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Korea | United States Communication


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"We can also discuss the possible stationing of American troops being stationed in Korea, as well as the creation of an international alliance between Korea and a few other states. However, I don't want to say any more over the telephone. I would be happy to meet you tomorrow afternoon," he said as he checked his watch. If there was nothing else to discuss, Charlie Price would end the phone call and prepare to depart for Hawaii after informing the Secretary of State. Information on the preparations would be sent to the Koreans, on the understanding that this was all very last-minute. The Hawaiian government was also informed that this would be taking place, as was President Gore. The Koreans would be instructed to land at Honolulu's international airport where they would be met by American authorities. All of these messages would be sent securely.


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Thank you, I look forward to meeting you in person to discuss these points, the Foreign Minister would place her notes back into a file and bidding farewell to her American counterpart while she would have to dump the arrangements for the travel on the Chief Protocol Minister. The Foreign Minister would get into contact with the Consulate in Honolulu as her staff arranged her travels. At the Korean Foreign Ministry, a mid-night briefing would be held to bring the team traveling with the Foreign Minister up to speed. While Some members from the Argentina trip would be temporarily responsible for the Foreign Minister's visit to Hawaii. All of course done privately and securely as the communications going back and forth were of sensitive nature.

After receiving the necessary information from the Americans, the Foreign Minister's files would be readied for her by the morning. The Foreign Minister would fly a charted flight between Seoul and Honolulu, going to the airport in a black overcoat and styled scarf as the weather was still mildly cold in Seoul. Her flight would be long, but she could rest for a bit after the long night and preparations for the trip, in her briefcase with her staff and security were a number of documents on ROK-USA relations, and other files. She would send a reply to the Japanese Prime Minister while in the air, also carrying a set of documents on Japan's colonial project on the Kuril Islands for her briefing of the National Security Council. As the plane began to descend, her aides would wake her up, and she would get ready to meet the American delegation.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

Deputy Secretary Charlie Price flew to Honolulu on the first government-chartered flight that he could secure. The Koreans were kept in constant and secure contact to inform them of basic security procedures and where to go. Ultimately, once the Koreans arrived, Diplomatic Security Service agents, who were working with Hawaiian police, would escort the Koreans to Washington Palace. The Governor of Hawaii was nice enough to offer her residence as a meeting place for the two delegations. Charlie Price and other American diplomats would arrive early and set up the meeting so that they could be ready to go once the Koreans arrived. Security at the palace was high and visible, including agents from the DSS, FBI, and local police.

The Korean diplomats would be escorted inside to an opulent meeting room where Charlie Price was waiting. He respectfully offered his hand. "Foreign Minister, thank you for agreeing to come, it is an honor to host you. Could I offer you or anyone in your delegation anything to eat or drink?" he asked. The Koreans would be offered anything from an assortment of drinks and simple treats, including water, soda, juice, crackers, chips, fruit, and sandwiches. The Foreign Minister would be offered to take a seat with Charlie Price at a large mahogany table. The other high officials of each side would also be invited to sit down. The meeting was private and closed to the public, as was Washington Palace.


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The Foreign Minister would be woken up as the plane began to descend. She would go into the bathroom on the aircraft while her staff handed her items as she cleared her eyes. After getting out of the bathroom, the Foreign Minister would be given some briefing papers to be updated on all the situations regarding foreign and security policy. Upon arriving at the airport, the South Korean Diplomatic Protection Agency would be at the tarmac with the Diplomatic Security Service agents. The South Korean Motorcade would be escorted by the Hawaiian Police and D.S.S. as the motorcade drove through Honolulu. The Motorcade would arrive at the Washington Palace and the Foreign Minister would exit the vehicle as her security detail remained outside at the Motorcade and delegation moved inside.

Foreign Minister Baek would walk into the building as the American staffers guided her into meeting room where the American Delegation was waiting. The Foreign Minister would shake hands with the Deputy Secretary as she listened to him speak smiling and nodding her head.
"Thank you for hosting me Deputy Secretary. We hope that these discussions will be fruitful." The Foreign Minister after being invited to sit would take her seat after which the other Korean delegates would sit down.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"We hope the same, Foreign Minister. Thank you for coming on such short notice," he said. After everyone took their seats, Charlie would speak up again.

"Foreign Minister, the United States is interested in establishing a major defensive alliance between the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, and the Republic of Korea. While we are all in different parts of the world, it is the belief of the Gore Administration that we all have a strong belief in democracy, freedom, and stand against authoritarian governments and communism. This alliance would require us to declare the mutual defense between each other, and could also bring other political and economic benefits. Right now, we are considering having its headquarters either in New York, Texas, or perhaps here in Hawaii. I understand that Korea is an observer in the Nordic Council," he said before he took a sip of water.

"Our goal would be for this organization, this alliance, to be exclusive. While your status as an observer would be no issue, Korea being in any kind of mutual defense pact with the Nordic Council could present a conflict of interest. Please, if you don't mind, fill me in on your perspective - would the Korean government be interested in this venture, and do you think it could work given Korea's present relationship with the Nordic Council?" he asked. From what Charlie Price understood, Korea had no obligations to defend the other states of the Nordic Council, but he wasn't entirely positive.


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
As the Americans spoke, Minister Baek took down some notes as did other members of the Korean delegation. When the American secretary finished an aide whispered into the Foreign Ministers ears, nodding as she listened, the Foreign Minister turned her head back and spoke. "Thank you Deputy Secretary Price. We are happy to cooperate and be apart of the defensive alliance alongside the Republic of Spain, a close partner and long-standing friend to the Korean people and with the United States and United Kingdom. I hope we can discuss the specifics of the alliance amongst the other partners and work towards a framework that ensures the alliance is augmented to be multidimensional threats across the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. At this stage, the Republic of Korea has withheld from signing the defense and security agreements regarding the Nordic Council. However, Korea has been a recipient of military aid in the form of $2 billion in grants to cover weapons procurement. As well as cooperates with the Nordic Strategic Command through sharing of information and coordinating policy."

The Foreign Minister paused, thinking for a second before proceeding."I believe our government will have issues with an exclusive alliance system that would tie Korea to Europe and North America's defense, without the adequate infrastructure and resources by the parties to cover the security needs of Korea and the Korean Peninsula. This was our primary concern with the Nordic Council accession process and caused considerable debate amongst our Ministers. Within a legal context, we have no obligation to defend or assist the council as per our understanding. As well as our growing ties with the Council, it would be extremely difficult to prematurely absolve Korea from its moral responsibility in regards to the cooperative security framework between council members and Korea. The Korean KDIA applies the terms of the Nordic Concordant to its arms sales in a non-binding capacity and a reciprocated process between the Council and Korea.

As an observer state, our primary interests are economic and social cooperation as a means of advancing Nordic-Korean trade, energy relations, exchanges, and technical expertise. What am I more or less getting at is, we'd like to see the idea well developed before committing to an alliance. While we have had strong relations in the past with the United States, as well as the other members, our primary concern is the ability to translate that into a cohesive and coordinated security arrangement that is mutually beneficial. Still, we are interested in exploring this relationship into a defensive alliance of democratic nations allied and encompassing further benefits beyond just mutual defense including arms sales, social and economic arrangements, and enhancing the political relationship between members."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"To be clear, Foreign Minister," Charlie clarified, "this 'exclusivity' that I mentioned would not mean that Korea would be required to stop being an observer in the Nordic Council. While I understand that, if for example, Spain or the United States were attacked by a nation in the Western Hemisphere or even Europe, Korea would not be able to contribute massively, I'm sure Korea could contribute proportionally. Whereas a force sent by the United States to defend Korea would likely be more overwhelming in size as a consequence of our nation's size. The President believes that this... commonwealth of technologically sophisticated, democratic nations would afford us unique opportunities, despite our scattered presence around the world. And with this being said, I can assure you that the United States would have a dramatically increased interest in having a strong military presence in Asia for our own national security, but also the security of allies. Whether or not Korea would want to host such a force would of course be strictly up to your government and no one else, but I could only see that bringing cooperation between our nations even closer.

"But," he said, "with that closer cooperation, and alliance, and friendship would mean that we - and I imagine the other states in the alliance - would need to be sure that we could rely on each other without question. That is why we believe this 'exclusivity' would be important. Of course, I understand that your government would like to see the idea of this alliance more developed before you committed to it, especially if it meant having to halt further development with the Nordic Council. The State Department is looking to organize an international meeting between the United States, Korea, the United Kingdom, Spain, and possibly Canada so that we can all be together and develop the idea of this alliance. From what I know, the Spanish are already on board, Canada is interested, and I think Britain will be interested as well.

"If this meeting is fruitful, and we are able to develop a defensive alliance that would benefit us all and be well-structured, do you think that President Kim Daejung would consider joining as a full-member in this defensive alliance?" he asked directly.


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Thank you for the clarification with regards to the exclusivity and the notion of proportional responsibility to the alliance. Korea is committed to all its alliances as it has in the past and remains truthful to its principles of multinational cooperation including in the area of security and defense. With regards to the idea of stationing US troops on the Korean Peninsula, while we are receptive and hope we can negotiate an agreement to allow a substantial deployment to secure ROK interests in the region, our initial position has shifted over the past couple of months. Speaking confidentially of course...North Korea has begun to open the door towards inter-Korean relations, a premature deployment of US forces to Korea could upset this delicate dialogue. I hope we can keep the discussion of troop deployments private and maintained at our ministerial-level without involving persons without clearance. This does not change Korea's view on a strong US-ROK alliance built on the mutual respect as equal partners, and would help advance Korean-American ties firmly.

As you said, being able to rely on one another is crucial and Korea is committed in this regard to supporting its allies in the means capable to us. As you know, Korea's armed forces have largely been built around deterring and defeating the North, and in recent months has been forced to reorient its strategy to be multidimensional and deal with a possible unstable power-balance of China and Japan. I believe that if the meeting of the four+1 discussed members is held and provides an agreement beneficial to everyone and addressing our individual concerns, Korea would be happy to join as a full member. While I know the specifics would need to be discussed at this meeting, if I may ask what you originally visioned as expectations of the members of the alliance. To what extent would Korea be required to limit its bilateral security arrangements made with non-alliance members, for example with Argentina or Turkey. In essence, how much does the alliance desire member states maintain external security relations with other entities.

I am however, curious as to what the situation is in Canada. A few months ago it was on the verge of a revolution and I have some concerns over the stability of Canada. As a neighbor to the United States, I am certain having them in the alliance is crucial, but, the recent situations were very concerning. Given that, my second question would be how would the alliance impact a member states internal affairs and their rights to conduct matters internally. As well as what effect would a change in governance of record on human rights affect membership in the alliance."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"The idea behind this organization is that it would be the primary, foreign security obligation of the nations involved. Meaning, we would regard each other as the closest allies of one another, and would see to each other's defense - in all meanings of the word - second only to our own. As I said before, this would be within reason. As powerful as Korea is, and I'm sure will become in the next few years, we wouldn't expect hundreds of thousands of Korea troops to be deployed to the United States in the event of a small incident - the expectation would tied to whatever Korea's ability is to project power. Now could Korea, or any other member, have political or military alliances with other states? The answer is of course yes, but it would be with the understanding that the military alliance with the members would be the supreme alliance. So, if Korea held a military alliance with Turkey, as a hypothetical example, and Turkey sunk three Spanish ships in the Mediterranean, neutrality would not be an option for Korea, nor would maintaining a formal alliance with Turkey. Does that clearly answer what you were asking?" Charlie asked.

"In regards to Canada, the situation has vastly improved. New elections have been held, and the Conservative Party - a traditional party in Canada - has managed to take power. We were all very worried about what was going on with the Canadian government, but now I think we can breathe a slight sigh of relief. From what we can see, they are massively and rapidly reversing all of the worrying policies and government changes of the previous... government that was in charge. The United States would, of course, not want them to be part of this alliance if they didn't entirely support democracy and the right to private property," he said.

"I also wanted to express, directly from President Gore, that the federal government and the American People are hopeful discussions between your government and the DPRK are fruitful. Korea has seen so much bloodshed this century alone, but reunification would be an exceptionally incredibly thing to witness, especially under a free government with fair and open elections. The President asked for your government to inform the White House if there is anything that the United States can do to help," he said.


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Jeonghee listened as the Deputy Secretary spoke, when he finished she would turn her microphone on and respond to him. "Thank you for the clarifications Deputy Secretary, they are helpful to see the vision for this alliance. The alliance itself is an idea the Republic of Korea strongly supports, in this time and age where stability of states is as certain as whether it will rain tomorrow, the need for stronger interoperation on security and defense is crucial. The rogue regimes that periodically exist and threaten global security, to the regimes that commit themselves to the path of violence and war. This is of course the conditions of our world. The principles of proportional engagement are also an interesting aspect of the alliance, and we look forward to seeing how they are worded into the charter of the alliance." She would finish thanking him for the reply as the deputy Secretary moved on to the second part of her question.

"Yes, the situation has improved. We've been monitoring the situation from a distance, and the return of a form of normalcy is a well received change. We hope that the alliance can bolster if Canada were to join not only the range and partnership of the alliance, but also the government in maintaining its path towards a stable government and reverting the previous actions of the regime." Foreign Minister Baek said as she looked down at her notepad which had some notes scribbled down onto it.

"Close to 37,000 Americans lost their lives during the 6.25 War. They fought for the freedom of Koreans they did not even know, and thanks to their sacrifices, the peace and democracy of our republic were protected. All Koreans pay tribute to the heroes who partook in the struggle for the defense of freedom and democracy. H.E. President Kim expresses his firm beliefs that the spirit of our longstanding relationship is what will propel us into the new age. As we remember the 6.25 War and the pain it caused, we also remember the world's response led by the United States. President Kim conveys his continued thanks and desires for a stronger relationship with the United States, one we all share in Korea. Please extend our appreciation for President Gore's words of support, we hope that the process of reunification will be peaceful and help lift our sisters and brothers in the North from poverty and idleness into a progressing world with opportunity. Additionally, we thank the United States for their continued support and kind policies for the Republic of Korea, and hope we can continue this relationship forward."


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"I'm happy that we are at an understanding of what this alliance would be," Charlie said. "We see Korea as a natural ally and would very much like to have your nation be a part of the alliance. Would you have any issue with the British, Spanish, and possibly Canadians being in this group?" he asked. The Deputy Secretary of State would take a sip of his glass of water as he waited for a response from his Korean counterpart.


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"We likewise share that sentiment Deputy Secretary. With regards to the proposed members of the alliance, we have no particular issues with the composition. We have worked extensively with the Spanish government prior. While our relationship with the British and Canadian Governments has been primarily commercial and vehicle procurement-related we have had positive developments in the past month. A recent visit to Canada by a delegation of the Ministry of National Defense officials reported a level of normalcy in the country. However, uncertainty over if a relapse into violence is a concern. Regardless, your previous statements show me a lot of efforts are underway privately. Which of course, Korea is ready to in supporting our Canadian friends. We are also ready to offer our assistance in lobbying the proposed partners to join a formal discussion if they are hesitant. Once back in Seoul, I will also have discussions with the opposition and other political parties to ensure an alliance of this nature can be passed easily without roadblocks or stalling."



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Deputy Secretary, I must return to Seoul. Presidential Special Advisor for Foreign Affairs Kang Jiwon she motioned to the Korean lady wearing a purple blouse will carry on the discussions while I attend to matters of state back in Seoul. She is fully capable of handling the negotiations and representing our interest and address queries. While my team will return with me, the Advisor's team is equipped to discuss these matters. With regards to the proposed alliance, I will bring this proposal to the President and we will be happy to form a working group at a later date. Please pass my regards to Secretary Fitzgerald. I do hope we will have the opportunity to meet. It was unfortunate we did not get that chance in Bangkok."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
With little more to discuss to that point, the meeting would be concluded. However, the remaining Korean officials would be treated to a few days of relaxation in Hawaii, paid for by the federal government. Afterwards they would be protected as they went to the airport and flew home back to Korea. The Koreans would be treated as honored guests for the remainder of their stay. Afterwards, the Deputy Secretary of State would return back to Washington to see to further issues.



GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The Korean delegation would thank their American counterparts for hosting them during the their stay. Minister Baek would thank the Deputy Secretary and wish him the best, hoping that he would come to Korea in the near future. The Minister would remain in Honolulu for another day as the Minister would be scheduled to speak at the University of Hawaii in Manoa. The Minister would speak on US-ROK relations, the implications of reunification, and the wide role of American in the world in the new age of the 21st century. The Korean Delegation would spend their final night at the Mikawon Restaurant in Honolulu as they met members of the Korean-American community and enjoyed a taste of home with a twist for the American palette. The Delegation would be happy they took the trip, spending a day at the beautiful beaches of Hawaii and relaxing after a stressful few months. Their stay was not only pleasant but eased all the stress and issues of work for the moment.

Minister Baek would thank the State Department for their kind hosting. The Foreign Minister would ask for the overall costs on miscellaneous items not under security or official purposes to reimburse the American Government according to the ethics and rulings on the delegations visiting foreign countries. Their courtesy would of course be well appreciated. After all the bureaucratic affairs were complete and the Minister thanking the consulate staff, the Korean delegation would return to Seoul where the Minister and Special Advisor briefed the President on the developments. The proposed Alliance was well received by many in the Government, with a hint of skepticism over the future of the relationship and if the Americans would bring in the Japanese or other partners whom Korea would not be on friendly terms with. Nonetheless, the discussions were fruitful in Seoul.

The Ministry organized a working group to investigate the bilateral relationship between the proposed members of the alliance and analyze trends and issues that must be addressed. The Government would take a strong interest in seeing the alliance formed and with Korea playing a key role to maintain its crucial status. This of course, to ensure Korea could maintain its independence in foreign and security policy and not be tied to an Euro-American security establishment. President Kim would have to juggle many daggers in riding the waters with the proposal and the wider spectrum of political parties to convince and reassure. Yet, everyday, the sun would rise and set again, as it had for many centuries in the Land of the Morning Calm.

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