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[Poland]Communique to the Holy See


GA Member
May 22, 2020

To: Raymond Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Secretary of State Ender

Subject: Request


Security: Secured and Encrypted


First let me offer my condolences for the loss of Pope John Paul II. As a former Polish citizen and a champion of the people, his loss has been felt within Poland herself.

As for the reason for me writing this message, I have a personal request to make of Pope Hadrian VII and the Holy See. As a predominately Catholic nation, and an avid fan of history, Poland wishes to increase our relations with the Holy See and see if his holiness would be willing to officially coronate his majesty King Stanislaus Grabowski in ceremony, making him the first monarch crowned in modern history. Whether his holiness agrees to the coronation does not change Poland's plans to increase relations with the Holy See. Perhaps we could arrange a visit for his Holiness such as the Black Madonna and Niepokalanow.

Her Majesty Zofia Grabowski
Queen Regent of the Kingdom of Poland


The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023

Unto: Her Majesty Zofia Grabowski, Queen Regent of the Kingdom of Poland (ManBear)
From: Raymond Cardinal Burke, Secretary of State of His Holiness

Greetings and Blessings,

I am responding on behalf of His Holiness who were very impressed by your request. They would be very willing to coronate your son in the formal traditional style. We would also like to express that the Church would like to formalize the increased relations between us by interning the body of His Holiness John Paul II in his home of Wadowice. We would be willing to split the cost of an appropriate resting place for his mortal remains 50/50 with your state. We await your reply with anticipation.

Yours in Faith,

Raymond Burke
Cardinal Secretary of State
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GA Member
May 22, 2020

To: Raymond Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Secretary of State of the Holy See

Subject: Request


Security: Secured and Encrypted by POSP


I am sorry about the miscommunication that will have lead to some humor on both ends of this communication. Due to an error and miscommunication on my title, his majesty is not my son, though he did have a tendency to behave as such when sick. I apologize for the error and the miscommunication.

I am gladdened to hear of your acceptance of my request and deeply honored to accept the offer of allowing his Holiness John Paul II's earthly remains to return to Wadowice. I am sure that the people of Poland and the entire of Christendom will be elated to hear of the news.

Her Majesty Zofia Grabowski
Queen Consort of the Kingdom of Poland


The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023

Unto: Her Majesty Zofia Grabowski, Queen Consort of the Kingdom of Poland (ManBear )
From: Raymond Cardinal Burke, Secretary of State of His Holiness

Greetings and Blessings,

That is alright my Child, the blame does not lie solely with you. Had I been more cognizant of the current make up of your Royal Family, this humorous situation could’ve been avoided. For that you have my apologies. Now we must speak to matters of Architecture and Celebration.

I assume that you’d prefer to have the Coronation done in Poland proper? If not then the Lateran, Saint Peter’s, or indeed any church in Rome could be made available to you. Perhaps the parish of Saint Stanislaus of Poland, the Polish mother Church in Rome, might be suitable to you.

As to the tomb of John Paul II, we are open to hearing your ideas first on what you would like to have built, as after all it is going to be a part of your state For centuries after it is built, and we would not want you saddled with an eyesore that is offensive to the Polish Peoples.

Yours in Faith,

Raymond Burke
Cardinal Secretary of State
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GA Member
May 22, 2020

To: Raymond Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Secretary of State of the Holy See Ender

Subject: Request


Security: Secured and Encrypted by POSP


No apologies on your behalf are necessary, your Eminence.

As for architecture and celebration, we would wish to choose the Saint Stanislaus of Poland within Rome as the location. This should show the world the the Catholic Church and Poland stand together.

As for the Tomb of His Holiness John Paul II, we propose the Monastery of Discalced Carmelites in Wadowice. We feel that a man who sought inspiration from those such as Saint Teresa of Avila and Saint John of the Cross would be happy that his earthly remains would find peace at such a location. That is, if you and his holiness the Pope agree on the location.

Her Majesty Zofia Grabowski
Queen Consort of the Kingdom of Poland


The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023

Unto: Her Majesty Zofia Grabowski, Queen Consort of the Kingdom of Poland (ManBear)
From: Raymond Cardinal Burke, Secretary of State of His Holiness

Greetings and Blessings,

We are glad to hear from you, we are more then amicable to host the coronation at the parish of Saint Stanislaus of Poland, here in Rome. We leave it to you to choose an appropriate date for the event, and I shall relay those dates to His Holiness and see what it is that They can accommodate. Though between you and me I know that His Holiness is looking forward to the coronation, and would be more then amenable to rearranging Their schedule to suit your needs... within reason.

I and His Holiness agree that the Discalced Carmelite Monastery in Wadowice would be a truly fitting resting place for the mortal remains of John Paul II.

Yours in Faith,

Raymond Burke
Cardinal Secretary of State


GA Member
May 22, 2020
To: Raymond Cardinal Burke, Secretary of State of His Holiness Ender
Subject: Request
Security: Secured and Encrypted by POSP
I am delighted to hear that his Holiness has accepted and allowed the coronation of our King within the halls of the Vatican, even further so to have it done within the Parish of Saint Stanislaus of Poland. We are also delighted that you have approved of the internment of his Holiness John Paul the II within the Discalced Carmelite Monastery in Wadowice. I am sure he would find that to be a most suitable resting ground for his earthly remains.

How does the middle of August sound for the coronation? That should give both of our parties to have plenty of time to prepare for this event as well as to ensure all necessary security measures are in place for all of the guests that will arrive to witness such a historic event.
Sincerely in Faith,
Her Majesty Sofia Growbowski
Queen Consort of the Kingdom of Poland


The Holy See
GA Member
Jan 12, 2023

Unto: Her Majesty Zofia Grabowski, Queen Consort of the Kingdom of Poland (ManBear)
From: Raymond Cardinal Burke, Secretary of State of His Holiness

Greetings and Blessings,

My Child, mid august will be more then acceptable for His Holiness' schedule. We would suggest the 15th of August, as that is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And I think that it would make a bold statement in regards to Poland's ongoing adherence to Catholicism.

Yours in Faith,

Raymond Burke
Cardinal Secretary of State


GA Member
May 22, 2020
To: Raymond Cardinal Burke; Secretary of State of His Holiness
Subject: Re: Request
Security: Secured and Encrypted by POSP

I am elated to hear of the acceptance of the date of the 15th of August and with the fact that you have opted to have it coincide with the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I agree that it would make a bold statement in regards towards Poland's commitment to the most holy faith. All that are privy to the true meaning of this visit are simply elated at the prospect of such an occasion for Poland, not seen for a Polish King in history. This is a truly historic endeavor and I must offer my sincerest thanks to yourself and his Holiness.
Sincerely in Faith,
Her Majesty Sofia Grabowski
Queen Consort of the Kingdom of Poland

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