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[Germany]: Message to France


GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
"Yes, my time in Berlin I consider one of my most treasured memories. While I am obviously biased I do think Strasbourg is slightly nicer as it perfectly combines the French and German cultures, but beyond that Berlin and Paris are about even to me." Marie spoke with a smile, she was clearly enjoying her conversation with her German counterpart. "I am glad to see you agree with the proposal and as well your motivation for doing so. While France due to its history is more than just a European power, Europe is and always will be our first home and where 99% of our people are. In recent years we have been critically unable to address my own affairs, either because our countries didn't have the means to protect the continent or if they did they were focused on their own affairs. It is an abomination that the American Navy was needed to protect Italian territory. One of our primary goals is to enable Europe to be self-sustaining, this is a major reason why we have decided to invest this deeply into our military as well. There is of course the immediate need to defend our people from Canada, but beyond that we want to avoid external powers being needed to protect our sovereignty. This is not known yet so I hope you will keep it private but in the upcoming weeks the Empress intends to announce a doctrine that as a key pillar provides for the ability for France to defend any European country should they fall under attack. The reason I am telling you this is that I believe Germany likewise has a major role to play on continental defence. In a dream scenario we would like to see yourselves, ourselves, Poland, and Russia acting as guarantors of European security. Not to impose our wills on weaker European countries but rather guaranteeing that every European can breathe free and without the risk of unprovoked aggression." She paused for a moment as the next topic she would bring up was related to the former but not entirely. "When it comes to our security needs I also believe there is another important topic and that is one of technology. Following World War 2 and especially after the Cold War our military industries have become heavily entwined. Germany has the best rifle and the best tank in the world, we have the best anti-air defence and one of the best fighter jets, Germany has legendary diesel submarines, we have impressive nuclear ones and aircraft carriers. The list really goes on. On our own France and Germany do not have technological parity with say the US in every category, but when our respective industries complement each other our technology is superior to pretty much the rest of the world. If you are open to it we would like to propose equal access. You would be able to produce any piece of technology we have developed and vice versa. Our industries are already setup for this with for example the shares we both hold in companies like Airbus."



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Hannah would smile. "Mochengladbach was my home town, I would say it is slightly nicer then Paris." She'd laugh, joking with Marie. "We will of course keep it private and I actually share the same sentiment of Germany to being involved in the defence of Europe. Sure we do not want to be the Europe Police. But it is more or less to avoid as you say external powers taking over to protect our land. America has always been seen as police as you say. United Kingdom only really follow suit from what they have to say and it leads to America having a influence in European affairs in which case with their navy protecting Italian territory. I see no issue with that dream scenario. Though as I said, it is important to act like a Police.. but rather a defence." Hannah paused as she continued. "I see. I have no issue with equal access, however I would need to clear this first. What kind of equipment are we talking in regards?"



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
"You hit the nail on the head. France has no interest in telling our neighbours what they can and cannot do. With some exceptions such as genocide or other crimes against humanity of course, but beyond that every European state should feel free to develop however they wish comforted in the knowledge that if some outside power takes offence the combined forces of Europe will stand ready to repel them. As for the technology, it really is too numerous to say. The German military industry is enormous and likewise is our own. Already plenty of projects have both French and German, as well as Italian and Spanish roots. So rather than getting stuck on specifics and making sure we share an equal number of technology our proposal is simply that we lift any barriers and tariffs. Germany would be able to purchase anything from French companies at market value (OOC: So catalogue price without needing to send money over and for me to then do the production but rather you get to order the production directly), and vice versa. But to name some specific things. We produce for example the SAMP/T, which is the world's most advanced surface to air missile system, or the Ground Master 400 radar which is one of the most advanced 3D AESA radars. Likewise you would be able to buy for example our Charles de Gaulle aircraft carriers and once their development is completee the Thales Air Master 403 and 406 Airborne Early Warning and Control Systems. By not having any tariffs or red tape in place each one of us can create the most optimal military to aid in our shared commitment to continental security" Marie replied with a smile. She hesitated for a moment before getting a folder from her bag. "We weren't sure if this first meeting would be the right time to propose it, but based on how things have been going so far. I would like to raise two more proposals for your consideration. The first would be to sigh a mutual defence treaty. The second proposal is something our governments did in the past century as well as a commitment to Europe and to show that even ancient rivals can come together. The Franco-German Brigade. This would be a military unit consisting of both German and French forces placed under the command of an officer from one state and a deputy from the other. We could make sure to alternate command and deputy command fairly, and this way if the situation presented itself where Germany and France would both need to act we would already have a highly competent military unit ready to go that has been training together and getting used to operating under a singular command. To enhance cooperation they could have facilities on both sides of the Franco-German border"



El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Of course, if any crimes against humanity occurred. I see no issue of production of each others techonology. I'm assuming you mean if say we ordered a French equipment, you'd produce it and send it over or i'm I mistaken apologies?" Hannah paused. "The treaty.. do you have anything written up for it currently? I see no issue with this as you are correct. It can show us rivals coming together in a time where Europe needs stability. Within regards to the Brigade, again no issues from me. It is in fact perfect timing whilst we are currently revamping the German Armed Forces anyway. I couldn't really pinpoint where our sides will be based currently however."



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
"I more meant that if you wanted French equipment you could order it directly from the manufacturer, without needing to do it through us. The manufacturer would also be able to fulfil the order without prior permission from my government and deliver it directly to you, and vice versa. I am pleased you are in agreement. If I may suggest, why not stick with the original facilities that were designated? Müllheim in Germany as Headquarters, Metz in France as secondary headquarters, and then Donaueschingen and Stetten am Kalten Markt in Germany and Illkirch-Graffenstaden and Sarrebourg in France. We would be willing to dedicate 10,000 soldiers as well as appropriate armour and artillery to this Brigade to allow it to be a highly capable force for anything Germany or France may need in our respective defence and of course if we do so jointly decide in the future in any operation between our two states. Also as luck would have it I had requested my staff to prepare documents for any possible scenario. I do not yet have one for the Europol organization but my aide is already working on a Memorandum of Understanding for that one as well that would commit both our nations to its formation but leave space for any other nations to provide input prior to it becoming law.

Mutual Defense Treaty between the Empire of France and the German Empire


Expressing their desire to strengthen the bonds of peace and friendship between their nations, the Empire of France and the German Empire hereby conclude this Mutual Defense Treaty.

Article I: Mutual Defense
The Empire of France and the German Empire pledge to come to each other's aid in the event of an armed attack by any external party against either nation's territory, sovereignty, or territorial integrity. An armed attack against one party shall be considered an attack against both parties, obliging them to take all necessary measures to restore and maintain the security of the attacked party.

Article II: Consultation and Cooperation
The parties shall promptly consult with each other, either at the request of one party or upon mutual agreement, regarding any situation that may threaten the security or territorial integrity of either nation. They shall cooperate closely in defense matters, including intelligence sharing, joint military exercises, and the development of common defense strategies.

Article III: Duration and Termination
This Treaty shall enter into force upon signature by both parties and remain in force indefinitely, unless terminated by mutual agreement. Either party may withdraw from this Treaty by providing written notice to the other party, with such withdrawal becoming effective one year after the date of notification.

Article IV: Non-Aggression
The parties reaffirm their commitment to refrain from aggression against each other and to resolve disputes peacefully, in accordance with international law.

Article V: Territorial Integrity
The parties shall respect each other's sovereignty and territorial integrity, pledging not to engage in actions that threaten or undermine these principles.

Article VI: Assistance and Support
In the event of an armed attack, the parties shall provide each other with assistance and support, including military aid, logistical assistance, and diplomatic backing, as may be necessary to ensure the security and defense of the attacked party.

Article VII: Relationship with Existing Treaties
This Treaty shall complement and not derogate from the parties' existing international obligations, including those arising from other defense alliances or agreements.

Article VIII: Amendments and Modifications
Any amendments or modifications to this Treaty shall be made by mutual agreement between the parties and shall enter into force upon ratification by their respective governments.

Article IX: Language and Authentic Texts
This Treaty is drawn up in the English, French, and German languages, all texts being equally authentic.

In witness whereof, the undersigned, duly authorized by their respective governments, have signed this Treaty.

For the Empire of France:

For the German Empire:

Traduction en français:


Exprimant leur volonté de renforcer les liens de paix et d'amitié entre leurs nations, l'Empire de France et l'Empire Allemand concluent par la présente ce Traité de Défense Mutuelle.

Article I: Défense Mutuelle
L'Empire de France et l'Empire Allemand s'engagent à venir en aide l'un à l'autre en cas d'attaque armée par une partie externe contre le territoire, la souveraineté ou l'intégrité territoriale de l'une ou l'autre nation. Une attaque armée contre l'une des parties sera considérée comme une attaque contre les deux parties, les obligeant à prendre toutes les mesures nécessaires pour rétablir et maintenir la sécurité de la partie attaquée.

Article II: Consultation et Coopération
Les parties se consulteront promptement, soit à la demande d'une partie, soit d'un commun accord, concernant toute situation pouvant menacer la sécurité ou l'intégrité territoriale de l'une ou l'autre nation. Elles coopéreront étroitement en matière de défense, y compris le partage de renseignements, les exercices militaires conjoints et la développement de stratégies de défense communes.

Article III: Durée et Résiliation
Ce Traité entrera en vigueur dès sa signature par les deux parties et restera en vigueur indéfiniment, sauf résiliation par accord mutuel. L'une ou l'autre partie peut se retirer de ce Traité en fournissant un avis écrit à l'autre partie, ce retrait prenant effet un an après le date de notification.

Article IV: Non-Agression
Les parties réaffirment leur engagement à s'abstenir de toute agression l'une contre l'autre et à résoudre les différends pacifiquement, conformément au droit international.

Article V: Intégrité Territoriale
Les parties respecteront la souveraineté et l'intégrité territoriale de chacune, s'engageant à ne pas entreprendre d'actions menaçant ou compromettant ces principes.

Article VI: Assistance et Soutien
En cas d'attaque armée, les parties fourniront mutuellement une assistance et un soutien, y compris une aide militaire, une assistance logistique et un appui diplomatique, selon les besoins pour assurer la sécurité et la défense de la partie attaquée.

Article VII: Relation avec les Traités Existants
Ce Traité viendra compléter et non déroger aux obligations internationales existantes des parties, y compris celles découlant d'autres alliances ou accords de défense.

Article VIII: Amendements et Modifications
Toute modification de ce Traité sera faite par accord mutuel entre les parties et entrera en vigueur après ratification par leurs gouvernements respectifs.

Article IX: Langue et Textes Authentiques
Ce Traité est rédigé en anglais, français et allemand, tous les textes étant également authentiques.

En foi de quoi, les soussignés, dûment autorisés par leurs gouvernements respectifs, ont signé ce Traité.

Pour l'Empire de France:

Pour l'Empire Allemand:

Übersetzung ins Deutsche:


Zur Stärkung der Friedens- und Freundschaftsbande zwischen ihren Nationen schließen das Kaiserreich Frankreich und das Deutsche Reich hiermit diesen Vertrag über Gegenseitige Verteidigung ab.

Artikel I: Gegenseitige Verteidigung
Das Kaiserreich Frankreich und das Deutsche Reich verpflichten sich, einander im Falle eines bewaffneten Angriffs durch eine externe Partei auf das Territorium, die Souveränität oder die territoriale Integrität einer der beiden Nationen beizustehen. Ein bewaffneter Angriff gegen eine Partei wird als Angriff gegen beide Parteien betrachtet, was sie verpflichtet, alle erforderlichen Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um die Sicherheit der angegriffenen Partei wiederherzustellen und aufrechtzuerhalten.

Artikel II: Beratung und Zusammenarbeit
Die Parteien werden sich umgehend konsultieren, entweder auf Anfrage einer Partei oder auf gegenseitige Vereinbarung, über jede Situation, die die Sicherheit oder die territoriale Integrität einer der Nationen bedrohen könnte. Sie werden in Verteidigungsfragen eng zusammenarbeiten, einschließlich des Austauschs von Geheimdienstinformationen, gemeinsamer Militärübungen und der Entwicklung gemeinsamer Verteidigungsstrategien.

Artikel III: Dauer und Kündigung
Dieser Vertrag tritt mit der Unterzeichnung durch beide Parteien in Kraft und bleibt unbefristet in Kraft, sofern er nicht durch gegenseitige Vereinbarung gekündigt wird. Eine Partei kann sich aus diesem Vertrag zurückziehen, indem sie der anderen Partei eine schriftliche Mitteilung zukommen lässt, wobei dieser Rückzug ein Jahr nach dem Datum der Benachrichtigung wirksam wird.

Artikel IV: Nichtangriff
Die Parteien bekräftigen ihr Engagement, auf Angriffe gegeneinander zu verzichten, und sich verpflichten, Streitigkeiten friedlich gemäß dem Völkerrecht beizulegen.

Artikel V: Territoriale Integrität
Die Parteien werden die Souveränität und territoriale Integrität des anderen respektieren und sich verpflichten, keine Handlungen vorzunehmen, die diese Prinzipien bedrohen oder untergraben.

Artikel VI: Unterstützung und Hilfe
Im Falle eines bewaffneten Angriffs werden die Parteien einander Unterstützung und Hilfe leisten, einschließlich militärischer Hilfe, logistischer Unterstützung und diplomatischer Unterstützung, wie sie zur Sicherung der Sicherheit und Verteidigung der angegriffenen Partei erforderlich ist.

Artikel VII: Beziehung zu bestehenden Verträgen
Dieser Vertrag soll die bestehenden internationalen Verpflichtungen der Parteien ergänzen und nicht beeinträchtigen, einschließlich derjenigen aus anderen Verteidigungsbündnissen oder Abkommen.

Artikel VIII: Änderungen und Modifikationen
Änderungen oder Modifikationen dieses Vertrages werden durch gegenseitige Vereinbarung zwischen den Parteien vorgenommen und treten nach Ratifizierung durch ihre jeweiligen Regierungen in Kraft.

Artikel IX: Sprache und Authentische Texte
Dieser Vertrag wird in englischer, französischer und deutscher Sprache verfasst, wobei alle Texte gleichermassen authentisch sind.

Zu Urkund dessen haben die Unterzeichneten, von ihren jeweiligen Regierungen ordnungsgemäß bevollmächtigt, diesen Vertrag unterzeichnet.

Für das Kaiserreich Frankreich:

Für das Deutsche Reich:

Memorandum of Understanding


The Empire of France


The German Empire

Subject: Formation of an Organization for Cooperation on Police and Judicial Matters


Recognizing the imperative need for enhanced cooperation between their nations in combating transnational crime, including terrorism, organized crime, and other forms of serious crime;

Affirming their commitment to upholding the rule of law, protecting human rights, and ensuring the safety and security of their citizens;

Desiring to establish a mechanism for effective collaboration in law enforcement and judicial matters;

Hereby agree as follows:

Article 1: Establishment of the Organization

  1. The Empire of France and the German Empire shall jointly establish an organization dedicated to enhancing cooperation in police and judicial matters, including but not limited to the exchange of information, intelligence sharing, joint investigations, and the coordination of law enforcement efforts.
  2. The organization shall operate as a platform for member states to collaborate on cross-border crime prevention and control, with a focus on promoting security and justice within the territories of the participating nations.
Article 2: Organization-wide Arrest Warrant

  1. Any member country of the organization shall have the authority to issue an organization-wide arrest warrant for suspects wanted for serious crimes, including terrorism, organized crime, and offenses against humanity.
  2. Member states shall be obligated to arrest any suspect named in the organization-wide arrest warrant if found within their borders, subject to their national laws and procedures.
Article 3: Extradition Court

  1. The organization shall establish an extradition court composed of qualified judges from member states to rule on extradition requests submitted by member states.
  2. The extradition court shall assess the validity of arrest warrants and extradition requests, ensuring compliance with international law, human rights standards, and the principles of fair trial.
Article 4: Membership

  1. The Empire of France and the German Empire shall actively seek out other nations to become members of the organization, with the aim of broadening its scope and effectiveness.
  2. In the event that additional members are not secured prior to the official establishment of the organization, the Empire of France and the German Empire shall proceed with its formation independently.
Article 5: Implementation and Operation

  1. The organization shall be governed by a council composed of representatives from member states, which shall be responsible for decision-making and policy direction.
  2. The organization shall establish operational units and mechanisms to facilitate the exchange of information, intelligence analysis, and operational coordination among member states.
Article 6: Entry into Force

This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force upon signature by the duly authorized representatives of the Empire of France and the German Empire.

Done in duplicate, in the English, French, and German languages, all texts being equally authentic.

For the Empire of France:


For the German Empire:


Mémorandum d'Entente


L'Empire de France


L'Empire Allemand

Objet : Formation d'une Organisation de Coopération en Matière de Police et de Justice


Reconnaissant le besoin impératif d'une coopération renforcée entre leurs nations pour lutter contre la criminalité transnationale, y compris le terrorisme, le crime organisé et d'autres formes de criminalité grave ;

Affirmant leur engagement à respecter l'état de droit, à protéger les droits de l'homme et à assurer la sûreté et la sécurité de leurs citoyens ;

Désirant établir un mécanisme de collaboration efficace en matière de police et de justice ;

Conviennent par la présente de ce qui suit :

Article 1 : Établissement de l'Organisation

  1. L'Empire de France et l'Empire Allemand établiront conjointement une organisation dédiée à renforcer la coopération en matière de police et de justice, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, l'échange d'informations, le partage de renseignements, les enquêtes conjointes et la coordination des efforts en matière de répression.
  2. L'organisation fonctionnera comme une plateforme permettant aux États membres de collaborer à la prévention et au contrôle de la criminalité transfrontalière, en mettant l'accent sur la promotion de la sécurité et de la justice sur les territoires des nations participantes.
Article 2 : Mandat d'Arrêt à l'Échelle de l'Organisation

  1. Tout pays membre de l'organisation aura le pouvoir de délivrer un mandat d'arrêt à l'échelle de l'organisation pour les suspects recherchés pour des crimes graves, y compris le terrorisme, le crime organisé et les crimes contre l'humanité.
  2. Les États membres seront tenus d'arrêter tout suspect nommé dans le mandat d'arrêt à l'échelle de l'organisation s'il est trouvé sur leur territoire, sous réserve de leurs lois et procédures nationales.
Article 3 : Tribunal d'Extradition

  1. L'organisation établira un tribunal d'extradition composé de juges qualifiés des États membres pour statuer sur les demandes d'extradition présentées par les États membres.
  2. Le tribunal d'extradition examinera la validité des mandats d'arrêt et des demandes d'extradition, en veillant au respect du droit international, des normes relatives aux droits de l'homme et des principes d'un procès équitable.
Article 4 : Adhésion

  1. L'Empire de France et l'Empire Allemand rechercheront activement d'autres nations pour devenir membres de l'organisation, dans le but d'élargir sa portée et son efficacité.
  2. Dans le cas où des membres supplémentaires ne seraient pas obtenus avant l'établissement officiel de l'organisation, l'Empire de France et l'Empire Allemand procéderont à sa formation de manière indépendante.
Article 5 : Mise en Œuvre et Fonctionnement

  1. L'organisation sera gouvernée par un conseil composé de représentants des États membres, qui sera chargé de la prise de décisions et de l'orientation politique.
  2. L'organisation établira des unités opérationnelles et des mécanismes pour faciliter l'échange d'informations, l'analyse de renseignements et la coordination opérationnelle entre les États membres.
Article 6 : Entrée en Vigueur

Ce Mémorandum d'Entente entrera en vigueur dès la signature par les représentants dûment autorisés de l'Empire de France et de l'Empire Allemand.

Fait en double exemplaire, en anglais, français et allemand, tous les textes étant également authentiques.

Pour l'Empire de France :


Pour l'Empire Allemand :


Memorandum of Understanding


Das Kaiserreich Frankreich


Das Deutsche Reich

Betreff: Gründung einer Organisation zur Zusammenarbeit in polizeilichen und justiziellen Angelegenheiten


In Anerkennung der dringenden Notwendigkeit einer verstärkten Zusammenarbeit zwischen ihren Nationen im Kampf gegen transnationale Kriminalität, einschließlich Terrorismus, organisiertes Verbrechen und andere Formen schwerer Kriminalität;

Bekräftigung ihres Engagements für Rechtsstaatlichkeit, Schutz der Menschenrechte und Gewährleistung der Sicherheit und des Schutzes ihrer Bürger;

Wunsch, einen Mechanismus für eine effektive Zusammenarbeit in polizeilichen und justiziellen Angelegenheiten zu etablieren;

Stimmen hiermit wie folgt überein:

Artikel 1: Einrichtung der Organisation

  1. Das Kaiserreich Frankreich und das Deutsche Reich werden gemeinsam eine Organisation zur Stärkung der Zusammenarbeit in polizeilichen und justiziellen Angelegenheiten einrichten, einschließlich, aber nicht beschränkt auf den Austausch von Informationen, gemeinsame Ermittlungen und Koordination der Durchsetzung von Gesetzen.
  2. Die Organisation wird als Plattform für Mitgliedsstaaten fungieren, um bei der grenzüberschreitenden Kriminalitätsprävention und -kontrolle zusammenzuarbeiten, mit dem Schwerpunkt auf der Förderung von Sicherheit und Gerechtigkeit innerhalb der Gebiete der teilnehmenden Nationen.
Artikel 2: Organisationweiter Haftbefehl

  1. Jedes Mitgliedsland der Organisation hat das Recht, einen organisationweiten Haftbefehl für Verdächtige auszustellen, die wegen schwerer Verbrechen gesucht werden, einschließlich Terrorismus, organisiertes Verbrechen und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit.
  2. Die Mitgliedsstaaten sind verpflichtet, jeden Verdächtigen festzunehmen, der in einem organisationweiten Haftbefehl genannt wird, wenn er sich in ihrem Hoheitsgebiet befindet, vorbehaltlich ihrer nationalen Gesetze und Verfahren.
Artikel 3: Auslieferungsgericht

  1. Die Organisation wird ein Auslieferungsgericht einrichten, das aus qualifizierten Richtern der Mitgliedsstaaten besteht, um über Auslieferungsersuchen zu entscheiden, die von Mitgliedsstaaten gestellt werden.
  2. Das Auslieferungsgericht wird die Gültigkeit von Haftbefehlen und Auslieferungsersuchen prüfen und sicherstellen, dass sie mit internationalem Recht, Menschenrechtsstandards und den Grundsätzen eines fairen Verfahrens übereinstimmen.
Artikel 4: Mitgliedschaft

  1. Das Kaiserreich Frankreich und das Deutsche Reich werden aktiv nach anderen Nationen suchen, um Mitglieder der Organisation zu werden, mit dem Ziel, ihren Umfang und ihre Wirksamkeit zu erweitern.
  2. Falls weitere Mitglieder nicht vor der offiziellen Gründung der Organisation gewonnen werden, werden das Kaiserreich Frankreich und das Deutsche Reich mit ihrer Gründung unabhängig fortfahren.
Artikel 5: Umsetzung und Betrieb

  1. Die Organisation wird von einem Rat geleitet, der aus Vertretern der Mitgliedsstaaten besteht und für Entscheidungsfindung und politische Ausrichtung verantwortlich ist.
  2. Die Organisation wird operative Einheiten und Mechanismen zur Erleichterung des Informationsaustauschs, der Analyse von Informationen und der operativen Koordination zwischen den Mitgliedsstaaten einrichten.
Artikel 6: Inkrafttreten

Dieses Memorandum of Understanding tritt in Kraft, sobald es von den ordnungsgemäß bevollmächtigten Vertretern des Kaiserreichs Frankreich und des Deutschen Reichs unterzeichnet wird.

In doppelter Ausfertigung in englischer, französischer und deutscher Sprache, wobei alle Texte gleichermaßen authentisch sind.

Für das Kaiserreich Frankreich:


Für das Deutsche Reich:




El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Hannah would read the document at first, scanning the document completely before she was to sign it. However, after she read it she replied. "Could I speak to the cabinet and see what they think first before I sign? I would like to see their thoughts as I have no problem with it. But I do not want to sign it and they disagree or are unhappy with it. Once signed I can fax it over encrypted. In regards to the bases and the brigade, we are also willing to place 10,000 soldiers alongside the relevant equipment to fufill this brigade. I can speak with the Ministry of Defence who won't have any issues."



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
Marie nodded. "Of course, we anticipated ratification processes being required in both our states anyway and that is more than fine"



GA Member
Oct 11, 2023
"Same thing we do every night Pinky, try and take over the world"Marie said jokingly, referring to the 90s cartoon. "No, the peace with Canada is a surprising but welcome relief. We can only assume that Her Imperial Majesty's final appeal to humanity combined with the revelation that France wasn't going to surrender its territory and instead underwent the fastest militarization since World War 2 giving us an army, air force and navy that could have retaken territory by force was enough of a deterrent. We're just happy that, even though we were certain we would win, no further French or Canadians had to die to bring about that victory. Our immediate plans are to deal with the terrorism problem inside our borders and to send a message to the world by a large-scale military exercise that no one else should try to invade us. Longer term our plans are unchanged. Les gens, la foi, le sol. People, faith, soil. Protection of our people and language, protection of our faith, and protection of our territory. In equal importance this includes alliances with French-speaking nations, Catholic nations, and European nations, with the ultimate goal that the French everywhere, the Catholics everywhere, and the Europeans everywhere will always be protected. We will maintain our military at its current levels to guarantee that we will be able to uphold those goals no matter who comes knocking


El Presidente
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Hannah would laugh at the joke. "I see, I believe it is a long term to go forward to rebuild in terms of your territories. If anything we can do to assist, please let us know. Rest assured, with the treaty here. I believe there is a future for us."


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