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[ROI] Message to the United Kingdom


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020



Private and Encrypted

To: Office of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (Jamie )

Subject: Request of Travel | Improving Diplomatic Relations


Hello, I'm writing on behalf of Taoiseach John Bruton in reference to a request of travel to London to meet privately with Prime Minister Andrew Evans. Taoiseach Bruton wishes to improve bilateral relations with the United Kingdom and discuss matters on a possible open border and ending the threat of the Irish Republican Army. This is an urgent matter and a response is required as soon as possible. Thank you for your time.

Judith Perch
Secretary to the Department of the Taoiseach


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Due to other engagements, government officials were pressed with a busy schedule, however, the email was taken and escalated to the First Secretary of State, Taylor Heart. After reviewing it, he would send a prompt response to invite Judith Perch to London to discuss in person at their earliest convenience. Arrangements would take place for the arrival of the Irish Delegate.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Judith Perch only being a secretary was surprised to receive an invitation to England. The recent events of the Taoiseach being ousted from office caused a dilemma for her. She contacted Head of the Dáil Éireann (Irelands Congress), Séamus Pattirson. She would inform him of the invitation to London. He told her that he would go in place of the Taoiseach, however she is to accompany him.

2 flight tickets would be made from Dublin to Cork, Commercial Travel.






Departure Time/Date​


Arrival Time/Date​


Séamus Pattirson

1 Adult Male

First Class

Dublin Airport

07:30/03 Apr 1997

London Heathrow Airport

09:00/03 Apr 1997


Judith Perch

1 Adult Female

First Class

Dublin Airport

07:30/ 03 Apr 1997

London Heathrow Airport

09:00/03 Apr 1997


She would also book a return flight.






Departure Time/Date​


Arrival Time/Date​


Séamus Pattirson

1 Adult Male

First Class

London Heathrow Airport

12:05/06 Apr 1997

Dublin Airport

13:35/06 Apr 1997


Judith Perch

1 Adult Female

First Class

London Heathrow Airport

12:05/ 06 Apr 1997

Dublin Airport

13:35/06 Apr 1997

She would notify First Secretary of State, Taylor Heart of the Itinerary through a secure and encrypted email.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Following the arrival into London, specifically Heathrow Airport, the delegates from the Republic of Ireland would be located and escorted to two black SUVs that were hired for the safe travel to meet the First Secretary of State. Following them boarding the vehicles, they wouldn't waste time in departing and making for the Foreign Office where they could discuss bilateral relations between the United Kingdom and Ireland. Upon their arrival, the receptionist would happily take Seamus and Judith to a conference room, offering the pair a drink of their choice. It wasn't long before Taylor entered the room, extending his hand to each one of the Irish Representatives "Good Morning, my names Taylor Heart, the Secretary of State for Her Majesty's Government" he introduced.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Séamus would order a whiskey, and Judith would order water.

When Trevor entered the room they would both stand and shake his hand.

"Good Morning Mr. Heart, I'm Séamus Pattirson, Ceann Comhairle to the Dáil Éireann. It is great to finally be able to have face to face conversation."

Judith would remain quiet.

"This here is Judith Perch, Secretary to the Taoiseach Office." He would continue.

She would appear to be nervous but trying to hide it.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Taylor smiled "It is a pleasure to have you over here, I judge that this meeting is long overdue and would liked to have seen relations between the United Kingdom and Ireland open up some time ago but I am glad we've both managed to find the time to open dialogue.", smiling towards Judith as she was introduced. "I know from your email you mentioned the opening of borders, and specifically.. the Irish Republic Army? I must admit, since The Troubles ended in Northern Ireland at the end of 1994, I had hoped we'd seen the end of it. I have heard snippets of the news but nothing too informative regarding their activity in Ireland. Perhaps you could brief me on what the situation is in Ireland right now regarding these terrorists?" Taylor inquired. Almost casting any courtesies aside, he was more intrigued in the threat that the IRA may pose to the United Kingdom again.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
"As far as I know they have been more active in the Republic. We have had widespread violence across multiple cities. There is a mandatory curfew in place throughout the country, both the Military and Law Enforcement have been walking the streets in every major city. We also have patrol helicopters combing the border to ensure none sneak across." Pattirson would say.

"This doesn't leave the room" He would lean in close. "We also had reports that Killarney has been under siege from the IRA, latest reports are that the Eastern half of the town is completely in IRA hands."

"All I ask is that the United Kingdom be prepared. I fear that they're goal is to win this election using Sinn Fein and then take complete control over the country. If this happens I will be powerless to stop it. Right now Seán Barrett is Irelands only hope. If he wins he already has the backing of the Army and Law Enforcement, we can crush the IRA where they stand.

As for the open borders I do believe this could be used as a political move. If the UK opens the borders and publicly endorses Barrett for the upcoming election, it'd be a huge blow to Sinn Fein and the IRA, they won't have any kind of platform anymore." Pattirson would conclude.



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Taylor remained silent for a short time, hearing the information relating to the Irish Republican Army and their resurgence in Ireland was somewhat concerning. Even more so given the lack of intelligence that the British Authorities have established. I am sorry to hear of the troubles that your government is currently facing and of course, we will assist where possible." before listening intently, the revelation of the IRA expanding across Ireland was truly concerning and now the most imminent threat to the United Kingdom; especially given the end of The Troubles only two years prior. A quiet sigh left Taylors mouth before he begun to speak. "I emphasize with your situation but I believe opening the border will not only fuel the IRA in Ireland, but it grants easy access into Northern Ireland. My suggestion would actually be a bi-polar opposite and we tighten the border and have British and Irish law enforcement cooperate to remove these terrorists." Perhaps Taylor was underestimating the IRA but as there had been nothing of true value to prove they were a true threat, he genuinely believed that law enforcement was suffice. "We are happy to endorse Barrett but how will this help diminish the flame of the Republican Army?"



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
"I am happy to hear that you will endorse Barrett. However I feel that tightening the border isn't the best idea."

Pattirson would pull a computer out and show Taylor a post from Twitter.
TheRealIRA Do to recent events, the senior members have spoke and the Irish Republican Army will be willing to lay down it's arms if the United Kingdom opens the borders with the rest of Ireland. @TheRealIRA

"You see the IRA has already publicly said that by opening the borders that they would stop fighting. I would not be opposed to putting more police officers on the border, Ireland would do the same, however freedom of movement across the borders is a must to stop them. Even if random checks could be conducted a few miles into the borders."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"I'm afraid to inform you but the United Kingdom doesn't negotiate with terrorists, opening the border simply gives them access to bring their terror to the United Kingdom closer than it already is and will only mirror the effects that were caused during The Troubles. Whilst I cannot speak for your government in relation to negotiation with terror groups but it isn't a mandate the British Government will be following. Under that consideration and the news relating to the growing activities of the Irish Republican Army, I will be suggesting to the cabinet to tighten the borders for the protection of our civilians and of course, have local law enforcement extend their hand to your own to work together to locate and arrest these.. terrorists." Taylors voice was stern and full of confidence, he knew full well that closing the border was his intention and what he thought was best.



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
"Forgive me, I was merely brining up an option. We will give full support to the protection of the boarder and accept any assistance from the British Government in eliminating this threat. We want an open and friendly relationship with the United Kingdom. I'm sure Minister Barrett will be happy to know that the United Kingdom will endorse him. He has expressed his desire to be more open with the United Kingdom and wishes to work closely with your government. His primary goal if he wins the Presidency will be to end the threat of the IRA once and for all, and to build stronger ties with the British."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
"Oh absolutely, I'm sure you can understand the situation is growing tense. As mentioned, we will be looking to expand the police force on the border to minimize the possibility of terrorist movements in the region. I would also like to propose a conference be set up between our police authorities to discuss the threat, share any intelligence and discuss plans to bring those involved to crime. Additionally, due to the risk of attack, we will be moving a small contingent of armed forces to Northern Ireland. These would, however, be discrete and purely for counter terrorism in support of local law enforcement. I'm sure you can appreciate the seriousness in which we take this given the history with the Irish Republican Army. To also add, any support you need, please do ask. We will assist you where possible.

Might I inquire as to whether a plan of action has been formulated to tackle the increasing threat?"



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
A Nokia ringtone would be heard going off in Pattirson's jacket.

"Pardon me." he would say as he pulled out the phone to answer it.

"Wonderful news! Absolutely wonderful!" He would exclaim then pause briefly. "I see, thank you. While I have you on the phone, has the President said anything about the situation with the IRA?" he would question then pause again. "Excellent thank you, uh huh goodbye." He would hang up the phone.

"Terribly sorry about that. That was Minister Spring, our Minister of Foreign Affairs. Barrett has won the Presidential Election, and keep in mind this is classified at the moment." He would clear his throat and lower his tone. "As of right now the President is making a task force comprised of Anti-Terrorism police units and the Army. He also has plans to build an intelligence agency to locate any existing IRA members and supporters. I know that the British Embassy in Dublin has a direct line to the Department of Foreign Affairs as well as to the Office of the President. We will share any and all information that we find on the IRA with the British Government as we suspect you will do in return."



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Taylor smiled and nodded, giving Pattirson a moment to take his call, a few moments would pass and he would turn to face him as he begun to speak. "Please, offer my congratulations to Mr Barrett. No doubt he will be spending a lot of time in meetings with my own government." smiled Taylor, his congratulations sincere. "Any intelligence we have we will of course, share with your own law enforcement and hopefully, together, we can put these terrorists behind bars." Taylor was very specific in his wording, describing them as anything but terrorists would likely give the IRA a political stand point which categorically should not happen. Speaking of, I don't suppose you have an overview.. well, a list of places in Ireland that seem to have the highest activity from the IRA? this would certainly help us to determine which parts of the border are at the greatest risk."



United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
"The area where they're seemingly making their headquarters is in Killarney. They have taken the majority of the city. I will have more information once I return to Ireland. We had reports all across the Country of small cells of IRA members, nothing more than 20-30 members per cell.

I will advise the Minister for Defence as well as the Minister for Justice to send Military Police as well as local Law Enforcement to the boarders. Our local Law Enforcement, will patrol cities and conduct raids on any suspected IRA hold out locations."


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