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[Netherlands] Message to Brazil


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Kingdom of the Netherlands


Secret and Encrypted

To: Juan DeSilva
Subject: VISA Restrictions and Dutch-Brazilian relations

Dear Mr DeSilva,

It is with much regret that the task of establishing diplomatic relations between our governments rests on my shoulders as the relationship between our nations has hit rock-bottom. The fact that my citizens are no longer free to travel between our nations saddens me, as Brazil has always been a popular holiday destination. I am hoping that I could meet with yourself to discuss the way forward, hopefully finding a way to repair the current state of relations between our two great countries.

Yours Sincerely,
Prisca Vogels
Dutch Ambassador to the Republic of Brazil
Kingdom of the Netherlands


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
Sitting on an Embraer 1000 Luxury Jet, traveling to a classified location, Minister Silva a report about the ethanol fuel industry in a fellow Latina American company, when he hears a beep, to notify him that he has received an email.

He scans the message. Tilts his head a little, asks the stewardess for a glass of Patron on the rocks.

Then on his encrypted phone he texts the Head of the Brazilian Cyber Encryption Division and asking for assurance that the following email he will be sending will be encrypted and only readable to the Dutch.

His phone hums and he looks at the text. "Encryption ready, sir"

Minister Silva begins to type into his iPad mini.

TO: Prisca Vogels
Cc: President Victor Romero
Subject: VISA Restrictions and Dutch-Brazilian relations

I must say I am quite surprised by your message. I must also say that I must tell you your statement, "the relationship between our nations has hit rock-bottom." is totally incorrect.

For our relations to have hit rock bottom, our nations must have had relations before, but we did not. Nearly ten months in power and this is the first I hear from you. But this has been the general attitude from Europe towards my government, save the current government from France and the past Government rom Germany. The behavior of some governments has just been plain rude and absent of any diplomatic decorum.

The final straw came after the "Swedish ICBM Incident." After I decided to withdraw my embassy staff, while still allowing Sweden to keeps their's in Brasilia. Sweden claimed to strike my embassy with an ICBM.

The Poles were the only nation of Europe to denounce the striker, Russia even applauded it.

Not one nation in Europe even condemned the Swedes.

Worse, when showing that from radar surveillance and from intel on the ground that Sweden did not have the capacity to even employ an ICBM.

Europe said nothing. Even though that they now have a government that is one, reckless enough to claim a ICBM Missile Strike and two, incompetent enough to blame it on "clerical error". Europe was fine with this behavior on their doorstep?

But angered over Brazil imposing visa restrictions?

This is hypocritical.

Especially when you consider, at the time, Brazil only had true relations with Germany, France and Malta.

And as far as tourism, the Dutch are not even in the top 10 of arrivals by country.

So, in my mind, it is, "What Can the Dutch Do To Repair Dutch-Brazil" relations?

I am open to any idea you have. You were polite enough to contact me on a Minister level, which is custom.

As opposed to Portugal which insulted all of Brazil by messaging my President with an insincere, cut and paste letter from their Minister.


I hope we can work towards a better future.

But you need to have concrete plans. I would also wish to ask you to feel free to comment on what I have said throughout this long response.

I look forward to your reply.


Juan DeSilva, Foreign Minister of Brazil
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The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Secret & Encrypted

To: Juan DeSilva, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Brazil
Subject: VISA Restrictions and Dutch-Brazilian relations

It is true, my government has been focused on European affairs, similar to the Argentinian policy of South-South relations, my government has been working hard to end all European conflicts. We have seen too much war on our continent, the Netherlands has seen too much loss of life, with the War of Europe, the Dutch Civil War and lately the ICBM attack on the Netherlands by Iran. So yes, since that day we have relaxed our efforts on establishing communications with fresh governments. But it wasn't the Netherlands who applauded the actions and statements of the Swedish government, and we have our right to maintain neutrality in international conflicts, especially when we do not have all the facts.

The Dutch government is not angered by the VISA restrictions, merely saddened by the fact that your trust in my people is so low. And while you you are correct that we are late in the establishment of communications, your government has also decided not to contact us before this communication.

While Brazil maintains true relations with France, Germany and Malta, all of which are close partners of the Netherlands. I simply do not see a reason why such a relationship cannot be formed between Brazil and the Netherlands.

To solve, to repair our relations we must go back to the beginning. What was it that caused your government to see us in a negative light?

Yours Sincerely,
Prisca Vogels
Dutch Ambassador to the Republic of Brazil
Kingdom of the Netherlands


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
Mr. Ambassador,
As I have already explianed, I do not wish any ill-will towards you or your people. I was merely pointing out that most in Europe did nothing when their neighbor claimed to attack my embassy and than later said it was an accident. No one in Europe even questioned that this was an illogical explanation or even disturbing behavior?

So, Brazil just backed away and went back to our allies.

As anyone naturally would.

Brazil is willing to erase the board and start again with the Netherlands.

Are you?


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Secret & Encrypted

To: Juan DeSilva, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Brazil
Subject: VISA Restrictions and Dutch-Brazilian relations

That would be Miss Ambassador. As I have said, the reason that we didn't choose sides was because this government will not involve itself in an international shouting match without being aware of any of the facts. Only once the evidence has been reviewed could we decide our stance, but it is not our policy to simply join a conflict between two nations. One which could have serious repercussions for our people, yet it seems that our neutrality has also been punished.

Though, as your government has no ill-will towards my people and is willing to start from a clean slate, then so are we. As the only way for us to progress, is by going forward. The past is the past and that cannot be changed, but the future is shaped by us and I look forward to seeing a bright future with close cooperation between our nations.

Yours Sincerely,
Prisca Vogels
Dutch Ambassador to the Republic of Brazil
Kingdom of the Netherlands


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
My apologies Miss Ambassador, but even after it was proven that the Swedish government was wrong, you still sat on the sidelines. And I would hardly call a claimed ICBM strike, a shouting match. Much in the same way you would not have liked it if half the world ignored the Iranian missile strike on your own country, as just a shouting match. But I guess that is the benefit white European nations get.

But as you said, the past is the past. We have an obligation to build a future, not argue about the past.

Brazil is willing to forge ties with the Netherlands once again, and hopefully they will prosper for both of our benefits.

As a first step, we will lift the visa ban and start from there.


Juan DeSilva, Foreign Minister of Brazil
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The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Secret & Encrypted

To: Juan DeSilva, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Brazil
Subject: VISA Restrictions and Dutch-Brazilian relations

As I have said, due to not knowing the facts we decided not to respond. Though we are confused how an ICBM attack, which happened before either your or the Swedish government was in power was able to cause of so much conflict.

If you're willing to retract the visa restrictions, then my government is willing to offer your government a Fair-Trade Agreement. Is that something you would be willing to consider.

Yours Sincerely,
Prisca Vogels
Dutch Ambassador to the Republic of Brazil
Kingdom of the Netherlands


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
"We would like to retract the visa restrictions, resume diplomatic relations, reopen our embassies and sign a FTA agreement. I would thank you for your frankness in this discussion. Do you wish to make the same overtures?"


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Secret & Encrypted

To: Juan DeSilva, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Brazil
Subject: VISA Restrictions and Dutch-Brazilian relations

The Netherlands has not restricted any Brazilian national from traveling to and from our nation, we have not cut any diplomatic ties and neither have we closed our embassy, so we are unable to make the same overtues in those fields, however we are willing to sign the Fair Trade Agreement. I will ask you to first take a look at the document I have attached to this message, and we must also decide upon a mutual tariff level, while we would prefer it to be 0%, it could also be 3%, 6% or any other number your government wishes to implement.

Yours Sincerely,
Prisca Vogels
Dutch Ambassador to the Republic of Brazil
Kingdom of the Netherlands


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
I will sign the agreement and agree to the mutual tariff level of 0%.

Please fax the document to me.

I thank you again for your honesty in this manner. Although we believed, and still do believe we were acting in the best interests of Brazil, perhaps we erred in blaming all of Europe in this manner.

I humbly ask that you allow us to once again reopen our embassy in your capital. I am appointing a new ambassador, Rodrigo Silva, my cousin. He studied in France at Sorbonne, is fluent in French and from what he tells me quite comfortable in English. He majored in European History and of course International Affairs. He has never served in the military, which is rare in my family. I believe is the perfect person to rebuild some bridges we perhaps burned in Europe. He will also head the Brazilian European Affairs Bureau, in charge of all of the future ambassadors and diplomats in the European division.

Upon his arrival, I will ask him to meet with you immediately.


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Secret & Encrypted

To: Juan DeSilva, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Brazil

Subject: VISA Restrictions and Dutch-Brazilian relations

The Fair-Trade Agreement has been faxed over to you in order for you to sign, please then fax it back to my office, I will then have it verified and sent to the Netherlands for archiving.

We can offer you the same building your embassy was located in previously, it's adress being Mauritskade 19 (2514 HD 'S-Gravenhage). Which is located in our political capital of the Hague, I would advise you to have your main office there, rather than in our official capital Amsterdam. While we have no reservations against Mr Rodrigo Silva serving as ambassador, could I ask how common it is within your government that senior representatives are blood related? Furthermore I myself am currently in Brasilia, however a meeting could be arranged between Mr Rodrigo Silva and State Secretary of South American Affairs Gib Brook.

Yours Sincerely,
Prisca Vogels
Dutch Ambassador to the Republic of Brazil
Kingdom of the Netherlands



His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
Juan DeSilva
Foreign Minister, Republic of Brazil

As to answer your question Miss Ambassador, we the Silvas, took President Romero after he was orphaned and found on the sidewalk in one of the favelas as a young boy. We have been like family ever since, and he trusts us deeply, as he has no other blood relatives of his own. We all grew up together in a large-close knit family.


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Secret & Encrypted

To: Juan DeSilva, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Brazil
Subject: VISA Restrictions and Dutch-Brazilian relations

Thank you for signing the document, I am glad that we can welcome a new era of Dutch-Brazilian friendship and cooperation. I shall relay the request of a meeting between your Ambassador and Mr Brook. I would like to thank you for your time and effort in repairing our relations.

Yours Sincerely,
Prisca Vogels
Dutch Ambassador to the Republic of Brazil
Kingdom of the Netherlands

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