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[KoD]: Folketinget


GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

1st Reading


2nd Reading

3rd Reading

Royal Assent


Assisted Dying Bill 1st Reading

Fisheries Bill 1998

Nordic Council Vote 1998

Parliamentary news and debate highlights from the palace available.

OOC: Please Do not reply to this thread.

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GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

New Government Elected

Today in the Folketing, Christian Jens has formally been invited by the Queen of Denmark to be the 24th Prime Minister of Denmark. The election has brought about a hung parliament meaning a coalition of red parties have agreed to a deal giving them a total of 94seats, a majority of 5. The deal has brought the far left party the red-green alliance in to support the government in key votes of no confidence and finance bills.

In the first session of the chamber since the election Prime Minister Jens spoke to update the chamber on the legislative agenda for the year.

-Video clip of highlights of the 1 hour speech-

"With the collapse of our previous government, it is my desire to immediately seek a rapid and urgent rebuilding of our armed forces. To do this, I will authorise a immediate white paper defence bill within the first 100 days of office. Our troops will get the support they deserve" With the disbandment of NATO and the descent of the Global Assembly into a ineffective organisation we must accept that Denmark can no longer rely on it's previous alliances, as such this government will seek to expand our troop numbers and bring back previously disbanded regiments and battalions...

...our foreign policy will continue to be one of involvement of the development and prosperity of Europe and the world with a focus on our ever lasting friendship with our Nordic cousins in the north and the south. We must bring the world out of its constant destructive cycle of wars and collapsed governments, Denmark will take a larger role in the Global Assembly and International Relations...

..My first act as Prime Minister will be to update our current travel advice to Russia in light of recent events and we will continue to monitor the threat to Denmark and the Baltic straights...

..I intend to travel to our European friends to restore our place in events abroad. I hope to host a state visit by the end of this year..

..We must continue to monitor the threat of the global economic crises on the world. I will be hosting an urgent meeting with my cabinet once they are formally appointed. We will continue to follow our economic policies and commitments and I will update the house as soon as I am able to on our next steps.


GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

Assisted Dying Bill 1st Reading
Private Members Bill

A Private Members Bill has been entered for it's first reading in the chamber of the Folketinget tomorrow.

Bill 01/1998​

The Assisted Dying Bill

Assisted Dying

(1) Subject to High Court approval, a person who is 'terminally ill' may voluntarily request and receive assistance to end their life if the high court is satisfied of the following;

  • They are Aged over 18
  • They have capacity to make the decision to end his/her life.
  • Has been a resident of Denmark for over 1 year.

Terminal Illness

(1) A person who is terminally ill is considered to be the following;

  • A Clear Diagnosis is made by a registered medical professional that a person has a condition which is progressive, inevitable and fatal, which cannot be reversed by known medical treatments.
  • As a consequence of this terminal illness, the person affected is expected to die within 6 months

(2) Treatment which can only relieve the symptoms of the disease is not to be regarded as a reversible treatment of the disease.

(2) Declaration

(1)An application may be made to the High Court if—

(a)there is a person signed declaration by the affected person that he or she has a
voluntary, clear, settled and informed desire to end his or her life in the
presence of a witness (who must not be a
relative or directly involved in the person’s care or treatment)

(b) The declaration must be signed by the following

(i) the registered medical professional involved in the care of the person

(ii)another suitably qualified registered medical practitioner who is not a relative, partner or colleague in the same practice or clinical team, of the attending doctor;

They may not be a witness for a declaration under section a

(2 ) Both medical professionals must have independently examined the patient to ensure the following

(a) the patient is terminally ill ;

(b) has full capacity

(c) The decision is voluntary and well informed

(4) The person must be informed of alternative options ie hospice care.

(5) If either medical professional has doubts regarding the patients capacity they must;

(a) Refer a person for a capacity assessment from a appropriate specialist

(b) Take this referral into account

(6)40A declaration under this section is valid on the date it is authorised by the high court

(7) Revocation of this decision may be given by the patient at any time, this does not need to be written

(8) An attending or independent doctor who holds such qualification or experience regarding the diagnosis and management of the terminally. An appropriate specialist is a doctor able and with experience to assess a persons capacity.

Assistance in dying

(1) With an order from the high court granted, the attending doctor may prescribe the medications required for the person to end their life.

(2) Medications may only be received from a registered medical practitioner or a registered nurse (with a valid prescription from a registered medical practitioner)

(3) Medications must be prepared after a final verbal confirmation that the person wishes to end their life, and within 14 days of the court order approval.

(4) medications must be administer by the patient themselves. However a registered medical practitioner or a registered nurse may assist in the preparation of the medications, assisting the patient to ingest or otherwise self medicate the medicine.

(5) A registered medical practitioner or a registered nurse must stay with the patient until;

(a) the medicine is self administered

(b) the patient has decide not to self administer the medication

(6) The minister of health may regulate the methods, medication and process of the assistance in dying.

(7) Refused medications must be disposed of using control drug legislation.

Conscientious objection

(1) No person is obliged to participate in this process.

(2) No participant of this process may be criminally liable if the correct declaration, high court order and prescription is valid and compliant with this law.


The chief Medical officer must submit annual reports on assisted dying

Criminal Offence

(1) A criminal offence is committed if they;

(a) make or knowingly uses a false instrument of declaration purporting to be a declaration for another person or themselves

(b) Conceals, hides or is responsible for the destruction of a valid declaration for another person or themselves.

(2) Those found guilty of committing a offence under this section may be;

(a) convicted to 6 months prison and a fine of up to 42000 Krone



GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

The Government of Denmark has now announced it's final members of the Cabinet. They are a totally Social Democrat cabinet and with an average age of 45 are one of the youngest cabinets appointed in Denmark for many years,

Minister of Foreign Affairs - Anne-Mette Petersen

Minister for Nordic Cooperation - Freddy Mortensen

Minister for Finance- Frederik Thomassen

Minister of Environment, fisheries and agriculture - Charlotte Villadsen

Minister of Environment and Energy - Klara Hansen

Minister for Science and Higher Education - Jonas Boysen

Minister of Education - Kasper Mølgaard

Minister of Defence - Kristine Eskildsen

Minister for Food - Nis Hald

Minister for Justice and Interior affairs - Esben Isaksen

Minister of Social Affairs - Bjarke Bentzen

Minister for Business Affairs - Katrine Hjorth

Minister for Culture - Carina Winther

Minister of Labor - Ann Karlsen

Minister of Transport - Jacob Dalgaard

Minister for Housing - Bertel Høgh

Minister for Gender Equality - Elisabeth Mølgaard

Minister for Taxation - Noah Markussen

Minister for Health - Elisabeth Boesen

Minister for Development Cooperation - Torkild Korsgaard

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GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

Fisheries Bill 1998
Private Members Bill

A Bill has been entered for it's first reading in the chamber by the Minister of Environment, fisheries and agriculture Charlotte Villadsen

Bill 02/1998

The Fisheries Bill 1998

(1) Regulation of Fishing Waters

(1) Fishing within the limits of the declared Denmark EEZ, will require the vessel and it's crew to possess a valid Danish Fishing licence.
(2) The quota of annual catch of each category of fish may be decided by the Minister for Fisheries.

(2) Licences

(1) All Danish registered vessels operating in Danish Waters will require a licence, Section 1, subsection 1 does not apply to vessels

(a) Under 10 metres, or less without a engine for power
(b) Water craft designed specifically for the purpose of pleasure
(c) For Salmon or migratory trout, or eels by vessels under the length of 10 meters.

(2) If a boat is found in breach of this section, the master, owner and charterer are each liable for conviction.

(3) License to Foreign Vessels fishing in Danish waters may be granted by the agency designated for granting license. Licesnes to foreign vessels may specifically authorise the location, route, times and dates a vessel may fish and it's overall catch tonnage.

(4) Licenses must name the owner, and vessel name and are valid for 5 years.

(3) Criminal Penalty

A person found in breach of Section 1, subsection 1 by summary conviction may be subject to a fine no more than 50000kr

A person found in breach of Section 1, subsection 1 by summary conviction may be subject to a fine equal to a fine no greater than the value of the total fish landed.

(3) A Court on conviction of a person under section 1, subsection 1 and 2 may;

(a) Order the owner, named boat, and master of a vessel breaching these regulations be suspended from holding a fisheries licence for a period of no more than 3 years.
(b) Repeat convictions under these regulations may impose a suspension order of no more than 10 years
(c) Order the seizure of fishing net, gear and caught fish obtained during breach of this law.

(4) if the offence is conducted by a corporate body, if proved;

(a) to have been committed with knowledge or convenience of a officer of a corporate body
(b) committed due to neglect or reckless behaviour by a officer of a corporate body

(5) A officer of a corporate body is anyone with a position as director, magager, secretary or an officer similar to these or who purports to act in such a capacity

(6) A offence is committed by the corporate body if, it was done by wilful delegation or command of a officer of a corporate body or their behaviour was purported due to neglect.

(7) A corporate body may be fined up to 15000kr for this offence.



GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

Political Dealings

With the Prime Minister away, the Minister for health has summoned a meeting of the parties supporting the government. After hours of discussion, an agreement has been reached for all parties to support the Assisted Dying Bill in the 1st reading, to allow amendments to be brought to the members bill by the government, the agreement will end once the bill is in the second reading and the parties may give their mps a free vote on the issue. All party leaders bar the Christian People's Party have agreed to this arrangment

Assisted Dying Bill 1st Reading

For a first reading of a bill, the chamber was unusually full. Almost the entirety of members were present in the chamber, outside the palace hundreds of opponents and supporters of the bill protested outside.

"Order! Order! The House moves on now to the Assisted Dying Bill 1998, first reading. I call Mrs Engelbrecht to move the motion"
"Thank you Mr Speaker. I beg that this house moves the Assisted Dying Bill forward to committee stage. This bill is the largest ethical question this house has and will discuss for decades. I wish to tell you about a discussion I had with one of my constituents Jenson, Jenson is a terminally ill patient who has recently been diagnosed with end of life Cancer. He in his own words has told me that life is no longer worth living, his existence is now a burden, not a privilege. He says that he would more rather pass away surrounded by his own family pain free than be subjected to many more months of suffering. He says he wants to pass away at his own home, being able to laugh and joke with his family.. a controlled and dignified death. This bill is not to bring about death or suicide but ensure that a dignified and quick death is available, when death is impending. This issue is one that has profound questions, but it is not one we should shy away from. Many of the opposition have already said they will vote against this bill, but I just ask that we give this bill the proper time to be discussed within our chamber. The reality is our current law is forcing those who are terminally ill to end their life's sooner and without the knowledge of their families in fear of making them complicit. The fear of losing their ability to kill themselves forces these individuals to end their life's sooner. Poll's show that an overwhelming amount of the Danish public support this bill, 70% to be exact. This bill requires 2 doctors to approve the death of those with less than 6 months left who have full capacity, this is designed to remove the risk of financial gain from relatives. We must make our constituents proud, this is why I move this bill to the house"

"I call the leader of the Venstre party, Jessica Laursen

"Thank you Mr Speaker, I am here because this bill by its very nature is dangerous, it sets a slippery slope for the law in this country and is unnecessary. Advancements in pain and symptom relief can ensure that those who are terminally ill can receive the support and relief they require in the final few moments. This bill also runs the risk of normalising suicide within our nation to those who do not fit the categories this bill prescribes to. The risk of financial gain by relatives is further increased by this bill and allows the possibility of exploitation of this nations must vulnerable. This bill in its current form is dangerous, and must be voted down today."

"I call the Christian People's Party leader!"
"Mr Speaker, this bill is ethically and morally wrong. We have agreed to support this government which we believe is right for this country, but we cannot vote for this bill as it stands. I urge the other members of this house to follow us with this decision."

The debate would continue for an hour before voting would be done electronically.

"Order! Voting for the bill has now been completed. I can confirm the ayes are 90, the noes are 89. The ayes have it the ayes have it. The Bill will now be moved to committee stage. Moving onto the next topic of discussion, I call on the Minister of Environment, fisheries and agriculture Charlotte Villadsen"

Fisheries Bill 1998

Charlotte Viladsen, a middle aged Danish minister stands up at the podium

"I beg that the Fisheries Bill be passed today by this house. Since the collapse of the European arrangements, fishing boat legislation has been vague and unclear on areas of fishing within Danish EEZ. I ask that the house today passes this bill so that our navy may begin inspecting vessels in our waters"

Debate would go on for 30 minutes before voting commences.

"The ayes are 167 the noes are 3, the ayes have it the ayes have it. The bill will now move to a committee hearing



GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

Nordic Council Confirmatory Vote
Private Members Bill

A Confirmatory bill has been entered for it's first reading in the chamber of the Folketinget tomorrow. Under the Danish Constitution a supermajority of 5/6 of the Folketinget must approve the motion;

Bill 03/1998

Nordic Council Confirmatory Vote

That this parliament authorises the Sovereign, or their delegate to sign the necessary articles for Denmark to join the Nordic Council.

The following agreements are also hereby ratified;
Nordic Concordant
Allemannsrett Area



GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

Nordic Council Confirmatory Vote
Confirmatory Vote

The Speaker of the house takes his seat at the podium. The chamber seemed unusually lively today, an air of excitement filled the room as members from both sides appeared to find common agreement on an issue.

"I call the Minister for Nordic Cooperation Mr Freddy Mortensen"

"Thank you Mr Speaker, this government seeks your kind and amicable permission to seek a union with our Nordic friends in Europe. We wish to rejoin one of the oldest and strongest unions founded this century. The collapse of the previous government pulled us out of this agreement but we strongly believe that our place is in Scandinavia and we should rejoin our friends and allies in promoting and preserving the prosperity and peace of this great region."

The speaker once again spoke, "I call the leader of the Venstre party Hans Moltke"
A member of the chamber stood to his feet. A smart looking man with glasses and a posh tone to his voice begun to speak. His right arm holding onto the lapel of his suit jacket.

"We support this governments intention to re-join the common travel and economic areas which have been so kindly offered to us by these nations. We strive to integrate our armed forces and promote the continued peace in Scandinavia and Europe as a whole. It is my honour to support this motion."

The speaker once again spoke, "I call the leader of the Danish peoples Party"

"Mr Speaker, this council is a hidden agenda by the elites to promote uncontrolled immigration! The inclusion of South Korea in this council demonstrates that this political entity wishes to form its own superstrate with colonies across the globe. We do not require assistance from a intergovernmental organisation and as such we will be voting against this bill!"

"This chamber will now vote on this motion"

"Order, order... the results of the motion are as followed the ayes 164, the noes 13. By a supermajority this motion is now adopted"

In the Palace, Queen Margarethe II would proceed to sign and stamp the necessary articles before sending them onto the Nordic Council chairman Connor


GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

Minister for Foreign Affairs Statement
Public Statement

"Madamn Deputy Speaker, during the course of yesterdays Nordic Council Debate, a member of this chamber said offensive and disrespectful comments namely referring to South Korea as a colony and implying there is a risk of mass uncontrolled immigration from Nordic Council nations. I am here today to reaffirm this governments position and support for South Korea as a Nordic Council member. Earlier today I received a letter from the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the South Korean Ambassador..."

Heckling would temporarily drown out the minister from the Danish Peoples Party Benches. The Deputy Speaker stands to his feet "ORDEEEER! ORDEEERRRR! The Minister will be heard! The Minister for Foreign Affairs!!"

"Thank you Madam Deputy Speaker, In reply I have reiterated our commitment to Free speech, but that the statement made yesterday was distasteful and not keeping with the respectful order of the chamber. I particularly detest the reference to the South Korean's as a colony I would like it to be put on record that this government opposes the comments made yesterday and had it been possible, I should have been more clearer in my rebuke during the debate yesterday. What makes these statements worse, is the poor timing with the Korean March 1st Movement. This sort of tone and language is not how international relations should be conducted. I commend this statement to the house"

The speaker stands once more.

"As a right of reply I call The leader of the Danish Peoples Party Henrik Jakobsen"

"Madam Deputy Speaker! This is most improper! This parliament is a sacred Danish institution, the South Korean Ambassador has no right to meddle in the affairs of this parliament. While I find the fact that a humble back bencher has caused a international diplomatic incident hilarious, this forced attempt to appease the South Koreans is most unconstitutional. It is important not to understate the dangerous precedent this sets in the world of parliamentary freedom. No member of a foreign government has a right to meddle in this nations internal affairs. Maybe I had it all wrong and this government wishes to be South Koreas colony! "

Laughter would break out amongst the Danish Peoples Party and some of the Venstre and Conservative People's Party

"The lack of backbone by the minister in defending a blatant attempt to shut down legitimate debate in this chamber is contemptable and shocking. I stand by my comments, this is a sacred parliament which will not tolerate influence from foreign sovereign nations... however, I'm sure we can make an exception and allow the Ambassador to run for a seat if he wishes to!!"

Cheers would break out along the opposition benches, on camera the Minister is seen shaking her head as she stands back to speak.

"Once again, the leader of the Danish Peoples Party demonstrates his child like understanding of the world. We do not gain allies and our standing in the world by insulting those who wish to work closely with us both bilaterally and as part of the Nordic Council. I once again wish to state that your views do not reflect government policy nor the views of the Danish people. Madam Deputy Speaker, the leader of the Danish Peoples Party has once more demonstrated his utter lack of leadership skills or basic decorum. The Member should reflect on the behaviour of the school children currently touring the palace."

A Opposition voice can be heard amongst the noise of the cheers of the government benches. "Make sure you check your emails after this session!"

Further laughter would break out on the opposition benches

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