- Jul 1, 2018
- 157
From: Yusuf Agha, Minister of Foreign Affairs
CC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan
Subject: Opening Communication
Dear Muhammad Qasim,
As-salamu alaykum, esteemed brother of Islam.
I write to you with the sincere hope of creating an ever-strengthening bond between our nations and affirming a shared commitment to the unity of the Muslim Ummah. In the wake of the recent Al-Qaeda terror attacks in London, our faith and people have come under increased scrutiny, leading to a troubling rise in Islamophobia worldwide. Acts of harassment, discrimination, and violence against Muslims have created an atmosphere of fear and mistrust, distorting the true essence of Islam.
Now, more than ever, it is imperative for all Islamic nations to stand together in solidarity. By fostering unity and collaboration, we can counter misconceptions and ensure that Islam is rightfully recognized as a faith of peace, compassion, and justice. Through concerted efforts, we can challenge false narratives and protect the dignity of Muslims across the world. Your leadership presents a vital opportunity to strengthen ties among Muslim nations and advocate for a collective response to these challenges. Together, we can uphold the values of our faith, defend the rights of our people, and work towards a future where Islam is respected and understood, rather than misrepresented and vilified.
May Allah (SWT) grant you wisdom, strength, and success in guiding Syria towards peace and prosperity under just and righteous governance.
I look forward to your response and the prospect of working together for the betterment of the Ummah.
Yusuf Agha,
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan
Official Documentation of the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan