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Norway | Message to Congo


The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020


Classified and Encrypted

To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Congo Kelly the Mad
From: Jon-Åge Øyslebø, Norwegian Ambassador to the Congo.

Good Morning,

My name is Jon-Åge Øyslebø. I have recently been appointed Ambassador to Congo. The Norwegian government is looking to expand its diplomatic partners into the continent of Africa. We have identified your government as a major power in the region and would like to set up an embassy in Kinshasa. The Norwegian Government would be happy to receive an ambassador from the Congo in Oslo. Our embassy here is located at Apt. 5, Residence Fikhuss, 65, Boulevard Col. Tshatshi, Gombe, Kinshasa. I am currently preparing my staff and will be leaving Oslo for Kinshasa later this week. I would hope that someone from your office could schedule a time for us to meet in person. I am sure that we will have much to discuss.

Thank you for your time!

Jon-Åge Øyslebø
Norwegian Ambassador to the Congo.
Kingdom of Norway

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020


To: Jon-Åge Øyslebø, Norwegian Ambassador to the Congo ( Vaka )
Subject: RE:
CC: ---

Mr. Oyselebo, we would be glad to accept you into our nation as an ambassador for the great country that is Norway. We would be glad to send our ambassador to Noway, Kasusula Lafayette, as well as a small staff. I can have them on a flight to Oslo immediately. I will also prepare a new Chief of Foreign Affairs for once you arrive, so that you may meet with them on important matters immediately. It would be an honor to finally get to know the nation of Norway better and to expand our diplomatic reach so far to Northern Europe.

Best Regards,
Muhammed Onwudiwe, Chief of the Army, Designated Regent



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
Ambassador Oyselebo was the last of the Norwegian diplomatic staff to arrive. He didn’t have much to bring along with him to his new home in Kinshasa. A tall man with salt and pepper hair sporting a pair of thick-rimmed glasses, Ambassador Oyselebo had fought hard for this assignment. Many in the Norwegian Foreign Ministry were of the opinion that this diplomatic mission was pointless. The Congo was already at odds with Norway’s most stanched ally, Sweden. Many in his office remarked that the Congolese people had nothing to offer in terms of business or tourism. They might also have been afraid for his safety. The region had been mired in many bloody conflicts over the years. “It's usually the ones not fighting who end up dead you know.” a close colleague told him.

“What a better way to make a name for yourself.” He exclaimed.

The Norwegian embassy was a small block of apartments on what he believed to be the better side of Kinshasa. There really wasn’t much in the way of a protective area separating the embassy from the outside. The building itself was nice enough. It was one of the newer apartment blocks on this street. Outside the main entrance, two security agents stood guard with not much more than a small awning to protect them from the afternoon sun. He greeted them both before entering the complex. He made small talk with the staff as he headed up to the uppermost floor where his new apartment awaited him. After a short walk up the stairs, he stood at the door of the apartment where a new card reader had been installed instead of a traditional lock.

“At least my room is secure.” he laughed to himself. As he finished his thought a younger woman no older than 25 appeared out of the stairwell. She was out of breath no doubt chasing down the ambassador. “You're going to need this sir!” she panted, out of breath from leaping up four flights of stairs. She flashed a red-orange keycard with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs logo. The ambassador reached out and gave a hearty smile to the young woman, “Thank you, I don’t believe I know your name. ”Rebecca Sir, Rebecca Sørlie.” she almost shrieked. The Ambassador could clearly see the young woman was a bit nervous. He swiped the card to open the door, then turned back to the young woman and said, “You can call me Jon.” She gave a half smile and turned to leave. “Before you leave, I need you to inform the Congolese Foreign Ministry and tell them I’ve arrived,” he asked politely. She nodded and nearly leaped down the stairs at his orders.

“Let's get to work.” He thought to himself.

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
As the evening began to arrive and a tinge of purple entered the sky, five men in perfectly tailored suits would walk down the capital's sidewalk and up to the Norwegian embassy. Across the street, a number of civilians would loiter, rifles slung across their necks. They were members of the Royal Lions, a royalist gang, who supported the Emperor's rules throughout the streets. They gambled and talked through the day, seemingly keeping an eye on the Norwegian guards.

The suited men would walk up to the guards. The first two, with earpieces, would step to the side. The man flanked front and sides now would announce himself as being the Congolese Chief of European Affairs. He would flash an identification card and request a meeting with the Norwegian Ambassador.



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020

The Norwegian embassy was at the intersection of two busy streets. Cars whizzed by and the smell of car exhaust often filled the air. The sound of shifting gears and the occasional car horn drowned out the kids playing outside a daycare center. The day was nearing the late afternoon and it was still very hot. Heat mirages played tricks on the eyes as a group of well-dressed men approached the embassy.

Both of the Norweigan guards were wearing small skin-colored earpieces. As the five men approached they both almost instinctively poked out their chests lightly. The left guard placed his hand on his holstered weapon and looked straight at the men. The guard on the right radioed into the ambassador's office. It was clear that both groups of men were trying to show no weakness to the other. When one of the five men, introduced himself as the Congolese Chief of European Affairs, the tension eased slightly. The right guard radioed back into the Ambassadors office confirming the appointment. “Acknowledged,” he said as if to himself. He then looked over the identification card the Congolese man offered. “Welcome to the Norweigan embassy you have been cleared to step inside but your men will have to wait here.”

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
Without another word, the ambassador would step through the doors and into the wave of cool air. His men would spread out to flank the Norwegian guards in front of the embassy, providing an imposing presence. One of the Norwegians could glimpse as African adjusted his suit buttons a compact rifle, well concealed in his formal uniform. Following the instructions of any staff inside, he would make his way up to the Norwegian ambassador's office. Knocking on the door, he would straighten his cuffs and lightly brush the fixed-blade knife he held on his person, concealed, at all times. He never intended to use it, but he always had it on hand. He had much to discuss with the Norwegian ambassador- the closest country short of Thailand to Sweden, and the only other member of the Nordic Council.



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020

Ambassador Oyselebo didn’t quite have his office together yet. It was currently filled with boxes and unused chairs. He had been notified by Rebecca Sørlie, that the Congolese Chief of European Affairs was on his way up. The Ambassador had to think quickly of a place to host the meeting. He decided to hold the meeting in his new apartment. It at least had a nice couch and love seat not to mention a table. Not the most prestigious place for a top-level diplomatic meeting, but he hoped that the man was more the down-to-earth type.

“Send him up to my apartment. I’ll see him there,” ordered Ambassador Oyselebo into a phone which sat on a bar in his kitchen.

The embassy itself was busy with energy. The small staff of roughly 25 were all currently moving boxes or answering phones. Most of the staff are a younger group. Other than the Ambassador himself, there might not be a gray hair to be found. A mood of optimism filled the air as this was most of the diplomatic staff's first post. For some, it was the first time they lived away from home. Today was to be a day of many firsts.

When the Congolese Chief of European Affairs was shown up the stairs, Ambassador Oyselebo was waiting in the doorway of his apartment to greet him. He gave him a stern handshake and thanked the man for coming to see him. “My name is Jon-Åge Øyslebø. You can call me Jon if you like. I don’t believe I caught your name?” the ambassador asked genuinely curious about the man.

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
He would take the man by his hand, returning the handshake, equally as firm. "Jon, then. I am Senior Ambassador Simba Ayim, Chief of European Affairs for the Congo. It's a pleasure to meet you. I must admit, our interactions with Europe have been... tumultuous at best, recently. I hope that your country can help mend that gap in our foreign policy. I hope you have settled down well here in Kinshasa? I know I've come here quite early, but I felt the need to make contact as soon as possible."



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
“Please Ambassador Ayim, come inside.” Ambassador Oyselebo mentioned showing the man inside. “I’m still in the process of getting all my things moved in but I’m sure we can find someplace to talk.” Inside the apartment, both men moved around boxes and suitcases towards a very stylish gray Ikea couch. A state-of-the-art stereo system was set up opposite a more modest television. Ambassador Oyselebo turned down the volume whilst Mountain’s “Theme for an Imaginary Western” played. “I’m a huge fan of classic rock, Mr. Ayim” the Ambassador stated with a smile. “What type of music do you prefer?”

As they sat and talked, They discussed his smooth arrival to Kinshasa and the extensive process of setting up a new embassy. He was slightly embarrassed that he had no refreshment to offer his guest. He made a mental note to have his small bar which currently sat unstocked, made a priority. Ambassador Oyselebo was trying to make the man feel at home all the while trying to get a sense of who the man was.

“So Ambassador Ayim, you had mentioned your nation's tumultuous relations with Europe. Now I have been mostly based in the Eastern European district for most of my career and must admit I’m not that familiar with what has happened to Congo in the past few years regarding European outreach. I have read reports, news articles, and the like. But I would like to hear it from your side of the story.” asked Ambassador Oyselebo.

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
Ayim was surprised by the personality of the ambassador- every other person he had met from Europe tended to be harsh and professional. But he quite liked this man.

"Jazz, I like jazz quite a bit. Good to swing to. But to answer your question, ever since Emperor Gowon took power our relations have been dominantly strained. The best examples of this was the hyper-escalation of tensions between the Congo and the Turkish-Saudi alliance in years past which resulted in thousands of peacekeepers dead, the sinking of three ships from both sides, and a land invasion of the Arabian peninsula. Throughout this time, it is worth noting, the Congo was one of the only countries excluded from an international coalition, and had to fight without support. There is also the more recent hostility from Sweden, including missile threats and the unprecedented arrest of two Congolese government officials under bogus terrorism charges. Our only positive relationship still withstanding is with our friends in Poland who treat us as equals."



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020

"Oh, I love Jazz! You must hear this." Ambassador Oyselebo jumped up from his chair and reached for a box labeled “CDs”. He rummaged through the box looking for the right case. “I know it's in here somewhere,” Ayim said worried that they might have not brought it back from his home in Oslo. “Ah, here it is!” He quickly opened up the case and took the compact disc to the stereo system. “I bought this while on a trip in New Orleans in America last year.” he explained, “It was in this quaint little music shop above a restaurant.” He pressed play and Louis Amstrong’s “Georgia on my Mind” began to play. “I never really knew anything about Jazz before visiting New Orleans, but I met a few musicians while I was there and they gave me a crash course.” he remembered, “Such an amazing place. Have you ever been?”

He listened closely to Ambassador Ayim tell him about his country's recent military operations. “I have heard about the terrible atrocities that took place in the middle east during the war with the Turkish-Saudi alliance but I was not aware of the death of so many Congolese peacekeepers. So much death on both sides. It's all very troubling. But it's part of the reason I’m here. I have always felt that these horrible conflicts always seem to stem from a lack of communication and understanding. Diplomacy is going to be required if we ever hope to prevent any future hostilities. Tell me more about the two Congolese government officials being held. What were they doing and why were they charged? I know that Sweden can sometimes be difficult diplomatically at times, but this comes with being one of the prominent modern-day superpowers. They are extremely careful as many do wish for their downfall. But they are wonderful people I assure you. Now I do not speak for Sweden in any way, but I would like to see both Sweden and Congo work out this problem diplomatically. Norway could help hold a conference between you both to discuss what both of you feels needs to happen and agree on an outcome. But for that to happen I am going to have to know the full story from both sides.” The music played on in the background and Ambassador Oyselebo sent for some wine to be served. He knew this might be a long night. “So please Ambassador, tell me your side of this disagreement.”

Kelly the Mad
Last edited:

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"No, never to the Americas. I have done a fair share of traveling in Europe, but not outside. I suppose that's why I'm Chief of European affairs and not American, yes?" He chuckled. He slightly bobbed his head to the music, just enough for the Nord to notice he enjoyed it.

"So, to start at the beginning of the Swedish situation, we had finally made an agreement to meet diplomatically. This was after a while of already strained tension, you see, and we were planning to talk mainly about the issue of occupied South Africa, and a potential Swedish withdrawal. We sent a private jet with our head, and only, Minister of Foreign Affairs, along with two security guards to South Africa for the meeting. However, during the flight, we became aware of a plot by the woman and her party to stage a coup. She planned to meet with international supporters in Cape Town during that trip, to secure silent support from some of the largest corporations that operated in the Congo, as well as from elements of the fallen Romanian government which still haunts our nation's jungles, especially securing access to their large stockpile of modern weaponry. As well as this, we discovered that she planned to sabotage Congolese relations with Sweden, to further cut us off. Knowing all of this, we put an order in to the security guards with her to capture her, cancel the meeting, and fly back to the Congo for a trial ASAP. Unfortunately, whether by miscommunication in high command, poor interpretation by the guards, or deliberate disregard by the security, when the plane landed they allowed Mrs. Okereke to leave the aircraft before gunning her down on the tarmac. They were then captured by Swedish police and have been held there for nearly two years now. Our only request is that they are extradited to the Congo for a fair trial and investigation into the circumstances behind the Minister's death."

He would take a deep breath, before taking a glass of wine if it had been poured by then.



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
“Astonishing.” gasped Ambassador Oyselebo as he heard the tale as recounted by Ambassador Ayim. “I had no idea that your Minister of Foreign Affairs had planned to plot against your government. It would have seemed easy to apprehend her the moment the plane landed and your agents were made aware of the plot. Do you have an idea why your agents would act so brazenly? This would have surely put your government in a terrible predicament, not only between Congo and Sweden but between Congo and South Africa. Extradition is made ever more difficult because it happened on a Swedish-controlled airfield. You would not only have to wade through the South African legal system but the Swedish provisional government there as well. I doubt these men acted alone, however. Do you have any idea who might have given them the order? I’m fairly sure seeing how relations between your two nations are in the state that it currently is, Sweden must think it was someone in your government.

Regardless, they are going to want something substantial in return. What would your government offer if they were to release both men into your custody?”

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
"Unfortunately, our records from that day have been wiped, and we lack a national data storage site, so I'm afraid that vital info as to who sent what message was lost with the plane. But we have investigated extensively into our own government, we apprehended and saw to the execution of a handful of powerful treasonous individuals, as well as a few corrupt ones we found in the process. We believe we have quashed this internal schism for the time being, however, we will continue regular investigations until we get an admission of guilt. As for an offer, we would be willing to pay $2,000,000,000 in order to establish a bi-lateral extradition treaty, as well as to halt the Swedish slander of our government."



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
“It is an interesting offer ambassador.” quipped Ambassador Oyselebo. I will take this information to our Foreign Office back in Oslo. I’m sure they will have a way of getting in touch with the Swedish government in hopes of resolving the matter once and for all.

There was a moment of silence. It lasted for roughly fifteen seconds after Ambassador Oyselebo finished his previous statement. The cd had ended just moments before and all that could now be heard was the ticking of an old clock sticking out of a box that would eventually be hung in his office. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.


There was a large explosion extremely close to the Norwegian embassy. The blast blew out all of the windows in his apartment office. Both men rose instinctively as the sounds of screams and gunfire could be heard nearby.

Almost unable to speak and completely unable to hear from the blast, Ambassador Oyselebo began to panic. His face was white with terror. They had warned him against coming here. Oh god was this it? He checked himself for any wounds and the mouthed to Ambassador Ayim.

What. The. Hell. Was. That?

Kelly the Mad

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
The Congolese man would whirl around, and after ducking from the flying glass would rush to the now open window, a warm, humid breeze blowing in. Just outside, a 2S19 Msta was recoiling, and men were scrambling around to reload. Ten seconds later, the city would shake again as the second volley went out. Panicked, he would rush back to the Norwegian ambassador and grab him by the arm, dragging him out into the dark African night, every ten seconds interrupted by a sound like a thousand lightning strikes and a flash that would light up the whole city. He would usher the Norwegian towards his own vehicle at the embassy, while his men gathered all of the other Norwegian staff and informed them of an evacuation notice. Once they were all in their vehicles, a Congolese EE-9 Cascavel and a VAB Azure would lead the caravan out of the city and out to Charlie Field, where the Congolese Counter-Terrorism unit would await them.



The Kingdom of Norway
Sep 26, 2020
Ambassador Oyselebo gathered himself after being almost dragged outside by the Congolese Ambassador. In the confusion, the head of Embassy security, Eivind Holmen frantically gathered his security team which numbered twenty men counting himself. They were armed with Glock P80 handguns and were not yet supplied with any sort of body armor. They had seen Ambassador Oyselebo being taken outside and initially drew their weapons and ordered the Congolese man to stop. Sensing that the situation was about to get out of hand, Ambassador Oyselebo order them to lower their weapons and listen to the Congolese Ambassador’s instructions. They were all ordered to quickly gather and make for some nearby military vehicles that would take them to a safer location. Thankfully the entire staff complement had not yet arrived at the embassy. 12 Diplomatic Staff, 15 Mission Staff, and 20 Security Personnel currently lived in the small apartment block. It would take some time to assemble everyone, but the Security Team would make sure they moved with haste. Only select confidential documents had started to arrive, but they had a Norwegian Foreign Office Networking server had gone online only just this morning. Security chief Holmen realized that he need to quickly destroy both.

After doing a final headcount of all personnel. He quickly ran back into the embassy, telling the Congolese guards that he wanted to make sure that no one had been left inside. Once back inside he made his way to a back office being used as a server room. The room was filled with boxes filled with paperwork just waiting to be placed into filling cabinets. Thinking on his feet, he saw where one of his security staff had left a half-opened pack of cigarettes with a lighter stacked neatly on top. He grabbed the lighter and kicked open one of the heavier boxes. He grabbed a thick stack of papers from the box and set it alight. He threw the burning papers into the large stack of boxes which quickly spread to the cheap carpet. Once he felt the fire was just about unstoppable, he ran back out to the waiting motorcade. They then proceeded to Charlie Field in the hands of the Congolese Ambassador and his men.


Kelly the Mad

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