf of central government, that we are happy for Swedish nationals to be extradited to an Australian Immigration Detention Centre. This is a fair an appropriate compromise for both parties."


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Have we come to some form of agreement regarding the release of the prisoners as of yet?" spoke the Global Assembly Delegate for Britain, hoping to push for the summit to continue.

Connor Naio90 Owen


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"The Argentine Republic does not currently have any prisoners of war. The only detained swedish citizens in our records are being charged by a civilian federal court for espionage, under argentine law."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Marc simply rolls his eyes, given that the Argentine representative has already acknowledged the prisoners.

"Regardless of what you are recognising them as, you have a huge number of Swedish nations held in Argentine custody. We, and by we I mean Sweden, has made countless actions in order to further progress this summit, including the withdrawal of the Swedish Royal Navy from disputed territory. You have failed, at every point in this summit, to make any form of manoeuvre to better the globe. It is overtly clear that this entire situation is a power play by Argentina, resulting in over one hundred lives lost already and countless more in Argentine custody.

These prisoners are to be released to an Australian Immigration Detention Centre or extradited to Sweden. You have already shown that you have more control over your independent judicial system than you implied earlier; as if by magic they face trial right after the suggestion of relocation to Australia?... Coincidence?

Choose your path, if you're seeking peace then surely you'd be searching to achieve it as soon as possible?"



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Spanish Representative would wait for the Swedish to finish, nodding and writing notes in his note block, he would turn his head towards the Argentinian Representative, and wait for the room to become silent. He would break the silence by speaking towards the Argentinians.

"I believe, that it would be a good show of good faith from Argentina by releasing the Swedish Nationals to Sweden. It would undoubtedly show the international community, that, like Sweden, Argentina does really wish to come to a peacefull conclusion regarding this situation. I believe that actions and words are in equal weight, but this action at this moment would be of great significance."


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"The good faith was shown when we asked them to leave the country formally and politely and gave them more time than the the required to do so. Sweden refused to do it.

We will no further discuss this issue here. If Sweden is concerned about their agents, they should appoint a defense for them.

Sweden has to learn things do not work always around their own interests. If so, why dont we abolish the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations since it seems that some nations just want to ignore its existence?

Also, I would like to remind the spanish delegate that it was Argentina who first withdrew from the area of conflict, days before Sweden showed any action."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I do believe that actions breed actions, a bad action will bring another bad action, however good actions bring good actions. Argentina was asked to remove its military from the conflict zone, to which, Argentina did, and then Swedish is following suit. Perhaps Argentina by releasing these Swedish Nationals will also create an opportunity for Sweden to also show good faith towards Argentina. Furthermore, what does Argentina stand to lose by releasing these nationals? I do believe it would be the best course of action, you stand to win more by releasing them, then by keeping them. You at this moment got nothing to lose by releasing them. How do we know that Sweden wont bring them to their own justice system? I don't believe anyone as asked Sweden this. Perhaps they would. I just hope we can reach a furtifull agreement between all parties without further harm."

Connor Naio90


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Please, Ambassador, stop with your lies... constant lies. It is preventing the progression of this Summit and in turn frustrating the rest of this room whom are desperate for resolution in Antarctica.

We did not refuse to withdraw from Argentina whatsoever, there was an error in communication from the Department of Foreign Affairs to pass notice to the Ambassador for Sweden to Argentina and diplomatic staff. That is our fault and we have been transparent in that fact; we intend to consult the Nordic Royal Commission whom will independently investigate this matter to prevent similar situations occurring in the future, however this cannot take place until the Antarctic situation is resolved. These are civilian administrative staff and representatives of the state, they serve no threat to Argentina under the pretence of 'Espionage' and it's overtly clear that you are perverting the course of justice by using this crime as a way to extend the lawful apprehension of these Swedish nationals.

You are showing a trend Ambassador, a scary and violent trend, where you take aggressive and unnecessary action and try to manipulate it to appear as if Sweden is in the wrong.

Let me remind you that you have contradicted yourself in saying Sweden has no authority to maintain Antarctic territorial waters, only to then enforce your own exclusion zone; you have intentionally and recklessly violated international law by failing to identify vessels in international waters; you have intentionally navigated your vessel into a Swedish Royal Navy frigate, who served no threat to you whatsoever, despite having ample opportunity to divert thus killing over one hundred personnel; you have apprehended Swedish civilians for 'Espionage' with no evidence of this crime and held them without trial... we do not even know where these Swedish nationals are being held and that they're safe.

Explain to me how exactly Sweden is in the wrong here? You asked us to give up our Antarctic claim, we are willing to do this. You asked us to give up our military presence, we have done this. You asked us to be present for negotiation into the future of Antarctica, we are eager for this to happen. Australia offered to serve as an independent middle-man for the detention of Swedish nationals, we have compromised with this.

You cannot fool extremely well versed politicians from major players in the global arena from the likes of Australia and Spain with this spool of absolute rubbish."


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"The man makes some points..." She would turn to the Argentine Ambassador.


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Sir, Sweden IS in the wrong. Your Government failed, by mistake, incompetence or with intention, to comply with the 1963 Convention on Diplomatic Relations. If you can just assume that, things will immediatly be much easier for us all. We just ask you to acknowledge that."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Ambassador, you are failing to see that nobody else in this chamber is rushing to support you and your blatent disregard for peace.

I'm not sure if your hearing aid is switched to the wrong position but as I've said countless times, and I will say again for your own benefit: Sweden accepts that the decision to annex the entirety of Antarctica without respecting historic claims was wrong. Sweden accepts that there was a blatant communications failure between the Diplomatic Mission in Argentina and the Department of Foreign Affairs - I'm not sure how much clearer you need it? I'm not sure how many more times I can say the exact same sentences.

Throughout this crisis you have been consistently aggressive and contradicted yourself at every stage in the process. Now it's time you level the playing field and allow us to continue with the subject of Antarctica's divisibility, either deport the Swedish nations back to Stockholm or over to the designated Australian Detention Facility."


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Why would we care about what others think? We are concerned with OUR rights here, not that of the others.

However, thanks for clarifying Sweden's admission of mistake. We will take the corresponding steps, informing the argentine federal justice of your declarations for them to consider and begin with the changing of the accusations and adaptation of the case. I understand that your agents will be deported to Australia in the coming hours.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Interesting. Evidently the rights of the non-combative HSwMS Sno hadn't crossed your mind earlier in the conflict. I'm sure the families of the one hundred and thirty strong ships-company will take great comfort if your lack of humanity. Nevertheless, thank you, we will await the arrival of the Swedish nationals in Australia.

Ambassador for Australia, could I please request that these former diplomatic staff receive a formal physical and mental health assessment upon arrival please? Rest assured any costs incurred as a result will be covered by the Swedish central government, all I ask is that a report is sent forward to the Department of Foreign Affairs."


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"Of course I'm sure that will be undertaken by the relevant state's Health Department... I think it's Western Australia at this rate."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Well, I understand we can go back to the main issue for this summit now.

I was just once again reviewing the australian proposal, and I am concerned about certian points were it only mentiones "Global Assaembly Member States", such as in points VII, IX and XI, among others. Given Argentina is not a member of the GA, how would that reconcile with us, legally speaking?



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"This was made before Argentina was on the scene, so we will look at amending that however that can only happen if official debate procedures have commenced and that is up to the Secretary General... Mr. Secretary?"

Dutchy Naio90


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I believe that most nations have had their time to inform us of their views and suggestions regarding the antarctic continent and the current conflict. I wish to propose the following in order to proceed, I have drafted the 'Antarctic Declaration' which implements a cease-fire between the conflicting states and creates a demilitarized zone south of the 60th Parallel South effective immediately. The Antarctic continent will remain untouched until a stable and long term solution has been agreed upon by either the implementation of a GA Resolution or an international antarctic treaty."

"The Kingdom of Norway has requested that the GA mediate peace talks between the Argentine Republic, the Kingdom of Sweden and the Kingdom of Norway. I hope all parties agree to attend these talks where all topics relating to the conflict may be discussed and resolved. I suggest that the topic regarding the detainment of Swedish nationals in Argentina is better suited to be discussed in a smaller setting."

"If there are no serious objections to this roadmap, then I will conclude this Summit and open the floor to the Draft Resolution on Antarctica."

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