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[Israel]: Message for Canada


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

State of Israel
Security Classification: Encrypted

Recipient: Prime Minister Simon Welsh, Government of Canada (Nathan)

I have received your request for a Canadian warship HMCS Halifax to dock at the Port of Haifa under the banner of hosting a ceremonial function on board to which local dignitaries and citizens will be invited to attend, after speaking with my advisers we have decided to accept this request and will pass on the appropriate documentation to the Port of Haifa to make preparations for your arrival. I must inform you now that there has been intelligence passed onto us by my Australian counterparts that Saudi Arabia and Turkey may be coordinating plans to enforce a blockade on traffic entering Israel via the sea & air, whilst nothing has been detected as of yet, we only feel right that we inform you of the risk displayed that could affect your vessel and crew on board. I am free to discuss any other requests that you may have and I am able to discuss these when required.

I will also be at the Port of Haifa to meet with the ships crew which will go a long way to strengthening Canadian and Israeli relations which have flourished under previous governments.

Best Regards,
Avigdor Lieberman
Minister of Defence
State of Israel



GA Member
Jul 2, 2018


Encryption Level



Avigdor Lieberman, Minister of Defence

Avigdor Lieberman,

The Canadian government has been monitoring the threats, aggression and provocation from the Turkish Government. With that said, any attempts to embargo Israel and cut it off from the outside world are a fragrant violation of international law and honoured customs. It would be Canada's intention to continue to exercise our right of innocent and uninterrupted passage through international waters by continuing to visit Israel.

With the intelligence passed on in mind, I would be grateful if there could be some form of enhanced protection from Israeli security forces in your waters and whilst the ship is docked alongside. Our ability to forward deploy security teams, is currently limited due to a lack of transport aircraft. Ideally if we could have some form of anti-submarine and radar support this would also be much appreciated.

I do not know an exact date of our ships arrival in Israeli, we currently plan to have a 48 hour stopover in Gibraltar to refuel once permission from the British is received but we will endeavour to contact you with a rough estimate of our arrival once the ship has left. The Canadian ambassador to Israel will be there to meet you onboard HMCS Halifax.

Kindest Regards,




Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

State of Israel
Security Classification: Encrypted

Recipient: Prime Minister Simon Welsh, Government of Canada (Nathan)

I have held a meeting with various officials within the Ministry of Defence who have commenced a security operation at the Port of Haifa with military police already beginning to patrol the area to prevent any terror threats. We have also invited various officials from the Ministry of Defence such as Commander of the Israeli Navy David Salama as well as Einat Kalisch-Rotem who holds office as Mayor of Haifa. We have also handed invites out to sixty six students from the National Security Studies Center at the University of Haifa and one hundred and two local residents who have been background checked and given security clearance by Shin Bet (Israel's internal security agency.)

I have also received word that Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Internal Security Ayelet Shaked will be in attendance to welcome HMCS Halifax into the Port of Haifa.

Best Regards,
Avigdor Lieberman
Minister of Defence
State of Israel



GA Member
Jul 2, 2018


Encryption Level



Avigdor Lieberman, Minister of Defence

Avigdor Lieberman,

HMCS Halifax is continuing across the Atlantic. Unfortunately, we have had an incident with a Chinese warship following us, and pointing its gun towards the ship in international waters. The Chinese warship has since put out a SOS due to a lack of fuel which we are duty bound to assist with. HMCS Halifax may be delayed from reaching you in Israel due to this.

While we do not know the reasons for the ship following us, we cannot rule out the possibility it is due to our trip to Israel. The vessel will begin to follow procedures to prevent our vessel being shadowed again.

Kindest Regards,




Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

State of Israel
Security Classification: Encrypted

Recipient: Prime Minister Simon Welsh, Government of Canada (Nathan)

This is disturbing news and we hope that your crew are not affected and are in good health. We looking forward to receiving your vessel whenever that time may be due. Is the fact that your vessel travelling to Great Britain and Israel in the public domain because we have gathered through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that Turkey may be conducting affairs with China, although we can not confirm this at this present moment. It's just a thought and it may be related to what you've mentioned in your previous correspondence.

I would like to open a line with you or a member of your cabinet to further discuss Israeli and Canadian relations as they continue to flourish.

Best Regards,
Avigdor Lieberman
Minister of Defence
State of Israel



GA Member
Jul 2, 2018


Encryption Level



Avigdor Lieberman, Minister of Defence

Avigdor Lieberman,

The itinerary of our deployment is only known by the ship's crew and senior naval commanders. Mainly because we have been making it up over the course of the deployment. I have asked my intelligence services to investigate but have no indications of any breaches of security or data. This may however just be some random coincidence.

That being said, it remains our steadfast commitment to visit Israel on this tour. Please feel free to give me a call, I shall be around to take your call.

Kindest Regards,




Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
From the confines of his personal office, Avigdor Lieberman would dial the number he had available for the Canadian Prime Minister on a secure & encrypted line. He sent a memo on an encrypted line beforehand that he was going to be calling to discuss ongoing affairs in the world. He awaited an answer as he leaned back into his chair.



GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Prime Minister Welsh would answer from the comfort of his office. A Tim Hortons coffee is present on his desk. The line is securely encrypted.

"Good Evening Mr Lieberman, this is Prime Minister Welsh. Apologies for delay, we've had some business to deal with regarding the Chinese warship issue"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Prime Minister Welsh, a pleasure to speak to you sir. I've been informed by my advisors on the current situation surrounding the Chinese warship issue which affected your crew. I hope they're in good spirit and I'd like to ask if there's anything that Israel can do to help? We can utilise our intelligence assets if need be to assist our friends in Canada, please let me know if there's anything at all that we can do."



GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"I don't believe so at present. Our ship and the American's are moving to rescue their crew. It seems like this was a case of a rogue Captain deciding to follow our ship. I've asked my Attorney General to look at putting a case together for the International Court of Justice.

Do you have any intelligence of any further Turkish blockades of Israel?"


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Not at this moment Prime Minister, we however had an alarming email from the Imperial State of the Congo in the past few days which state they're deploying ten thousand men and several dozen aircraft to the region which is very alarming. They've also asked if we'll permit them to place some of their peacekeeping forces within Israeli territory prior to any potential armed conflict breaking out which obviously we've denied as from intelligence briefings, they're currently in a military alliance with Turkey so this will only give them an incentive to potentially assist Turkey with invading Israel."



GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"We've also had reports of the illegal detention of Jews in Turkey. I've asked my Minister of Foreign Affairs to begin investigations of this. Have you had any contact with the Congo and Turkey? With the Chinese vessel incident we had, this all seems rather connected"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I'm going to add fuel to the fire now, this must stay between us. We currently have eight F-16's off the coast of Israel tailing a F-16 which we believe from the markings to be those of Turkish Air Force origins. We don't know if this is a show of force or whether it could be an attack but we're currently tailing the aircraft and if they breach our airspace then we will not hesitate to fire upon the aircraft."



GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"That is most concerning. As I hope you are aware Canada supports Israel. However, our support we can give you militarily is unfortunately limited due to a lack of air and naval transport. I will begin to arrange for diplomatic action to be taken against Turkey

Is there any military equipment Israel needs that Canada could try to support you to obtain?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We appreciate the diplomatic support from Canada, this will go a long way as we progress into the year 2000 and beyond, it'll progress our relationship which is flourishing at a wonderful pace. At the moment, we don't require any military equipment but the military equipment Canada can offer from their domestic market is wonderful equipment and we will of course be in touch in the first instance that we may require anything from you."



GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"Wonderful, my government is planning to ramp up our diplomatic response to Turkey in the coming days. While you are on the phone and once the situation with Turkey and it's pals is resolved. Would Israel be willing to conduct joint training operations with our army?"


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Of course we would, would Canada be interested in a special forces exercise or did you have something else in mind? We could use assets from the Israeli Ground Forces which would be beneficial to train in Canada in the winter climates in Northern Canada."



GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"We are planning to host Operation Nanook in the high arctic some time this winter. This is normally a operation involving special forces and regular forces within the North of Canada. I believe this may be an exercise that would benefit your men?

This may also open up an interesting potential defence agreement. Your men need cold weather training and our men need warm weather training. Might we look at giving each other access to each other's training grounds?"

A message would pop up on the ministers phone.

I have confirmation that HMCS Iroquois is now steaming towards Israel. HMCS Halifax is still dealing with the Chinese situation in the Atlantic so we have deployed a second ship"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We would love to take part in Operation Nanook, we have a special forces unit called the Alpinist Unit specializing in mountain warfare, snow warfare and difficult terrain warfare in the northern front and when we do have difficult weather in Israel, it gives our units the chance to practice war games in difficult terrain but obviously our forces would benefit from the harsher weather climates found in Canada.

Also a defence agreement would be beneficial to both of our countries, it would provide us with the stability and support that both of our armed forces and intelligence agencies can provide each other in a number of areas whether it be conducting training exercises or on the front line together.

It will be a pleasure to welcome HMCS Iroquois to the Port of Haifa. We have made the necessary arrangements as previously raised with your government and they still stand to this day."


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