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[Netherlands] Message to the United Kingdom


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I understand, I suppose it would be best to leave this to the those more knowledgeable about defence matters. Yes, in regards to exercices, the Netherlands is still building up its military capacity. We lack any form of naval power at the moment which puts naval exercise out of the question. Though a quick reaction force exercise with the 11th Air Mobile Brigade and a British unit would be most beneficial."

"Secondly, the Netherlands is interested in improving our special operations capabilities. We would like to offer Britain the chance of setting up a joint special warfare school where we can develop our special forces for operations against all types of new threats which will appear in the future."


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"I couldn't agree more. As for an exercise.. yes.. a Quick Reaction Force would be a useful unit to see at work. We would certainly be keen on having our Parachute Regiment embark on an exercise, is this something you'd like us to arrange or perhaps you can host it?
If you'd prefer us to, do you have any preferences for a date and we can get it scheduled.

In relation to a Joint Warfare School, would this be based in the Netherlands?" he asked curiously. "As to the usage, it'd be beneficial for as long as it's used. Allowing Special Forces to share information. Of course.. unless it's a country which isn't so trusted." he added.



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"The Netherlands lacks the space to host an exercise of that scale, so we would be greatful if it could be held within the United Kingdom. As for a date, the Air Mobile Brigade is prepared for deployment, however long it takes the MoD to prepare the training exercise."

"The Joint Special Warfare School could be based in the Netherlands, or in Britain. Once again I believe a location within the United Kingdom would be more beneficial in regards to space required for exercises. I imagine the school could bring various units of our special forces together to train for particular situations, one of the few examples could be hostage rescue from an embassy or aircraft. These are high-risk situation and by training together our forces can work together in times of emergency."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"We would be happy to host it, we could arrange for it to start this coming month? ((Sunday)). If this is convenient for you, we will send you the details then and be ready to receive your personnel.
Depending on the scale you would like to go, Britain can contribute a company of men, 100. All the way up to brigade level. How many personnel and what equipment, specifically vehicles, do you intend to commit?

As for the JSWF ... good acronym already" he chuckled, "It's something we could look into. Of course, a mutual investment from both countries would be a benefit. I imagine it would be a state of the art unit, perhaps having advisers go to meet other countries special forces groups to get inspiration too of how to make it the best."



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I suggest allowing another month of preparation prior to hosting the exercise ((After Christmas)) in order for proper preparations to be made. The Netherlands wishes to bring forward the 11th Infrantry Battalion consisting of 345 personnel alongside with the 322 Squadron Transport Helicopter Squadron consisting of eight Boeing CH-47D Chinooks. Please send any details over to the Ministry of Defence in regards to the exercise."

"Yes, the JSWS would train the next-generation of special forces units who would be prepared for any situation and cooperation with other special warfare units would be most beneficial. I'm glad you're interested in the proposal, I'll have someone write a proper proposal and send it to your office."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Absolutely, we can arrange it for ((first week in January)) if this works for yourself. We'd be happy to receive your personnel and helicopters to RAF Fairford where they can be homed for the exercise. We will commit a number of companies of Paratroopers along with Chinooks. Having your forces in our aircraft, vice versa, could be beneficial for integration purposes too. We'll likely involve a number of infantry companies but also some supporting units that can provide close air support. We can figure finer details out afterwards.

If you can get the JSWS details written and sent over, I'm sure I can get something like that approved promptly. Unless you'd like to discuss anything further along the lines of military, I'm curious as to whether you'd be interested in setting up a few trade routes?"



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Of course, we see Great Britain as one of our largest potential trading partners and are more than eager to initiate a trade network between our two nations. The Netherlands currently exports the following products: machinery including computers; mineral fuels including oil; electrical machinery, equipment; pharmaceuticals; optical, technical, medical apparatus. I also with to mention that the Netherlands does not maintain a state-owned merchant navy, as we had expected a commercial transport business to have entered the market by this time. However, since this has yet to happen I'm wondering if Britain has the capacity to run the trade route back and forth?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Reviewing the exports that the Netherlands has to offer, the Prime Minister worked his way through the list before clearing his throat and speaking. "We do have the resources to handle trade, going in both directions. We can have a vessel collecting goods from the Netherlands to return to the United Kingdom, whilst having a separate vessel delivering you goods that you'd like to import if any. With that in mind, I'm definitely interested in opening up a trade route to receive Medical Apparatus from the Netherlands, along side Machinery and Electrical Machinery. One vessel would suffice, we can deliver them to Portsmouth, UK, on perhaps a daily route? Given the proximity of our countries, we can have them this regular. We will just need to know where this should depart from the Netherlands.

On the opposite side of the coin, the United Kingdom has a few exports not unlike your own in some aspects. We can offer any of the following in return:

1. Machinery
2. Cars
3. Precious Metals
4. Pharmaceuticals
5. Organic Chemicals

Again, we would just need to know how often you would seek to receive the goods and to which port."



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Thank you for your willingness to provide transport while the Netherlands seeks a commercial partner to take over our shipping requirements. In return the Netherlands would be eager to import both precious metals and organic chemicals from the United Kingdom to be shipped to the Port of Rotterdam in Rotterdam."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"It's our pleasure, we have submitted the trade routes to the International Trade Register so we should see that processed within the next few days and hopefully see shipments begin to be alternated between the United Kingdom and Netherlands.
Furthermore, I have received word that the Ministry of Defence has extended their invitation for the military exercise.
Given your proximity to France, I'm eager to hear your thoughts on the recent take over by the French Military?"



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Perfect, I'll be sure to have a representative contact the appropriate authority once the Netherlands is prepared to take over our transport duties."

"I'm sure the Minister of Defence is preparing an operational briefing and that Dutch forces will be en-route imminently."

"While we did not have the best relations with the French government, it was a democratically elected government. We cannot come out in support of any military coup, however since they seem to have gained popular support, our policy is to promote the holding of an election as soon as possible. How does your government view the rise of the Sixth Republic?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Perfect, thank you. We are hoping to establish the reason for the military coup, it seems somewhat random when the French Republic seemed to be functioning without problem? My only concern is what the future will bring so whilst we remain optimistic as to who is in office, we have a degree of caution given how close, both politically and geographically, we are with France.
Is there any other subjects you'd like to move onto and discuss?"



The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I believe that is all I wanted to discuss at this time, I'm aware we've got a separate meeting on going in regards to defence cooperation so I will not bring that up at this moment. Is there anything else you wish to discuss?"



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Perfect, there is nothing further from my side so if you are happy with that, we can conclude this here and I'd like to consider this as been a great success in regards to future relations between the UK and Netherlands."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
With the meeting ended, the British Prime Minister departed via the Lockheed TriStar he had originally arrived on. Returning back to the UK.

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