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[Germany] Deutsche Welle


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018


German Wave

Deutsche Welle ("German wave" in German) or DW is Germany's public international broadcasting service. The service is available in 30 languages, including, but not necessarily limited to, English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, Polish, Turkish, and Arabic. DW's service is satellite-based, allowing viewers to remain up-to-date with live feeds in high-quality 4k resolutions. While funded by the German government, the work of DW is regulated by the Deutsche Welle Act, meaning that content is always independent of government influence, and is instead focused on telling news from an unbiased, people-focused point of view on events across the globe.
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His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018

This is DW News, coming live to you from Berlin; Protesters in France take to the streets in violence as the Macron government proves itself ineffective at dealing with peaceful protests. Also coming up, the Global Assembly erupts into chaos after two bills go through that leave several of its members stunned and appalled. And, finally, a discussion between political, economic, and military leaders on an increase in purchases from the Russian market, and what this may hold as competition for the newly-nationalized Reichland Defence.

News Intro (Stop Video at 49 seconds, or it'll continually repeat)

Hello, I'm Terry Martin. Welcome to the program. Our first story today is regarding the Yellow Vest protests that have escalated throughout Europe, and France in particular. Earlier today, the masses woke up to panicked reports coming from the Macron government that the protests, which were once peaceful demonstrations of the inalienable right of Freedom of Speech, had suddenly turned violent. The reason being? According to the protesters, Macron remained silent on important issues, and needs to resign from his position. His policies have certainly affected the minds of not only French citizens, but also that of German ones as well. We now go to our correspondents, Mr. Christin Bäumler and Hilde Hinkelmann, live in Hamburg. Thank you both for coming on.

News screens switched from the main office of DW News to an office in Hamburg, where a rather elderly gentleman in a blue bespoke suit with violet tie smiled at the camera and gave a wave. This was contrasted against the woman to his immediate left, wearing a bright green coat over an equally bright shirt. Her hair had green streaks running through it, and her face was a youthful, healthy 20-25, who simply smiled at the camera with a wide grin and showed off her pristine teeth.

No. Thank you Herr Martin, the man, identified as Christin Bäumler began, turning to the camera to give his point of view on Macron's failing government, Now, I don't know about you, but I'm not a fan of Macron either. In recent months, his policies have shown that he's disregarded everything the French people stand for, and he would rather see them disenfranchised before he gives up his position. The woman to his left only gawked at what could only be assumed as something insensitive, which was considered a no-no.

Well, I personally disagree that Macron hasn't done anything for his people. I would call them rather well-enfranchised, and I'm pretty certain that his people are going to make things far worse for France without his guidance. Do you support the violence against him?! she asked in shock, hoping to god that the man she had agreed to talk with on their differing opinions didn't support the violence imposed against the French government.

Hehehe, well...I can't say that I don't think Macron got what was coming to him, but I certainly don't support the violence either.

But you just said you supported it by saying he got what was coming to him! the woman protested.

I swear, I'm not lying! Christin defended, keeping his voice calm, but still giving it as an exclamation of his own beliefs. It's just a stated fact! The Macron government is incapable of acting on the wishes of its people an —

No, no, no! You're wrong. It's not that Macron is incapable of acting in the interests of the people, but he just —

You —

He just —

He just needs to what? What exactly does he ne —

Would you stop interrupting me Terry? Just because you aren't a fan of him, doesn't mean that my opinion on the matter isn't valid.

Let's be honest here; Macron's intent isn't to help the people of France, only himself. He was elected to represent the people, just like we elect the Reichstag to represent the people here in Berlin.

Bundestag, firstly, and secondly, I'm certain we elect our representatives to make the best decisions for the country at large, not the individual person. Why else do we make these elections in the first place?

Well, would you say that the Kaiser, as an unelected individual, deserves to be equally praised when he left us to freeze to death?

Oh my god, have you not seen his recent press release?

Firstly, I was actually at the Reichstag for that Press release, and he still did not answer all my questions with the utmost honesty —

But he was on —

And secondly, the point of the question was if you were willing to give someone who left us to freeze to death the same kind of respect you'd give to Macron, let alone any politician who puts themselves before the people. The screens would then split back to the news studio as the two argued.

Wait, wait...So, one of you believes that Macron is doing the right thing, and the other believes that he deserves what he has coming to him, right?


Of course.

Well, before we let you continue your are some questions for you. How do you think the Yellow Vests are affecting France now, and will continue to affect the French sphere of politics further into the future?

Well, I gave my point on Macron. I am not a fan of the man or his policies, and I believe that he's only worsened France for the French, just as
Angela Merkel worsened Germany for Germans. In all honesty, I think that this Yellow Vest movement has and will give rise to a new France that is stronger and better for itself, just as the Constitutionalism Movement here in Germany's already an extent.

It's debatable. I personally think that Macron's and His Majesty's policies are very different, and that the Yellow Vests are only making the situation worse. They're feeding the Nazis, they're feeding the communists...they're feeding all the political ideas that are bad for democracies everywhere, and will eventually result in France becoming a dictatorship.

Is this any different from the National Democratic Party or Die Linke here in Germany being fed by His Majesty and his policies?

Well no! Wait, wait, wai —

You just admitted your argument is wrong, therefore you concede and I believe that my point is made more valid by someone who doesn't know what they're even talking abou —

How...dare you! Before the situation escalated any further, Terry stepped back in.

Well, I do thank you for your opinions on the matter...but I think that's all the time we have here at DW before we go to commercial. the screen immediately then simply shifted back to the news studio before continuing on. And here we have an example of the differing opinions in the 21st, we're going to go and take a short break, but up next, we discuss on the Global Assembly and the chaos that's ensued from two pieces of legislation that were opposed by a large number of members.


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018

This is DW News, coming live to you from Berlin; German-Brazilian relations take a turn for the worse, and the Federal Government announces it will be taking its case to court. Coming up as well, an ICBM explodes over the Tyrrhenian Sea and concerns Germans on holiday to Italy. Finally, His Majesty awards the Royal Cross to an officer of the Ottoman Constabulary for his heroics in the face of danger

News Intro (Stop Video at 49 seconds, or it'll continually repeat)

Hello, I'm Terry Martin, and welcome back everyone to DW News. Germany and Brazil have had a tumultuous relation within the last few weeks, and things have taken a turn for the worst. As Brazil continues its belligerent and dangerous behavior, the Federal Government has announced its intention to the world to take its case for the settlement of over two-billion US dollars to the international level. Just a few days after this incident, after the Brazilian government declined to pay the settlement that our government here in Berlin demanded to be paid.

After that, the federal government publicly announced its intention to take this case to the International Court of Justice, where Brazil will be tried for their belligerence and actions against other states besides Germany. Now, I personally cannot say for everyone when I say that His Majesty didn't do the right thing in allowing the Brazilians to leave. They broke the law, they have to pay...but I can understand his reasoning for backing out of the siege...

Discussion on the matter continues, bringing up statistics, public evidence, etc. of the Brazilians being at fault


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018

Welcome back to DW News, coming live to you from Berlin; The collapse of the Macron Government is answered by His Majesty, the Kaiser, after weeks of debate with the government. Coming up as well, Wolfgang Shröder, one of the NPD's leading figureheads, announces that he will be running as Party Leader for a reestablished NSDAP; only time will tell if the Committee for Political Parties will regret their decision. Later, Taiwan has put a stop to news media on their part; could this be the work of authoritarians and dictators within the Taiwanese government? Or is it truly a national security concern regarding Brazil?

News Intro (Stop Video at 49 seconds, or it'll continually repeat)

Hello, I'm Terry Martin, and welcome back to DW News, your source for international news from a German point of view. Starting off our evening is news from His Imperial & Royal Majesty himself. Kaiser Friedrich IV, after weeks of intense debate regarding the collapse of the Macron Government, has decided to follow closely with Andrea Nahles and her solution to what could be considered a dictatorship in the making. He stated to the press early this afternoon,

"I cannot, in good conscience, allow diplomacy to fail again after the incidents regarding Brazil. While I may not support Nahles' decision to engage with potential dictators on a personal level, especially considering the amount of refugees that Germany has taken in, I cannot allow relations to deteriorate like they did with South America. I will be talking with the French, to see what their ultimate end goal is, and what their government is like. Only afterwards, will I decide if they are truly worth an investment diplomatically."

A strong, but understandable statement from the King of Prussia. In contrast, many in the Cabinet disagreed personally with the Reich Chancellor as well, believing that her suggestion of diplomacy with the Communist States, seeing as it was now becoming the dominant ideology, was rather worrying. One of them even threatened to quit should the Kaiser consider open diplomacy with the new French government, especially in the wake of over 2000 refugees, and counting fleeing to German soil from the Communist government. Such threats were ignored, however, and were found to be without much bite to them.

Now, we go live to the Reichstag, where Wolfgang Shröder, one of the two leaders of the National Democratic Party, has called a public announcement to his peers. Our correspondent, Romona Braun. Romona, do we have an idea of what this summit is going to be about?

The view is switched over to the Reichstag Plenary Floor, which had been authorized for the announcement a few hours ago by the Presidium

Well, while we are not entirely certain, we have been given hints and clues as to what exactly this summit will be about. From what I understand here, the NPD was called forth to discuss on something having to do with the NSDAP, which has been quickly reestablished, according to Shröder himself.

The view switches to half between the DW News studio and the summit in Berlin

Really Romona? That was a lot quicker than I expected, heh, heh, heh.

You may laugh Terry, but the fact that the Nazis have managed to resurface so quickly is rather disconcerting. It makes me wonder how safe our neighborhoods have been since World War 2.

Applause is heard as the view switched back fully to the summit, where Wolfgang Shröder was already speaking; his appearance was already drastically different, having forgone traditional attire in favor of a brownshirt uniform with the Nazi armband on his left arm

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Party. It is no secret that, prior to joining the NPD, I was a member of the then-illegal National Socialist German Workers Party. Since it has been made legal for the first time since 1945, I had decided to find out the state of the Party. It is a mess...more akin to a fanclub than a legitimate political party. I have sworn to make it a party fit for the modern day, alongside my responsibilities as a member of the NPD. However, in two years time, I will be leaving the National Democratic Party in favor of the NSDAP. My reasoning is that this party, while admirable in its goals and beliefs, is not the party that I wished to take part in; I am a National Socialist at heart, mind, and spirit, not a National Democrat. That being said, I have chosen a successor, if you will allow it: Frank Franz. In months to come, he will begin to represent the NPD at my side, and when I leave, he will succeed me as your Party Leader.

Applause as Shröder nodded to his peers, a glimpse of him giving a Heil to his followers in the NPD as it cut back to the studio

A little unnerving to see a swastika in broad daylight, but I personally say good riddance. At least in the Nazi Party, he has no real chance of causing any major damage to the political structure of Germany. Now, while we go to commercial, let's remind ourselves that, while the Party is horrendous and awful, it is technically legal. Let's not start a "Punch Actual Nazis" hashtag on social media and cause a ruckus hmm? Regardless, coming up after the break, news media in Taiwan has ceased by order of the State. Are these the trappings of, yet, another Communist dictatorship in disguise?

Commercial Break
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His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018

Welcome back to DW News, coming live to you from Berlin; only one month after the socialist uprising in France, Macron is apparently back in power! Is this the work of some ancient magic, or is there a simpler explanation? Coming up as well, plans were recently made public that the Kaiser intends an expansion of German city states; one, in particular, is very ambitious, and has roots leading back to the Nazis! Later, the the Confederacy of Independent Nations, and what this means for the Independent State Allied Forces. Will we be seeing another global conflict?

News Intro (Stop Video at 49 seconds, or it'll continually repeat)

Hello, I'm Terry Martin, and welcome back to DW News, your source for international news from a German point of view. Starting off our evening...well, a rather spooky story for Europe. Apparently political leaders can come back from the dead, such is the case with Emanuel Macron, the last President of the 5th Republic.

Emanuel Macron after his reelection, courtesy of France 24

A few months back, protests against Macron and his government turned into a violent after escalations with Brazil. What happened next was a swift socialist takeover of the French country; now, only two months after, it seems that Macron escaped custody, even though the socialists said that he had been arrested, and...I'm just confused as all Hell over here.

A few moments for Terry Martin to start chuckling to himself before he starts laughing

I mean, a man who should be dead, is now stated to be back in power after the French people didn't want him...I'm honestly dumbfounded. Is this the United States, where elections don't matter?!

Another few moments for Terry to continue laughing with his colleagues before straightening himself back up

When...ahem...when the — heh, heh — ahem...When asked on the matter, German citizens had already reacted in a way that you would expect children to react: a set of viral tweets under the hashtag "ZombieMacron" spread across Twitter like wildfire, and has since been seen on magazines and other viral news sites. Now, coming up after the break, we're going to get a look inside the government's latest federal infrastructure project to transform Berlin into a large-scale metropolitan area with Potsdam.

Fade to commercial as Terry Martin continues to giggle to himself about the situation with Macron

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