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[ROI]: Message to Poland


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Republic of Ireland
Encrypted and Classified
To: Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Poland ManBear
From: Finn Queally, Department of Foreign Affairs Political Division, Republic of Ireland


I write you in the hopes of pursuing and developing good bilateral relations between our nations and seek to schedule an in person meeting between our two nations to discuss them. Ireland believes in pursuing good relations both economic and diplomatic with the nations of Europe and the world. We are also looking forward to seeing out the summit goes and hope to in the future take part in GA peace keeping efforts. Regardless, at such a in person meeting we would be interested in discussing the establishment of a trade agreement and the exchange of embassies.

Finn Queally
Department of Foreign Affairs Political Division
Republic of Ireland


GA Member
May 22, 2020

To: Finn Queally, Department of Foreign Affairs Political Division, Republic of Ireland

Subject: Diplomatic Relations


Security: Encrypted by POSP

Greetings Mr. Queally,

We welcome your message with open hearts and would like to reassure the Irish people that we share the same hopes both towards the ongoing European Summit and assisting GA Peacekeeping efforts. Ensuring the safety of the world's citizens have always been a big motivational factor for Poland's Foreign Policy. It is why we attempted to Intervene in the Middle Eastern Conflict through peaceful means but were met with military jets crossing into our sovereign air space. A in person meeting would be most beneficial to insure there are no miscommunications that can occur over text. Words are better spoken that read. We have a few Deputy Ministers available and Diplomats who are eager for a new posting, especially in one as beautiful, and stable, as Éire. When would be the best date and time for your people to host this meeting?

Bogdan Borusewicz
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Poland


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Republic of Ireland
Encrypted and Classified
To: Bogdan Borusewicz, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Poland ManBear
From: Finn Queally, Department of Foreign Affairs Political Division, Republic of Ireland

Dia duit,

It would seem then that our two nations share common values in that then and thus it would be beneficial for us to work together and improve our relationship. As for when we can have the meeting, how does a day from now sound? Though I understand if that is too soon to get travel plans in order. As for the location how does the Department of Foreign Affairs building in Dublin sound? Also for your embassy in Ireland we have in mind the building located at 5 Ailesbury Road, Ballsbridge, D04 W221, Dublin in mind. Patrick McCabe is our pick of Ambassador to Poland.

Also, are you the same Bogdan Borusewicz who was a democratic opposition activist under the communist regime? If so, it is a pleasure to be in correspondence with you. If not, it still is.

Finn Queally
Department of Foreign Affairs Political Division
Republic of Ireland


GA Member
May 22, 2020

To: Finn Queally, Department of Foreign Relations, Republic of Ireland HeadlessSeeker

Subject: Re: Diplomatic Relations

CC: Izabela Sugalska

Security: Encrypted by POSP

Dzien dobry,

Nonsense, sir. We will have a flight scheduled to leave from Warsaw International Airport to Aerfort Bhaile Átha Cliath for tomorrow. I'm sure that all those who will be attending will be exuberant to attend this meeting in such a magnificent building. I hear St. Stephen's Green is beautiful this time of year. The embassy location sounds quite nice to those of us in the Foreign Affairs Office and our pick of Diplomat, Izabela Sugalska.

As for whether I am the same as him, I cannot say. It feels like a lifetime ago that I was helping workers strike in Gdansk Shipyard. I do not know if I am the same person, but I can gladly say I do hope I am.

Bogdan Borusewicz
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Poland


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Republic of Ireland
Encrypted and Classified
To: Bogdan Borusewicz, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Poland ManBear
From: Finn Queally, Department of Foreign Affairs Political Division, Republic of Ireland

Dia duit,

Glad to hear. We shall have a VIP area arranged for your arrival with some security and will look forward to your arrival. If you feel like staying longer after the meeting we can arrange for a room at the historic The Shelbourne Dublin. It overlooks
St Stephen's Green. But yes, it really is beautiful this time of year, I am sure you will enjoy it greatly. I believe with this exchange it is the start of the building of great relations between our nations and peoples.

Regardless of whether or not you are the same as you once were, it is an honor to invite you to Ireland. See you tomorrow.

Finn Queally
Department of Foreign Affairs Political Division
Republic of Ireland


GA Member
May 22, 2020

To: Finn Queally, Department of Foreign Affairs Political Division, Republic of Ireland HeadlessSeeker

Subject: Re: Diplomatic Relations

CC: Izabela Sugalska

Security: Encrypted by POSP

Dzien dobry,

We shall be leaving shortly on the flight over. As for staying longer, I will have to see if my schedule permits a small vacation after the talks are over but I'm sure something can be arranged. And I share your sentiment in regards to this exchange being the great start to a great friendship.

I appreciate you saying so sir but the honor is all mine.

Bogdan Borusewicz
Department of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Poland


With the two government Tu-154s currently in use elsewhere, the government chartered a private plane from a private company to ferry the Foreign Minister, the new Irish diplomat, and their aides. The company filed flight plans with the Polish Aviation Commission and the Irish under the name of one of the aides to insure anonymity of those on board. A encrypted message would be sent notifying the Irish government of their planned arrival. Along with the Foreign Minister was a small metal case containing the gift to the Irish Government, and more literally the Irish Department of Foreign Relations.

Upon arrival, the group would make their way to the VIP area once they cleared customs, offering Diplomatic Passports to all those who asked for them.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

The Polish were given the fast lane through customs as they were recognized immediately, not that airport security was anything special anyways. Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs Liz O'Donnell along with a limousine would be awaiting to pick up the Polish and greet them. She and her aides would await in the VIP area and greet the Polish after they made it through security rather quickly. "Welcome to Ireland. I hope your flight was pleasant and uneventful." she said offering a handshake to them.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
"Dzien dobry, madam. The flight was pleasant and very uneventful. Boring one could even say, which is a definite changeup with current state of affairs, both within Poland and internationally. We appreciate the expediting of our process through security."

He returned the handshake of the woman and offered a warm smile in return.

"I know you already know but it would be ungentlemanly of me to not introduce ourselves. I am Bogdan Borusewicz but you may call me Bogdan. Accompanying me is the Polish Ambassador to Ireland, Izabela Sugalska. I believe she spent a few years at your Trinity College in Dublin. This is our Security Officer, Igor. And our Chief Aide Marcin Lewandowska. And this," he patted the metal briefcase bearing diplomatic luggage stickers on it, "Is a gift from the Polish people to the Irish people."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"A pleasure to meet you all. I'm Liz O'Donnell. You can call me Liz." she would say as she would finish shaking all of their hand's. "Welcome back to Ireland." she said to Izabela Sugalska with a friendly smile. "So, a gift? We are most grateful. If you wish you can show it to me in the Department of Foreign Affairs building. For now, would you like for our staff to give you a hand with your luggage? We have a limousine that can take us."



GA Member
May 22, 2020
"That would be wonderful, ma'am. I'm getting up there in age and my wife demands I pack for all contingencies. I don't know if there are more contingencies or if I am getting weaker cause my luggage gets heavier each time." He would offer a laugh at his own joke. Borusewicz would offer his luggage with a smile before following the Irish lady and her entourage to the limousine. All of the Polish delegation was eager to begin the talks and make new friends with their host nation. He was also eager to see the Irish countryside should these talks go smoothly. He had always loved the emerald green of the Island.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

The Irish staff would help with the luggage and Liz O'Donnell would offer a light hearted chuckle at their joke. After that she would lead them to the limousine where their luggage would be safely secured in the trunk of the vehicle. With that and once everyone was embarked the limousine would depart the airport and start making way towards the Department of Foreign Affairs building. At first as they left the airport they would see around them a somewhat less developed area for a brief time before it soon gave way to more and more city with more and more buildings. "Can I offer you any refreshments?" she asked as she directed attention towards some whisky as well an assortment of bottled water.



GA Member
May 22, 2020

Borusewicz would allow his compatriots to get into the vehicle first before stepping into the limousine himself. Bogdan would admire the less developed areas as they slowly gave way to more and more industrialized city.

"When in Ireland one must drink Irish Whiskey." He said with a smile and somewhat broken English. He waved his hand towards the window after accepting his drink with his other hand. "This countryside, uh, how do you say przypomina mi Polskę." He looked at the chosen Irish Ambassador. Izabela Sugalska spoke up "It reminds him of Poland. It reminds me of my time at Trinity College."

Bodgan would take a sip of the whiskey and gave a smile and a contented sigh. "It's good. Not like vodka that burns the throat. Very smooth."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Wonderful, I am glad to hear it. The countryside here has a quality to it." They would say before pouring themselves a glass."It is Redbreast 27 YO." They said just before taking a sip themselves."I can arrange to get you a bottle before your visit end." The ride was smooth sailing so far thanks to some preparation ahead of time.

"We have some time prior to our arrival... Does Poland have any plans to launch a humanitarian mission to Haiti at this time? Currently we are working with the United States to try and get them some help."



GA Member
May 22, 2020

"That would be delightful, my dear. It is a very good drink." He would say after taking a sip of the darkly colored liquid. The chosen ambassador from Poland would also take a sip of the drink and chime in, "The taste reminds me of the adventures we had at the Brazen Head during University."

The Minister of Foreign Affairs pondered the question offered to him a moment before responding. "We have seriously thought about sending a humanitarian mission to Haiti. We have also felt that nations closer to them would be providing assistance to the Haitian people before we could get there. We are more than willing to send supplies, ships, and personnel to Haiti to provide assistance, if that is what you are asking."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Liz O'Donnell would set down her drink after another sip. "It is indeed, and I am glad to hear that Poland is willing to work with the community in helping the people of Haiti. The current plan is to secure a port and air port to ship and fly supplies in that can be distributed to the Haitian people. We would be very appreciative of any help in supporting this mission."



GA Member
May 22, 2020
The Polish Foreign Minister would take a sip that would be considered a drink by most before setting his own drink down.

"Indeed, madam. Poland's stance has always been and will always be to help the citizens of the world. It's why we are members of the Global Assembly and the Peacekeeping Forces there. Once we have concluded talks here, I am more than willing to sit down with the Minister of National Defense and the Prime Minister to talk about providing aide to Haiti. With Ireland's help of course. While we do not have the equipment of The United State, Sweden, or the United Kingdom, we are able to project our forces anywhere in the world. Especially within Europe and Africa. If we were the United States we would just position one of the Carrier Strike Groups they are so fond of nearby and utilize it, and the United States Marines, to ferry supplies to the people of Haiti. But we are not the United States. Nor do we have a Carrier Strike Group. What we do have, however, is the will of the people and the ability to provide help when needed."



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"And where there is a will, there is a way." She would say as the limousine pulled up to the Department of Foreign Affairs building."I look forward to hearing the result of such a conversation, for now though we have arrived." She would say as an aide would open the doors for them. They would exit the vehicle and wait for the Polish do so as well before they would head on inside where a meeting room had been prepared.



GA Member
May 22, 2020

The Minister would chuckle to himself as he stepped out of the vehicle, straightening his suit as he did. "Indeed there is. Which reminds me. My granddaughter has quite the will. Much more will than myself when it comes to her. She has asked that while I'm in Ireland to get Sinead O'Connor's autograph. She has been quite zakochany with her music." The women accompanying him would speak up again. "Infatuated, Minister." "Ah yes, infatuated with her music. I suppose she won't be attending the meetings, however." He would laugh at the joke and his attempt to weasel his way out of the request demanded of him by his granddaughter. He would take the briefcase handed to him before offering his hand to the Polish Ambassador to assist her to a standing position without ruffling her skirt too much.

"After you, madam," The Polish Ambassador would offer as they stood outside the Foreign Affairs building.



GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"Not sure we can swing for an autograph this time around." Liz O'Donnell said with a slight chuckle."Maybe next time." They said knowing someone like Sinead O'Connor was likely very busy. Heading inside they would be brought to the meeting room which had been prepared. Refreshments including water, whisky, and coffee were in the room as well as a small bowl of Clove Rock. The Irish would take a seat."As the guest, what would you like to discuss first?"



GA Member
May 22, 2020
The Foreign Minister would pour himself a cup of the Irish coffee before dropping a few cubes of sugar in it and a splash of whatever creamer was available. With a sip of the coffee, the minister would begin talking.

"First I would like thank you for hosting us within your beautiful country. It is a wonderful time of year to be present within your nation and one I will remember. Especially as it leads us to strengthening the bonds between our two great nations. But first, before we begin the talks, Poland would like to give something back to the Irish people. Now, the first object took awhile to find our investigators and we have been assured it is authentic and original. The second item, while written in Poland, was written by an Irishman." The briefcase that had accompanied the Foreign Minister was set gingerly upon the table before the locks were clicked open. With a careful hand a small, empty glass jar was set upon the table bearing an aged and worn label. "This was recovered from a family's collection of heirlooms dating back to 1981 when a group within Ireland known as the Irish Polish Society sent aide to those ailing under the Soviet oppression. It is a now empty jar of penicillin manufactured within Ireland. The second object," A clear polycarbonate box would be pulled from briefcase. "Is a collection of works from Irish doctor Bernard Connor dating back to the seventeenth century. We feel that though they were written in Poland their true home is here. In Ireland." He would place the box containing the leather bound book of letters on the table.

"Now. As for what we should discuss first. We feel it is the establishment of an Embassy, which is why I have brought Izabela Sugalska, graduate of Trinity College here in Dublin."


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