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[Germany] Winter in Germany


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
"Now hold on a moment, sir!" the Kaiser exclaimed in surprise at the request, "That will be something that my Financial Minister can discuss with you as he discusses the contract that you've stipulated. That being said, I don't see any reason why not, but that's just me. My Federal Minister of Defence may have a problem with it, and so may Mauser, the company that currently owns the gun's rights." The Kaiser gave an apologetic look as he continued.

"I hope you do understand, Mr. Usta."


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
Hakim smiled and raised a gloved hand in understanding.

"Of course, Your Majesty," He stated quietly. "I merely thought it courteous to inform you, as the highest authority in the land for Germany, that such a request may be made officially in the near future."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
"Of course. I completely understand, but in order to do so, I would suggest talking with my Financial Minister, or contacting the company directly."


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"That is definitely a course of action we shall take, Your Majesty," Hakim replied, while standing up and bowing politely. "Please, enjoy your breakfast, and your stay. I hope you have enjoyed being in Turkey."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
"Thank you. I certainly have enjoyed myself, but we will be leaving tomorrow. The weather is finally clearing up enough to where air traffic could be reestablished."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
"More than excited...but certainly nervous. The German people aren't happy; even if I go back, and manage to fix everything, this will remain a stain on my record with the People...perhaps they will go back to infighting and decide to oust me before I've even done anything of note!" The Kaiser nervously began to take bites of his foot, trying not to think on such an event.


-Insert Intriguing Title Here-
Sep 6, 2018
"It is inevitable that there will be some who will criticise your decision to leave the country," Hakim mused. "However, you have lived to fight another day. That day, Your Majesty, is now. Go home with your head held high, your conscience clear, and do everything within your power to put life in Germany back to normal. That's what is expected of you now, sir, go forth... and do it."


His Imperial & Royal Majesty, Friedrich IV
Aug 18, 2018
The Kaiser looked to Hakim with a critical eye. The man made him uneasy on many levels, but he was right. If he came back a nervous wreck, the public would tear him apart. He was Emperor of the German Realm, King of Prussia! It was his responsibility to ensure the German people were capable of looking to him for at least some form of guidance. As he ate his breakfast, he already thought on how to get the German people to place their faith in him again. A press release at the Reichstag, answering questions for not only Germany, but other European journalist groups, to ensure that he was making himself very clear.

After the boring day of packing, the Kaiser and his family said their goodbyes to the Sultan and his own family, and bid them farewell, taking a journey to the airport and returning to Germany with many others via flights back home.

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