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[Germany] Video Conference Call with the ISAF


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
President Kästner would request a private, encrypted video conference with the ISAF member states in order to discuss on the matters of the Ottoman situation in Turkey, as well as the massive human rights violations & international law violations that "President" Erdogan has made.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Mr.Barroso, the Secretary General would accpect the call from Germany, in a private and encrypted line.

"Hello, Mrs.Kastner, its good to hear from you."
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His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
"Thank you Mr. Barroso. We have a very pressing matter that I feel needs to be discussed on today." the President would take a sip of water from her desk before asking, "Will the United Kingdom's General Secretary be joining us today?"


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Currently there's only a Secretary General , Maxwell Hanson as ended his term, and I was election. But please do tell, we have been monitoring Turkey for a while, and I believe we share your concerns."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
"Agreed. The situation in Turkey is devolving rapidly, and I fear violent revolution without the deposition of the currently-reigning Erdogan." Celina would purse her lips as she thought. "I believe that an intervention should be required, especially considering their recent siege of a foreign embassy without any provocation."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We would need a better understanding of the situation, we can't just rely on the news media, as it sometimes can be too sensationalist. So we will have to put forwards a few of ISAF resources to monitor it. I do know that the Turkish state is trying to find and arrest the Sultan... but I not believe the Sultan will be arrested fairly.. if you understand.

Now the siege of a Embassy is quite worrying, but we've seen these types of situations develop before, and I do agree that the international comunity needs to stand watch on this situation, but going in with forces could destabilize the region even more. We don't like to go in guns blazing as the colloquial term most used."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
"Let us agree to disagree on that last point," President Kästner would state, her tone rather venomous in remembrance of all of the times that other nations had either conquered or attacked Germany.
"Regardless, I believe that if we wait, the Sultan could end up in prison, or worse, at the hands of Erdogan. I can't state for sure, but the situation is already destabilizing the region enough, and their attacks on an extraterritorial entity of Bosnia is technically an act of aggression. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to the Islamic World to take out such a ruthless dictator from power?"


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018

"While Germany is not a member-state of ISAF, I believe that this is an affair that does require the intervention of the international community. I am willing to send military assistance out to Turkey on behalf of ISAF, and ensure that a smooth transition takes place between governments. There is one catch, however..."


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Yes but I do not believe going in guns blazing will solve this crisis. And ISAF working as a united front, it would be unworthy of me to send another country on behalf of ISAF. That just cannot be done. However I will bring this problem to ISAF members and try and reach an agreement on how should we proceed in this issue. And we certainly do not condone an attack on a nations embassy, however we need to factor in civilian life here, and they always suffer.
We have seen lots of these crisis happening in the world, and the moment a nation intervenes in it... It becomes worse. If we are to act, then we need to act together, not in hotspots or as individuals, we all to pull to the same side. And avoid this becoming another proxy war."
He would sigh.

"I will bring this to ISAF, rest assured, but as Secretary General, I need to think what is best for the interests of our Members and the interest of ISAF."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
President Kästner would purse her lips in thought and sigh in agreement.
"You're right...however, all things considered, I would still like, if the ISAF does get involved, to put German men & women on the line to defend the Ottomans' rights, and ultimately to defend democratic rights & freedoms. We owe it to the Free World, after more than a decade of suffering & instability in Europe, to atone for our mistakes and find our societal identity."

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