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Letter to the POTUS


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
Her Imperial Majesty, Catherine III, ahead of her trip to the United States would write a letter for President Al Gore. The contents and existence of this letter would be secret and sent to the White House directly.​




GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018






TO: Her Imperial Majesty Catherine III of Romanov, Tsarina of the Russian Empire ( Alex )
FROM: Al Gore, President of the United States of America

Your Imperial Majesty,

In the strictest confidence, I must inform you that there is a very real possibility that the United States and Sweden may get into an armed conflict in South Africa and, if the Swedish choose to do so, the war could spread beyond the Southern Hemisphere. As I write to you now, American and Swedish diplomats are arriving in London as a last-ditch effort to prevent an armed conflict. I'm hopeful that these peace talks will result in a formal treaty that includes a peaceful Swedish withdraw from South Africa. However, we are preparing for any eventuality. I mention this to you because I wouldn't want you to have difficulty getting home if you were in the United States.

With that being said, you are an American citizen and the Federal Government cannot stop you from entering the United States. If you do choose to come home, please know that the Secret Service will be happy to dispatch a detail to directly protect you, or act in a supporting role. If you do choose to come, I would be happy to meet with you in person at the White House. It would be no issue to keep such a meeting private, as I will likely be needed for diplomatic and war-time duties if anything develops. It would, however, be very nice to meet you in person. Vice President Sinclair told me that he would like to meet you as well, if you were up to it.

If you do decide to come you are of course free to do so. I would be happy to have the State Department rush VISAs for anyone else travelling with you so long as they have a valid Russian passport and a clean record. I just ask that your office informs the American Embassy in Moscow who will be traveling to Boston and what your plans are so that the Secret Service can help provide for your protection and assist you in keeping a low profile. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to help.


Al Gore
President of the United States
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Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
With her arrival in Boston, Tsarina Catherine III would send a second letter to President Al Gore. The contents and existence of this letter would be secret and sent to the White House directly.




GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
President Gore thought it was funny that the Tsarina did not give a return address. He thought that she probably assumed the Secret Service was watching her regardless of whether she wanted them to or not. They were, in fact, doing just that. Over two-dozen plaint-clothes Secret Service special agents were in the Roslindale neighborhood in Boston, near the Holy Epiphany Russian Orthodox Church. Some of the agents were imitating normal citizens, police officers, delivery men, and there was even one driving around delivering newspapers. A local swat team and a specialized company of the Massachusetts National Guard were also on standby in case they would be needed to protect the Russian head of state. At some point after President Gore read the Tsarina's letter, he wrote one back to her and sealed it with a wax seal that had the Seal of the President of the United States. Two of the Secret Service agents, dressed smartly in dark suits, would approach the home where the Tsarina was staying. If they were approached by any guards or stopped by anyone before they reached the door, they would flash their badges and produced their federal credentials if necessary. However, they would insist on handing the letter directly to the Tsarina, as this was their instructions for the President.






TO: Her Imperial Majesty Catherine III of Romanov, Tsarina of the Russian Empire ( Alex )
FROM: Al Gore, President of the United States of America

Your Imperial Majesty,

It would be my pleasure for you to come visit the White House. I hope that you understand that during these uncertain times our meeting could possibly be cut short, but I will do everything I can to ensure that does not happen. We would be happy to host you at the White House tomorrow evening for dinner, where you are more than welcome to stay the night. While our meeting will be more humble than a normal state visit, I am sure it will be a very historical evening. Please let me know if there are any special accommodations that you need. The Secret Service will offer to bring you to the White House directly under their protection, or at least provide a detail to escort you and your own security. I look forward to finally meeting you in person.


Al Gore
President of the United States


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
The Secret Service arriving at her doorstep was no surprise. Although she was hoping for a solitude drive down to D.C. she gladly accepted the letter from President Gore and asked for the Secret Service agents to meet with her again at 10 a.m. the next morning. When that morning came she had her things packed in a single luggage bag - one which she would allow the SS to search through if they so desired. The trip from her childhood home to the White House took just over 7 hours, the majority of which she spent catching up on sleep and making conversation with the agents.

When they arrived the clock had struck 5:30. The Tsarina was dressed in casual wear in the hopes of being inconspicuous, a pair of sunglasses covered her eyes to aid in that attempt. Once the vehicle had stopped, Catherine would follow the lead of the Secret Service.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

While there were a number of secret entrances that the Secret Service could have used to bring the Tsarina into the White House, the Secret Service felt confident that the low-profile that the Tsarina has kept so far would make it acceptable to just take her to the White House directly. The motorcade went to the southern entrance of the White House and, once given the all clear, escorted her directly into the building. Two Marine Sentries, in their full-dress uniforms, saluted the Tsarina as she walked into the historic home of America's Presidents. From there she was met by the President's Chief of Staff, Duncan, who had no idea if she was among the kind of royalty that didn't want to touch commoners, or if a handshake would have been fine, so he just gave a polite bow and introduced himself.

"Your Imperial Majesty, the President insisted that you were coming here under a low profile so... that's what we did as well," he said. There was almost no one else on the first floor of the residence except for a few aides walking by. Before he could continue a tall, older, slender man with a silver head of hair walked up beside them. He was wearing a dark blue suit and had a friendly smile on his face.

"Your Imperial Majesty, this is Benjamine Valentine Sinclair, the Vice President of the United States," Duncan said, somewhat surprised.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Your Imperial Majesty," Sinclair said as he offered to shake her hand.
"Sir, I thought you were going to be on the Hill today?" Duncan asked as he slowly started to walk west.
"I think the President Pro Tempore can handle things for a day... I'd be happy to escort her to the Oval, Duncan. Thanks for your help," he said as he started to walk, hopefully with the Tsarina next to him. Sinclair had the confidence of a veteran general but plenty of humility to spare. He wasn't giving off vibes of a creepy old man that was attracted to her, but instead of a very curious one.

As the Vice President escorted Catherine to the West Wing, it probably would have taken a minute or two before she even noticed that he was walking with the aid of a cane. Sinclair was so good at walking with it that she couldn't even notice any kind of limp.

"I'm the only Catholic Vice President, in all of American history," he said as they walked outside to the colonnade that led to the West Wing. "I've always been interested in the Orthodox Churches... if you have time before you leave, do you think I could talk you in to going to Mass at one?" he asked.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
Once inside, Catherine would take off her sunglasses and slide them inside the pocket of her white trench coat. It was an odd feeling to see other Americans bowing to her, but she supposed that feeling would extend to any foreigner. "I'm not here 'officially', Sir." She told Duncan. "There's no need for formalities." For months now she had been treated like... well, an empress, but time at her mother's reminded her how relieving it was to be treated like Maria again rather than Catherine III.

When the Vice President appeared beside them, she immediately extended her hand to shake his. "The pleasure's all mine, Mr. Vice President." She would thank Duncan before following the lead of Sinclair to the Oval office. She'd be lying it she wasn't a little nervous, but perhaps there could be some solace in believing that President Gore was just as nervous.

"I'm afraid I'm not staying in the States for much longer, Mr. Sinclair." The Tsarina admitted. "There's a lot to do, both in Russia and globally. But if you ever find yourself in Russia, perhaps I could find the time to show you the orthodox church where I was coronated, the Church of the Savior on Blood. It was built on the site of my third times great grand-father, Tsar Alexander II's murder. It's a unique place: holy and morbid simultaneously, and yet very much beautiful. Not the worse of the Orthodox Churches to attend your first Liturgy."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
"'Church of the Savior on Blood'" Sinclair repeated. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind, ma'am," he replied. Sinclair silently thought about how cool of a name that was for a church, and beet the dozens of "Our Lady of...." that he's visited. They walked to the outside of the Oval where one of the President's assistants had just exited from.

"Is the President free?" Sinclair asked the young man as he and the Tsarina continued to walk to the door. "Yes sir," the assistant replied as he stepped aside for the two to walk by. Sinclair opened the door and put his hand out in order to gesture for the Tsarina to walk in first. If she did, she would enter through the left entrance that would bring her into the Oval. Just to her left was a grandfather clock that was silently ticking. President Gore was sitting behind the Resolute Desk and reviewing some classified papers from the NSC which included proposals on how to handle the Swedish situation.

"Mister President," Sinclair said as he stepped in after her. "The Tsarina of the Russian Empire." Al picked up his head and then quickly took off his reading glasses which he never been publicly photographed wearing.

"Your Imperial Majesty," Gore said as he got up from behind his desk. He would meet the Tsarina if she was able to or, if like many who were star struck about the room itself, he would walk all of the way over to her and offer to shake her hand.


"It's a pleasure to have you in the White House. Please, come take a seat," he said as he gestured to the two sofas that were in the back of the room near the fireplace. Hanging above it was a portrait of then-general George Washington. Gore and Sinclair sat on the sofa opposite of the one the Tsarina was offered a seat at. Their meeting was only between the President, Vice President, and the Tsarina. No one else would be allowed in or near the room.

"I just had some coffee brought in, actually. Would you like some?" the President asked. He would pour each of them a cup of coffee in an ornate set of cups and offer any milk or sugar as requested.
"I can't tell you how much of a pleasure it is to have you in the United States. How are you doing, ma'am?" Gore asked sincerely.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
Growing up in the United States, the Oval Office was something that she never thought she would ever get the chance to see in person. But she was beginning to learn that her expectations from here on out would only continue to be turned on their heads. After all, who would have ever guessed that she would have been the one to reinstate he family's rights, lead Russia through its second civil war and be the first to don the Imperial Crown in over eight decades? Perhaps it truly was her God-given right to rule...

President Gore would snap her from her thoughts and back into reality. She quickly shook his hand. "The pleasure is all mine, Mr. President. Thank you for having me." The Tsarina would take her seat across from the Americans. She looked around, soaking in the details of the office. Above her was a portrait of President Washington, the American Peter the Great. "I would love some." She answered to the coffee but denied sugar and milk. "I'm happy to be back, it was nice visiting my hometown again. It was a much needed rest, sleep is without a doubt a commodity I've taken for granted." She took of sip of the black coffee. "Russia is recovering quickly, thankfully. Although I imagine the United States have been harassed by foreign forces just as much as Russia has." She sighed. "The world is a crazy place."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
The President poured each of them a cup of coffee. After adding a dash of whole milk to his, he sat back and took a sip of the hot beverage and sighed with relief. Caffeine addiction was real.

"Ironically, the Cold War made the world a more organized place than it is today. It was our country versus yours, democracy versus communism, and it was all over the world. Now our nations are perhaps closer than ever before to being friends, yet everywhere else there is so much disorder... I am thankful, though, that Russia and the United States are not holding a knife to each other's necks anymore. Nowadays I sometimes feel that we're just sitting among a bunch of look-warm friends and look-warm agents of chaos, neither of which are particularly stable. I'm not sure what it is about the end of the twentieth century that has made governments so unstable, our own included... The times are a'changin'," he concluded.

The President and Vice President simmered for a moment after Gore's last statement, before he spoke up again. "I was wondering to what level of... official things we can talk about? The State Department showed me that you're certainly not a ceremonial monarch, but the Russian Empire does have a government beyond your Court. Could we consider you the chief diplomatic official of your country, or do you normally prefer to leave those kinds of matters to other officials in your government?" he asked.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Time is ever moving and the future is quickly approaching, Mr. Gore. While the Soviets are gone, the old men who supported the Union remain. But there'll be no room in my Russia for petty grudges and past rivalries. I'll drag them all into my future, or they'll be left behind." The Tsarina would take a sip of her coffee. "Russia is not an absolute monarchy, Mr. Gore. But I do hold a lot of power. I suppose the easiest and quickest way of explaining it without boring you two gentlemen would be to think of me as a lifetime President. I'm also informed of anything going on, internally or externally, so we can discuss whatever you'd like...

Speaking of, it's from my understanding that our militaries are already working together with the Polish to help the Ukrainians in their internal struggles. This sort of cooperation is what your government should look forward to now. After all, there's far more concerning things to worry about now, primarily Turkey and Sweden.

Those are things I would personally consider immediate, but perhaps there's other things you would wish to discuss with me?"



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

The explanation of the Tsarina's role in the new Russian government was satisfactory for the President and Vice President. "It's fitting that you actually mention Turkey and Sweden," President Gore said after he took a sip of his coffee. "In regards to Sweden, we will continue to pursue diplomatic means to have them leave South Africa. We can discuss that more, but I think the situation in Turkey is exceptionally pressing. At this time it is the consensus of the State Department that they have become a rogue state. We have to be prepared for every eventuality. I wanted to ask you this directly - under certain circumstances we would be required to initiate a massive response against Turkey. This is not an outcome that I desire, but it is possible. In this event, we would like to have the option to possible land aircraft at Ozerne Air Base for one-time refueling. We wouldn't publicize this agreement. Understand, this would only be in a worst-case scenario where we would have to inflict significant damage to Turkish infrastructure in response to a worst-case-scenario. Also, I would like us to set up a direct encrypted link between the White House and the Kremlin - much like we had in the Cold War," he said. The President had more to add, but he thought he'd wait to see what the Tsarina had to say about that.


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"A rogue state..." She repeated that identifier. "I agree. A nation fallen into economic depression, oppressive regime, and genocidal tendencies. Many would say they're more word than action..." She trailed off, thinking as she took a sip of coffee. "Have you heard of the Grey Wolves? A terrorist organization, guilty of massacres, assassination, and bombings. They traffic arms, drugs... and people. They hate Arabs, Armenians, Chinese, Greeks, Persians, Kurds - anyone who is not Turkish. They are highly supported in the Turkish government. They've been spotted multiple times in Chechnya and it's the belief of my people that Turkey is funding the Grey Wolves and their actions there, a place they have been in since the start of the Russian civil war. If our gut feelings come to be true, then Turkey itself is responsible for the murders of hundreds of Russian citizens in the Caucasus region. By every right, we could legally invade Turkey right now...

I can promise you that if push comes to shove, Russia will fight alongside you - for justice. However, if memory serves, Ozerne Air Base is Ukrainian. But there are various air bases in the south of Russia that I can authorize you access to. Specifically Voronezh or Sevastopol? Regarding a secure link between our states, I believe we would be able to use a secure computer link where messages are exchanged by a secure form of email? Or we could keep it simple and stick to fax?"



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

"Sevastopol International Airport could certainly be a valid option," President Gore said. He felt like a bit of an idiot for making that mistake, but perhaps it showed that he was human as well.
"A secure computer link like-email system will be perfect. While the importance of the system was originally meant to prevent nuclear war between our countries, we can now use it to stay on the same page and to avoid the overwhelming amount of confusing our own governments can sometimes cause. I think it goes without saying that our countries have an incredible opportunity to work together... It will be something that the world has never seen before, and we can do it for good," the President said.

"I'm also happy to hear that your government will be participating in The United Coalition. My hope is that we can prevent any kind of conflict with diplomacy or deterrence... What else would you like to discuss, ma'am?" the President asked.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
"Very good then. Just notify the Ministry of Defense when you send off your aircraft and they'll assure they make it to Sevastopol safely. If needed, I can also grant you access to Sochi's airport - at the other side of the Black Sea." She thought for a moment. "If we are to go to war with Turkey, Russia will need its air defense systems in the Black Sea. However, these systems are quite advanced and with the civil war having destroyed much of our production capabilities, would America be willing to produce them for us? We would need six S-400 missile systems, some fifty vehicles per system. If willing, I could have the Ministry of Defense send your people all the necessary paperwork, and of course, we would pay for the production costs."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

"Yes, we of course would be willing to do this for your government. Considering the situation I could have the surcharge reduced to just a flat fee of $100,000,000. Would that be acceptable? We would just need some official document from your Ministry of Defense that issues us a one-time license to build the products that you want us to build, along with the specific quantities. And, of course, we would need to be paid in advance," President Gore said.

"And thank you for giving us permission to use those air facilities if needed. I think there is a real chance we could possibly need them soon. I can confirm to you that the Turks have ICBMs which could possibly reach Moscow and St. Petersburg, so please have your armed forces plan accordingly," he said. President Gore made sure that he wasn't speaking with a patronizing tone, but instead that of a friend who was trying to watch out for the best interest of his own friend.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
Putting down her phone from texting the Minister of Defense, the Tsarina would return her attention to the two men in front of her. "My Minister informs me that the funds have been sent and that the Ministry has sent a fax to the Department of Defense. Please let me know if there's additional information you require." She drank her coffee. "The S-400s you will be producing for us have anti-ballistic missile capabilities, the Turks won't be able to reach Moscow or even Rostov-on-Don."

The Tsarina would think for a moment, doing her best to phrase her next words very carefully. "Regarding this coalition against Turkey... While Russia understands that Turkey is a dangerous nation, ruled over by a tyrant - something that we will fight to liberate the Turkish people from. However, I want to make Russia's attendance in this coalition very clear before potential conflict arises. As you know, Constantinople is the center of Orthodox Christianity and I am related to the Palaiologos, the Romanovs may be their last descendants. We are Third Rome, Mr. Gore - by any rights. If war does break out, Russia will be seeking to liberate Constantinople and annexing its surrounding areas to the Russian Empire.

I can assure you, Constantinople and the Marmara Region are all we are interested in. But I understand if you don't wish Russia to be part of the United Coalition for this reason. If you believe this will cause problems, we can remove ourselves."



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

President Gore stared back at the Tsarina, silently, in contemplation on multiple things. He, the Vice President, and the Tsarina could only hear the ticking of the oval office grandfather clock. This was the third time that she called him "Mr. Gore" in the Oval Office. Any American, in virtually any social occasion, would simply say "Mister President" out of respect. It couldn't escape Gore or Sinclair that the Tsarina, who was an American, had now done this thrice. The only conclusion the President could make is that she was nervous or had gotten use to dealing with parliamentary democracies in Europe, or that she was very clearly trying to make a point. He wasn't sure.

"Miss Romanova," he said calmly said in response, "there are certain circumstances where that could be acceptable, and certain circumstances where that would be unacceptable... That would be a conversation that would be more of a major diplomatic discussion that may take days, instead of just us sitting here and talking... But, just between the three of us, I can tell you that if the Russian Empire were willing to compromise on some specific matters, we could find the Russian annexation of Eastern Thrace to be acceptable... It would take a much bigger discussion, as I said, but a few things off the top of my head. One: the Greek Orthodox Church must not be forced, or coerced, into merging or becoming subservient to the Russian Orthodox Church, the religious and cultural significance of the high office of the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople must be respected; Two: I'm not implying that your government would, but a genocide of the Muslim population of East Thrace would be just as unacceptable as a genocide of the Jewish population of Turkey; and three: To put my government, and I think the other governments of Europe at ease, it would be crucial for you to personally declare, with the legal support of your government, that you recognize Greece and have total respect for its borders... There may be some other things that arise, but those are the biggest on my mind. Does that sound reasonable?" he asked.

"Ma'am," Vice President Sinclair said, "the United States considers Russia's presence in the coalition to be critical for the success of it. We hope that you stay," he said.



Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

"Eastern Thrace is something I'd be able to agree to. As for your other points: I don't see myself simply as a Russian Orthodox, but as an Eastern Orthodox. All those under Orthodoxy are my brothers and sisters and I would never let harm befall them. This includes the Ecumenical Patriarch, whom I see above the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'. His All Holiness Bartholomew I is a spiritual leader to all of us." The mention of genocide turned her stomach. "I would also never allow such disgusting atrocities as genocide to occur under my leadership. If Russia were to annex Eastern Thrace, I assure you that all Muslims of the territory would be under my protection, safe from harm, and if they so desire: allowed to cross to mainland Turkey... Regarding a statement, that is very much possible, once the time is right of course." She finished her coffee. "I believe we have a lot to attend to, gentlemen, is there anything else?"


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