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[GA] Resolution on Antarctica

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Jun 20, 2018

Global Assembly

" Ambassadors; we hope everyone is feeling refreshed after our brief intermission. The organisation has tallied the results of the poll,
with votes ending in a tie-breaker. We have therefore decided the Argentine Ambassador, Cardona is welcome to stay for this session.
We'll start with Swedish Speaker, Ambassador Kvet who is presenting new documentation regarding the territorial claims of Antarctica.
We will not be discussing demilitarization of the continent, as this session is purely to determine the territorial ownership of the region. "

Naio90 Connor


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Thank you Secretary General,

Members of the chamber, I would like to present to you our written Resolution on Antarctica which will exclusively focus on the return of territory to nations represented in this chamber or whom have expressed their interest in the continent - this will allow the current tense conflict engulfing out political sphere to resolve, then allowing us all to focus on conventions to preserve the continent as we see it now. I cannot stress enough that a majority vote on this resolution is required to bring this to an end."



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"We welcome the constructive proposal from the swedish, specially in regard of Art. 3.1a of Chapter I, recognizing Argentina's position on the matter. We do have however some questions.

First of all, would you be able to provide more information on the extension provided in Art. 1 Chapter I, "Territory which sits north of 60°S circle of latitude within the Antarctic Plate
(hereon in “external Antarctic territory”)

Our concern is that the Antarctic Plate almost limits with the southern tip of South America, few miles from the Argentine and Chilean coast, spanning well into argentine and chilean EEZ and almost into territorial waters. We would be more comfortable maintaining the traditional concept of Antarctica as the area below the S°60 with the territories mentioned in Chapter II, Art. 3.1a being upheld as mentioned in the proposal.

Secondly, the last clause of the proposal, Chapter III, Art. 3a:

"This agreement may not be overwritten by any conventions, resolutions or agreements that may follow whether domestic or than of the Global Assembly;
a. unless said agreement is of bilateral agreement between the Kingdom of Sweden and one of the entitled Heads of State as detailed in Chapter II: Article 2.2 and Article 3.1

We would like to ask for this to be ammended, as the way it is currently worded it seems it would not allow bilateral agreements on Antarctic territorial management and sovereignty without the consent of the Kingdom of Sweden. It should state something like. "...bilateral agreement between INVOLVING the Kingdom of Sweden and OR one of the entitled Heads of State..."

It would also need to make reference to Art. 2.1, not only Art. 2.2 and Art. 3.1 (Chapter II)."


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Special Representative, thank you for your concerns, I will address them in the order in-which you provided them to the chamber:

First of all, your concerns in respect to the external Antarctic territory. I can absolutely understand your concern in respect to the wording of Chapter I: Article 1.4b where it attempts to define the sub-Antarctic islands it intends to reference and the use of the Antarctic plate to explain this clearly provides more confusion than clarity. I must stress that this was only intended to reference the territories further defined in Chapter II: Article 3.1a. In order to ensure that the geographic explanations provided in Chapter I are explained for the sub-Antarctic territories we intended to reference, do you have better wording we could use to put yourself at ease?

Secondly, the suggested amendments to have been imposed, as I can accept the potential legal complications the former wording could have caused. I must explain that Chapter III: Article 1.3a references the return of historically recognised territory which is not currently represented in this chamber. The addition of Chapter II: Article 2.1 is not necessary in this instance as the Resolution on Antarctica as a whole secures the rights of your own territory to your own Head of State.

I am extremely encouraged by our ability to cooperate on this provision, the only outstanding amendment is the way in-which we can explain territory North of 60°S - unless of course any other nation disapproved of the provided document?"



Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Regarding the “external Antarctic territory”, we would prefer to avoid wording it that way and making reference to the Antarctic Plate. We do understand however the necesity of including somehow the subantartic islands. Therefore, we would suggest to talk about those islands using the biological border that marks Antarctica, the "Antarctic Circumpolar Current". The subantarctic territories, basically the islands mentioned in Chapter II Art. 3.1a, are considered to have a natural link to antarctica due to being located inside said current, and being so a continuation of antarctic conditions.

In short, reference to subantarctic territories could be said to be those located within or adjacent to the antarctic circumpolar current, in reference to those listed on Chapter II Art. 3.1a.

On the other hand regarding Chapter III, we accept your explanations, but would be more comfortable if that clarification could be somehow included in the final draft.

Which leads us to a final remark, minor in nature. I can't talk about other nations, but in our case Argentina would prefer to make reference that the territory and its sovereigny belongs to the State itself, and not to the Head of State. I understand than in some monarchic systems this might be acceptable due to royal ownership of lands, but as a Federal Republic, land belongs to the National State



Nov 1, 2020
The Republic of Turkey's delegation would arrive in chamber, Bülent Ecevit would take his seat as representation of Turkey and begin to read and debrief himself on the proposed documents to be ratified by the governments of the Kingdom of Sweden, the Republic of Argentina, and the United States of America. He begins to gesture to staff to send copy for clarification to his designated UN translator.


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Absolutely agree with the points you have made and the relevant changes have been made in order to facilitate bilateral agreement between our nations. Distributed among you all now is a copy of the finalised Resolution on Antarctica with the agreed amendments.

Ms Secretary General, I believe we are now at a stage where we can go to vote for this to be formalised in law... and upon a majority vote being reached the ratification by the special representation of Argentina in order to encompass the Republic of Argentina, legally, into the Global Assembly resolution."


Last edited:


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We are sorry to ask, but I see no clarification regarding the ban on the use of military units, structures or equipment in this continent? Would it be possible to recieve a official clarification?"


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"I'd like to think that in accordance with the treaty which until now has seen much more agreement, that the discussions of a military presence can currently be an afterthought once the territorial disputes have been more established. I believe with how long this has gone on for, sorting one issue at a time should be the focus." responded the British Delegate whom glanced over to his Spanish counterpart.


Jun 20, 2018

Global Assembly

" It's exactly as the British Ambassador said. This session is to determine what land(s) belong to who. The discussion of demilitarization
will come in due course. Let us move forward; the Resolution presented by the Swedish Ambassador, Marc Kvet is now open to a vote. "


Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
A second Dutch Representative would enter the chamber, taking their seat at the required location. Reading over the transcripts before placing their vote


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
"Just a procedure related question. We noted that the Document carries, or will carry, the signature of two Swedish authorities (Ambassador to the GA and the Head of State of that country), is that for a particular reason?"


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I, as the Ambassador to the Global Assembly, do not hold the power to give away Swedish overseas territory as all land is property of the crown - nor does the Department of Foreign Affairs. Its nothing more than a formality."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
GA Rep Sergey Lavrov would return after a phone call and take his seat. He would then get to voting after reading anything involving the meeting. He stayed silent, only moving when voting. He had returned, his gambit unclear. He wrote something down and then would get to voting not speaking to anyone and took a sip of water. Adjusting his tie was was one hundred percent ready for this. Not looking at the Swedish rep. Writing down his vote he went about it.


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
The argentine ambassador would be seen called outside by an aide, apparently to attend to a call from Buenos Aires.


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
The argentine ambassador would return. It seems it was only a personal matter.

He would sign the document, as a subsitute for an affirmative vote, making the clarification that the Argentine Republic only agrees to this particular Agreement and will remain a non-GA member state, therefore unaffected by any other Resolution or Decision.


Jun 20, 2018

Global Assembly

" Voting on Antarctica has now ended. The result concludes at ten (10) votes in favour, one (1) vote against and four (4) abstain
The South African Ambassador is not present, invalidating their right to vote in this session. The Resolution has been APPROVED "

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