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[Germany] Message to Korea


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We are eager to join the Republic of Korea in multilateral endevoars across the globe. The Nordic Council, while limited in membership, remains at the forefront of multilateralism and we are eager to see it shine in its role. Germany will continue to seek organisations which aim to promote multilateral cooperation across all areas of competence and regions."

"Nationalism remains at the forefront of many minds, national interests will always take priority in many policy areas and limits the ability of cooperation. We can only hope that multilatiralism continues to grow amongs political parties within states."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"While the Nordic Council as a regional bloc has been successful at being a starter for greater European regional multilateral cooperation. Beyond that I would have differing views. Though, through ROK-NC cooperation we have seen how it can be successful at being an institution for greater cooperation beyond the scope it currently rests on.

National interests should continue to be the basis of decision making. We are representatives of nations, and the nation is representative of the people. I do not however believe that the national internet is always opposed to cooperation. Yet. Some statesmen will convince themselves that they must project their nation through international cooperation rather than project international cooperation through their nation.

Though, these are discussions for college students in their classrooms. In specific I hope that Korea, Spain, and Germany can push further international cooperation on areas of space, research, and scientific development. We have had serious and advance scientific cooperation with Argentina and hope to replicate this model with countries such as Germany and Spain. Both countries alongside The Netherlands & Turkey represent the quad-point of our strategic partnership and engagement vision. One which we hope to advance."


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