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[Poland]Poland to Greece


GA Member
World Power
May 22, 2020
To: Dimitrios Kallistratos, Prime Minister of Greece Exultris
Subject: Diplomatic Relations
Security: Secured and Encrypted Secret
Prime Minister Kallistratos,

Let me first welcome you and your nation onto the international stage. Your nation's vibrant and rich history and culture make you a valuable asset to the international stage of politics. Our own history is intertwined throughout history with Polish volunteers assisting in the Battle of Peta and Jerzy Iwanow-Szajnowicz who worked as a saboteur for the Greek resistance during World War Two. Your strategic location between the Aegean, Mediterannean, and the Sea of Crete also brings a unique understanding and point of view to the international stage.

I am eager to expand upon our past diplomatic experience while also increasing our diplomatic ties to the your nation. With the global rise of terror as seen with the terrorist attacks in the United Kingdom and even within Poland itself, would like to help Greece gain a better understanding of the current state of international relations while also begin preparing its military for any possible scenario. Our ambassador to Greece is prepared to engage in constructive talks and help identify areas we can expand our relations such as trade, cultural exchanges, tourism, and security of the region.

I will end this communication with an excerpt from one of my favorite Greek philosophers.

"Perfect friendship is the friendship of those who are good and alike in virtue. For these friends wish well to each other for their own sake, and they are good in themselves. Those who wish good things to their friends for their friends’ sake are the truest friends, because they do so because of the nature of the other person, not because of any incidental benefit.

Such friendships are rare because people of high moral character are few. Also, such friendship requires time and familiarity; as the proverb says, people cannot truly know each other until they have ‘eaten salt together.’

Friendships based on pleasure or utility are easily dissolved when the pleasure fades or the benefit is no longer present. But friendships based on virtue last as long as the friends remain virtuous, and virtue is a stable quality.

A true friend is like another self. Just as a virtuous person finds joy in their own good actions, so too do they find joy in the goodness of their friend. Therefore, such friendships contribute to happiness, for no one would choose to live without friends, even if they had everything else."


King Stanislaus Grabowski
Kingdom of Poland
Święty Król Polsk


Imperial Austria
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018


To: His Majesty King Stanislaus Grabowski, Kingdom of Poland Święty Król Polsk ManBear
Subject: Diplomatic Relations

Your Majesty,

On behalf of the Hellenic Republic, I extend my deepest gratitude for your message and your recognition of our shared history. Greece and Poland have long stood together in the pursuit of freedom, we greatly respect the large contributions that Poland has made to securing this for all European nations. Your nation’s unwavering courage and resilience continue to inspire, just as they did when Polish forces fought against Ottoman rule in the 17th century, reinforcing our common struggle for sovereignty.

It is with great enthusiasm that I accept your proposal to strengthen our ties. In an era of growing instability, the tragedies that have struck both our nations and neighbouring states serve as a reminder of the threats we must face together. Greece is committed to ensuring regional security, and we welcome Poland’s insight as we align our strategies and prepare for future challenges. Our administration is eager to be brought up to speed on the current state of European affairs, especially in light of recent terror attacks. We also seek to engage in discussions that will further our cooperation in trade, defense, and cultural exchange.

Your inclusion of Aristotle’s words is deeply appreciated. His reflections on virtue and true friendship reflect the spirit in which Greece seeks partnerships—built not on fleeting interests but on mutual respect and shared ideals.

With this in mind, I extend an invitation for you or your representatives to visit Athens at your earliest convenience. It would be an honor to host you and reaffirm our nations’ friendship as we chart a course for closer collaboration in the future.

With my highest regards,

Dimitrios Kallistratos
Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic


GA Member
World Power
May 22, 2020
To: Dimitrios Kallistratos; Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic Exultris
Subject: Re: Diplomatic Relations
Security: Secured and Encrypted Secret by POSP
Prime Minister Kallistratos,

I thank you for your warm message and your invitation to visit your beautiful country to undergo diplomatic talks. I am glad Poland is not the only ones to remember the Ottoman invasion of Europe in the 17th century. Our common struggles often become our greatest strengths amongst friends and allies.

The Polish Ambassador to the Hellenic Republic will be elated to hear of the news for the talks and will be transiting to your nation alongside attaches and diplomatic staff and security aboard a government plane within the week. We have taken the liberty to assign an embassy for your own Ambassador to Poland. Attached to this communication will be the information required for your diplomatic staff. We, of course, will provide escorts for diplomatic staff and help arrange housing for those Greek nationals coming to man the Embassy.

Thank you once again for your warm hospitality and I hope we will have the honor of meeting in person soon.

King Stanislaus Grabowski
Kingdom of Poland
Święty Król Polsk
Attachement: Greek Embassy.png
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