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[Germany] Message to Korea


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"My mistake Minister, I shall have the agreement officially archived in the Depository of the Federal Republic of Germany. Indeed, please have your colleague contact the Ministry of Economic Affairs & Energy for further discussions on trade."

"It has been a pleasure talking to you Minister, I hope you have a pleasant day and I hope to speak to you again soon." The Minister would patiently wait as the call would be forwarded to the Presidential Advisor."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

Kim Minseo was working in her office in the Blue House. Reviewing the National Security Council files regarding the current discussions on intelligence from the Far East of Russia. The destabilization and long-term impact would prove a setback to the region. That and American troop movements near Korea would put it on the cross fire. The intelligence was still too weak for her to make a solid recommendation to the President. She took a break, getting coffee from the kitchen in the Blue House before checking her schedule. Meeting with Defense Command at 7, and then she saw an added meeting...German Justice Mini....Not again she said as she saw it was from Jae-eun. She turned off her computer and closed her file casings and put them back in the leather bag they were brought in. Picking up the phone as her secretary dialed her into the call. Getting only a glimpse into the agenda discussions, no lunch break she guessed.

"Hello, this is Advisor Kim of the Blue House. It is a pleasure to speak with you. I hope everything is alright in Germany, I know...the past few days has been a little hectic for us all with all that is happening."



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Good morning Madam Kim, the pleasure is all mine. You could not have said it better, the situation seems to be rapidly deteriorating in Russia and I believe that a ripple effect could soon be felt across the globe. With the Republic of Korea being in the vicinity of rebel held territory, may I inquire into what stance will your government be taking against the various factions which have formed?"



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Madame Minister, yes, the situation has rapidly deteriorated. We've just concluded a session at the Blue House on the situation in Russia. As you said a ripple effect is a dangerous consequence and one that will impact us all from Europe to Asia. With the conflict spreading, we must discuss contingence plans, including our own military response to forcefully secure our border and ensure a humanitarian corridor is established...on a side note, I am unaware if this a similar concern for your government, however, we have significant fears that if far-left factions make traction, it could inspire ideologically driven groups in Korea to raise arms to restore the Communist Regime.

For that reason, you can understand our caution and concerns about how the trajectory of the conflict plays out. This alongside a possible humanitarian crisis with winter coming, it is a lot of factors to consider. Does your government have any formal position on the situation? Our National Security Council will be convening in a couple of hours to discuss the situation. I hope I can bring any relevant intelligence or information you have to the table."



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We share similar concerns that the situation could offer the necessary opportunities for extremist organisations to rise up and gain traction. The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution will be keeping a close eye on the situation within Germany."

"As of this moment the Cabinet and Federal Foreign Office are still formulating our official position. We will of course be looking at conflict prevention and the protection of human rights. As of this moment we have no credible intelligence which we can share."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"I hope that our intelligence agencies can cooperate and share intelligence as needed to accommodate to the changing threat both our countries find themselves in. At this point, our intelligence is fairly limited. However, we do have credible information that the Far East is in the hands of Neo-Fascist and Nazi inspired paramilitaries and political factions. At least some navy and army units have defected from the Government and joined the insurgents. No attempts to seize the border crossings have been made.

At moment, the most ideal scenario is that the factions do not engage in open warfare during the following months. With winter coming, it would have catastrophic impact on the civilian population and would cause high levels of causalities. I do not know if the Global Assembly can attempt to mediate a conference of the different leaders of factions. A full out civil war would be damaging to both our regions."



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I shall pass on the details of this meeting to the Ministry of the Interior, I am certain that they will seek to have the Federal Intelligence Agency reach out to your government in the event we discover any credible intelligence. Perhaps I could pass on the suggestion to appoint a liaison between our two intelligence agencies to promote inter-agency cooperation."

"Any type of warfare, both conventional and unconventional, shall have a global effect. The question remains whether the world can unite to promote a humanitarian solution to the crisis, or that things will escalate and proxy wars might arise."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"That would be beneficial. I will speak with the NIS Director after our NSC meeting so that we can see how to promote inter-agency cooperation and open a shared directorate. Is your government currently planning to push for a diplomatic solution to address the crisis before we see the devotion into prolonged proxy conflict?"



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I shall pass on that information to the Chancellery and the BND. In regards to diplomatic action, that is a topic I cannot share with you at the moment simply because I do not have that information. I am certain however that the Federal Foreign Office, under the leadership of Herr Kohl, will be busy formulating a strategy on how to deal with the situation. If you have any queries regarding our foreign policy, please send a message to the Foreign Office or our Ambassador in Seoul."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Thank you for informing me. She wrote it down on a notepad if that is all for the Russia situation, I believe we can move onto discuss the situation in Ukraine if that is alright with you? I am sure that our Foreign Ministers can discuss in-depth the situation, after consulting with our respective leaders."



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I would be happy to move on to the situation in Ukraine, and I agree that a future meeting between individuals from our Foreign Ministries would be most beneficial as they possess a broader mandate on these subjects. For the time being I am happy to continue this preliminary discussion and will relay all information to the Federal Foreign Office."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Yes. The situation in Ukraine while relatively stable at the moment is still a caution of concern. We have seen how quickly society broke down in Russia and at the current stage, the actions of the Government of Ukraine are concerning. Primarily, the de facto suspension of the Constitution with a basically military government in control.

As you are aware, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense assumed power rather than the Chairman of the Ukrainian Legislature, the constitutionally provided successor in the event the President of Ukraine is in-capacitated.

While Ukrainians must ultimately decide their future and do so according to their customs and laws, of which we have no intention of interfering. The role of military governments is concerning to us. We primarily do not believe it is beneficial to our global community. As well as our own experiences with them. If the unelected Government does not call for elections soon, or the status of the President is clarified, it could soak unrest in further segments of society.

At the moment, these government officials who have usurped power are under travel sanctions by our Government. I was wondering what your governments position is on the matter, and some insight into the Chancellor's positions on the situation. While we have no real intention of any direct actions that would ultimately have an adverse affect on the Ukrainian people."



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"The shocking turn of events within Russia show how quickly things can deteriorate, which has increased our concern over the situation in Ukraine. This cabinet will not be voicing its support to the current 'provisional' military government and seeks to establish a line of communication with the President and his cabinet in order to support their position."

"As of yet we have not implemented any sanctions, but I imagine that if the situation were to worsen, or the legitimate government requests further support, we will discuss the matter within the cabinet. Aside from the actions your government has currently undertaken, are there any further policies you will be seeking to implement?"



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Well, for now we've suspended our proposed $450 million anti-corruption assistance grant to Ukraine. It was drafted a while ago to be honest, it is close to a year plus old. The Ukrainians never got back to us on it. But, for now, it is mostly timid monitoring of the situation. To be frank, it is one of those things, that is mostly gone under the rug unfortunately.

Our primary interests are to now have white nationalists running amok attacking other ethnicities. The flames of Ukrainian nationalism can easily be shifted from its Russian speaking community to its tens of thousands of the Korean ethnic minority. This would be a red-line for our administration. In which, much more aggressive action would be taken by our government in line with our rights under international law.

Our current stance is not levying any official assistance to the unelected officials in charge of Ukraine at this time. This includes monetary, military, or political support. We continue to await the capacity of the President, whom we have offered medical treatment in Korea."



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"In the event that the negotiations surrounding the anti-corruption assistance ever resurface, we would be more than happy to participate and co-finance any assitance. Though of course a certain sense of stability will need to return before we can be assured that such financing is well utilised."

"While I understand the offer of treatment, I ask you to consider the reprecussions it could have. Removing the President from the country could create a government-in-exile and support might shift to the domestic 'provisional' government. I believe that it would be best for the President and his government to remain in Ukraine for as long as it is safe."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"The previous German government was apart of the package negotiations. Germany and Norway both pledged $50 million and Korea would provide the remaining $350 million, however, due to unfortunate circumstances the various parties drifted away from the co-financing of anti-corruption assistance. Here is a copy for your government in case there was an issue with archiving it from the previous administration.

Well, the offer was made when the assassination attempt first occurred. This was of course before the Ministry of Defense and state security took power. Though, we've been told the President has been treated, by the Ukrainian Ambassador, we've had no update on his conditions.


Attached Document <Secured and Encrypted>


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Thank you for the copy, I will disperse it within the cabinet. I can assure you that this government will stand by the commitments made by previous administrations. I hope that the President has a speedy recovery so that the legitimacy of his government can be pressed. Once the situation has stabalised I hope that your government will be able to restart talks regarding this package."

"I believe we've had the Foreign Office reach out to the Ukranian government in order to receive an update on the situation, if you desire I can ask the Foreign Office to forward you any information they receive."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Yes. It is our hopes for the speedy recovery of the President. President Kim has kept an eye on the situation. Once the situation returns, it is our hope to continue the negotiations for the package to find a suitable course for Ukraine. If the Ukrainians respond, please do let us know. We are happy to change our policies and views to find a suitable outcome if your government can act as an intermediary...on the note of Ukraine. The Situation in Ukraine, Russia, and across the globe has shown the need for further integrated global cooperations and a common policy. In an era where we see countries go alone, it is our hope multilateralism can return to the table to solve our problems. What is your administrations...position...on German foreign policy in multilateralism."



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"In the event you require an intermediary, please remember that you are always welcome to contact the Federal Republic."

"This administration will of course be taking an open and cooperative position when it comes to multilateralism. We are eager to joint multilateral organisations and programmes, we have already noted our interest to acsending to the Nordic Council once again. I believe I am safe to assume that your government will continue its considerable work in the field of multilateralism."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"President Kim has hoped to have Germany as a partner in all external affairs. He also hopes that Germany will be an advocate in lobbying the support for Korea's proposed group of nations to better enhance global cooperation and dialogue.

It is good to see that you are taking up the previous position on the Nordic Council. I look forward to seeing how we can shift and adapt the council to meet the global situation as it morphs around us. Yes. We have in the past two years adapted to push multilateralism on many fronts. Sadly. It appears as though the vast majority of our fellow states do not take grasp the full extent of multilateralism that we sometimes may hope."


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