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[GA] Emergency Resolution on The Canadian Situation

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Flying Damascas

Kingdom of Belgium
Dec 14, 2019
The Belgians seemed somewhat quiet and apathetic, wanting to see the get-down play out in a most non-chalant manner. Perhaps it was something they smoked on the plane or something, but the coffee seemed to be nice and robust. The shortest of the bunch would write a note:

while we certainly have no love for fascism, nothing has really taken place since the election to prove that the newly elected government of Canada actually is in any shape, form, or capacity a credible threat to the peace

They then handed it to the delegation of Brazil - "what are you're thoughts about all this ruckus?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Initially retaining his silence throughout the speeches made by the existing delegates, Ben was sure to take down notes that were relevant to pitching his case. Towards the end of the response made by the Australian, his eyes glanced to his notepad which despite a lot been said.. not much was noteworthy and made much impact to support the resolution. With a few moments of silence in the chamber, Mr Cave cleared his throat to address the points raised by the parties involved.

"I concur with my Australian Counterpart, I would be interested in seeing some evidence to back up any wrong doing made by the current Canadian Party that warrants such harsh sanctions which would cripple the entire country and have a significant impact on other assembly members that have growing partnerships with the Canadian Government. The British Government recognizes, more than most, the impact of nationalist parties but placing immense sanctions on a government for a 'what if' scenario would not only create disdain for the Global Assembly, but harm innocent people who would suffer as a consequence. With that in mind, I call on the Norwegian Representative to raise any evidence, if any, to support the resolution prior to any votes taking place to ensure we have all the information to make an educated decision."


Apr 5, 2020
Ostap was doing diplomatic-math when Lavrov made eye contact and drank the coffee. Well then. Assuming all the Scandanavians and Slavs were voting in a block, that meant five “accept” votes. A fair number, but with Britain and all her daughters “decline” would tally at a robust four. He wasn’t quite sure how the French, Belgians, and Dutch would lean. They needed to buffer this more.

“If I may…” It was the first time Ostap would addressed the chamber. There was a screech of feedback as he attempted to adjust his microphone. “Sorry, sorry, um, I would like to respond to your statement, please. Ukraine is one of those countries cultivating relations with Canada. Many Ukrainians live in the Great White North, and we have already conducted some defense sales. They’ve given us quite a bit of foreign aid, too. We agree these are very serious allegations against our friends. That is why Ukraine cannot vote ‘decline’ on this resolution with a clean conscience. That is why Ukraine must halt its production of defense products for Canada. Because what if these accusations are true? We’d all thus be culpable.”

“If Canada’s Nationalist Party does, as they claim, disown white nationalists, neo-nazis, and all such ilk, then an investigation into the party by a neutral entity will prove just that. Perhaps we can add an amendment. First, an investigation will be conducted, then—if the Nationalist Party of Canada is determined a threat to peace—we will enact sanctions. If it is not a threat, perhaps Canada may sue Norway for libel or slander.”

He leaned back in his chair and waited for attention to turn towards the next speaker before casting another glance at Lavrov.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Spanish Representation would arrive and quietly sit in his delegated seat, he would read through a transcript and the resolution proposed, he would take out a note block and a pen and begin writing down the most important and noteworthy intreventions. Lastly he would hear Mr. Ostap small speech, but not intervene for the movement.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Berth Sandberg would take to his microphone after hearing and considering the points of the majority of the chamber, he was a much more seasoned politician than his more flamboyant senior, Marc Kvet, and perhaps more reasonable in debate.

"Before I raise the opinion of Sweden, first let me thank His Majesty the King of Norway, King Oskar, for joining us in the chamber today...

In a court of law, in most societies, we have an evidential threshold that must be met in order for action to take place with powers invested in the judge or justice making the ultimate decision. In the Global Assembly we have no such theshold and for very good reason: we are not a reactive organisation, the powers of this chamber are entirely governed by the member states whom are given the ability to proactively make positive change around the world with a range of possible actions. This is almost certainly one of these 'proactive' scenarios where I encourage member states to consider these powers to prevent the expedition of division around the world - ask yourselves a simple question, do you want to see this kind of ideology within Canada? A majorly economically developed country.

Think back in history, if this organisation had the ability to be proactive, would we have been? or better so, should we have been? I can only echo the voices of the representatives of Australia and Britain, of course we do not have any evidence of wrongdoing at this stage because we are 'nipping it in the bud' - allowing this form of ideology to exist in modern society sees only one fallout, extremism, and in the worst possible circumstances this extremism will begin to effect our own nations, our own civilians... our own families.

Monitoring and investigating the situation in Canada only keeps the embers warm whilst the rest of the accelerant begins to light - which is exactly why Sweden supports the use of some form economic sanction to drive out this unwanted and frankly dated ideology. As I said, you all have the option here to make real proactive change to prevent catastrophe in the future. Catastrophe we have already experienced. Catastrophe none of us should endure again."​


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
The Canadian Special Ambassador would listen to the Ukrainian, Ambassador Ostap. “So Ukraine is to vote ‘accept’ and ruin the economy of Canada and its people? Close all diplomatic relations with us, abandoning all Canadians with Ukranian ancestry? Ambassador Ostap, I know that these allegations are extreme but they are nothing more than allegations. This chamber has asked the Norwegians many times to bring forth any evidence of wrongdoing by the new Canadian government and they have remained in silence.”

The Ambassador would shift in his place slightly. “Let us pretend, for one moment, ladies and gentlemen: IF the new government of Canada were to become as evil as you want it to be and this resolution were to pass. Then how would you learn of any wrongdoing? How would you know if people are being murdered? How would you know if people are being oppressed? This resolution bans any trade or commerce between Canada and other nations. It bans any kind of transactions - whether it be money or words - between Canadian businesses and the world. No commercial vessels, aircraft, trains, or vehicles would be able to enter Canada, even for simple refueling. It forces us to close all diplomatic missions between each other and voids Canadian passports. So answer me this, if you will, fellow Ambassadors: if there were a genocide or an oppression then how would the Global Assembly know? Or better yet, how would any of the Canadian citizens be able to escape it?” He would clear his throat. “Fellow Ambassadors, with the silence and lack of evidence given to us by the Norwegian Ambassador I must conclude that this resolution is not to help the people of Canada, it isn’t to save them from any ‘genocide or oppression’ - it’s to cripple them. For what reason? I do not know, but none of what was presented within this resolution would save anyone from such heinous crimes.”

“Instead, I propose this. Since so many of you are ‘concerned’ about the well-being of Canadians and your citizens within the nation… Canada will allow, as presented by the Ukrainian Ambassador, investigators of the Global Assembly themselves to go within my nation and investigate as they see fit as long as they follow Canadian protocol and law regarding the rights of Canada’s citizens. They would also be permitted to investigate the recent election and conclude for themselves that it was a fair and free one. Furthermore, if they wish to investigate the Nationalist Party of Canada itself, they will be permitted to do so as they see fit.”

The man would then address the Swedish. “Ambassador Sandberg, is it not your nation who has caused the most division and tension around the world? Is it not your nation who conquered Antarctica by military means, disregarding geographical and historical claims of the continent? Is it not your nation that harassed all neighboring countries? Is it not your nation which arrested Australian citizens and scientists for entering your ‘waters’? Is it not your nation which has caused a war with the nation of Argentina and thus caused far too many lives to be unnecessarily lost? Is it not Norway which has supported every move Sweden has made in Antarctica?

I don’t believe Sweden has any right in deciding what will and will not cause more division around the world when it and its Nordic Council has caused more division in recent years than all the nations of the world combined. Perhaps your nation should end this pointless war of yours and save lives by giving up this colonial power trip your nation has before telling a nation and its citizens whom they should vote for. Perhaps your nation should calm its reach before dipping its fingers in internal democratic elections.”

The man shook his head. “While I’m at it, Ambassadors. Do any of you know what’s happening in Zimbabwe as we speak? In Zimbabwe the forceful change of government has resulted in the Mugabe state-owned infrastructure to collapse. People - children! Are starving and do not have access to clean water and other basic human needs. They are without homes and electricity and heat. Warlords have most likely taken hold of the rural areas of the nation. People are dying daily and famine is no doubt going to take hold soon. But have any of you helped? Have any of you sent humanitarians or peacekeepers? Instead of helping the people, the children, the families of Zimbabwe as a body, where are we? We are here attempting to destroy a nation’s democracy and by doing so governing a nation’s internal politics. We are wasting time as lives are being lost by the day.”

“I ask all of you that we do as the Ukranian Ambassador said: send Global Assembly third-party investigators to Canada to investigate as they please and we move along to more pressing matters such as the Antarctica Summit and form a resolution so that we may help the people of Zimbabwe and prevent more lost lives. I ask all of you that, as a body, we do something productive instead of this joke of a sanction.”

The Canadian Special Ambassador would then head back to his seat, passing by the Swedish Ambassador. He would lean over and whisper to him, assuring no one could hear them. “Could I bother you for a short word outside the chamber? It may prove… beneficial for your nation.”

Connor GingeOrCringe


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Spanish Representative would reach to his microphone and start to speak.

"Good Evening, Ambassadors we have all seen the horrors that extremism brought a few years back to Europe and all around the world, Spain it self went through a period of that same extremism. But lets not fully forget, that the cause of fascism and nationalism was breed from the people itself, and their anger towards others. I hate to say this, but if this resolution is passed, it could create even more hate and distrust of the outside world in various Canadians. Because it is not the state that will suffer, it will be the population that will. And that is a dangerous game to play. The people will think that the world is out to get them, and seek even more solace in these political ideias.
If there is any evidence that the elections were tampered with however, it is the duty of every nation here to repudiate its results and condemn it. As that is a betrayal on all democratic values and of the Canadian wishes."


Vitória! Vitória!
May 7, 2019
Portuguese Emergency Ambassador Jorge Ferro would attend the meeting late, due to the previous ambassador getting sick. He would apologize profusely before finding his seat and reading up the transcripts of the meeting. He would list down all his thoughts on a notebook while listening to both sides of the story. He would nod along as he listens to the Spanish delegation.


Jun 20, 2018

Global Assembly

" Thank you Ambassadors, for bringing your expertise and experience to the Chamber and engaging in such a constructive and open exchange of dialogue.
Now that your comments have been clearly communicated, the debate has come to a close. The Assembly may now proceed to vote on the Resolution.
We are working on transcribing these sessions and once everything has been aggregated, we invite you all to download the material on our website. "



The Empire of the Americas
Nov 14, 2019
The Brazilian Ambassador would enter the chambers, excusing himself for his late arrival, it was Paulo Lima Peixoto, he had been chosen for the emergency meeting.

he'd read through the transcripts of the meeting before writing down his thoughts and placing in his vote.


Jun 20, 2018

Global Assembly

" Voting on the Canadian Situation has now ended. The result concludes at seven (7) votes in favour, seven (7) votes against and one (1) abstain
Due to the Pakistani and American Ambassadors not being present, this has invalidated their right to vote. The Resolution has been DECLINED "

Aug 25, 2020
Pakistani Ambassador Ahmad Camal rushed in, muttering about New York traffic. He took a few minutes at his seat to review the resolution before placing a vote.
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